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Dante the Demon Slayer

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Everything posted by Dante the Demon Slayer

  1. So when do you think we will have a last final fantasy. I hope it goes on for a long time but it will stop eventually. In other words, When will be the FINAL final fantasy?
  2. [SIZE=4]SPOILER ALERT! DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE STORY YOURSELF!![/SIZE] Okay. Yu Yevon is the one that controls sin. He is like sins soul or something. Braskas final aeon/Jecht IS sin. Thge story goes that after the final aeon is called and destroys sin, it kills its sommoner and then yu yevon takes control of it and makes the aeon sin.[B
  3. Sorry i took so long to post. Been real busy. Jake:Great now i gotta get some nasty bloddy piece of meat. We can do that last ri.. ?????:AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Jake+Athen:What was that? They see a large man w/ a knife dragging a woman into an alley. Jake: stop right there! Athen:Hold it! They chase after him so he drops the girl and runs off. Jake: Athen you watch her and Ill get the guy. Jake takes off after the man. Athen: Are you all right ?????:yes, im fine Athen:You look familiar, Hey! you're that Shana girl from before. Shana:You're that man that was with Kain! Is he here? Athen:yea! he's in the hospital Shana: THE HOSPITAL! OH NO! She takes off towards it and Athen is left confused. Athen: Oh, well. Im gonna go help Jake. Jake: Get back here coward. The man throws a stick and trips jake. Athen comes around the corner a few seconds later. Athen: Jake, you all right? Jake: Im fine but he got away. Wait! Jake whistles and his dog comes over Jake: Can you find the man for us boy? He barks and runs into a nearby building. They follow but as they walk in a large group of men run at them. Jake and Athen are able to hold them off but thy wont stop coming Athen: We cant hold them back much longer! Then a big man swings at jake but bandit bites his leg. The man slashes and bandit and put a gash in his side. Jake: BANDIT! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Jake begans fighting ferociusly and begans to glow a deep blue Jake:ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! He sprouts wings and transforms into the water dragoon. Jake: Athen, get bandit out of here now! Athen and bandit run out and Jake starts getting ready Jake:AHHHHHHHHHHH!! WATERFALL!!!! He starts shooting high pressure beams of water everywhere, floodong the building and killing the men. When the water drained he fell down and fainted. Athe:JAAAKKE!
  4. Damn, You are one twisted person! Jake pulls out the twin hydra and begans slashing at the thieves, beheading many. Bandit throws o acouple to the ground and rips out their throats. Jake:These guys are crappy fighters. Kain:ARRRGGHH He charges at them with his sword out and slashes his way through. Jake: Shiro! Get up and fight! Shiro is hiding in the corner. Shiro: I dont want to! Jake:GET UP NOW OR I WILL HAVE BANDIT TEAR YOU"RE ARM OFF! Shiro:Alright I'm getting up. Shiro runs around with his sword and takes out a few thieves. Athens is happily slicing his way through a group of themk. Athen: This is easy. Then a huge man comes out. He is at least 7 feet tall and as big as a sumo wrestler. He picks up two large axes and begans swinging them around. Kain ducks and the man hits 5 of his own people. He swings aqain and kain rolls just as the axe puts a huge hole in the ground. Shiro dives into a dark corner Shiro: Oh S**t
  5. Name:Jake W Codename:venom Age:27 Height:6'1 organization: Death Orbit (A three man team.) Location:Shadow Moses Weapon:M9 Bio:Part of the three man team consisting of his brother and best friend. He is the only member of death orbit on this mission. Description: Brown spiky hair, White skin, Black shirt w/ leather jacket. Black jeans w/ belt that can keep up to 5 guns of any size and 3 knives of any size. Experienced sword fighter. prefers swords or hand to hand combat over shootouts. Has great aim though. Personality:Quick tempered. Gets pissed easily. Doesn't talk much at first but won't shutup when he gets to know someons. Goes crazy when friends are hurt.
  6. Jake:Hang on a sec. Jake pulls out the twin hydra and smashes it against the wall. Nothing happens. Jake: Well, it was worth a try. Rena:Let me try Jake:Alright, we will both hit at the same time on the count of 3. 1...2...3! They both hit it and a small crack is made. Jake:Alright, all of us at once. You too shiro get over here! OK 1..2..3! they make a hole big enough for all of them to crawl through. Jake:HA! Too easy. ????:FREEZE They turn around to find the entire band of thieves with swords and bows facing them. Jake:Well, almost too easy.
  7. Athen:WHAT THE HECK DID YOU JUST DO????!!!!:eek: :eek: Jake:So, you can become a dragoon. I guess the legends are true. I have heard og them before. This is the the first time Ive seen it happen. Shiro:Whats a dragoon? Jake: What he just was. GHow did you do that kain?
  8. Sorry, i was at my moms and she has no internet. OK, i hope i do this right. 1-regular gun 2-------- 3-head 4-Cyber chimp attacks sydney with regular gun
  9. First of all, my name is GOHAN enraged, not goku. And second, you go first cuz im not sure what to do. Im new at this.
