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Everything posted by Shinken

  1. Wow. I knew that Saddam was, well, Sadistic, but I had no idea that he was [b]that[/b] extreme. It's a shame that more people don't see these kinds of numbers, because it might wake them up to the fact that Saddam has done much more damage than we ever could. Unfortunately, the only numbers we see on the news are the American and allied casualties, a growing list which will likely become even longer. According to [url]http://www.navyseals.com/community/articles/article.cfm?id=1817[/url] , our President sees little reason to send in more troops to the Gulf; I think this is a [i]grievous[/i] error in judgement. As I've said before, more troops means more eyes in the sky/ground/watchtower, which will add more security and lower the likeliness of soldiers being killed by car bombs, RPGs, etc. I would like to know what others think; should we send more troops to Iraq, do we have enough, or should we pull out altogether and let the Iraqi government (or what's left of it) deal with the problem themselves?
  2. QUOTE: Well, you must admit, that there was a hell of a lot more peace in Iraq before they got invaded... ____________________________________________________ I'd have to disagree with that statement, because Saddam constantly tortured his people for information, or if he suspected them of treason (which in his country, sneezing in his presence might qualify). This tyrant even tested his weapons on his own people!
  3. My only problem with the whole campaign was how Bush handled it after he had dropped the bombs. It's like giving a kid a car without telling him what's what- a bad idea. Also, he seems to be ignoring the fact that, sure Saddam's been ousted from his throne, but there's still danger to the troops we have there. The death toll in Iraq has passed one hundred, with most of them occuring after Iraq's liberation. Some people may think that we've already got too many soldiers in Iraq, but I say that we need more. The reason is simple; the more people you have in a group, the more eyes/ears/trigger fingers you have protecting you from, oh, say, a car bomb. While there may be more people that might potentially be killed, there is a smaller chance of that happening (or at least a decreased amount of soldiers killed per attack) with more soldiers on the watch.
  4. Around noon Saturday, I found myself surfing the channels with nothing special on the air. Eventually, I came across C-SPAN (you know, the channel only Dick Cheney watches). "And what to my wondering eyes did appear?" 'Twas some pot-smoking hippies with a message quite queer. Apparently, a bunch of people had gotten Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King v3.0 together, along with some fat chick who, for some reason, needed a microphone in hand to sing IN FRONT OF ANOTHER MICROPHONE!!! The fifteen minutes I managed to catch made me laugh uncontrollably. There was a group of women in their sixties dubbed 'The Raging Grannies', singing "Bush and Cheneeeeeeey, are evil right down to their toes...", thus leading me to this one eternal question; "WHAT THE ****?" The things that the protestors said were, for the most part, ridiculous. There was a ten minute period, during which some scrawny, nerdy white guy stood in front of the podium chanting (and I quote): "No to empire! Yes to peace!" And this makes me laugh, because he's using that chant in the completely wrong context. This guy apparently feels that the United States is an invading empire, destroying peace in Iraq. However, he's got this whole war flipped around. Saddam had already turned Iraq into an empire which made peace impossible, and WE were the ones who went in there and got the S.O.B. out. So, I am confused. How does liberating a country from a tyrant with a mustache deem US the empire? I'll tell you- it doesn't. ...Opinions?
  5. Well, I've got my own message boards, and I needed a logo. So, I made one! (Cause and effect, people). I just want some opinions before I post this (ps: The b/g for the boards is grey, thus the blandness. ProBoards doesn't offer much in the way of graphics)
  6. Uh... I managed to wake up this morning? The only thing I've done that's amazing is that I've managed to go through the same surgery twice, only to have a third scheduled for November, and NOT get pissed off about it. I actually don't care. You'd think I was a Buddhist or something. ;)
  7. Yeah, Advent Children's got me pretty psyched. I saw the preview on TechTV's X-Play, and my heart almost leapt outta my chest. It looks like Square Enix's come a long way from "Spirits Within" and "Final Flight of the Osiris" . Plus, they play the Sephiroth song during the fight scene. :D
  8. I love skateboarding. This is a cool fanfic. Write some more. ;) (If this seems rushed, it's because I'll probably get kicked offline AGAIN :devil: )
  9. [COLOR=orange]The filtere[/COLOR][COLOR=orangered]d golden rays [/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]On th[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]e crys[/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]tal-cle[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]ar wa[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]ters;[/COLOR] [COLOR=limegreen]A pe[/COLOR][COLOR=green]aceful m[/COLOR][COLOR=limegreen]orning...[/COLOR]
  10. In my area, anime isn't too popular. Save the occasional exception like myself, anime is considered 'geeky'. (LIES! All LIES!) I think that the reason is that here in the US, most people find anything animated 'childish'. Actually, it [I]really[/I] isn't popular. For example, I was buying DBZ: Ultimate Battle 22 for PS1, and I told the Entertainment Clerk what I wanted, and he looks at me and goes, "Are you sure?", gets me the game, and then gives me a look like I'm retarded! It's frustrating being in the anime-liking minority. (But it's worth it!:))
  11. Has anyone else here seen Boogie Pop Phantom? I saw it on TechTV's "ANIME UNLEASHED", and all I can say is that BPP is meta-mindf*** to the infinite degree. (Which means I like it.) The animation is crisp and clear, and (no small miracle for a dubbed anime) the voice acting is endurable! :eek: And the dialogue isn't too shabby either. Unfortunately, I caught it about... well, early in the series [I]SPOILER[/I] (The ep where the girl slit her wrists :eek: ) All I have to say about this anime is WHOA. :drunk: ...overload...
