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Tommy Vercetti

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Everything posted by Tommy Vercetti

  1. I think i will get at least one tatoo when i am older, probably on my arm but i don't know what it would be and whether it would be a picture or writing but i did once want to have a massive cobra on my back but i don't really know now.
  2. Im not that bothered about the ps2 as i kinda like the shape it is and i found more people were concered about the size of the xbox and how big it was and how fat the controllers were but to me i think the xbox isn't as big as everyone thinks it is and the normal controllers are big but i suppose if you didnt like those controllers you could get the compact `s` one. The xbox 2 should be smaller though and maybe have slightly smaller controllers.
  3. hmmm i will keep that in mind as i usually transport my xbox to a different location each week, and also if you are playing the xbox you shouldnt move it while it is on with a disc in because it can get damaged and i only moved it once by mistake so i hope its ok but i think it is as nothing has gone wrong yet, and has anyones xbox frozen when they have been playing a game? mine hasn't which i am glad of.
  4. Well usually when people start talking about sequels i usually think that their must be another one coming out and all i was asking was whether you had any information to say that you thought maybe another Jet Set Radio was coming out and you should get some screen shots up and i made one just quickly when i first played it saying `Rudies Suck` with a skull and crossbone lol.
  5. I think i would die for the one i love as i think it would be worth it in risking my life for them and if i die then thats the chance i would take.
  6. There is like a thing when you can create your own graffiti on jsrf but i didnt know whether you could make the characters spray it. If this option was available in this game then that would be cool but if not i think they should have it in the next jet set radio do you know the name or have any information on whether it is coming out??
  7. Do any of you guys use old group names from like the 60's and that in whatever country are you from, in England we still use the word `Hippies` but they are usually found in the country i think now. There were also people called Mods in around the 60's or 70's but we dont really use that name anymore do any people use old names?
  8. I would say that i saw like a prostitute in the night club thing in the game The Getaway when you have to take Yasmin to pick up that girl for charlie and the women look more realistic in that than they do in gta vice city i think but again i dont fantasize over computer game characters lol.
  9. Well i would have to say that i think for a female character it would be Candy Suxx out of gta vice city lol and i dont fantasize either about virtual women on computer games. For a male i personally think Steve Fox on Tekken 4 looks pretty cool in his hawaiian(if thats how you spell it) shirt and his cool looking trousers and his boxing gloves look really good as well.
  10. Yes pay per play is very stupid and would cost alot if you wanted to play lots of games. If it does sell and people were willing to pay alot of money then hell they would make alot of cash but to be honest i doubt that and its basically a con if you ask me.
  11. Yes the pistol as a cool flick which i like also and the plasma gun with the green charge is cool when you charge it and hit someone really close with it. I also like throwing plasma grenades and getting them stuck to the little grunts who run around crazily and you can usually get them to run into their mates and blow up which kills more enemies.
  12. The pole position one is stupid indeed just watching a virtual girl wiggling her hips is quite pointless and you waste $600 which could come in handy if you are low on cash. I also found Check Point Charlie very stupid and the one for the cubans when you have to see if you have bigcajones or not as the last checkpoint was like hidden for some reason but i did it on my second attempt.
  13. Your groups sound pretty strange and cool Liamc2 i have never heard the name `A-Crowders` or `Nerd Herd` used before but im sure in England for The nerd herd we would just call them `Boffins`which is the same sort of thing where they are like smart and intelligent and in lessons just get on with work and don't mess about or anything. Hmmmm A-Crowders i wouldn't really know what i would call them erm probably just rugby players lol or if they were very sporty like the sporty people or something like that i think.
  14. I think rotaku dai heights has some pretty cool things about it like lots of pipes to grind along and sign boards to wall grind on etc. But i do think that the levels are very similar in the things they have on them the only difference is the location and the types of buildings and whether there are roads and water or not.
  15. I have this feeling that the games on Phantom would just be like crappy internet games you can download and play as it says there are like 30,000 odd games available or something and i doubt all those games would have top graphics like they do on the consoles at the moment. This Infinium labs could probably be bought by microsoft anyways seeing that Microsoft is such a big company and is buying quite alot of other companies so i don't really think the Xbox does have competition to be honest.
  16. That is quite funny but i think it sounds pretty good. It has lots of powerful accesories to offer like the first company to offer a 2.4ghz wireless controller. I think parents would be happy knowing that their children are playing games rated for their own age, but like you cajones my parents don't care what game i get as i don't get affected either, but some people have been very stupid and ended up killing people like you said ( they probably got that off games like Grand Theft Auto ) or something. There are quite alot of games that can be played on this and the whole new idea of pay per play sounds a bit strange but i don't know if i will get it as i like the technology at the moment as well.
  17. Thanx alexus i think it has made it smaller. The armoured police are harder than the stupid tanks i personally think lol. But usually when you fight them there are blue spray cans which give you like 5 cans which is pretty cool although you use up quite alot to do a boost which is annoying but its worth it when you kill them.
  18. Yes that is also cool but quite annoying when you like jump too high and then land in the water because you like lose health and have you seen like those guys in black that work for the police and you have to like use a boost to knock them over, they are quite annoying especailly when like 2 jump and grab onto you.
  19. Hmm... ok i will try that and sometimes when i save games it says i have saved but my memory thing says 50,000 free blocks left which is strange like what you are saying.
  20. Hmmm..... I think it must have been several months but i dont have a specific game that i played it with although i find i spend more time playing puzzle and action games for longer than others.
  21. Oh well.... my favourite level would have to be 99th street as i like going all the way up the dragon in the middle then like jumping off and landing on a pipe just before i hit the ground its pretty funny because they like scream and then hit a pipe and grind. Whats your favourite level?
  22. what do you mean dented it? i have used like about 10 or something of it but it really confuses me and yeah that would be cool to do link up...
  23. Like in England you don't see Rude Boys or other people of the same type of stereotype as them hanging around with metlas, grungers skaters etc. I would love to see the day when everyone just becomes ok with each other and nobody would get picked on and no violence but i doubt that would ever happen as there is always someone out there who would want to pick on someone or bully them.
  24. Yeah thats what i meant about them doing the same dance moves lol hehehehe but i am sure when they do jumps they do them in a different way but i may just be blind and i am seeing things lol.
  25. I want to play Halo or something like that in 16 player link up it would be soo cool but you would like need 4 of everything and 16 controllers which would be quite hard i suppose.
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