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Dante the Demon Slayer

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Everything posted by Dante the Demon Slayer

  1. Nme: J. "Snake" Wilson Affiliation: FBI Vehicle: Black PCJ Weapons: Alright, let's see..:devil: Katana,Spaz Shotgun,Gatling gun, Bazooka,Chainsaw,Colt Magnum,Uzi, Remote detonated bombs X 30, PSG1, Ruger assault Rifle Personality Bio: Grew up in ocean Beach. Joined the FBI three years ago after helping them chase down a criminal. Goes by the nme snake. Now lives downtown. Known to be very aggresive and shows no mercy to the crminals he catches. Suspended twice for unnecessary violence and seved three months for assault and battery to a man who kidnapped his son. Has a scar across his right leg where he was attacked by a criminal trying to escape. Wears a black shirt, Blue Denim Jeans, And a black jacet with flames.
  2. Mushu didn't do much at all. He stands on soras head and shoots tiny fireballs. I agree with Raiha, he wouldn't have an ice spell and he definately doesn't fly
  3. Ok, scratch ars arcanum then. and I'll use the defenders shield.
  4. I already have the universal codes. Just wondering the most valuable. So far, the most valuable thing i know of is station model one which sells for 16000 bells. Anyone who wants the code, here it is. First line:lLhOwvrDA23fmt second line:dsgnvzbCIBAsyd PS-stringfish is only 15000 and the arwings sll back price is around 5000 cuz i tried to sell it with a bunch of other stuff and only got 7,000 something bells
  5. Yes! A kingdom hearts RPG. Dang! I wanted to be Riku! Nme:Goofy Weapon:Hercules shield(only one i could remember) Summon:Genie Abilities:Trinity limit(when sora and 1 other person are with him),Superglide,and Ars Arcanum(can goofy do ars arcanum?) Spells:Aeroga,Curaga,Graviga Bio:Big talking dog, goofy,Comeon! Who doesn't know who goofy is?!
  6. What is the item that is worth the most bells AND, is there a universal code for it. Ps-(More valuable than station models 1 or 11 Worth 16000)
  7. Jet adjusts his bandana and shakes paws with phoenix. Jet: hey! hows it goin? Je pulls out a seed Jet: Krump Krump cush cush. Phoenix: (giggles) you like seeds huh? Jet:yep! ????:AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Jet:That came from outside! The ham-hams run out and see a black ham getting chased by a snake. Jet:Let's go ham-hams! ham hams:bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada Phoenix charged and skidded in the sand, knocking dirt in the snakes eyes. it opened its mouth and zebra knocked a stick in, holding its mouth open. Boo, help the ham up and boo and the ham run to the hideout. The snake snaps the stick and phoenix and zebra distract it. while they do, jet runs aound and does a hard chomp on its tail. it turns on jet so he kicks dirt in it eyes ande bites it again. the snake hisses and goes up a drainpipe into a house. Jet:whew! that was close. Boo and the ham come out an the ham introduces itself as midnight. Jet/phoenix/zebra/boo:welcome to the ham hams!
  8. Yea i definatly think it was easy. One o the things i thought made th game less callenging was the fact that you were fully healed at every save. What happened to trying desperatly to get gilfor healing items? and then getting extremly p$ssed off when no store was around for cities? The game was awesome, dont get me wrong. but easy + short. oh well.
  9. I poste a long time sgo before the whole season ended and now im posting again. First of all i dont think it should matter wheter you watch it subd or dubd. Maybye some people cant get it. r, maybye some people would rather listen to the language they speak than read little words. Anyway....back to the point of this post. I personally think the show is great and is one of the best gundams ive evr seen. then again, ive only seen a few. But i think its got a great story and its fun to watch. plus i like the whole concept of the tournamnt to rule the universe. All in all, the show rules.
  10. Nme: Jake Age: 13 Looks: Dark Brown spiked hair. Short. About 5'2 or 5'3.T-shirt and Jeans every day. What I'm like: I try to be comedic and I am most of the time. I'm pretty lazy and I don't pay attention A LOT!(some one will talk to me for 5 minutes and i dont hear them) Talents: Total gamer, Computer freak, kinda smart. Guy
  11. Is it too late to join? Nme:Talgaia Servon Age:471 Race:Pure Elf Weapons: Duel Katanas, Bow and arrow. Bio:Always alone. Seeks revenge on dark forces for taking his brother. His brother is enslaved in Moria. Master swordsman and semi-skilled archer. Relies mostly on close combat and loses all sense when friends are hurt.When angered speed, accuracy, and power incease. Description:6'1. Long silver hair. Blue eyes. Black pants/armor. Long black cape with red lining. 1 sheath concealed on each side of cape.
  12. Sure, ill join. Nme:Jet Male Color:Black Accesories:Red Bandana around forehead. Bio:Adventurous, tough, LOVES seeds Owner:Clive
  13. I think blue,red,white,green,and prple.i may be thinking of this other game i was playing
  14. left right left right center right left I beleive, if it isnt then its right left right left center left right. you get it. Um,someone else can hav it i gota go.
  15. I think 2. OOT and Link's awakening. I might be thinking of someone else
  16. I don't know anything about it but ill guess. 1.Do you light torches? 2.Kill all enemies in the room? no idea
  17. Ohhhhhh. yea, i was wondering how the heck he did that. he practically flew. one more question, do wong and asia know about the android cuz they saw him and sent like a whole army after him. who built him?
  18. i agree. you should have put a spoiler warning or sumthig. i didnt want to know. I did figure swartz would end up an enamy though. One question. Didn't swartz see kioji in dark gundam all messed up a couple days ago on CN? How could he be 2 laces @ once?
  19. the three crysals are the kokiri emerald, which you get from beating the deku tree and given to yo by the deku tree. The Goron Ruby which is given by the leader of the gorons after beating dodongos cave. Third is the zora sapphire, given by the zora princess, after beating the jabu jabu's belly dungeon.
  20. lol! Your serious? thats funny. Ummmmm, Nme all the bosses from ocarina of time. (Real bosses, jabu jabus belly, temples, cave, tree, etc. No sub bosses)
  21. I got no iea but I'll guess Zelda. Was it just called Zelda?
  22. I personally love the show. I think it's the best gundam show since 08th ms team. Thats my opinion. I love both those series.
  23. Another pretty easy question. What color are links eyes while he is turning into a deku. (you know , where he puts on the mask and starts screaming.)
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