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Everything posted by Kuririn

  1. I personally feel that Dragonball Z is better. I am not exactly sure why, but it has a better hold on me. I don't really watch DB on Toonami, I used to read a bit of the manga but that is all in the past. The last good fight I read was Jackie Chun (Muten Roshie) vs. Goku. :p I did however see the episode after they fought, I'm pretty sure they will re-show it. I'll be sure to catch next time. ;)
  2. While it seems like a good idea, it just takes away from the overall feel of the movie. It worked pretty good in the Bardock special, but since then adding American music just sounded bad. :p I suppose that is what happens when America gets hold of something, they [b]have[/b] to [i]Americanize[/i] it. ;)
  3. This game looks [b]pimp![/b] It has some of the sweetest graphics around. Thanks alot for the site Jinzouningen17. I found lots of helpful information there. But, as you can see the screens are amazing! Look at the lighting on Jax's chest! That is total sweetness.
  4. I saw both of them subbed a while back. I didn't really like the one with Metal Koola, it seemed boring to me. But the first one was awesome, I love Koola's defense squad. Sauza is the best character in the movie, I love his little beam thing. :)
  5. If I can remember correctly it was Robotech that got me interested in anime. That show ruled. I watched back when it was on Toonami a few years ago. It is one of the best anime I have seen to date. I remember wondering what would happen next. Oh it was great. But, Dragonball Z definatley made me crazy about it though. All the action and exitment. It's still a great show.
  6. Well, GT wasn't my favorite of all the Dragonball series it was in no way a mockery of Akira's work. GT was a great addition to the Dragonball universe and as Gokents said, Akira liked GT enough to let production go on. ^-^ The end of GT was great and with the 500 or so episodes throughout all 3 of the DB series I don't think it went to fast. ;)
  7. My favorite moment of he newer series of Dragonball Z would have to be when Goten and Chibi Trunks misplaced one of their fingers and they fused incorrectly. It was funny to see them running around all fat, and then all thin. It was hilarious.
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