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Everything posted by Shinken
1) Well, the first anime I ever saw was Dragonball Z, back in the day when they played it on UPN in the mornings. 2) Yes, because I've definitely developed a 'lemon-sense'. Also, the mediocre anime, which I used to think were the best of all, seem, well, mediocre. ^^ 3) I'm not sure if I would, because I wouldn't have the experience to be able to discern the good from the wholly mediocre (or just plain crap). Wow this is random.
I've seen the commercials for this show, and I have to say I'm not all that impressed. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Stephen King. My problem with the series is that I don't believe that a long-running show can keep an air of terror, or any other emotion affiliated with SK. Then again, i could just be a very pessimistic person. ^^x
[quote name='Boba Fett][color=green']What are you talking about? This pilot didn't curse at anyone.[/color][/quote] Perhaps he did not exactly 'curse' at the people, but he did berate them for their religious beliefs, which is the main cause for concern. If he started simply swearing at them, he might just have Tourrets. (sp?) However, he started on a zealous rant about his religion, and berated others. That's just... [i]wrong[/i].
Well, judging from the current trend of anime fans popping up all over the world, I'm guessing that anime is going to go places. As for where I'm from (the US), anime still hasn't quite wedged its way in. People still look at it as 'animated', and they don't see anything more. They ignore the story, great characters, and the related music. For most people, at least in my area, it's just something for kids. Which really sucks. :cussing: I'm just curious: Could the same be said for anime in Japan? Or is it more... socially accepted, so to say? Does everyone think that it's 'just for kids'? Should I stop asking questions now and let you guys reply? :D
[quote name='Lady Asphyxia][font=Verdana][size=1][color=black]Great poem. Wonderful sense of rhyme and rhythm; it flows magnificently. As Thaylien has said -- this is really a quality poem. It's very well rounded, and probably one of the best I've seen. It actually reminds me of Robert Frost's [u]The Road Less Travelled[/u]. The only comment I'd could make would be that the rhyming words are very simple. If it were an abab format, it'd probably seem trite, but because it's aaaa, bbbb format, it seems fine. [/color][/size'][/font][/quote] [quote name='Thaylien'] All I can say is if you submit that level of poetry to the right places, you'll go a long way. [/quote] ...^///^ I didn't think it was [i]that[/i] good... Thanks, guys. Now my ego has inflated by.... 25%! You can expect some hate mail from my friends now. :D
I'd have to agree with you on that one. That is definitely not normal. However, to bring up an interesting age-old question: What if they're the sane ones, and everyone else is insane? *mwahaha.mp3*
[i]EDIT: I have decided to try and turn this thread into a compilation of whatever poetry I may write while on OB. I'm still hoping for a lot of feedback so that I may improve.[/i] [COLOR=DarkRed][i]I find myself wandering, along parallel ways. A firm resolution guards all of my days. Glittering through the trees, the sun's bright rays Are lighting the path of my wandering ways. As week turns to month, and month into year, Resolve's steady hands keep a clean sword near. Through bandits and brothels, with caution I steer Ahead lies the Way's end, my options are clear. Many "Truths" have been spoken, and many tales spun. All cause me to wonder, which Way is the one? All choosing for naught, the rays of the sun Are still lighting my path; a new wandering begun.[/i][/COLOR] Opinions, anyone?
Speaking of their popularity, the Zatoichi movies were even used in the production of the Marvel superhero movie [i]Daredevil[/i]. Seeing as how both Zatoichi and Matt Murdock are blind, the director had Ben Affleck watch them so he could see how to act blind. Use that little tidbit the next time you're playing Trivial Pursuit.
