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Everything posted by EMU
Well, ever since i saw Roy on the nintendo site (before the game was released im pretty sure) i just thought that he looked damn cool and would tottaly kick arse. And i was right. =D Before I got him, i used link and Samus pretty much. I have completed the game in every mode except that, er, hidden one where you have on life.. damn can't think of it... you get it after you.. do... something... DAMNIT! Well, its in the same menu selection thing as the Adventure and Classic game. I have completed Adventure with all of the characters in the hardest difficulties. I have also done the same with Classic. Very Hard in that one that i can't remember (yes, it is a damn long time since i played it... i need to get back in shape... i NEED to beat that level!! o_0) is the only part of the game i have not beaten. But back to Roy. Roy's moves are very powerful in most regards, but he is a damn slow and heavy fella to use. :S I got around this in most games by waiting for the enemies to come to me. "Cowardly" i hear you cry. No. I wasn't. I would wait for them to come, and then unleash all hell on their arse. It was just in the start of the fight that i waited for them to come to me. I basically learned the computers moves off by heart and I achieved quite a lot of perfect victories even in the hardest levels. I like his style. Reminds me of me. :D Reminds me of how much i want his sword too... :( Oh well. Ill go fire it up and beat that last difficulty level anyway! :D
Hidden characters available in SSBM: Mewtwo, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Luigi, Dr Mario, Falco Lombardo, Young Link, Ganandorf, Ness, Marth, Mr Game and Watch and Roy.
To the very best of my knowledge, you cannot get the Sol blade in Golden Sun (part1). Unless you use a game shark or some other device similar to that.
heh, hey.... look at that... I forgot to add to my story. sorry. :( There has been a lot happening in my life right now, a death in the family, lots of school work, getting over a really bad virus and stuff like that. I will *try* (and emphasise try), to get the next part of the story up in the next couple weeks. Certainly not this one, as this is when my exams are. :( Sorry if this is dissappointing to anyone. Hopefully I can manage to keep doing it. :)
Leonardo Di Caprio as trunks? o_0;; no thank you, I would prefer if the movie had as little predeposition to flop as possible.
Yeah, i have heard that there is a conkers game being made for the xbox. bloody shame if you ask me. It was a farkn excellent game on the N64, I can only hope that M$ doesn't ruin it. I would have to play it on a friends console first though, before they coninced me to run out and get an xbox. :|
Yeah, just because a game has a deep story line does not mean that it is a "mature" game as such. A more mature person is more likely to appreciate the in depth story line, but when ppl refer to a mature game, they are talking about how there is mature content in it. Like sex, or drugs, or gambling, or violence or any other sought of things that are usually reserved for when a person is over the legal age. :)
Two words: Adjectives. Adverbs. Use them wisely. :)
d00d, your story has potential. BUT, you really need to work on some character development and the way that you describe your scenes and so forth. Try using more adjectives. Try doing this. For every object in your story (well the important ones like people and setting for now) describe them. For instance; I have absolutely no idea what this Phantom Duelist looks like. I mean, sure, he is wearing some clothing, but how is he standing? Is he arrogantly got his chest puffed out with his hands on his hips? Is he tall or short? How old does he look, and if that is meant to be indistinguishable, then say so. And the same needs to be said of Natt too. Is he a wiry little pip sqweek with pimples and skinny arms? Is he a fit looking cocky young teenager prone to having wild adventures? Describe things my friend, and your story will blosom into a tale. :) Other wise, it looks promising. :)
cool, thanks. New part sometime next week, maybe even on Sunday. Depends :)
Gaming Next GBA/GCN game you are getting and why.