  12. I agree that they'll probably ruin the whole thing, but I'd only watch the first few eps as I'm not too familiar with the beginning of Shaman King (started reading SJ w/issue 5 >_< ). And I bet you ten bucks they'll make Yoh sound like a girl. *shudder* (WARNING: [I]NOT[/I] a literal bet.)
  13. Well, I wanna try and go for the graphic artist/writer angle. I hope, anyways. (Wouldn't it be cool to get in the hallowed pages of Shonen Jump?:cross: )
  14. Shinken


    Well, this sounds pretty interesting, so I might as well... [I] [COLOR=crimson]Name:[/COLOR] Jiiro Kintsuyama [COLOR=crimson]Age:[/COLOR] 28 yrs. old [COLOR=crimson]Height/Weight:[/COLOR] 6ft 4in. ; 200 lbs. [COLOR=crimson]Description:[/COLOR] Jiiro Kintsuyama is a tall, very muscular man with long, shiny black hair which falls halfway down his back. He sports a small scar on the left side of his neck. He wears a black Kimono with red trim. [COLOR=crimson]Martial Arts Styles:[/COLOR] Primarily trained in Karate, also familiar with Kenjutsu. [COLOR=crimson]Biography:[/COLOR] The sensei of his own Karate/Kenjutsu combination dojo, Jiiro has lived a relatively easy life. However, his dojo has fallen on bad times and is in need of money. Determined to fund his dojo and carry on his dream, Jiiro has joined the tournament in the hopes of victory. As a Mahayana Buddhist, Jiiro has only the purest motive: to help others through his dojo. [/I] I know you recommended against Kenjutsu, but when you hinted at a weapons match, I got suspicious... :smirk:
  15. Well, what I think here is that honor is a good thing to have, as long as it isn't bragged about. If I'm in a fight, and my opponent's back is turned, I'm not gonna hit him. Even if they would do that to me; I just don't think it's right. "In a real fight, there are no rules. There are no boundaries." -Well, there kind of are rules. What I mean is that people will set up their own rules. For example, I said that I wouldn't hit someone with a turned back; that's a rule, even if it only applies to me. And as for the no boundaries... Gravity counts, right? ;) (Just a joke, had to do it...)
  16. Although I'm not enrolled in a class, I occasionally practice Kendo and Tae Kwon Do, which are the two classes I would like to take (Kendo more than Tae Kwon Do). Like Double_B_Daigo, I prefer Bruce Lee's philosophy; it just makes sense. I would also like to take Karate. But, like I said, Kendo is my first priority. You should see me at my hose; I'm always in the woods practicing with the best sticks I can find. My folks think I lost my mind... :rolleyes:
  17. It means "Believe Sword" or "Sword that Believes". Whaddya think of the poem?
  18. [I] I am to others A stranger compared to what I am to myself; My accomplishments Are all outsiders will see When I meet their glance. One's life, however, Cannot be accurately Measured in such ways. To be more precise, One must find within himself Fortitude and peace. The warrior's way is that of humility; The way of Shinken. [/I] If you know what "Shinken" means, you'll get it...
  19. [I]Stuck at an impass, Unsure of what is to come From sins of my past. My soul divided, I know now what I must do To overcome all.[/I]
  20. Something new; unseen Is coming at me, headstrong. Just what does it mean?
  21. Techno... Well, do you mean Moby-style, or the kind on the Matrix:Reloaded soundtrack? I like some, but not that much (especially not Moby :nope: ). And thanks for the J-band suggestion, SadClown!
  22. One night this summer I woke up at night (obviously), and it was hot in my room. I mean [I]sweltering[/I]. So, I sat there, wondering what the heck was going on; the air conditioner was on high, and I was sleeping without the covers on. I looked around, and here's what the cause was; a lamp. Yes, a lamp at the side of my bed. I had been reading Shonen Jump earlier, and it was about... oh, 2am when I fell asleep, and I left the light on. Now, these are some old lamps, so they generate a lot of heat. I guess I had been asleep for a while, because above the lamp there was that whole hot-sidewalk-on-a-summer-day wavy thing going, so I promptly turned it off and went to sleep. When I woke up again, it was still hot... But that was around noon. :)
  23. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by LostProphet Just Remember: it would take 1.12 million mosquitos biting you at the same time to drain your entire blood supply. Fortunetly, they aren't that coordinated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet...
  24. Yeah, I live near the woods; I got any bug you can think of! There's always these freaky, black little bugs with their butts up in the air all the time, and they seem to congregate upon the deck of my pool... :bawl: Plus, yesterday when mowing the lawn, I made an amazing discovery; a giant black beetle about an inch or two long, and twice as fat as my thumb! It was friggin huge, and it attacked me! I thought it was a scarab, but it wasn't. Weird. And mosquitoes; don't get me started! :devil:
  25. FAMILY GUY! I like the one where he imagines he hulks out. That's a good one.
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