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Everything posted by Shinken
Heart murmur isn't much in most cases; most people will have it their whole life and not know it. Don't stress over it too much.
God that's awesome... I loves that show. It's got good music, I like the art style, and the voices aren't bad either. Only problem I have is that when a person touches another, they don't seem to actually do so... It's like they're close, but no contact. Other than that, I give it a nine out of ten.
The Pokemon obsession was REALLY out of hand at my school. During recess, people would play for keeps. And I don't mean for one card; I mean for the whole collection! It ended up so bad that kids would get in fistfights over a Krabby card (the least valuable one of all)! It was like pimping, too, because kids would pay to borrow good cards to win another kid's deck, then split the cards afterwards... Sad... What's really sad (and a little sickening) is that one kid got his cards confiscated by a teacher, and he was so depressed about it that he hanged himself the next day... It just went to far...
Personally, I think that people are just who they will be. Sure, there are definitely influential factors, but still... People will form their own opinions regardless of society. Again, society will have a large influence, but if someone disagrees with something, then they will, regardless of what others think. I just think that people are who they are forever. I rest my (ill-proved) case.
I, as anyone who even vaguely knows me could guess, vote for samurai. Samurai, samurai, [I]samurai[/I]. Bushido, in my opinion, is an excellent system. However, I don't really like the idea of seppuku that much; If you screw up, then make up for it! But anyways, I don't like ninjas that much, as back-stabbing was usually a part of the job. There were probably some exceptions, but still; I don't like back-stabbing. :nope: Samurai all the way. Itte ki masu.
Anyone here who is remotely familiar with Tekken will know what one of the tattoos I want looks like; it's the one Jin Kazama has on his arm, and i want it. I also want a couple kanji on the back of my neck like in xXx. Not sure what, though. Maybe Otaku. :D :devil:
I saw it for the first time last night, and all I can say is... Wow. That's a really high-quality anime. The art is crisp, and the music's okay. Only problem I have is the one character with the typical, anime-only high, whiny-yet-unbelievably-soft voice. That's the only drawback. (Plus, can't understand song lyrics.)
What's really bad is the dating reality tv shows. There's going to be a new one called "Boy meets Boy". Reality TV is running out of ideas, and it's just getting sickening. (Next on NBC: "As the Paint Dries")
Personally, I find it absolutely possible. Actually, it's probable. The human mind has a vast amount of potential, much of which is unused. But, unfortunately, Miss Cleo ruined the whole damn thing. *I AIN'T your child, %@$!* ;) lol
Dah-d-dah-da-da... DOC OCK! Now that's how to make a villain! Aw, now you've got me all excited...
I agree with Chaos and the Munkie; this world is FULL of idiots. But, unlike Izual, I don't think it's that funny. Of course, when you think of how they put it in... You can't help but smile. Can you say suppository? :nope: :shifty: But this just goes to show that there's a lot of sick people these days... And I'm one of them. :devil:
Aaw, now you done gone and made me want to buy it! *ahem*. That is, it sounds interesting. I'll buy it if I can find it. Which leads to the question, where can I buy it? (Can't shop online, folks don't allow it. :bawl: )
Originally posted by WW2: "I wonder if they'll show the story arc after Kyoto. If they do, they'll probly edit it big time, due to it's religious content." They probably will, as they did in the episode where they showed Anji's humble beginnings. They practically butchered the Buddhist religion and all its beliefs. Specifically, they showed the Buddha being treated/spoke of like a deity, and prayed to to watch over someone. This is nothing like real Buddhism, in which the prayers are only to give thanks to Buddha for basically creating the religion. I seriously don't like how religious aspects are sidestepped these days. It basically mangles anything involved. And, on a different note; Samurai X is only four episodes? How long is each episode, and is it any good? What's it about? (God, I ask too many questions :nope: )
Uh... I've never really heard much Japanese music, but what I have heard was from anime, and they were pretty good ("Sobakusu" and "Heart of Sword", both from Kenshin). But, what I wanna know is what are some good Japanese rock bands?
I like Insomniac, but just like Tobiass, my fav. Is Daily Show. But that's just for the 'Back in Black' Segments. That Lewis Black guy is hilarious. He ties w/Stephen Lynch as my fav. comedian.
