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Tommy Vercetti

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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti

  1. If they keep bringing out consoles then people who have only just bought the console before that, then they wont be able to keep up with it all and they would have to improve the games and everything and it would all take alot of time and money i suppose.
  2. i have the first one and its pretty good the sword is cool and i liked using the gun i have seen a video for it and the graphics look really cool and i cant wait for it to come out so i can get it.
  3. This looks like quite an interesting game as the characters look really funny and the video is pretty good but doesnt really say what you can do it just like shows you all the characters and some of the moves they can do but there is no commentry to say whether there is a story behind it or what the gameplay is like etc.
  4. well this was like a month ago but it is on the topic of being sick and everything because i was ill and like the flu but adter that i then got very terrible nosebleeds that wouldnt stop and i kept loosing alot of blood out of my nose i thought i was going to pass out because of blood loss but thankfully i didnt and so therefore didnt need to go to the hospital or anything.
  5. my favourite video game villians would have to be Heiachi ( because he has been a villian for like all of the tekken series and he is really cool and has some cool moves.) Sonny Forreli- this guy is pretty tough and is hard to beat. Lance- [spoiler]well he doesnt really start of as a villian but he is pretty clever in the way he becomes your friend and you help him out and then he turns on you and then tries to kill you.[/spoiler] Those are the main enemies i can think of but if i can think of anymore i will edit. [color=blue][size=1]Please remember to use the spoilers tag.-Crazy White Boy[/color][/size]
  6. I have heard that microsoft may be making a new xbox 2 which is going to be really stupid as they have only just released the xbox a while ago. I cant really see what they can update to be honest the speed is already fast enough and maybe they could change the grpahics slightly or the shape and size but thats about it. What are your views on this matter and do you think its a good idea?:drunk:
  7. He can be classed as a type of criminal hero i think lol, and little children couldnt really look up to him because they wouldnt be able to get the game because it has a rating but anyways just carry on with the thread about game heroes.
  8. I think both Silent hills were big hits i have completed the first one and there was several different endings and the music was damn scary and they had cool little puzzles to solve. Silent hill 2 scared me when i saw the zombie down the little tunnel bit at the beginning i think but i havent completed the whole game yet but i think it will be a cool ending and i hope silent hill 3 is just as good.
  9. I also have this gamester controller which is basically the same as the big xbox controller apart from the colour and the buttons on it feel looser. i tried using it to play one of my games but found it very uncomfortable and annoying so i gave my brother it to use and i use the original big black one.
  10. Kazaa would be a good idea to download and the you could uninstall it afterwards but the thing with kazaa is that there are too many viruses on there you just have to be careful but if its just one song you want then maybe something like [url]www.mp3.com[/url] i think or a search engine.
  11. Hey everyone i was just wondering what you all do in your spare time? I like to go on the internet and chat on msn messenger and surf the net. As i have got an Xbox now i like to play that aswell but i haven't forgotten my PS2 which i still play quite often if there is a game i want to play or if i get a new one. At the weekend i like to see my mates and hang out with them and go shopping for games and other stuff or if i haven't got much money i usually just browse for things. So what do you all like doing in your spare time and at weekends?:D
  12. my favourite game heroes would have to be: Mario Eddy Gordo (tekken 3 and onwards) Tommy Vercetti
  13. When i first came on here i wasn't treated badly or anything i also have several people on here who i know in real life and they gave me advice that my posts werent very long and detailed enough so they helped me out which was cool and i think the moderators are only trying to help people and dont intend to be scary ( i dont think anyway lol) but they just want these boards to be a safe and pleasant enviroment for everyone.
  14. They would like to improve racing games and have more excitement although i dont find racing very interesting in real life the only time i find it funny is when they have it in comedy award things and like you've been framed and stuff.
  15. im quite new on here but i would probably wana meet most of the moderators and some members i think i have a few people who i know in real life like Break for example but im not entirely sure at the mo lol.
  16. Then army are stupid lol. I also love the quotes in gta3 all vice city has is like he says "gimme your car" or something like that and also i want to be able to drive the larger planes or that u can get to go on them and that the weapons you be just one thing not 3 different sets.
  17. I am thankful that it was a freebie because i would not have spent about £40 to buy this game and i agree with you that racing games are better to rent out first although i do like the games like destruction derby and crash team racing, they are fun racing games.
  18. I bought tom clancey's ghost recon for ps2 and i thought it would kick *** but instead the controls were a bit strange and everytime i got like shot 3 times and died which was really pointless and i couldnt see the enemy anywhere. Also you have to control the alpha and bravo companies if you want them to move with you but i wish they would move on their own.
  19. Im from England and that same kinda thing is happening to me at the same time i have to take these things called GCSES in like a years time. ( i know i have a kinda long time to study) I find maths very difficult and cant stand it when i get picked on to say an answer and my maths teacher was foreign and spoke very fast so i couldnt understand him and if i dont pass at least 5 of my GCSES in a years time i will be ****** and grounded from seeing friends and everything and will probably have to constantly study. I am probably younger than most of you ( im 14) but when it comes to maths i find if i get to learn the key terms and have strategies and quick methods of how to work things out then i can kind of understand and do the work so maybe you should try doing that and Tv and everything is very annoying as it likes to distract people which is very hard to overcome, but i suppose your parents are only trying to do the best for you as they dont want you to fail and get a rubbish job when you are older which is understandable. Also my maths teacher was very good even though i couldnt understand him very well and he has now left so i am stuck with a new teacher who basically knows nothing so im dunno what i am gonna do.
  20. Is it 2 player and do you race against each other? actually thats a pretty stupid question because you probably would lol. I have fallen in love with some of the Jaguars as they look really cool and handle well and but i cant really be bothered to do the races as i find some of them really hard to do!
  21. I think it looks pretty good and i am gonna still get it either if i dont use it with live. I like playing 4 player games with some mates which i used to do. *off topic* i reminds me of the Quake series and kinda the game modes in timesplitters which are top games i personally think.*
  22. Yeah i think Vulture should have been able to fly hence the name vulture which is a bird that flies lol. I think if the Mechs are too heavy they are very slow to move and are an easy target as i found when playing i couldnt move very fast and had to use the hover to get over the walls and escape the firing.
  23. The fact that it wont be coming out to England until November absolutely sucks and i wish i could be like america and get games earlier its not fair, but i am willing to wait and hopeflly some cool games will come out before so i can be occupied until it comes out.
  24. I personally dont really like the music the only one that i think is ok is the one when there is that lady like screaming ` can you shut up im trying to get some sleep!` or something like that lol. I think the idea of having the custom soundtrack would be good and i know this is a kind of *off topic* question but what games actually have that function of custom soundtracks because i want to try it out?
  25. well i have only played Mech Assault once lol so im not completely sure on which one i played as all i knew is that it could like jump and kinda hover and move at the same time. I can remember you played as vulture bigcajones i think so if i could remember what my character was called i would vote for him.
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