  10. The thieves come closer and closer. Athens has his sword ready. Athens: Thats it, just a bit closer. Athens jumps out and slashes at the thieves. He behaeds one and guts another. When he is finished, he sheathes his blade and beginss to move when he hears a noise behind him. Thief:Freeze! Athens turns around to find a thief pointing a bow at him. As the thief is about to shoot, he is bit in the leg by bandit thief:AHH! He turns around to have his head sliced off. Blood sprays all over athens. Jake:sorry Athens:I didn't need help. I would have gotten him Jake: Oh well.Come on bandit. They walk ahead and athens follows close behind. Suddenly a thief jumps out and trips Jake. Jake pulls out the twin hydra but there is already a sword through the thiefs face. Athens:Now we're even. Jake:Thanks
  11. It suddenly begins to rain. The four of them hear fotsteps. Kain:Who's there?! Show youself! The footsteps come closer and closer. They hear a dog barking. Then a man steps out from behind a large rock. A dog close behing him. Jake:Who are you? Why are you here? Kain:I am Kain. That is Rena, Athens, and Zylik. Who are you? Jake: I am Jake. This is my dog, bandit. What are you doing here? Kain: We are on a journey to find some thieves that burned our village. Jake: I am also looking for an enemy. Would you mind if I joined you? Kain:Not at all. Do you have a weapon to defend your self? Jake: Don't worry (pulls out twin hydra) I've got this. My dog is also trained to fight. I wiull be fine. Kain:Ok then. You can come.
  12. Name:Jake W Robobos name:cyberchimp Robobo description:A Black steel monkey that uses it's tail to fire it's weapon Defense:10 Agility:10 Accuracy:10 Offense:10 Current Weapon:Regular gun Current other items:none Current Money:$200
  13. Ok, I'm sure there's probably ten million posts asking this, but does anyone know when cn will have new dbz? It's so stupid to stop right in the middle of the battling. I've already seen the next episode in Japanese, but still! They are so far ahead in Japanese. Goku is SS3 in it! Just tell me if you hear anything. DBZ is gettin boring. I styill like it though
  14. Marvel Superhero:Wolverine Real Name:Logan Bio:A quick tempered man with a skeleton of admantium and claws coming out of his hands
  15. A strange man dressed all in black is destroying cities all over the place. My home was just destroyed along with my son. I am now searching for it and looking for companions. Sign up like this: Name:Goja Gender:male Age:20 Appearance:Tall, Blue pants, Black shirt, Black belt, Black shoes, Dark brown spiky hair Trained by: My father who died while defending me as a child. Power level: 30,200,047 (Be reasonable! No more than 35,000,000 for now!) Race:Half Saiyan Major Attacks: (no more than 5, for now!) Miracle beam, Omega cannon, and Particle beam (finishing move) Bio: Trained by my father, I grew up knowing only marshal arts. My father was killed when I was a child by a sorcerer. I got revenge 2 years later. Now I am just seeking adventure
  16. Name:Jake W. Age:17 Appearence:Blue pants, Black leather shirt,Dark blue armor, Spiked dark brown hair. Bio:Town destroyed by black monster. Parents killed and brother kidnapped. Best friend slaughtered before eyes. Been training for three years. Hellbent on revenge. Goes completely crazy when friends are hurt. Now travelling, looking for the black monster with his pet dog. Dragoon:Blue Magic:Aqua breath, Waterfall, Rapids Weapon:Twin Hydra. ( two swords fused. Made of mythril. Light but very strong) (Also uses dog to attack)
  17. Jake: So, who are all of you?(everyone introduces themselves.) Jake:Glad to meet you. Man it feels good to be safe for a few minutes. Samonosuke: Don't get used to it. Leon: Yea, we're still in danger. Don't let your guard down. Jake: (Pulls out shotgun) I won't. Count on it.
  18. Jake W. Occupation:Undercover agent Description: Hellbent on revenge for his brother's death. Chance of infection:11%
  19. Anyone who needs help w/ FF8 cards or whatever, go here [url]http://guides.ign.com/guides/3847/index.html[/url]
  20. I rented it and it's tight! You should definately try it out. it's really easy though. I got halfway through in a day. Tahts a downside for me cuz i like really hard games
  21. I also noticed that none have last names a while ago. but when i thought about it, I diddnt care! Who cares! unless theres 2 people with the same name and you need there last name to tell them apart, no one cares about it. Piccollo doesnt walk around calling gohan "gohan son". So who cares?
  22. How do u always make it into the shadows? He broke ur neck, i hit u with a kamehameha, and u dissapear. Well, lets try this one more time. SOLAR FLARE! I lit up everything aned the shadows r gone. Nows my chance :devil: Masenko.....HA![IMG]http://www.kamehamehae.f2s.com/images/gohan/goh33.jpg[/IMG]
  23. I wake up light headed and dizzy. I see MP and Dark fiting. i dont want to inter fere but..... I fly over and appear on the side of dart. Kaaaaaaa Meeeee Haaaaaa Meeeeeee HA!:flaming: [IMG]http://www.kamehamehae.f2s.com/images/gohan/goh23.jpg[/IMG]
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