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CIoud Strife

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About CIoud Strife

  • Birthday 05/31/1989

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    Ri Chichiri
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    Gene S7arwind

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm intreted in alot of anims! Hee hee!! ^^ and i htink Gene is a HOTTIE!!!
  • Occupation
    I'm a mercanary, heehee, j/k, 'm a friging student.

CIoud Strife's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. hee hee.. I havent beat the game , but I have seen the endin, I watched my cousin and he beat it.. I cried. (sniff) but, e beat Sin withot the magus sisters, wich I couldn't do.. hee hee..one thing though that pissed me off, was, sometime last summer, I lost my memory card, I was right outside of the scary tower hin you go to whenyou fight Jecht. I lost it.. (ooooo it made me soooooo mad!) So, (i still avent found it.) I went and bought anew memory car in september. ow, i'm back where I was.. hee hee.
  2. Ohh... ok, cuz, I'm fighting Jecht now,and uh.. I lost .. twice so far. hee hee. but i got to the second form, and I almost won! YAY!!!
  3. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ok thank you.... I also heard tht after a crtain amount of times racing,the baloons with be in acompletely strait line.. Is that true??? I don't think it is but..hee hee.Well, before I spend half my life trying to win that ace a 0.00 how good is that weapon? or oes it jut give you no mp cost o somehting?>?? I wanna know i what i'm doing is worth it... ^^
  4. Hee hee:D ... Who ele bside sme thinks Gene and Hilda did it.. Or at least atempted it at the hotel.. hee hee. you know.. the one where Gene and Hilda were suppossed to share a room. And omething else. Who was seduced, Gene or Hilda? hee hee..:D
  5. PEOPLE!!! I NEED HELP! ok,so today I was paying Final Fantasy X. I need to get Tidus' untimate weapon. hee hee:D and well. You see. I read the stratgy guide and it sez I need to beat Savanda (the chocobo lady) at a race, with 0.00 time score. I've tried for three hours strait now and. I can't beat 20.2!!:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: I'm soo pissed off at thosedamn birds. does anyone know a cheat to getting that time or at least a helpfl hint? (besides "try to get alot of baloons" I kinda know that much..)
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