Dante the Demon Slayer
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Everything posted by Dante the Demon Slayer
He practices out by the little pond where you find the fairy. That was easy. Two parts, what are the nmes of the witches in the spirit temple and what are there jobs in majoras mask. This question is so freakin easy.
Sign Up MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
It is now started. Just look for the thread -
Note:Chip upgrading. After every scenario i will upgrade two of your chips. When all your chips are upgraded to the fullest you will get to pick one new chip of your choice.(it can be anything exept bass,planetmanetc...the www navis) Also if you want to use a chip trader, im it! I decide what you get! You put in one and get one back. I have my own pattern. it will go a few ok chips, a few good, then one GREAT chip. Only i know the pattern and it changes after each great chip. Megaman was in den area one with his new partners gutsman,Magnetman and protoman. They had become an official netbattling team recently. (I decided to just give us all s licences cuz i couldnt figure out how to make a test! It would just waste time! If some one wants to take a l;icense test for fun, pm me. it will just be battle network trivia) As they stared in shock, evil navis were evrywhere. killing everything. Megaman:This isnt possible! How did this happen? Gutsman/Protoman/Magnetman:............... They charged out and began deleting all the navis in sight. Gutsman:Gutpunch! ProtomanHerosword! Magnetman:Cannon! Megaman:Shotgun! You guys take it from here
Sign Up MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
I was gonna wait for a yai and mayl but they arent important anyway. I'll start now -
Sign Up MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
Yes his navi is gutsman. Also, Vilearch.... those chips are a bit much dont ya think? I mean Murasama and hero sword? they are pretty strong. Try to lower them a bit and save those for later. Ive hot a thing on how to get ew chips. youll see. just use some lower ones and thell get better later. -
Ok, uriel 5. the floor is urs. pos a question anytime!
Sign Up MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
We can probably manage with just a couple more. If no one signs up soon ill just change the story a bit so its just us three. (Also, its chaud not claud!lol) -
Aw man! I liked this rpg! I guess if you think its falling apart you can shut it down but i love it!
(I played all the games for snes but i cant remember much about x2 or x3.) Rage:Zero!Zero!Get out of there! The base is going to blow. Zero:We're on our way. Rage:All right but hurry. I think its gonna blow so-*static* Zero:Rage! What s happening now. Rage looked down a his shattered radio, then up at the huge maverick before him. Lava Ox: Come on little guy, see if you can hurt me! Rage jumped and fired a couple buster shots at him but they barely effected his thick hide. Even a fully charged shot didn't hurt him much. Then he remembered his earlier battle and switched his buster to chameleon sting. He ran around back and shot lava ox right in the back. Tearing a large hole. Rage:Yes! I knew those spikes would pierce him. come on fat boy! Bring it on. Lava Ox:RRR...You'll regret that!!LAVA BEAM! He sent out a beam of heat that nearly melted rages arm when he jumped aside. Then Lava Ox charged at him and tackled him hard. But while rage was being tackled he put his hands on lava o's broken circuits and read their data. Little Voice in head:You learned Fiery Blade! Rage got up off the ground and pulled out his sword. He switch \ed his buster to fiery blade and used it to set his sword on fire. He charged at the ox and begin slashing rapidly in a few seconds the ox was lying in pieces on the ground. At that moment zero came running out. Zero:Come on lets go! Rage:right! He extinguished the flame and put his zsword away. Then they all got in the dropship and took off. They got away and vile's base exploded right behind them. Rage:Now what?
Anime Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh Cards?
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
I like a lot of cards. My favorites are the dark magician, the celtic warrior(is it warrior or guardian?I forgot:confused: ) and the red eyes skull dragon. (the mixture of red eyes and summoned skull. -
I think you should do episode reviews. That would be awesome. I also say technology reviews (if you decide to do two). I'd like more info on the weapons and ships.
