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Everything posted by Shinken
Apparently, and as I feel, FINALLY, the Manga of Rurouni Kenshin is being released in America via Shonen Jump! I think this is great, as it's more cost effective to buy so much manga all at once than to buy 'em all separately. And besides that, it's Rurouni FREAKING Kenshin!!! *ahem* Opinions?
Finally! The moment everyone's been waiting for; Metal Gear Solid 3! Unfortunately, it's titled 'Snake Eater' (forgive them, for they have sinned). Then again, the title makes sense as Snake, having to survive in the woods, can hunt down and consume a variety of fauna, including his namesake. Stealth takes a much more apparent role in the game, as it is set in some sort of large forest, complete with what appears to be Russian soldiers (a la MGS2). For more information (and some good screenshots from E3), go to [url]http://www.gamers.com/game/1365062/[/url] (sorry if this counts as advertising for other sites). I am psyched! *wraps gray bandana around mullet*
That may be true, stardust, but isn't another part of our mind creating/developing our thoughts, actions, feelings, etc? In my opinion, free will is just that; free. Free to THINK. And, in most cases, DO. VERB. However you wanna put it, we're mentally free. Then, of course, this brings up the point of environment; In other words, how one's surroundings affect one's personality and, in turn, one's very essence. In my opinion, only one aspect of environment affects our mind; the other beings existing beside us. For example, the aforementioned drug dealers. That type of... [I] interaction [/I], I guess one could say, would have a profound and in essence absolutely different effect than, say, growing up in the stereotypical family (mom, dad, boy and girl). So, when it all comes down to it, people create people in more than one sense. Our actions can and will affect others, even (and, one could say, especially) those whom we barely know, or are completely unaware of. We depend on each other. It's a circle. (Can you say Lion King?) Oh, and; great poem Juna! Kudos to you. *bows and hits head on computer desk* ^-^x;
Hmm... Bike riding online. Sounds like a good game concept. Or maybe not. Um... Not. 0_0x; (FYI: The X is the scar on Kenshin's face)
WARNING: This isn't finished yet, but I'll post more as I work on it. WARNING #2: This is NOT an add-on, everyone-works-on-it thing; just to avoid confusion. Well, here it is; the beginning of my fanfic for everyone's favorite redhead samurai, Rurouni Kenshin! Like I said, it's not done yet, but I just want some opinions so far. [I]Rurouni Kenshin: Kusen What a day. First, he had washed all the floors in the dojo. Then, he went to the garden to check the progress of the vegetables. After that, he went into town to buy some pork so that he could make pork ramen for dinner. And now he had to do the dishes! If there was truly no rest for the weary, then that's exactly what Himura Kenshin was; weary. "It's been a long day, that it has." Kenshin said to himself as he dried the last dish. He raised his hand, pushing back his long red hair. As his hand brushed against the cross-shaped scar on his left cheek, he was reminded again of his horrific past; a past that he has spent a lifetime trying to atone for. Though his body rested in the peaceful quiet of the Meiji era, his mind and soul returned to the Tokugawa period and the chaos of the revolution. Each and every day, the memories returned, flushed to the surface by something that would be insignificant to others. The falling rose petals, the cold breezes of winter? Everything that kept him in this world also brought him back to another, more grisly world. Before he had become Himura Kenshin, he was the Hitokiri Battosai; the legendary manslayer. For years and years, he had been the best assassin of the revolution. One could say with little room for doubt that, without the Battosai, the Revolution would not have been successful. Then, one day, the Battosai died, and only Kenshin remained; the reasons kept him awake each and every night, too painful to remember, yet too painful to forget. "Kenshin!" came a voice from behind, breaking his trance and in turn the dish. "Oh, Kenshin, what are you doing?! That was the best dish in the dojo!!!" "Uh? Sorry, Miss Kaoru. You? startled me, that you did." Kenshin replied, looking nervously into the woman's glaring eyes. "Startled you?!" Kaoru yelled, wrapping her delicate hands around Kenshin's equally delicate neck. "You're the best swordsman in Japan, how could I startle you?!" Kaoru, being a young woman in her early to mid twenties, had a general personality that was like a beautiful sunlit January morning; nice to look at, but something you don't want to be caught in at the wrong moment. "M-miss Kaoru, you're cho-choking me!" Kenshin pleaded, his eyes tearing. [/I] Opinions? Be vicious.
Of course I've heard of it, I'm a big Marvel Fan! Haven't read it yet, though, as I need some moola (keep spending it when the comic shop doesn't have Blue, and I'm outta money when they do! It's an endless, vicious cycle!!!). It looks pretty good, and the writing seems sound. Hopefully I'll get it and read it so my opinion will actually mean something. 0_0x
Has anyone else here seen those old Zatoichi movies? It's about a blind samurai who basically has a very crappy life. They're pretty good, and they play 'em on IFC each Saturday. Unfortunately, a few of them are in black and white, so they don't look/sound so good. The color ones are better, though. So, who's seen 'em, and who thinks I'm just an idiot? Or who goes with both?
