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Tommy Vercetti

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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti

  1. My life is a pretty normal routine like cajones and bing's but i usually can't remember what has happened during my day because i get very tired as i wake up at 6:00 am usually every morning but sometimes my routine of life does make me feel bored but i usually make it more fun by playing computer games, going on the internet and chatting to my friends.
  2. Hmmmm I don't know if this joke has been posted but i am going to try and remember as much of it as i can so i may get some parts wrong. There were 3 tomatos, a daddy tomato, mummy tomato and a little baby tomato and they were walking along the road one day and the little baby tomato was falling behind as he couldnt catch up with his mum and dad. His dad told him to hurry up and stick with them. Then all of a sudden a car swerved across the road and squashed the baby tomato. The dad and mummy tomato then stopped to see where the baby tomato was and they saw him squashed in the road and the daddy tomato said `Ketchup`
  3. Hmmm I am only getting Raw 2 because apparently it is supposed to be really alot better than the first one. Every one has different oppinions of it and i don't think you can really judge a game accurately enough unless you have actually played it in my oppinion. Take legends of wrestling for example the first one was to be completely crap and it was a bit of a disappointment but now the second one has picked up and has made it seem alot better with more matches wrestlers and features. I am a big fan of wrestling games and so i will get more or less any one that is on a console that i have.
  4. Hmmm i have thought about games that i want in short term and long term so i am just going to say my list although i can't remember when every single game comes out. This isn't a really next xbox game but its a few xbox games that i want to get in a next sort of sense and in no particular order. Halo 2, Shenmue II, MGS2 Substance, Fable, Indiana Jones and Emperor's Tomb, WWE Raw 2, Sniper Elite, Team SAS, Men Of Valor: Vietnam,Driver 3, Enter the Matrix. Thats a few of the ones i want and i may edit if there are anymore that come into my head.
  5. Well i have Minority Report on the xbox and i completed that in roughly 2 days but it wasn't constant play. It was an ok game in my oppinion but i thought it would have been better and all the enemies are basically the same and the bosses are that difficult. The hardest boss i probably found was taking on the craft thing on the roof.
  6. Well this came as quite a big surprise to me that i am now going to New York in the summer as a sort of birthday present from my nan and grandad which i thought was really cool and generous of them. Do any of you guys recomend some famous places, landmarks i should visit etc?
  7. Ok this is website information i found about Project Zero, so i will answer the question and then post a new question but if my answer is wrong ignore my question and go back to the original question. Answer: Is a survival horror game about the fate of a novelist, his editor and assistant who stay in a japanese mansion while writing about the local legends of the house. Question: In Legends of Wrestling 2, name the belt regions, (not including the world region)
  8. Well i just want to say i have read reviews on it and i think the graphics are pretty cool and i like those cel-shaded graphics just as much as any other graphics and i like the way it has been made `comic type` rather than going for the real life kind of graphics. I don't really have any info for this game as i think you have covered most of it Alexus but i am looking forward to this being released in September.
  9. I will probably get mgs2 substance but i am not counting my pennies up for it just yet as i am not a very big fan of the mgs games although i did find sons of liberty pretty cool although it was pretty easy. I think substance should be a great success and i will get it but im not really sure what i want to get at the moment. For the time being i think my favourite game is Legends of Wrestling 2. I don't know why but it is just really funny wrestling with all the legends and they have some really fat wrestlers that look really stupid but i think it has improved alot since the first one.
  10. Jet Set Radio seriously needs improvements, but when i first played i had to admit i did enjoy it but then i found it became repetitive which was very tiresome and boring. Quantum redshift looks pretty cool i think and i like racing games where you can do tricks and jumps and lots of violence, are there any games coming to the xbox which are similar to the Destruction Derby's? they were class games i thought.
  11. Tommy Vercetti


    I suppose with these types of games you would need to use your imagination like with the sims you create your own story and choose what you want to happen which can be very hard for some people to use there imagination. I think with this game there will be a story in it and won't be anything like the sims. In a review it said your mother and sister or something have been captured so perhaps you have to rescue them which could be the story.
  12. Tommy Vercetti


