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Tommy Vercetti

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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti

  1. Tony Hawks 4 is Ok but seeing I haven't really played any of the other ones. Tony Hawks 4 seems an average game to me but like most sports games I play, I lose interest very quickly unless they are football games which are good in multiplayer. I think the goals on Tony Hawks 4 are slighlty repetitive what with gaining a certain trick score in time limits etc.
  2. Yes... why exactly are you going to jail and are you allowed to create threads about saying goodbye and Hello or whatever???
  3. I wish I could have too really big Mini Guns in both arms so I could just go crazy with them but I suppose, that is just me dreaming lol. Perhaps we could have a longer discussion about say, what weapons we would like to see in Halo 2 or something.
  4. I have a new question I would like to ask someone. The Xbox has a Hardrive where you can save all your games but, I wanted to save some data on to a memory card and take it round a friends house to play. I went to a shop and asked for a memory card but the guy said that there isn't much point me getting one because no one has had a problem with the hardrive. Has anyone got a memory card and is it a good idea to get even though I only want to use it to transfer data of saved games to a friends house??
  5. What I love about my life is my friends, Family, Where I live and basically that there are many oppurtinities open for me so i can progress and achieve the goals I want and have a brighter future and to be happy and not sad.
  6. Hmmm now I come to think about it I am not really sure if I want to get Xbox Live as my broadband connection goes really funny and my dad has access to turn off my internet as mine and his computer are connected via a wireless USB adapter thing im not entirely sure what it is but so when he goes out he usually turns off his computer so I am therefore disconnected from the internet which would make Xbox Live working because you would need to be connected to the internet.
  7. Well from playing Shenmue II it is a big game and I think it will probably take me more than 2 weeks to complete it but I don't really know as I'm not sure how far I am in relation to completing the whole game I think i am about a fifth of the way through or perhaps more.
  8. Well I bought Shenmue II which was a game that i had my eye on since the first time I heard it was being released. I have now decided that I really want to get Indiana Jones and The Emperor's Tomb which I hope to get this weekend if I have any money or I may ask someone like my brother to buy it for me as he is cool and generous.
  9. I just thought like saying the names but if they are wrong you can blame the website I found them off hehehe. Right and now for my question.... Hmmm it shouldn't be too dificult I don't think. In Dynasty Warriors Extreme Legends in Musou Mode how many generals can you fight as and what are each of their names??
  10. OK this question has been stuck her for a long time so I have decided I will try and answer it. I am not very sure if this is correct so just tell me whether it is or not. The second player in Primal is a Gargoyle called Scree. There are 4 transformations, Ferai, Undine, Wraith and Djinn.
  11. I found OB from friends who were speaking about it and using it. I had a old account on here but I stopped using it then i joined up again as most of my friends started to use it.
  12. Well on Sunday I went out to the shops and bought Shenmue II. Some people think this game is a disappointment but I think this is a very fun and amazing game. Despite it being an RPG which is not one of my favourite genres of games I think it is very good. The graphics are very realisitic and some people said that on the dreamcast version the language was in Japanese and there were English Subtitles on it, but on the Xbox version all the voices are English which i prefer. There are around a 1000 different characters on the whole game and they even have mini games and timed event challenges which you can do. It is basically one big story of a guy who is searching for the murderer of his father.
  13. He is very strange looking and makes me laugh and i think i saw a film of him dancing once or something where i couldn't stop laughing at him. I think he looks like one of those ventriliquist dummies I hope I got the spelling right. There is also something about him that also reminds me of someone sort of famous but I won't say it on here because im not sure if I am allowed to and could offend people.
  14. I admit i used to really believe in aliens when i was younger and kept thinking that there were aliens in my back garden. I then found out it was a really odd shaped tree that used to move about in the wind. It scared the hell out of me though. But now I am not really sure if I believe in them, i mean they have all these supernatural channels and programs with people claiming to have seen UFO's and aliens but unless i have actually seen one personally i won't really believe it.