EMU replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Noosphere
heh, as soon as i saw the name Wario Ware, i thought of WaReZ WaLlY. the game that i would i am waiting for eagerly though would have to be F- Zero for GC. man that looks sweet :D -
Well, if it sounds slightly english, then i should be ashamed. lol. It is meant to be australian slang. We really do talk like that. (sometimes :P) I've got a question too, why are all of the profanities in asterisks? I realise that lil kids might be reading, but this is the first forum that i have come across that makes it mandatory. Plus i did put a warning at the top, just incase someone is reading it when they shouldn't. meh, well, it doesn't really matter i guess. I will try and use less so that the story makes more sense. ;) And no, punching someone that hard in the neck woul not kill them instantly. It may crush their windpipe and cause them to suffocate, but i doubt that it would be instantanious. Any doctors or nurses about the place here? they should know. Sorry bout the duble post red. consider it gone. ;)
My apologies TVE, I admit that i did react too harshly, due mainly to the fact that I have encountered a LOT of Nintendo bashing in the past, (a pet hate of mine) so please excuse me if i lashed out angrily. As for Doom 3, I would actually prefer to see it as a PC only game. This would stop a lot of ppl getting all excited about having the only console with Doom 3 on it, even though it has really poor graphics and so on. :)
Well, later on in the story you will find out that it really is a person from the town who is narrating, and that is the very reason why it is so pompous. sorry i have not got to that stage yet, and i know that you couldn't possibly know that based on whats there. But that is what is going to happen. :)
My apologies. Incorrect interpretation of your thread. ;)
I really think that the amount of violence that is in videogames these days is over rated. The media portrays it all as if it were the very thing that is tearing apart society as we know it. I believe that all people should undergo a psychio evaluation test when they reach 5 years of age, and then be reassessed again every 5 years after that. And that is not just so they can buy video games either. With the data i collect from these psycho evaluations, I shall rule the world!!! MUHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAA!!!!! *ahem* ^_^;; What i mean is, video games are really not as violent as they are made out to be. Even in games such as Doom 3, it is clearly still computer generated, and therefore, a very large majority of people will be able to draw the line between which is real, and which is not. People that cannot understand the difference between the two need to be permanately castrated. That way, their flawed DNA has little chance of infecting the gene pool.
Sweet, thanks m8. Sorry bout the double post. I was kinda trying to bump it up to the top again too, but only so ppl could see a new question was being asked. I'll do what Semjaza advised next time pplz. Thanks again for the help. :D
You need to use a psynergy called lash. You can learn lash by going back to Dailia(sp?) and then heading west once you get to the base of it. In that direction, there is a temple that will teach you it after a trial. :) I hope that helped. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello again pplz. I have now completed the game and lit the Mars tower, an excellent game in all respects imho. I am now going back through places collecting any remaining djinn and the like. I was wondering what I am supposed to do to that statue of a women pouring water in the abandoned area of Lemuria. You know, the place that you can visit only once you have learnt grind? I am pretty sure that you can do something to it, as there is a line of rocks around it, and it shows up in highlighted colours whenever you use psynergy, yet i cannot find anything to do to it. Pls help. [color=indigo]I combined the double post. If you want to add something, please just use the edit button. Or, if you want the thread to appear back at the top of the page, copy the text out of your previous post, delete the post, paste the text into a new post, and then add in anything new that you want to say. Thanks. :) - Desbreko[/color]
This is a work in progress story. I would appreciate any comments, be they negative, positive, constructive criticsm or anything of the sort. I have written this is the last couple of days. I hope you enjoy it. :D ?The Lone Wanderer? (I would just like to note that this story has absolutely no relevance to real places and/or people. All places, characters, events and so forth are completely fictional and in no way are meant to represent anything in the real world. This is a complete work of fiction. This story will contain themes and scenes of an adult nature, including drug use, sex, insanity and graphic violence. This is not for people that may have their sensitivities hurt by such things. I am not saying that this story is exceptionally profound or profane, that it simply a warning for people that may be offended by such things. If you are under the age of eighteen (18), I suggest strongly that you don?t read this story. I can?t stop you, but that is basically a ?cover my ***?, so that if you go insane and kill people because of this, you can?t sue me.) Nobody knew where the wanderer came from. He was certainly not from any of the surrounding towns. Some speculated that he had come in on a bus; others claim that he had hitchhiked in with some truckie. One thing though is for sure, he was different from the rest of the town?s population, and that made him alien in their eyes. But that is getting ahead of myself. If I?m going to tell my story effectively, you must know whom I am. My name is? Well, my name is not important. All that needs to be known is that I am going to fill you in on the most extraordinary event that has ever occurred in my life. This tale is not the kind where aliens visit our earth, neither is it one of superhuman powers or acts of daring and bravery. This is the tale of emotion so profound it will disturb you to your core. It delves into the human psyche and whether you make it back out again is up to you? It was a humid day in the far northern reaches of the small town of Red Kernel. The town?s exact geographical position does not exist anymore. It is not listed on any maps or GPS devices currently in use. It was a small, backwards town, with a population of around two and a half thousand citizens. The area surrounding the town was divided by conflicting geographical terrain. In the south of the town, there was an extinct volcano that had long ago died. The rich volcanic soil produced from it though, had both cultivated a rich and lush rain forest, and created a desert in the region north of the town. It is accepted that the volcano had erupted in the late Cretaceous period with such force that it had blown itself up, sealing a large portion of the then higher water level from the sea inland. Over time, the water had sifted down through the soil, and left a permanent layer of salt on top of the dirt in the northern area. This had been the catalyst for the creation of the ?Devil?s Pan? desert, as the locals preferred to refer to it. The town itself was situated at the foot of a hill, one in a series that formed the ring of the now extinct volcano. The name had been given to the area