Whoa... That's an, uh, INTERESTING way to die... But my fav. Anime villain would have to be... Gary from Pokemon! No, just kidding, I can't stand Poke-the-mon. My favorite baddie is Jinei from Rurouni Kenshin. He's absolutely insane, he's got a pretty cool outfit, and then there's the whole insanity thing, too. I also like Majin Buu from DBZ, but not Fat Buu. He's not evil, just maliciously playful. You know, like a kid plucking the wings off a fly (how they catch 'em, I'll never know. They have no coordination). I seriously can't stand Fat Buu, he just doesn't look evil. Plus there's the voice and the diaper. At least, it looks like one on the fat one.
Man, that is rich! But why don't they sue Burger King, too? I'll tell you why; because McDonalds has more money, that's why! It's rediculous that people go to McDonalds, eat all that food, WATCH them cook it, and then expect not to get fat! My God, what has the world come to? It's just sad, really. This latest lawsuit just came from an idea that this latest 'victim' got from seeing the last McDee's lawsuit for obesity. First it was a mother suing because her kids were fat (which was because she sent them there for lunch each and every day for, oh, I don't know... Half the kids' lives?! ugh...), then some chick gets burned because she was driving and holding hot coffee between her knees, without the cap on and expecting not to get burned :nope: Now it's this guy. Sheesh, give it up, people!
In a sudden surge of inspiration, I have spent the last hour or so creating a long (but not overly so) animated Banner based upon my fav anime character and yours, the Battosai! YAAY! Opinions?
I'm trying to learn Japanese, and it's going okay. I go to a couple of sites now and then, and they help, but I was wondering if anyone had their own links that help one learn Japanese (I already go to [url]www.phrasebase.com[/url] and [url]www.kanjisite.com,[/url] so please exclude them from recommendations). I'm sorry if this thread counts as advertising for another site. If so, feel free to close.
Yeah, it was short. But at least they kept the continuity fresh. And they also got the new Intro song "Sobakusu", which is alright. Are there any episodes after the Kyoto arc? (Please, no spoilers. Just yes or no, and how long. Spoilers make me angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry. RAAAARGH!) LOL
I was reading an issue of Official Playstation Magazine, and there was a small article about Final Fantasy Unlimited (an anime show, hot in Japan/Nippon) coming to the Anime Network. And this got me to asking a question; What is the Anime Network, and is it available on DirecTV? I must know! Plus, I wanna know what's on it. Anime is the bombness, and not having a good Anime Channel [strike]sucks the monkeyballs[/strike]. Who's got the info? [color=hotpink][size=1]I'm sorry, but I found that phrase disgustingly offensive. *QA*[/color][/size]
In the latest Kenshin episodes, the theme has been changed to "Sobakusu", which translates into "Freckles". It's not that bad (it's pretty catchy), but the singer's voice (both US and Japanese versions) is annoyingly high-pitched. It's like listening to a gerbil on helium. But the catchiness makes up for it. Lyrically, "Cha-La Head Cha-La" from DBZ is just as annoying. Here's a couple examples... 1) The title "Cha La head Cha La" 2) One part of the song goes "If deep in the ice I find a dinosaur, I'll want to train him... I'll train him to balance on a ball!" Oh my God... Brain... Hurting...!
They've already done that with Naruto, Shaman King, Naruto, One Piece, and SandLand. But as for Shonen Jump itself, I love it! The only manga I don't like is SandLand (One Piece is okay). My favs are Naruto and DBZ. YuYu Hakusho, too. (In no particular order) I can't wait for RK to grace the pages of Shonen Jump. It's a bonus, and it's pretty cool because, since the November issue will come in October, I'll get the first RK around my birthday! *yaay* I also like their Japanese Lesson-type mini-sections at the beginning of each manga, because it helps me a lot in my Japanese-learning (it's very hard), and it's just interesting, too. Their occasional Holiday sections are interesting as well. (Happy Obon, everybody! Oh, wait... That's not 'til August. Meh) Shonen Jump is the bombness! Heh. Bombness. I made another funny...