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Everything posted by EMU
GBA only I think. Possibly on the SNES. If I'm right then my Q is: When was nintendo born? (i.e. - when was the name first copyrighted to the original owners or whatever.) If I'm not right, then just disregard the post. :)
hmmmmmm... allow me to butt in and say a question... (nobody else was!) what is the average flying speed of a swallow? (joke!) :D real question... what is the name of the place that the original Metroid takes place on?
I have heard a bit... I know of two supposed methods of transferring the data too! :excited: 1. by link cable (duh) 2. (this works on my GBA which is a PAL version) If you have beaten the game and you have a "Clear Data" file saved, then you can get a hidden potion called "SEND". While on the main menu (with New Game, continue, Copy etc...) just hold R, L, and left on the +Control Pad, now press B, then A. Try it and see for yourself. (I don't know if this will work on NTSC or other formats, or if there are other formats for GBA's at all, lol. :D
d00d, just do a Guido Hatiz! make a CD about prank calling ppl and telling them how inferior they are and make mountains of dosh from it. lol. :D
Oh my God! you mean you don't know who is playing the Hulk? o_0; d00d's! its Eric Bana! the same fella who did Chopper the movie (Chopper is one of the best movies ever!) lol. I can't believe that none of you knew that. ummm... just incase some of you did.... I'm sorry. don't flame me. lol. ;)
d00d, calm down. I was not flaming you. If I was doin that you would be crying! Seriously though, didn't you notice my big bright smiley face and lol insertions, all indicative of a non hostile post.
Sorry, I have never though that anything that goes on in American sitcoms is remotely funny. If you want a real laugh, try Carl Barron or Billy Connoly or some good Brit comedy like All Creatures Great and Small or Monty Python and the search for the Holy Grail. That is classic stuff. No offence to any seinfeld lovers, I just can't see what's funny abou the search for the name of that thing, you know, the thing on the end of your shoe lace? pfft.
ummm... this has been discussed before. There is a thread somewhere on this thread that discusses it and the possibility of a sequel to FF7. :) gotta get in quick here. lol,
hey, maybe he likes you too. I mean, he could be just too embarassed to ask you out. (because of fear of rejection, not that he's embarassed about you!) I don't want to get your hopes up, but that may be the case. Guys can be afraid at times ya know. I know I get nervous before I ask out a girl!
oi, this kid drowned because her parents say she was searching for spongebob. how in the world did they know that she was looking for sponge bob? the kid soughta died so I find t hard to believe that they just *knew* that that was what she was doing. thus their imputus(sp?) to sue the show, which is most certainly not at fault!
thats nothing, kids at our school grow the weed right there! One got found with a crop worth at least $5000 in street value, (based on 1 gram =$1) ppl have also been caught havin sex and don't get me started on how bad some of the fights have been. (one had over 30 ppl just getting into each other with sticks and bats and sh*t.)
ummmmm... Metroid 4 on SNES (super metroid if you will)
[explicit]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have made it. I had all of the plan setup and then mum decided no. I had to stay and clean the house with her. FOR A WEEK!!!
heh, I've seen that. It was broardcast on SBS in Australia for the entire length of the series, although I did not watch it mush as there were better shows on at the time.
ummmmmm... I think nappa is a type of cabbage in japan. If you want a complete english list, the best source for it (in oz, that I know of, lol:))is a magazine caled k-zone. they had all of the names for them at one time, my older sister was babbling on about it once so its natural I dont remember too much of what she said. lol ;)
Yeah, I know what you mean Lalaith, sometimes you just find a CD that fits in so perfectly with the way your emotions are set at the time it can almost overwhelm you. I got the same feeling recently listening to the new Nirvana, after my girl (I am in love with still) left my town for good. I couldn't understand the words at first, but it was like the music spoke to me. Sounds corny, but true, and oh so damn painful as ever. :'( I miss her.
/meh and shinobi form a lynch mob that demands knowledge of how you obtained such an honour... :D jk
This isprobably really old, but I have heard at some stage for the release of a pokemon game with a name like that. Any ideas or facts out there about it? Is it just a rumour? The truth is out there.
online, sorry, I don't know of any, but the magazine, guitar has quite a bit of the new stuff and maybe a couple others like it. (thats if you live in australia, otherwise try some logical .com names, i.e.- sheetmusic.com)
Yeah, that rulz Olga :). Other memorable moments include the introduction to the "Hunters" in Resident Evil, talk about freaky!
perhaps they will simply gloss up the old ff7 and re-release it with more spells, monsters much better graphics etc. and keep the kickarse storyline. I reckon just about all of you would buy that! lol. (meh included)
Sweet! how did you get it? (the role as an extra) I would love to get into movies. :D
Slipknot are pretty damn good if you ask me. I would give them 8.5/10 for just a generalization of their music. try listening to some Mudvayne or the new KoRn CD. I reckon they're uup their too.
or you may try "www.UGO.com" under-ground-online, has heaps of cool stuff besides codes. :)
:rolleyes: (i don't know the blackout code thingy, pls tell me what it is!):wigout: [color=indigo]To black out text like that, use the [spoiler] tag. - Desbreko[/color] That game is way too easy! I beat it, first go in 2:53 with 68% of the items. :) But then again, I just rock at metroid. :D I've now played it through four times and my best score is a time of 1:18 with 50%. (':p') Not the ultimate ending, but there is room for improvement. Sniglefager; if you want help with that part, PM me and I will tell you how. Its very easy once you know how :) Anyone else with probs in Metroid Fusion drop me a line, just make your problem very detailed so I know what you are talking about exactly. :D