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About EMU

  • Birthday 06/18/1986

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  • Biography
    Male, good looking, do you have pie?
  • Occupation
    Student, evil dictator, breakdancer and all round nice guy.

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  1. Well, ever since i saw Roy on the nintendo site (before the game was released im pretty sure) i just thought that he looked damn cool and would tottaly kick arse. And i was right. =D Before I got him, i used link and Samus pretty much. I have completed the game in every mode except that, er, hidden one where you have on life.. damn can't think of it... you get it after you.. do... something... DAMNIT! Well, its in the same menu selection thing as the Adventure and Classic game. I have completed Adventure with all of the characters in the hardest difficulties. I have also done the same with Classic. Very Hard in that one that i can't remember (yes, it is a damn long time since i played it... i need to get back in shape... i NEED to beat that level!! o_0) is the only part of the game i have not beaten. But back to Roy. Roy's moves are very powerful in most regards, but he is a damn slow and heavy fella to use. :S I got around this in most games by waiting for the enemies to come to me. "Cowardly" i hear you cry. No. I wasn't. I would wait for them to come, and then unleash all hell on their arse. It was just in the start of the fight that i waited for them to come to me. I basically learned the computers moves off by heart and I achieved quite a lot of perfect victories even in the hardest levels. I like his style. Reminds me of me. :D Reminds me of how much i want his sword too... :( Oh well. Ill go fire it up and beat that last difficulty level anyway! :D
  2. Hidden characters available in SSBM: Mewtwo, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Luigi, Dr Mario, Falco Lombardo, Young Link, Ganandorf, Ness, Marth, Mr Game and Watch and Roy.
  3. To the very best of my knowledge, you cannot get the Sol blade in Golden Sun (part1). Unless you use a game shark or some other device similar to that.
  4. heh, hey.... look at that... I forgot to add to my story. sorry. :( There has been a lot happening in my life right now, a death in the family, lots of school work, getting over a really bad virus and stuff like that. I will *try* (and emphasise try), to get the next part of the story up in the next couple weeks. Certainly not this one, as this is when my exams are. :( Sorry if this is dissappointing to anyone. Hopefully I can manage to keep doing it. :)
  5. Leonardo Di Caprio as trunks? o_0;; no thank you, I would prefer if the movie had as little predeposition to flop as possible.
  6. Yeah, i have heard that there is a conkers game being made for the xbox. bloody shame if you ask me. It was a farkn excellent game on the N64, I can only hope that M$ doesn't ruin it. I would have to play it on a friends console first though, before they coninced me to run out and get an xbox. :|
  7. Yeah, just because a game has a deep story line does not mean that it is a "mature" game as such. A more mature person is more likely to appreciate the in depth story line, but when ppl refer to a mature game, they are talking about how there is mature content in it. Like sex, or drugs, or gambling, or violence or any other sought of things that are usually reserved for when a person is over the legal age. :)
  8. Two words: Adjectives. Adverbs. Use them wisely. :)
  9. d00d, your story has potential. BUT, you really need to work on some character development and the way that you describe your scenes and so forth. Try using more adjectives. Try doing this. For every object in your story (well the important ones like people and setting for now) describe them. For instance; I have absolutely no idea what this Phantom Duelist looks like. I mean, sure, he is wearing some clothing, but how is he standing? Is he arrogantly got his chest puffed out with his hands on his hips? Is he tall or short? How old does he look, and if that is meant to be indistinguishable, then say so. And the same needs to be said of Natt too. Is he a wiry little pip sqweek with pimples and skinny arms? Is he a fit looking cocky young teenager prone to having wild adventures? Describe things my friend, and your story will blosom into a tale. :) Other wise, it looks promising. :)
  10. cool, thanks. New part sometime next week, maybe even on Sunday. Depends :)
  11. heh, as soon as i saw the name Wario Ware, i thought of WaReZ WaLlY. the game that i would i am waiting for eagerly though would have to be F- Zero for GC. man that looks sweet :D
  12. Well, if it sounds slightly english, then i should be ashamed. lol. It is meant to be australian slang. We really do talk like that. (sometimes :P) I've got a question too, why are all of the profanities in asterisks? I realise that lil kids might be reading, but this is the first forum that i have come across that makes it mandatory. Plus i did put a warning at the top, just incase someone is reading it when they shouldn't. meh, well, it doesn't really matter i guess. I will try and use less so that the story makes more sense. ;) And no, punching someone that hard in the neck woul not kill them instantly. It may crush their windpipe and cause them to suffocate, but i doubt that it would be instantanious. Any doctors or nurses about the place here? they should know. Sorry bout the duble post red. consider it gone. ;)
  13. My apologies TVE, I admit that i did react too harshly, due mainly to the fact that I have encountered a LOT of Nintendo bashing in the past, (a pet hate of mine) so please excuse me if i lashed out angrily. As for Doom 3, I would actually prefer to see it as a PC only game. This would stop a lot of ppl getting all excited about having the only console with Doom 3 on it, even though it has really poor graphics and so on. :)
  14. Well, later on in the story you will find out that it really is a person from the town who is narrating, and that is the very reason why it is so pompous. sorry i have not got to that stage yet, and i know that you couldn't possibly know that based on whats there. But that is what is going to happen. :)
  15. My apologies. Incorrect interpretation of your thread. ;)
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