Tommy Vercetti
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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti
Amazing, Brilliant and other nice words describe this film. Gun fights were very good and alot of nice matrix style moves. I saw with this BigCajones and we had cool time but the plot was very interesting as it confused me to start with but then i figured out what happened and i think Cajones has sort of given a summary of the plot and what happens. I agree that the ending was rather short and it seemed that the enemies didn't put up much of a fight on one guy and there was a bit with a black guy that happens that was really strange in the ending but i won't go into detail to explain that.
Ghost recon was a disappointment but some of tom clancy games are pretty cool like Splinter Cell which is amazingly cool. Ghost Recon has potential i think and if it had more time spent on improving it and if the main levels were co-operate then that would be a whole lot better. I also think if the view was also 3 person then it would be cool as i like 3 person as you can actually see the person.
Hmm i hear that Xbox live has finally come out in the UK and i was wondering if anyone has got it and used it and what it is like and whether it is worth getting. I really want to get it but i heard the speed and internet connection may vary the picture and display of the games. This will be disappointing for people with the slower computers i think so if anyone has any information please say.
I have attempted to skateboard although it didnt go down to well as i basically flipped the board up and fell straight on my back. Most of my friends can skateboard i think, although i would like to learn to skateboard as there are some pretty cool and amazing tricks and stunts people can do with them but the accidents and injuries can be bad if your not careful..
I have several embarrasing stories which all involve me talking to girls. When i get embarrased i go completely dumb and say random things. I went shopping with a mate to look around this centre we had never been to before and also to see if there were any nice girls there. Well there was this music playing and these 4 or 5 girls came up to us and said would we dance with them and we both said we couldn't dance. So they said but we can show you how to dance. We said no its ok and walked off. They then started walking and we spoke to them and there was this lingerie shop and they said to me will you buy us some sexy lingerie and i said well done for no apparent reason and they gave me a weird look and walked off. The next 2 stories involve different girls but the same thing happened as they first saw us at a train station and one was wearing odd shoes and she goes "do you like my shoes" and i go ah well done... The next time was when i was ice skating and the same girls saw us and kept asking us if we liked them and we said yeah and then they go why aren't you really talking to us and i said because i can't skate. These are very random things i say when i get embarrased which is really annoying as girls just give me weird looks when i say them.
My school had a non uniform day and it was basically a do whatever you want with your hair as long as it is reversable by the next time there is school. Most people sprayed there hair different colours and spiked it up and wore wigs. I sprayed my hair a sort of flourescent orange which i thought looked pretty cool lol. Some guys in our school also decided to dress up as girls for a day to raise money and people were doing sponsored silences. It was a very cool and easy going day. I don't really know how much money was raised but apparently some of my teachers were going to wear cocktail dresses or something to raise money.
You can play the level of Helms Deep and i think it would be cool if it was like a dynasty warriors style massive battle with enemies jumping over the walls and throwing up ladders which would be very amazing but it would take alot of time and effort to get everything to work and there may be glitches. Playing as Gollum would be funny and if he said his little phrases like "precious" etc.
yeah i have seen that one and i think the one when he is like sitting in his home and being interviewed as the actual computer character is very clever and cool and i like seeing how the guy did the voice of sam fisher. I think the special features they have are a good idea.
What would you do with a Trillion dollars?
Tommy Vercetti replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
I would never know to do with such alot of money i would probably send loads to every single charity and helping organisations i can think of and go to a very good school college university etc. I would have a mansion in all Major places like USA, England. I would buy lots of islands and also i would put some money into the bank to save lol. -
I actually i have no idea what the next game i get will be. I always say i am going to get some game next but i end up getting a different one. I usually get any games that catch my eye whether its the price or if its a fairly new game that i wanted to get but didn't get it when it came out. I want to get some main titles liek Halo 2, Raw 2 etc but i will have to wait quite a while for them so i will get any games that interest me before they come out.
Well in Lord of The Rings the two towers on the xbox you played as Aragorn, Gimli and legolas as you said but you could unlock a special character he was some kind of knight or soldier i think but he was a sort of main character. I don't know if this is the same on the xbox though. I heard a rumour that the two towers was supposed to be 2 player on xbox but i don't know if its true as most reviews are now saying its only one player. Does anyone know if this is true or not??
I Think games with a mix of beat em up and gore are pretty cool and Tao Feng is going to be a great game in my eyes as i am a fan of fighting games and i feel i can release my anger out in fighting games especially beat em ups where you can just kick the crap out of someone and with blood and violence added it makes it that whole lot more realistic.