As everybody knows, I'm a huge samurai fan. So, I've obviously seen the Zatoichi movies. For those of you who don't know what I'm ranting about, they revolved around a wandering swordsman named Ichi. To get by, he's a masseusse/gambler, and he's also extremely well-trained in the use of a katana. But there's a catch: He's completely BLIND. ^^x So of course, he's capable of seemingly super-human sword tricks. My question is this: Has anyone else seen them? I'd like to discuss them, so I can refresh my memory for the upcoming remake ( [url]http://www.miramax.com/zatoichi/index.html[/url] ). Yes, that's right, they're doing a remake. With much better fight scenes, nonetheless. I saw a certain fight scene on NHK, and let me put it this way: [b]Look at the visceral juices fly![/b] I hope I'm not the only one who's seen these. Then again, I'm used to being in the minority! (50-50!) ^^x
Personally, I'm against the whole 'spread-the-faith' thing, because 1) It's their choice to worship whatever they want, and 2) Who says we're right in doing so? That's just my opinion, and I'm a Christian. I have no problem with discussing it, but telling them that it's the one and only way, etc... It rubs me the wrong way.
Gay Marriage, PLease, let's be mature
Shinken replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I wholeheartedly concur with Arcadia. I don't believe that, just because a person is gay, they shouldn't be able to marry. After all, they love their partner just as much as a heterosexual does theirs when they're at the altar, and yet they too end up with a divorce on their hands. So, how exactly does sexual orientation come into the equation? I believe that it would be hypocritical to allow heterosexuals the right to marry, and to deny (and even "constitutionally illegalize" -and I use that term lightly) the right of gays to marry. It's no better than what was done to try and illegalize the voting rights of slaves or women earlier in US history. As far as the Church's arguments against it... Don't get me started. -
In my annoyingly humble opinion, I prefer the battle system from FFX, just like Darkness does. It gives one plenty of time to strategize (read: Study the game guide!). I personally like the FF7 overdrive system most of all, as it's simple and to-the-point.
Again, I'm not quite sure I'd agree with you on the fact that destruction is our purpose. (God, I love debate!) Yes, I will admit that as a species, we've done more damage to the environment than any force known so far. But it's a side effect. We create large businesses, which pump out toxins. But, we had no idea in the beginning that those toxins would have such a large effect on the environment. Like CFCs. We were using those to protect our plants from parasitic organisms, which was a desired effect. Unfortunately, what happened was that the CFCs went on to harm entire generations of birds-an undesired effect. We've been working to solve that problem ever since. Also, we've been trying to fix the damage we've done as of late. As far as "tainting that which is pure", I'd just have to say that nothing is "pure". Everything has a good side to its existence, and a bad side (speaking both physically and otherwise). Yin and Yang ring a bell?
Well, it's official. OtakuBoards has become the greatest forum in history! I remember when I found theOtaku. It was waaaaay back in the day. The reason was simple: I was looking for DBZ images. So, I found the DBZ Image Gallery, and then I just went on from there. Soon I was part of the forums, and then myOtaku came along. I think I joined around v4, maybe. I can't remember. It's amazing how far this has gone. I hope it keeps going for a long time, because this place rocks! Sincerely, an OB Fanboy ^^x
I'd have to disagree with you there, Darius. If we're here only to destroy things, then why do we have other, more positive aspects of existence? I don't think that a being meant purely for destruction would have the emotional complexity to, for example, enjoy a sunset, have friends, etc. To say that human beings are meant purely for destruction kinda reminds me of the Saiyans from DBZ, except we don't have tails. Or super-destructive (and thus, cool) [i]ki[/i]-related abilities. ^^x
Ah, the Nokia N-Gage. The first attempt to bring [i]recognized[/i] games to cell phones. As we all know, it failed miserably and is now regarded with the same amount of respect as a guy talking about his pet rock collection. But the problem doesn't come from the games themselves, it's mostly because the N-Gage is a poorly built piece of... stuff. Let's just look at it's shape, first and foremost. Anyone who's seen these things in action knows that whay I'm about to say is the 100% undeniable truth: Answering an N-Gage is like talking into a taco. It's clumsy, easy to drop, and it also shares one other aspect with tacos: everything about it is crammed into one small package, and no matter how you try, it just falls apart. I don't really [i]own[/i] an N-Gage, but I have seen them, and I know that the buttons are pretty close together. It's my personal opinion that the person who came up with the final design of this thing should be dragged out into the street and shot. The buttons are clustered together, which doesn't help you when you're trying to clear that patented [b]Bottomless Pit O' DEEEWM[/b] on Tomb Raider. As for the idea itself (gaming and cellphones combined), it is possible, probable, and it could be done in a much easier fashion. Just one thing: Next time, don't leave it up to Nokia. :devil:
I'm not that much of a James Bond fan myself, but I'd have to say that the Multiplayer isn't too shabby at all. Especially playing as Nick-Nack. Can you say advantage? :D As for the controls, I hope everyone here realizes that you can change the control schemes in-game to the GoldenEye schematic, which is also my favorite. I don't really like the game that much, but I'm looking forward to the next Bond incarnation [i]Everything or Nothing.[/i] The reason being that Jaws makes a comeback. OH YES.