when it was found that rubies were abundant amongst the red soil of the igneous hills. Hence, ?Red Kernel?, was deemed by the fossickers, of the time, as an appropriate name. But for now, let us concern our thoughts with the first known citing of the lone wanderer. He was first spotted walking along the main strip of the town, often jokingly referred to as the CBD by locals, by some of the town?s shopkeepers. Business was unusually slow for that time of year. Usually the families heading south on holidays from the big city, some three and a half hours drive north of Red Kernel, would stop for lunch, and sometimes the night. But this year had been particularly slow, due to the new bypass that had finished its construction in the winter of the same year. For this reason, the shopkeepers always kept a keen eye out for any potential customers. The stranger just continued to pass them by, neither glancing one way or the other, with his large canvas bag hanging down over his back, its one strap tenaciously hanging onto the shoulder upon which it was firmly gripping. He was at least six foot tall, with long faded blue jeans, almost stylishly ripped and frayed in places, however, closer inspection would have revealed other that these were not carefully placed fashion statements. Small traces of dirt, oil and what looked suspiciously like old dried out blood smears adorned the hips of them, undoubtedly where he wiped his hands to clean them. He wore a dark black leather trench coat, despite the humidity of the season, and showed no trace of sweat from either physical exertion, or the temperature. His long black hair was held in place at the back of his head with a long thin strip of leather that had been tied carefully into knot. His dark eyebrows blended well with his light tan that covered his exposed body. His eyes were piercing green, ones that seemed to flash and shine violently when they got doused in light of the sun. An average sized nose protruded from the centre, and a pair of thin, tight, blood red lips adorned the lower half of his face. His cheekbones were high and his chin jutted out slightly causing his face to look slightly long, and a tight angry scar pulled at his face over one eye. This gave the final impression that he was one tough mother****er. I doubt you have ever seen a meaner looking hombre walk the way he did. He took long, purposeful steps in a regal manner that bespoke a certain air of sinister power within him. While he was only about six foot one at the most, his broad shoulders and energy filled walk gave him an air of supremacy over all others. ****, even the local pubs bouncer, ?Tiny?, made sure that he walked around him. Whether this was purely a farce was proven the first time that they met. Tiny was ever one for a chance to fight. At six feet seven and one hundred and fifty kilo?s, there wasn?t a person in Red Kernel that would dare to **** around with him, and he knew it. So when the stranger was passing down the centre of the main strip, which was already over crowded with fruit stalls, café tables, light posts and signs, Tiny decided to have a bit of fun. He had already started drinking, even though it was only two in the afternoon, So when he saw the stranger walking his way, he shifted his massive bulk off of the public bench that he had been seated on, and made his way towards the stranger in a perfectly practiced motion that he had perfected many a year ago. He walked carefully towards him, whilst giving the false impression that he was trying to avoid a fruit stall. His movements where as graceful and well timed as a ballet dancer, and when the stranger came into range he acted. He shifted his weight to his left hand side and in a swift motion, attempted to push the newcomer into a group of empty fruit boxes. However, the stranger simply dodged the main force of the blow and continued to make his way forward. Tiny was angered that he had escaped his trap, and turned swiftly around to face the back of the stranger. His arm leapt out and grabbed tightly onto the wanderers shoulder in a vice like grip. ?Oi! Watch where the **** ya going! Ya ****in' ****** cunt!? Yelled out Tiny, his voice slightly slurred from the six-pack of beer he had previously consumed. Tiny flecks of spittle made their way out of his mouth and floated on the wind back up into his face, enraging him more. He was fully prepared to beat the crap out of this slick arse ******, and leave him for dead. The stranger spun around suddenly, catching Tiny off guard. He grabbed at Tiny?s massive paw like hand and twisted it around in a quick circle, effectively flicking his antagonist?s arm out wide, leaving him open. His fist shot out quickly, like a striking serpent into Tiny?s neck, crushing his windpipe and forcing his jugulars to bulge out to the side to make room for the inclusion of his hand. It was retracted just as quickly, to be followed, by a swift upper cut into Tiny?s gut, just above his bowel, forcing the behemoth to buckle over in pain as he desperately clawed at his own face in his need to draw breathe. Spots began to form in swelling clusters before his eyes. He had never felt such pain before, and as he slipped into the depths of unconsciousness, he thought he heard laughter? In the time that it took Tiny to figure out what he intended to do to the newcomer in his drunken stupidity, to the point where he had been knocked unconscious; a substantial gathering of onlookers, had gathered around as close to the scene of the deed as they deemed safe. They all knew that when Tiny started drinking, there was a very good chance that he was going to get into a fight with some random person. Although they didn?t want to be the hapless victim, a lot of them still found some kind of blood lust like joy in viewing the primal act of strength, and when it had become apparent who his selected target for mutilation had been, they had gathered like a group of jackals, waiting to feed on the endorphin rush that they received when they watched Tiny?s ministrations. They ranged from bums to business people, yet all of them were united in there complete awe that this strange person that had invaded their private world had reduced Tiny to a mere quivering mound of body mass that emitted sharp shrill gasps for breathe at irregular intervals. A cold, hard stare. A brief, glancing look; of pity and hatred. That was all the gathered audience received before the interloper turned his back to them, and with a swift turn, and some billowing of his trench coat in the early afternoon breeze, he left them laughing openly to himself, or perhaps to another, in a deep and low voice that chilled the congregation to the bone. It was not all together menacing, more of a taunting sound that seemed to openly display of disdain for the people and Tiny, as if he knew, at a glance, that he could control, break and manipulate every one of them; individually, collectively and in both a physical and mental way. It was enough to make some of the weaker ones turn and run in fear, while others checked themselves before taking part in such a cowardly retreat, yet hastened as much as their dignity allowed. No body stayed behind, nobody called out for help, and Tiny remained on the street. Nobody knows whom it was that called for the ambulance to remove him from the gutter, perhaps the gossip spread to their station and they took action themselves, but it was dark before help arrived.