Gaming Im not sure whether to get Dead to Rights
Tommy Vercetti replied to Tommy Vercetti's topic in Noosphere
I admit sometimes i do judge games by the cover but luckily i take good choices with the games i buy and i have had very few that i regret buying but i will try most games to see what they are like. With Dead to rights they could have spent more time on improving the graphics and the levels and apparently it is very repetitive so if they sorted that it would be a pretty good game to play. I also think the thing with the dog would be quite good but if you could like give him commands and say if you say attack he would attack them etc -
I prefer Sam Fisher in his sort of spy outfit kind of clothes as he is camoflaged in the shadows and i like the whole idea of hiding in the shadows and springing a surprise attack on the enemy. I hope the xbox live levels are big levels with lots of objectives to do and i wish in levels there would be more health packs as i find that i am dying quite alot which frustrates me intensely. The weapons and gadgets in Splinter Cell are fine with me and i don't think they should be changed i love using the diversion camera as you can make noises and when guards come over you press a button and gas comes out which is funny.
BC looks really cool and i have played a demo of Shenmue II and i think it is a very cool game and i will get it when it is released. You can basically walk around and buy things, play on arcade machines have arm wrestles etc and all the characters look pretty life like which i think looks good in a game and Shenmue II was quite a big hit for the dreamcast in my oppinion i think.
This game looks really good and i really want to get it when it comes out in United Kingdom but i will have to wait unfortunately as i don't know when it will be available yet. The graphics look very detailed and the amount of gore and violence is cool. I heard you can cut and bruise your opponents and it actually shows which will be good does anyone know if this is true??
I think he was referring to the first one and yes the Lord of the Rings is more of an RPG rather than Dynasty Warriors style game. It is basically following the story of frodo's travels i think. The second one looks alot better and the graphics look realistic which i quite like and there is more action with killing and fights etc.
Gaming Im not sure whether to get Dead to Rights
Tommy Vercetti replied to Tommy Vercetti's topic in Noosphere
I have finally come to a decision that i am not very keen on getting this game now as i think Max Payne looks alot better and the idea of it being repetitive will be a disappointment. I think i may just rent this game if i can be bothered to because the mini games look quite funny and interesting but i am not going to buy the game just because of them. -
I played this quickly on an xbox console they had in a shop and it really confused me i just kept wondering around not knowing what to do. It was probably because i didn't know what level i was on and the objectives or whatever i had to do the controls were realatively easy to get to grips with but can anyone give me a brief explanation of the game please??
Well i came onto here because most of my friends from school use it for example BigCajones, Break, Alexus_Bing and Zidane. I usually post in the xbox threads and sometimes PS2 and occasionally pc. I also post in otaku lounge and music, movies and tv and if i have a new picture or whatever i would send it into the pictures section. Oh yeah and welcome to OtakuBoards i hope you have a nice time here :D
I will rate all the games i have completed and state reasons for the percentage i gave them. Conflict Desert Storm: 85-90% this is an amazing game with excellent enemy AI in my oppinion and it was a challenging game with lots of objectives to do and it is also multiplayer. Dead or Alive 3: 70% The graphics were pretty good and the controls were easy to use but the game didn't take very long to complete and took me about a day to complete. Halo: 75% this game was pretty cool when i first played it and it took me quite a while to complete several weeks i think. I like most of the guns and vechiles but the levels seemed to repeat and i got bored towards the end and only liked 2 or 3 levels of the whole game. Minority Report: 60% a fairly short and repetitive game where you just revisit most of the places you have been although it did stick to some of the actual film which was good and there were some enemies that were a challenge like the robots and i liked doing different combo moves.
Gaming Poll: What do you think of the X-Box???
Tommy Vercetti replied to BigCajones's topic in Noosphere
I like the xbox and PS2 more or less the same i mean the PS2 is a very popular console and has been out for several years now but the xbox is doing very well as a newcomer in 2002 and with the vast amount of new games coming out in 2003 i think it will start to gain more respect by people and become a cool and popular console i son't know whether it will beat the PS2 in popularity but you never know something could happen. -
I am a stealth and full on action person at the same i mean i like games like splinter cell with the whole atmosphere of stealth but in Halo you can do but there is more elements of full on action in the actual levels i think but if you select sniper in multiplayer then that is a good way to use stealth and combine the sniper rifle and handgun with the invisibility then there is no way anyone can spot you unless they see you come up behind them in your screen if that made any sense lol.
This new level should be really cool and do you know what exactly it is about or where it is based etc... I think there should be some sites with information on it so i may have a browse around. I need to do 2 or 3 more levels then i have completed the game but i am kind of stuck as i can't get past an automatic turret thing and my health is about 5% but i will do it somehow and can't wait until this new level comes out with xbox live.
Gaming Jedi Outcast question- yes I'm too cheap to buy the cheat book
Tommy Vercetti replied to tabmow's topic in Noosphere
Well i don't really know what the answer is but you could search through cheat sites for walkthroughs on the gsme or typing in a search engine the game and asking if there are any walkthroughs for it.