As far as simply sending and receiving messages through brainpower, let's just look at Metal Gear Solid 2. Nanomachines are the answer, in my opinion. Of course, there are many complications, but who am I to stand in the way of progress? ^^x As for telepathy, I think it's possible. The human mind is a powerful thing, and we don't use as much of our brains as we would like to think.
Wow. The last time I saw this many scattered black patches was the last time I tried to cook! :D Anyways, Angel is one of the better shows out there nowadays, especially when compared to the new wave of reality TV shows, such as the Apprentice. (OMFG Donald Trump- what are you THINKING!?) *ahem* Anyways, Angel has one of the best plotlines on TV. It's new, funny, with a whole lot of plot twists, as others have mentioned. Also, I think the cast is spot-on. The only problem I have is, like Sciros, the fight scenes. One can only go so far on wire-fu alone. Or so says my 400-year-old-monk master. ^^x (It's Tuesday: I'm wired.)
I'd have to disagree with you there, AzureWolf. If gays want marriage rights, I don't see how they're 'somehow greater', nor does it really influence your life if they're simply requesting the same rights that we straight people have.
I would have to disagree with the Pope's infallibility in general, because it means that he could say something completely out-of-the-blue, crazy, etc. and one would be 'forced' to agree and comply. To get to the topic at hand, I'd have to say that Massachusetts has taken a step in the right direction, as far as the rights of the people are concernerd. If people want to marry someone of the same gender, then let them. I find President Bush's opinion on this matter somewhat disturbing (and extremely disappointing). The man finds gay marriage 'wrong', and thinks it shouldn't be legal. He's repeatedly stated his dislike on the subject, as if his word is final, absolute, and infallible. Bush just sounds like he believes he knows exactly what everyone wants. Whereas a lot of people think that gay marriage should be legal. I mean, it's there choice, not Bush's. Like I said, Mass. made a good choice for people's rights. I'm not gay, but that doesn't mean I don't think I should have any more rights than gays. (Oh, and in other news... Lieberman dropped out of the election race! This is [b]good news[/b] for the gaming population of America. )
Well, when I was a kid, I got chickenpox like everybody else does. And now, there's an extremely awkward dot-scar that sits on the base of my thumb. But that's nothing compared to my brother's scar. Now, it's not that big of a scar. But how he got it is.... [i]interesting[/i]. My brother was in either second or third grade, and he was jumping around the playground as usual. So, he jumps off the slide and, much to his chagrin, ends up [b]jamming his tooth into his knee[/b]. Apparently, he didn't notice until someone told him, but his knee was bleeding tremendously. So, lucky kid, he gets to go home early. On the last day of school. :bawl: Unfair. But I digress, there's a scar there now. And the aformentioned tooth was pretty loose, too.
PETA has reached a new low. I thought that this was bad enough ( [url]http://www.noyuo.com/images/lardsmall.jpg[/url] ), but I guess I was wrong. However, I have just implemented a plan that will change the tide, and hopefully defeat PETA. I call my plan PITA: People Ingesting Tasty Animals. :rotflmao: In all seriousness, these people are just plain weird. How can you condone cannibalism, and shun eating chicken wings? It just doesn't make sense. Much like the aforementioned billboard. (By the billboard's logic, Jesus is in hell because he ate fish!)
It's a midi, not an mp3. You can't get sued for a midi. It's not even the original song, just a rehash without lyrics. It'd probably get thrown out of court, if it could even go that far. But anyways, I'd have to agree with Cloricus. You can probably find it on WinMX. (Who copyrights a midi file? :rolleyes: )