RPG The Legend Of Zelda: Gannons Return[play]
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Ugamon's topic in Theater
Jake was walking with his friend through kokiri forest when he heard something in the distance. Jake:What was that? I better check it out. Jake took off towards the sound. He entered the clearing and saw a horrible sight. Hundreds of skull kids, all attacking the deku tree. Jake:What are you doing? Skull kid:We are goingto take all our anger out on this tree. We have benn watching you stupid happy little kokiri for years and the anger inside has gotten stronger and stronger. You kokiri are a bunch of wimps. There have been no strong kokiri since that link kid. Until we find someone with courage like his, we are going to keep attacking this tree. Jake:I have courage. Skull Kid:Ha!None of you have courage. The truly couragous will go into the lost woods and find the song that will sooth our anger. Are you couragous enough to face the woods? Link:Yes I am! With that he took off into the woods. He headed in all posible directions, fighting deku shrubs on the way. Finally he found the ancient temple with a song inscribed on a log. Link:"Sarias Song" This must be it. He memorized it and headed back. Then he jumped in front of the deku tree and pklayed it for them all to hear. Skull Kid:You are truly couragous. We will leave, pleaes exept these gifts. They gave him a small wooden ocarina and a sword to use. Link:That felt great! I want to fight evil everywhere! I'm going to travel out in hyrule just like link. And with that he left the forest, looking for adventure. -
Zero:Rage,you guard out here. Rage:Ahh,man! I dont wanna be the guard dog. Oh well. Alright you go in I'll stay he-LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! A bunch of guards were charging at them, shooting guns everywhere. Rage:Zero, go! I'll take care of this. Zero:Are you Rage: (interrupting)YES! GO! The rest of the team runs inside while he stays outside. Zero and the others could here buster shots and screaming behind them. Rage was blasting them all. He unsheatehed his sword and cut off the leaders head. He kept slashing at them and deflecting shots until a large man came through. Rage:Vile! Your supposed to be in there! Vile:Ha Ha Ha! Your foolish friends are running into a trap! I have guards swarming in there and your friends are running right into them. Ads for you, ill take care of you. Rage:Oh yea! Take care of this! Rage jumped and attempted to slash Vile but he moved out of the way with ease. They fought and fought but it was a losing battle. So rage decided to do what he could to help He threw his sword and used his high sppeds to run behind a rock while vile dodged it. Rage:Zero come in! come in! You are heading into a trap! Stop now! Vile is out here and-UGHH! Rage had been stabbed with his own sword and the radio was flung a few yards away. Zero:Rage1 Rage! Come in. Rage:......(static) Vile:Ha! Fool. killed by your own weapon. Vile begin walking away but then rage started moving. He charged his buster all the way. And fired it right at viles head. Vile turned around just in time to see the blat hitting his face.His head blew clean off. Rage walked over but when he looked he fell over in shock. It was just a robot! A fake vile set up as a trap! Rage:I cant beleive i fell for that! But that was just a fake and it was so strong. Oh! the radio! He walked over and picked it up. Rage:Zero! Zero can you here me? He heard gunshots and yelling as a reply. Finally zero answered. Zero:Rage *static* Rage are you alright. *static* Rage:Yea im fine. the vile out here was a fake. I think we're in big trouble. Are you all right. Zero:*static* yea, you were right about the trap, they jumped out right after your message. *static* We're going to be able to beat them though. we've taken care of-BOOOOOOOOM!!! Rage:zero! Zero!What was that zero respond! Zero:.....(static)
Gaming I think i've found a real BUSTER SWORD!
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Kain's topic in Noosphere
That looks cool and it kinda looks like ity. I cant really tell. -
Actually, you don't need two to get to duelist kingdom, just one. But youll be at a disadvantage
Sign Up MegaMan Battle Network:Gospel's Return
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Theater
Magnatman is actually a villain but you can use him any way. Ok, the letters are so you can use chips at the same time. In the game you get in random battles and a screen pops up that gives you five chips that you can use. if you have two of the same chip or two chips with the same letter, you can pick both to use in that round. Normally you have a total of 30 chips in your folder but that would get confusing so i say pick ten. Also, dont pick a bunch of totally huge strong chips yet. start out with low attack chips. Like, nothing above 50 exept navi chips right now. The licenses tell you where you can go on the net. the net is dividided into 4 parts, electopia(that's lans hometown),Yumland,Neotopia,and kotobuki. Kotobuki and electopia you canenter by yourself but to get into yum land you need an A license. To get into neotopia you need the onba code. you get that later. the licenses go Z, B, A, S, SS, SSS. Hope i answered all your questions. More will be explained when the rpg starts. -