If you're a BIG BIG BIG BIG fan of Rurouni Kenshin (like myself :blush: ), then this'll probably make your day if you don't already know. If you don't like Kenshin, well, that's your perogative (sp?) Anyways... RUROUNI KENSHIN IS FINALLY IN SHONEN JUMP!!! Yaaay! *jumps up and down in glee, knocking over dishes and tables* Apparently, enough people sent Shonen Jump e-mails/letters expressing the need for Kenshin, and so they DID IT! *ahem* Yay.
Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? Yes. Is it true? Most likely. Have they come here? Why would they bother? :D If aliens are receiving the radio/TV waves we're emitting right now (ie Jerry Springer), then we're in a lot of trouble. *Captain! Klingon battleships off the starboard bow! 0_o;*
I bought the CD, and I'd have to say that it's DEFINITELY worth buying (hell, I'm listening to it now! I love Burly Brawl!) All I can say is BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT! *ahem* The first disc is really good, especially P.O.D's "Sleeping Awake" and (this surprised the hell out of me) Marilyn Manson's "This is the New Sh**" 0_o; The second disc also rocks (Brutal Brawl, Teahouse, and let's not forget Mona Lisa Overdrive). Unfortunately, the second disc is only seven songs. But it's forty minutes. So it all evens out. My score; 10/10 aka BUY IT!
Yeah, I have been reading those essays. They're real good, huh? Oh well, it was worth a shot. *Darn! And I wanted to Moderate it! There goes my plan for world domination!*
I was thinking that, since there's already a lot of related threads in the Lounge, maybe a 'Philosophy' Section would be pertanent. (sp?) Would that be a possibility?
Existence is... A state of mind. Here's an example; Everyone's had a dream before. So, we all know that when we're in a dream, everything that happens in the dream is reality to us. (even if you're wearing a pink bunny suit, you still believe it :bluesweat: ) You don't even think about anything else, just what's happening around you. And, even if you think about it in the dream, you never prove/disprove whether or not the dream is real; UNTIL YOU WAKE UP. Just a little tidbit to chew on (with your mind, not your mouth!)
Do I believe that people like that exist? Yes. Do I believe that there are certain forces that underly the world we live in? Yes. Do I believe that certain people can actually channel these forces; NO. And here's why; most of the people who claim themselves 'wiccan' are (no offense to anyone who may be able to) just people reading a bunch of 'spells' or whatnot off of the internet or from some 'How to be a Wizard' book (I'm serious, they sold that at the book fair once in fifth grade, but it was just a bunch of malarkey). And that's my opinion. Hitokiri Battosai
That's a good poem. It has a lot of emotion in it (along with a few spelling errors, but even so). I hope all goes well; good luck. Hitokiri Battosai
In case you haven't noticed, I am a BIG fan of Rurouni Kenshin, so the Manslayer obviously gets my vote. Of course, Amidamaru from Shaman King is no pushover either. I mean, if the guy can cut through a water tower tank thingy with an iron pipe (in the manga), then you just have to expect more to come. But Kenshin's still better. ;) Hitokiri Battosai
Holy... Crap. I think we have a winner here, folks. Whoa. I guess I'd have to agree with Deathbug now. He's got a point. But still, my opinion is that some people deserve to be here, and others don't. Hitokiri Battosai
I'd have to agree with both Metatron and James. Some people actually care about the environment (both out of selfishness and sincere care), and others don't care either way. As to whether or not we deserve to be here, well... we might have deserved existence once, but now, I'm not so sure. I guess it all comes down to one other question; What are the qualifications for deserving existence? Hitokiri Battosai
Heh. I should've worded that better. What I meant when I mentioned Bushido is that people could just use a little bit more self-respect, or however you wanna put it.
WW2, there are few people like you left in the world. I also find the use of guns futile, dishonorable, take your pick. If only the code of bushido was still in place today, and more widespread... Well, I guess that means that people like us will just have to try that much harder... Hitokiri Battosai
I was thinking of buying the new Cold CD, Year of the Spider, and just wanted to know if anyone else has bought it and if it is worth the money. Hitokiri Battosai
Sound pretty good, but I'd have to agree that it probably won't stand up to GBA (saleswise, anyway). But you gotta admit; with all the good games that Sony gets/produces for both Playstation variations, they're BOUND to stumble onto at least one handheld gem. Hitokiri Battosai
Sounds good. I'll probably buy it, but most likely for the second disc (I LIKE TECHNO! SHOOT ME!). But at least the first disc has "Sleeping Awake". If I don't listen to that song at least once a day, then I'll go nuts. :D Hitokiri Battosai
Here it is. Opinions? Hitokiri Battosai
I agree with you there, Metatron. If it's in self-defense, then you'll be fine; unless you go to my school. I know some people will find this weird (I certainly do), but, even if it was in self-defense, you will STILL get in a whole ton of trouble at my school. My aforementioned friend was just attacked by the other (spazoid) kid, barely even laid a scratch on the spazoid, and he still got two days of in-school suspension for it. Or, as I like to call it, "At-School-Suspension". Get it? But seriously, why should you be punished if you were only defending yourself? Hitokiri Battosai