  15. I think the effects with the fog on one level because it looks very real and you to use your thermal goggles to detect the enemies. This is a very hard level but i won't explain it in detail as it could spoil it for some people who haven't got that far. I am actually stuck on this level but i did the bit with the fog but lost a lot of health.
  16. Hmmm talk with things that interest them and that you also are interested in and have enough knowledge about the subject that you can start up a decent conversation. Also as some people have said listening is very good as if you listen to your friends problems and then perhaps try to give advice then they will think your a really nice friend for listening and caring.
  17. Yes it is released on the PS2 but i can't really remember when it was out. My brother sold it because he didn't play it and i attempted a few of the levels but found them very annoying. The multiplayer could have been improved as the levels were pretty spacious but they were lacking in objectives and game modes i think it was the basic death match and perhaps a capture the flag mode. But I am not entirely sure on that.
  18. Hmmm this may seem like a really dumb question to ask but can multiple people play on one Xbox for Live as i wasn't sure whether it was only one person playing on the console. ( if that made any sense, sorry if it didn't.) Also what would happen if you did Xbox Link up and connected it to Live would that work?
  19. I would buy it for the xbox as i reckon the graphics will be alot better than the PS2 ones and if you like the Dynasty Warrior type games then i think this would be good as it is that with a hint of RPG i think. I think there should be more characters to play as like Frodo and Bilbo Baggins etc. I prefer LOTR: Two Towers to the first one as it isn't as much of an RPG and is more action based.
  20. Yeah i agree with Cajones not much could be done to improve consoles if they are released in such short time periods. I think they should release an Xbox 2 only if the Xbox does really well in selling games and becoming more popular. I think that with the xbox not many things could be improved in such a short time apart from tweaking the graphics and maybe slighlty increasing the speed as it is already fast enough. They have just brought out Live which i don't know what they could improve with that as i haven't tried it yet. Overall i think perhaps they should wait at least 4 or 5 years then consider what to do by looking at all the statistics and seeing whether the xbox is doing well and decide to improve it.
  21. I did have this game for the PS2 but i wouldn't consider it one of the best games for the Ps2 but that is just my oppinion. I suppose you can have your oppinion in thinking that it is one of the best for the Xbox. I think that if it had some improvements made like the ones i said then i would have a better oppinion of it.
  22. Has anyone heard more news about the new Gta's supposedly coming out?? i think it was called Gta Sin City and another one but i have forgotten when i last saw the thread about but seeing as this has been merged into one big thread i am quite confused. I think Gta should be a 2 player game because it would be really funny if you could do missions together and have side games like a cops and robbers style chase. Perhaps if there was a Gta World where you could travel to some main destinations in the world as it would be very hard to make an accurate world lol.
  23. I usually prefer 3rd person army/war games but some 1st person shooter war games like medal of honour are pretty cool. I thought the 1st level on Ghost Recon was a pretty good one as the scenery looked really detailed and it was good to have the alpha and bravo teams working with you but you have to command them which is annoying and i prefer them where the computer AI level is really good and they do things for themselves like attack and protect you from the enemy fire.
  24. I have seen a fair amount of reviews and pictures on this game and it does look amazing. I will get this when it comes out and i haven't really taken much interest in Ninja style games but after seeing screenshots of this game and seeing reviews i have become more impressed. Does anyone know the exact release date of Ninja Gaiden, sorry if someone has already posted it in here i usually miss reading stuff.
  25. Hmmm i really would like to find out whether man would be around still in the year 2525.. I think everyone would be very strange and i have some strange feeling that it would turn out like what happened in Reign of Fire if anyone has seen that. I think that most of man kind will have been wiped out and only a small population is left to defend itself against whatever creatures are out there lol. There were some rumours that the sun is moving closer to earth and in several thousand years or so it will all explode so i don't really know.
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