    This does look a very promising game i agree and the graphics look especially cool does anyone know when this will be released in the Uk? Is it a RPG based game or am i thinking of a different one because i am sure it is and i am sort of getting into RPG's slightly more as they are becoming improved all the time in my oppinion.
  13. Improvements, hmmm i would say different moves like with Tony Hawks games because in those they have 100's of moves to pull off with different characters. More objectives to do in levels rather than just spraying grafitti and beating up the police or chasing someone etc. More modes in the multiplayer games or perhaps if the actual game was multiplayer i think would be better and more music.
  14. I would probably say at the moment my favourite xbox game is Conflict desert storm as the missions were fun and challenging the enemies ai was pretty intellgient and i liked playing it co-operatively in 3 or 2 player. I prefer playing multiplayer in Halo as i agree it was overated and there werent many levels to do and most of them were repetitive. I consider Splinter Cell i really good game too but it is very difficult and you need alot of patience with it i feel.
  15. Well i prefer using walkthroughs rather than actual cheats to give you like all ammo and infinate health etc because those cheats can spoil the game quite alot and playing a game when you can't die is pretty pointless to be honest so i am going to now play games without using those cheats and maybe using a walkthrough once in a while i think. ( that was sort of topic so i'll just leave it and let it go back to games people have completed.
  16. Yeah i agree with you Cajones but i think it was a good idea that it came with the xbox rather than i bought it seperatly (although you did cajones) because it is very repetitive but i think it does have quite alot of potential and if the designers spent a little more time thinking over the game then it could be improved and be more fun and exciting.
  17. well no as in Gta vice city and gta III you can't use your hands to perform actions well apart from opening car doors and punching if you have the punch as your weapon. I think that answers your questions. Maybe if you followed bigcajones advice and had a look in search engines for gta vice city and the official site then it would give you more advice rather than posting about a game that is very easy to find information on.
  18. Well i have this game and i haven't really played it to be honest my brother has and he thinks a pretty decent game as the weapons are really cool and the movement of the AC is very easy and feels really smooth to control. I always like editing the AC by giving it new weapons and body parts and gadgets etc. I don't really have much knowledge of the game but the multiplayer is pretty fun also. I think the multiplayer levels should be expanded a bit more and its sort of annoying when your health or energy i think starts to decrease when you have left the area and you have a certain time limit to come back in or something. Anyways its a pretty decent game from my point of view.
  19. I want to get Team SAS because it looks and reminds me of Tom Clancys Ghost Recon which i think was a real disappointment of a game and comparing it to splinter cell it could have been made alot better but thats just my oppinion.
  20. I have only 2 levels left until i complete splinter cell and it is an amazingly hard game. I have used a walkthrough i admit but i didn't use one for every single level and sometimes i only used part of the walkthrough.
  21. Hmmm If i wanted to be famous i would want it to be for perhaps something heroic like saving peoples lifes in a major incident and then being publicly congratulated which i think would be cool. If i wanted to be famous by something else it would probably be by drawing cartoons or maybe acting in a big movie which would be pretty fun and then like doing a tour or something.
  22. That sounds pretty cool i think also and didn't they do like a special limited edition pokemon one for the N64 or am i just imagining things lol. I think there will be some pretty decent designs coming out for the xbox and if they turn out like the PDO one then that will be excellent and people would probably be attracted to buy them in different designs
  23. Hmmm what would you guys comment about on the size of the xbox? When i first saw it i thought god that is one hell of a big console and it must weigh a tonne lol. When i actually took out of the packaging i compared it to the PS2 size and it isn't that much bigger i don't think although it is pretty damn heavy.
  24. You can like kill people, drive around, do missions, side missions, rampages etc. You can also buy buildings and assets which give you more missions and money so basically thats what you can do.
  25. I don't really mind if you do or not but i think `Otaku` is a unique name in a sort of way but if you would change the name what type of name would you be changing it to?
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