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Tommy Vercetti

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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti

  1. I think the graphics on The Getaway are really good and the virtual London is cool although the navigation is really oonfusing and the controls are a little dodgy because you cant always move in the direction you want to as i found out when i tried to dodge a laser beam but set it off and died because of the gas but other than that i think its a good game although i like the animations on gta vice city and the weapons and cars
  2. Hey i was just wonderin what everyone's favourite Xbox game of all time was. I personally think Splinter Cell is awesome as you have to use alot of stealth and timing to complete missions although one of my others is conflict Desert Storm which is good with a couple of friends to play co-operate missions. well just tell me your fav xbox game :)
  3. well i think some of the good actors are: Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, Will Smith, Nicholas Cage and others i dont really have any bad actors that i can think of lol i'll try thinkin and then posting again
  4. In Vice City i think you should be able to go into more buildings and buy more things and more weapons. For the people i think there is a wide variety of them but i would like to have the old ladies and perhaps children in it because the old ladies in Gta III were hillarious. Pets such as dogs should be in it and they can run lose and terrorize people but other than that i think its very good and wouldnt wana change it.
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