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Tommy Vercetti

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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti

  1. Games i like most beat them ups, shoot them ups, some sport games eg wrestling and a few fps i think thats about all the ones i like I seriously dislike racing game and most sports games get a bit boring and also i dont really like strategy games as i suck at them and i dont like using my brain much in games but just using the controls and either beating or shooting the hell out of people.
  2. I dont really know what game i am most anticipating it would probably have to be Dead to Rights or perhaps Ninja Gaiden as the graphics look kinda cool and i am in to those types of games. I also am looking forward to MSG2 Substance as this seems to be an interesting game coming out and i want to see whether it is up to the types of good reviews it has been getting
  3. if i have kids i would call the boys Ben and Jerry like the ice cream and for the girls i would call them..... Melinda and Joan because i think these names are pretty cool
  4. I own the normal big controller but some of the things i have been hearing about the compact s controller sounds really good like the idea about the start and back button being underneath the left analogue stick would be easier than hacing them right in the middle and instead of having the black and white buttons at the top but having them at the bottom would be good. i prefer the compact s controller to the normal big one.
  5. Hey i was reading about the game Dead To Rights and i personally am not sure whether to get it. The graphics look really good and the type of gameplay kinda reminds me of Max Payne. I also heard that it does get a little repetitive, has anyone else heard about that? Apparently the gun battles go on for ages and there seems to be an never ending amount of enemies which is a kinda downside as it would be boring just killing loads of people but good in the sense that it gives you a challenge to destroy them. So what do you all think about this and do you reckon i should get it when it comes out?
  6. I think that is the level im on do you encounter that girl called Rhyth on the way and you have to follow her and then she joins you and is there a big gate and if you go to it the dj guy says you cant go through until you have done something, but he doesnt tell you what you have to still do which is annoying. You'll have to show me where you are sometime because its a little hard to understand on the net. I have done it now so thanx for all of you guys trying to help me lol:)
  7. The graphics are well cool and the ninjas look realisitc. I also heard that you could do moves like running up and jumping off the walls ( kinda reminds me of the Matrix) and then you get to use stylish swords and kung fu attacks to destroy your enemies.
  8. well i posted in here because i wanted to find out what the game was about so i could consider whether i wanted to get it and some of my posts are actually quite long but sometimes i dont know what to say but i post at least 2 or 3 lines long. I know i still owe you £15 i havent even got a present from the person who was supposed to give me it i have £20 in smiths vouchers and i need to change it into money and i wont bother posting in threads i dont know anything about erm soz about that i just got a bit stressed and just typed a whole load of stuff lets just get back to the normal thread and ignore whats just happened.
  9. Yeah i think they should have the royal rumble like they do in wrestlemania x8 when they dont go out straight away they have a bar that indicates how much like stamina they have left. I think if they added all those matches in then it would be really cool and i used to like playing the 8 man battle royals and having 8 men in the ring at one time for the royal rumble. They should also update the wrestler roster by getting rid of the old ones who arent in it anymore and adding the new ones like who have just joined. Its really annoying when you cant break up submissions and moves.
  10. i think my next game will be halo as i havent got that yet and apparently it is very good
  11. the missions arent that long i have done the first mission and it didnt take me very long i think its more of a pc type based game to be honest and it doesnt really suit the xbox
  12. Yeah it could have competition as medal of honour games always seem to do well as medal of honour frontline was a very good success but i think sniper elite should do pretty well but if they made it 2 player then that would be good.
  13. I saw the film yesterday aswell and because i didnt really see much of the first one and didnt have a clue really about what was going on i thought it was an amazing film i loved the battles with the orcs and the really big battle at the end was cool and the dwarf was funny (cant remember his name) when he couldnt see over the top of the wall i will have to see the next one aswell and i hope its as good if not better!!
  14. It is very realisitic and the entrances are so good and detailed, although the wrestlers are too fast when they do moves and submission moves are way too short, i like gave someone the sharp shooter and it was held for about 5 seconds which didnt make it very realisitic i think in smackdown 5 they should improve and that and as cajones said about the cage and the way you fall off but i do like the variety of matches you have around 60 odd i think.
  15. ok but i thought it was the moderaters job to say that to me and loads of people say stuff about what they find out and i didnt really talk about my life
  16. Have you got the lotus elise, that must have cost alot i saw one car that was about £90,000 but it looked so cool and i hope if i win lots of races i can buy it and then i'll be able to thrash opponents in the drag racing.
  17. the bit when agatha told tom cruise to drop money for the tramp and the tramp bent over and the guards tripped over him was pretty funny and the bit with all the spiders was cool.
  18. i use the d pad and i have now tried the peugot and i think i prefer it to the fiat for them time being and i tried doing this drag race and got completely beating lol
  19. The games you got are pretty good i have to admit i like silent hill 2 the most out of all of the ones you got as it is more challenging and not repetitive.
  20. Ok i now understand what it is about i have read a review about it but im not sure whether i'll get it when it comes out
  21. I dunno really where i am i think im in the same place as u cajones but i cant seem to get into the next area after spraying over the graffitti
  22. Hey everyone i was wondering what you all thought of Minority Report. I first saw this at the cinema and was very impressed with the way the director had made the story line up. Although at first i was a little confused and didnt know what it was about i concentrated and eventually got it. I then got it for christmas but got it on video i enjoyed watching it again but was gutted that i didnt get it on dvd for the extra features are they good if anyone has the dvd?
  23. I know this game isnt released until like december 2003 for the uk ( or so it says in my XOM) I was just wondering when it was coming out in other countries like the US and if anyone is interested in getting it. I think the graphics kinda look like medal of honour frontline with the soldiers and the type of scenery. I also like sniper games as i have Hitman 2 and absolutely loved playing it, i could really get into it and enjoy it. So if anyone has a passion for these types of games just post please.:laugh:
  24. well it just looked like more people were getting xbox stuff when i was in GAME so i thought maybe they were lol but oh well you have the exact figures so i was wrong but i can accept that.
  25. my most challenging Ps2 game of all time is hmmm..... most probably the commandos series because they use alot of strategy and there is alot of germans you have to kill in most missions
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