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Tommy Vercetti

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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti

  1. You should save up for an xbox because it has pretty good multiplayer games coming out and some of the games are like re makes of the ps2 ones but there still good and they usually have added features or something. I have a picture of the transparent green xbox in my magazine i think so i'll bring it in tommorrow and show you it if it is in there.
  2. i can't really be bothered to get the game cube as well because if i have too many consoles i find i am usually playing one more than another and then i dont see the point in having them so i prefer just having about 2 because i think that is enough for me. I do like some of the games on the game cube though but all systems have good and bad things about them.
  3. Yeah i am really getting into the story and i find it very interesting to read and the way in the book of how they describe mr hyde is pretty cool.
  4. I heard that one boy bought the 4th book and read it all through the night and finished it the next morning i think that is crazy as it took me like a week to finish it. I hope it is all countries because i myself havent read a book for several years well apart from in english lessons but thats because i have to.
  5. Alot has happened recently in WWE but i dont really keep up with it much but i enjoy watching it and Raw 10th anniversary should have like lots of main events in it that have happened like the returning of people and so fourth.
  6. Is that date for America or like everywhere because i want to get the book also as i really enjoyed reading the books and thought they were interesting and my favourite book was The Philosopher's Stone as it was the beginning one and was very easy going and fun to read.
  7. Im not really interested in racing games either i find they get very boring and are only good in the arcade if you have like a big race with several mates and i want to play DOA volleyball to see what its like but i wouldnt buy it.
  8. I sometimes draw but its usually just scribbles because i can't really think what to draw so i just let alexus and break draw pictures in my diary which i dont mind because there drawings are funny and cool especially when they take the mick out of people
  9. I have just started reading this book in my english class and i have already read it before and seen the film but i think its an interesting book and i like the way that dr Jekyll i think he takes like a potion or something and then becomes the mutated person of Mr Hyde and its a very detailed story. I was wondering if any of you have read it and what you think of it?
  10. I wish i could move from england its so dull here nothing really exciting happens i cant wait till im older so i can go out and explore the world its like my biggest dream to do that and i think if you get to try a new country out your pretty lucky and i wish i was.
  11. Well the hardrive has like 50,000 or something but it would be a good idea to buy a memory card which is what im going to do as if you are playing a game which is level based like Halo then you can load up the levels you have already done round someone elses house rather than starting all over again from the beginning
  12. Can Dante do like matrix type moves becase i think hhat would be pretty cool like if he could run up walls and do surprise attacks from higher places down on the enemies and are there new weapons as well?
  13. i have saved one soundtrack but i want more games with custom soundtracks when you can play your own music because i heard it is really cool to do.
  14. I can't wait for halo 2 , Raw 2, Kung Fu Chaos ( this will be really funny if it comes out) and some other games but i can't think of them right now.
  15. That mission was relatively easy for me but the mission was love fist was annoying when their limo is strapped with a bomb and you have to keep driving and if you stop it blows up. I got frustrated because cars kept getting in the way but i finally got to a main road and was able to dodge the cars.
  16. I haven't had that happen to me i usually just jump out in mid air when the black smoke starts to happen, but i usually kill myself when i drop out but its funny to do :)
  17. I think the funniest person to watch is tom when he is in lessons because he just sits there looking out the window and then smiles to himself and i ask him what hes doing and he goes nothing lol.
  18. I thought metal gear solid was alrite it had pretty good cutscenes but the game was fairly short it took me a while to complete but thats because im not very good at playing games but i still have a laugh playing them :)
  19. well i am quite a slow reacter so i sometimes just stand there in sports games like volleyball and the ball comes over the net and i am in a daydream and everyone gets annoyed because i missed the ball and its embarrasing if everyone sees you and then laughs or something.