THIS MAY LOOK CONFUSING BUT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND AFTER A WHILE. DONT KNOCK THIS RPG JUST CUZIT LOOKS CONFUSING PLEASE :) Ok, this is my absolute FIRST self made rpg so bear withme please. Background:(people that played battle network can skip this) The story of battle network stars a boy nmed lan and his little robotic pet, megaman. Megaman is lans twin brother like reborn into cyberworld. Lan lives in a world that iscompletely reliant on the net. The lives, government, police, even the weather is all controlled by the internet. But instead of keyboards and mouses, people use pets which are kinda like gameboys. You hook into the internet (or jack in, as they call it) and use your pet to walk around the net. There is a little robotic like person, or navi, that walks around.But where theres internet, there are virus's. On this new net, virus's are monsters and evil navis. They can mess up the world by messing with the net. Your job is to stop them. For background story, lans first adventure was against the evil net crime gang, WWW(world three). He saved the world with his navi, megaman. His second adventure was against the net mafia, gospel. These peple nearly destroyed the world by freezing the weather programs. Lan defeatwed them and their supernavi bass with great personal danger. Storyline:Ok, now for the main part. It is five years later and weird things have been happening on the net. There are rumors that gospel is regaining power and people say they have sighted gospel navis around. It is up to lan and his friends to save the world. Now for the fun part. heres how you sign up Namwe:(you can be chaud the great netbattler,Mayl lans female friend,Dex who is lans best friend, yai the short little girl with attitude, or someone you make up,I'll be Lan) Navi:(Chaud's navi is protomaan a great warrior who fight's with swords.Mayl's is Roll who is strong and heal a lot she uses some spinny thing on her head,Dex's is gutsman who uses raw strength and brute force he uses fists but is real strong,ummm..sorry but i cant recall yai's navi you dont see him much he flies and punches he is fast. Mine is obviously megaman) weapon:(be reasonable if you make your own mine is a buster) Chip's:I'm not going to list them all, if youve played, pick 10 chips but if you havnt just copy mine or someone elses.(be reasonablr. no bass chips and stufflike that.) Cannon A,B, and C. Roll V1 R,Shockwave R,Lil Bomb O, Gutsman V1 G, Crossgun V, V gun V and Recov 50 R. I'll explain the chips below. Group:city netbattlers or none. only chaud and lan arew netbatttlers at the moment. License:We will all start with a z license exept chaud who has an A license. Chips explained:there are navi chips, attack chips, and recoery chips. Navi chips are when you call a friendly navi to help you attack. Megaman cant be calle, yais navi cant be called and protoman can be called when you increase your skills. everyone can have gutsman v1 which does 50 damage, and roll v1 which does 60. Attack chips are usually projectiles that do damage. Recov chips regain your health. People who select chips from the game must tell the damage. My chips~Lil bomb=50,recov 50=duh!50hp,cross gun/v gun=30,cannons=40. Theletters are what you can pick together. If two fifferent chipss have the same letter, you can use them in the same round. If you get three cchips straight (ex.cannon a,b,c.) you get a program advance in which the attack does triple damage. if any more questions come up, ill answer them.
It never shoiws what happens to them does it?They beat hansako(or whatever his nme is)Kiss, and the series ends (i think) Ps>Why did they have to banish outlaw star to a 1:30 show on saturday???!!! I love that show and i think it should replace batman in toonami! Or they should have it on midnight run! i WANT TO SEE OUTLAW STAR! WAHHHHHHH! :(:(:(
Sign Up The Legend of Zelda: Gannon's Return
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
Um, id start it but im not that good at starting rpg's. Could someone please start it? -
Anime Cowboy Bebop: "The Real Fan Club"
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Zayle's topic in Otaku Central
Im kinda late but id like to join! 1.Gohan Enraged 2.Spike 3.The Real Folk Blues 4.The real folk blues pt.2 -
Sign Up The Legend of Zelda: Gannon's Return
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Omega Tenpus's topic in Theater
(Geez...this is gonna be hard to remember) Namwe:Jake Fairy's namne:Navi(Navy's great grandson) Gender:Male Race:Kokiri height:4ft weight:50 lbs Hair: Dark Brown Eyes:Green Clothes:Kokiri Tunic with Kokiri hat(you know, the normal kokiri stuff) Mental:Just a fun loving little kid that loves fighting. -
(Sorry i took so long! My computer's been messed up.I tried to post a couple days ago but thn my comp crashed!) Rage:Rage reporting in Zero:Where have you been? Rage:I was attacked but that's not important. Sting Chameleon is mine! Rage takes off and soon reaches the chameleons lairHe dodges small guards and spikes and soon reaches the maverick. Rage:Get out here sting! Sting Chameleon:You are mine fool! Three spikes fire at zero, he dodges two but one pierces his arm. Rage:Arrrgh! Then rage runs past chameleon, jumps into the air, and fires three shots directly into chameleons face. Rage charges his buste, preparing to finish him,when sting camaflouges himself. Rage hops up and begins fighting. Rage:Bring it on ya stupid lizard Sting Chameleon:your dead! Rage dodges as sting sends out waves of spikes. Rage shoots him once3 with his buster and tries to shoot again when a spike hits him in the chest. It barely pierces his armor but hs still hurt. Rage:AHHHH!THAT"S IT!! TASTE MY RAGE!!!!!! Then Rage fires at sting, keeping him in place for a few seconds. He unsheathes his sword then charges, jumps, and does a spinning slice, cutting off stings head. Little voice:You Got chameleon sting! Rage:Zero, this is rage reporting. Zero:Rage! What happened? Rage:Sting Chameleon is gone. Zero:What condition are you in Rage:I'm mostly fine but ther is a large teart in my left arm and my armor is broken on my chest. Zero:Good Job Rage!
I know two of them but there might be others. The ones with gold cartridges are ocarina of time and majoras mask. Ocarina only the first few were gold but all the majoras masks were gold.
Gaming THE final fantasy
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Noosphere
The first one i played was FFV when my brother came to visit and he brought his ps1. I loved FFV but i like seven better. I like them all i dont really care which is my fav. -
Gaming THE final fantasy
Dante the Demon Slayer replied to Dante the Demon Slayer's topic in Noosphere
I didnt want it in the first place but now i find out you'll have to pay for it over and over? Now im definately not getting it!