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Everything posted by DARKPROPHESY

  1. ooc: whats the storyline and are you going to introduce us or do we introduce ourselves?
  2. Hey Kairi I'll be your partner! Name: Azrael Age: 25 looks: 6'4 225 pounds, dark hair, blue eyes, goatee, built Weapons: Master of most handheld weapons, favorite weapon Zalfor's bane (ancient scimitar used to slay a powerful dark wizard, made of mythril, now contains the wizards soul using it's dark power to bring justice to the land. Also master of the healing magics. Magic element: fire of life
  3. Name: AZRAEL Demonic type: Spell Bane Human Form Age: 45 Human Form Appearance: Business exec. suit, tie, patent leather dress shoes Demon Form Appearance: Midnight Blue body, cobalt blue wings Weapon of choice: Daemon's Bane (sword of the apocalypse)
  4. The stranger hovered in the shadows as he silently watched what appeared to be a female figure in flight. She landed softly on the street and began walking apparently not noticing the stranger's presense. She appeared to be looking for someone. Stranger: Halt! In the name of the ancient gods who are you and are you the one responsible for all this destruction?! His eyes crackled blue with power as he held the glowing Daemon's bane in a lowered but standby position. If this girl makes a wrong move....
  5. The dark stranger slowly stepped into the street. As far as the eyes could there was nothing but devestation, Armageddon. Stranger: "So this is where it began." He walked the streets for hours searching for clues, remnants of what had caused so much devestation. He knew it was going to be a long process but that was what he was created for. Since ancient times cultures had whispered legends and myths of an entity that would appear in the end times. This being whether good or evil would decide the fate of the world.
  6. Lightning crackled down from the sky, straight into the smoldering remains of downtown manhattan. A ring of blue energy blazed around a statue in the manhattan museum of art. The ring emitted a strange but powerful energy pulse, spreading outward extinguishing flames in a fifty foot radius. Slowly flesh tones spread over the statue, and then the energy was gone. Standing alone was a mystrious stranger. Though the blue light was gone the man seemed to pulse with power. Wearing a black leather overcoat, pants and boots, he stood there. The only identifying mark on his body was a large diagonal scar along his bare chest. As his hand tightened around the hilt of Daemon's Bane, a sword cursed with the soul of the demon Astrandel, banished into the blades by the god's to do it's masters bidding, the stranger's eyes slowly opened. He spoke five words, "The Dark Prophesy has begun."
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