  20. well i haven't really told anyone this story as it was quite depressing and it happened when i was about 8. My mum has an old friend who lives in Southampton and she used to visit them regularly and she used to bring me along as her friend had children who i got along really well with. One of the children was called mark and he was a year younger than me and i got on really well with him we were like brothers. He was holding his 7th birthday party and i was invited, it was a bouncy castle one and when i arrived we started to mess around and jump about and i jumped off to get something to eat, i then came back on and we started to play fight and he jumped at me and i held him to stop him from falling and then all of a sudden he had a heart attack and a spastic fit in my arms i was really scared and called for his mum she came running over and then another parent called the ambulance, i watched in shock as he died right in front of me i was so upset that i just ran off and burst into tears i couldnt get over it for several weeks. I know how it feels to lose someone really close to you or someone you really care for but you can also feel upset for someone you arent very familiar with but you know something about them.
  21. i dont really know the official release date in the u.k but i hope it is soon.
  22. Lol this could still count as info on the xbox as SSJ Gotenks ok did ask about whether there is any metal gear solids on the xbox and i heard about that you can skate as snake and saw a picture in a mag about it.
  23. General Awards Overall Member of the Year: James Honorable Mention: Break Male Otaku of the Year: Crazy White Boy Honorable Mention: Break Female Otaku of the Year: Juuthena Honorable Mention: Ceila Most improved Member of the Year: Alexus_Bing Honorable Mention: BigCajones Thread of the Year: Console War!!! Honorable Mention: The Getaway Silliest Thread of the Year: - Honorable Mention- Funniest Member: Break Honorable Mention: - Silliest Username: Schratn9 Honorable Mention: - Member most likely to be here in two years: Raiha Honorable Mention James Avatar of the Year: Break ( his avatars are cool) Honorable Mention: Semjaza Azazel Signature of the Year: Break Honorable Mention: BigCajones Best Otaku Couple: - Honorable Mention: - Best looking Otaku: BabyGirl Honorable Mention: same as above. Otaku clique of the Year: - Honorable Mention: - Best Newbie: Alexus Bing Honorable Mention: BigCajones Best Oldie: James Honorable Mention: Adam Best Otaku-Related site: - Honorable Mention: - Most likely to become a Staff Member: BigCajones Honorable Mention: Alexus_Bing Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: - Honorable Mention:- Writer of the Year:- Honorable Mention:- Role-Player of the Year:- Honorable Mention: - Brawler of the Year (sparring):- Honorable Mention: Role-Playing Game of the Year Maverick Hunters: Honorable Mention: Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: Juuthena Honorable Mention: Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Honorable Mention: Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Crazy White Boy Honorable Mention: Semjaza Azazel Nintendo "Mario" Award: James Honorable Mention: The Sony Award: Zidane Honorable Mention: - Xbox Gamer of the Year: BigCajones Honorable Mention: Alexus_Bing PC Gamer of the Year: - Honorable Mention: - Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer: erm i have no clue lol Honorable Mention: Best "Traditional" Artist : Honorable Mention: Best Spriter: Honorable Mention: Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: Break Honorable Mention: - The Chocobo Award (Final Fantasy): Zidane Honorable Mention: Break Liberty City Award (Grand Theft Auto): BigCajones Honorable Mention: Medra Mushroom Kingdom Honors (Mario): James Honorable Mention: Desbreko PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Lady Katana Honorable Mention: The Triforce Award (Zelda): Break Honorable Mention: I tried to answer as many of them as i can but i didnt really know who to put down as i haven't been here for very long hopefully next year i can put more different names down.
  24. I havent seen many of the shows but i want to see the movie it looks really good. I like weeman because hes really funny and when he runs its hillarious. I like the ones when they have the milk drinking contest or when they have to eat as many eggs as they can. well its not really a stunt as much but i thought when i think it was johnny knoxville and steve O had oranges thrown at them at like 100 miles p/h was pretty cool.
  25. I heard that apparently metal gear substance has around 200 missions but i wasnt too sure about that has anyone else heard about it i also want to get this game as it looks really cool and should be better then metal gear solid 2.
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