I got this game about a week ago, and i posted a question in a thread in the Nintendo section that had a title with Golden Sun in it somewhere, i think. That thread has dissappeared. anyway, what i asked was do i need to do to get briggs out of jail? I am at the stage where i have the left and right prong of the trident, briggs wife and kid in the ship just say that they will visit him every day (and the kid, which has a name soughta like ecoli, ;) ) makes the flower pot float. I am at level 30 and i have about 5 or 6 djinn each per memory. I have Piers. I have the black orb, i have tremor, lash, scoop, douse, frost, whirlwind, reveal, mind read, and prolly a couple others. I have even taken the milk to the dog and given the turtle a friend and gotten as much treasure as i can. So what do i do to get him out? (Briggs) Would i also be right in assuming that if i take briggs, once he's out, to his mum that she will eventually teach me some kind of psynergy for summoning fire, in which case i can get the third bit of the trident and somehow use that to pull the force shield on Posioden down? I have gotten 4 rusted weapons and given them to some blacksmith fella that fixed em up. Can i improve these weapons? I have also gotten minerals and stuff from the ground which he turns into weapons. I have 4 of the one kind, (some soughta water stone or something) can he make all of these into one weapon, or should i wait to use these in the forging of the trident or something. Pls don't laugh at me as i only go this game last week. Thanx
hey people. My name is EMU. Im not going to tell you why though. I feel that although i never have enough money to support my addiction to video games and animie, i would be a worthy otaku idol. "Why?" you ask; well, the answer is both complex and simple, so to keep it clean, im going to give the short version: Because i know i will. There you have it, my reason why i should be allowed to enter this competition. I can't remember how long i have been a member of otakuboards.com, however, i do know that it is one of the very, very, very few forums i post in. Simply because it is so damn good. (the only other forum i go to is [url]www.atomicmpc.com.au[/url]) Ahhh, a little about me... well, i don't want to tell you that. If you are female and want to know, PM me, if not, well... thats just a bit weird if you ask me. Lets just say i prefer to keep any personal details to myself because of my acute paranoia. :P I will tell you this at least: im male im in my late teens i still go to high school i come from australia and thats all yo really should need to know. So vote for me! i might reveal ore about myself if im allowed in the competition.
i just got started reading the webcomic [url]www.megatokyo.com[/url] and i gotta say it, this one rocks. :D i guess it can be classed as animie or something along those lines, because of the japanese style that it is drawn in. Also, if you feel this topic is in the wrong area, ill move it. :)
what was the part about paying homage to a Clock Work Orange? I only saw that movie a month ago, while the last time i played CBFD was quite a while now. i absolutely loved the game, but after i beat it five times and showed all of my friends the funniest scenes ten times over AND kicked all their arses in the multi, I got sick of it. Best part of the game was prolly the matrix part and the teddy doctors talking in that posh english voice. farkn crackup. :D
oi, what is a couple of good adultish animie dvd's out about now. I am not really into mech stuff much, unless it is as good as Gundam Wing or Evangelion. lol. Any suggestions will be considered and appreciated. thanx
I was drunk. I told a friend of mine that his hair made him look like a wombat, and we started fighting each other with tree bracnhes. I kinda broke his arm. We are still friends though, it was a clean break and it got him out of an assignment. lol. ;)