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Everything posted by Sniglefager

  1. well, there are some major graphical glitches in the game. Plus, it's too easy for your car to tip over, unless you use a cheat. One time, I was playing, and some cops killed me. By shooting througha stone wall! What the heck! Otherise, the game's perfect
  2. how do I buy the mansion, and get my own body guards? I really want to know, but none of my friends know. Can anyone help?
  3. actually, FOX is making a live action DBZ movie. Oh, and about those pictures, I know who they're all supposed to be. Sadly, I own the movie(lol, hey, I got it for $5, so it wasn't TOO much of a rip off). That guy with the cigar is supposed to be Yamcha. That Parrot.......well, it's supposed to be a ripoff on Puar. Yep, the movie sucks. Ecspecially since it isn't official, all the names had to be changed. Goku= Monkey Boy Roshi= Turtle Hermit I havn't watched the movie in a long time(hey, can you blame me?)but Yamcha's name doesn't have anything to do with Yamcha's charecter. I think it starts with a W, but it has nothing to do with wolf. I think it was Wingston or something. ANyways, avoid this movie at all costs. I went through this horrible movie, so you people don't
  4. who, Ansem? He's not that tough, I beat him at level 54 the first time, with the Lionheart keyblade. I didn't even have to continue once. If you have Curaga, and lots of MP, you should be fine. Even Cura works pretty good, too. And if you have the Oblivion, Ansem's no problem at all. Plus, once you get Donald and Goofy back, the last fight against Ansem's a cinch. My friend beat the last Ansem in just over a minute with the Oblivion at level 63. Trust me, just work at it a little, and it's pretty easy
  5. I seem to remember a fully animated Mario show, based on Super Mario Bros. 3. I only saw one episode, but I still remember it. Luigi was telling Yoshi a bed time story about when Mario and the King were turned into a dog with the wand by the Koopas. Does anyone else remember this show? I heard on one web site that this show still runs sometimes in Japan. I'd like to see it again, because i remembered I was totally enthralled by it(then again, the oldest I could've been was 5) but still, it was pretty cool, considering SMB 3 is my favorite game. Anyway, about the movie. I did like this movie a little bit, but not much. I actually liked the Wizard better, because when they were at the competition, they had to play SMB3. I remember my mom told me that all these people lined outside the movie theater, just to see the footage of SMB3, since it hadn't come out yet. And I also liked it because of that one kid with the Nintendo Power Glove "I love the Power Glove....it's so bad" lmao, that's the most corniest thing I've ever heard
  6. Answer: well, I've only played a few FF games, but from what I know of, I don't believe any. Of course, I could be wrong, but... Question: In FFX, how many times do you fight Seymour, and give me all of his names, but you don't have to include anyone that fights with him, just Seymour himself
  7. yeah, I would've bought anything WWF back then, but now I don't like it anymore. Plus, have you noticed, that about 4 to 3 years ago was when it was really popular. I mean, toys were selling like crazy, the games were sold out, but now, it's not nearly as popular. I'm not saying it's not popular, but you have to admit, if THQ really wanted to make a game like this, they should've done it when WWE was at it's peak of popularity.
  8. well, I just got VF4, and now I heard about this one a couple weeks ago. Personnaly, the game looks pretty cool, but I'm probably not gonna buy it. Why bother, when I just got VF4? Plus, I hear it's not gonna be that much of a change. A few new charecters, some new levels, that's about it. If it has online play though, I'm definetly gonna buy it
  9. well, the simplest answer would be to train, wouldn't it? I know how hard it is too. On my game, Yuna's HP is really low, so she usually dies almost right away. If you took the time to level up your charecters, however, it would be pretty helpful. I would sugest using Auron's Magic Break, as well. Also, if you leveled up Tidus, you could have him take all the damage by using that one ability (forgot what it's called, but it draws the opponents attantion to you). I will, however, try and find some other info. It may take me a while, though, so please be patient
  10. I could help! I have strategy guide! Ok, third Seymour I think is Seymour Flux, so I'll go with that. It says use Tidus to cast Hastega and Yuna to use the Protect spell on everyone. But you have to cast them again sometimes when Seymour uses Dispel. He also uses Lance of Atpophy to make your charecter a zombie, and the next turn uses Full Life, instantly killing your charecter, so use Holy Water. Try as hard as you can to silence him, so he can't use spells. Use Lulu to cast Bio on him, as well. If you need help with the Mortiorchis, tell me, and I'll give you info about him.
  11. I think you're talking about Kilika temple, correct? Ok, I'll right down the steps. 1. Enter the cloister and remove the Kilika Sphere from the pedastal on the wall. 2.Place the Kilika Sphere in the slot next to the door. This causes it to catch fire. Remove the sphere to extinguish the blaze, and bring it with you into the next chamber. 3.Proceed into the next chamber. Insert the Kilika Sphere into the slot on the North wall to make a glyph appear above the shelf. Remove the Kilika Sphere and insert it into one of the side shelves, and then touch the glyph to open the wall. 4.Remove the Glyph Sphere and set it on one of the side shelves 5.Enter the fiery chamber and move to the right. Step on the glowing floor switch to teleport the pedastal in from the previous room. 6.Take the Kilika Sphere from the right wall to extinguish the flames. Place the Kilika Sphere into the Pedastal 7.Return to the previous chamber and grab the glyph sphere. Place it in the wall where you found the Kilika Sphere and put out the fire. This opens a secret chamber 8.Push the pedastal with the Kilika Sphere on it to the floor switch to make a section of the platform drop 9.Go downstairs and take the Kilika Sphere from the new slot. Place it into the slot next to the exit, and leave there 10.Obtain the Destruction Sphere from inside the secret chamber on the top platform. Take it downstairs and use it in the new slot beneath the ledge 11.Open the chest inside the newly revealed area to obtain the Red Armlet. 12.Take the Kilika Sphere from the slot beside the exit and continue through the door. And that's it. If you need help again, you can ask me Source:Brady Games
  12. This game got game of the month in EGM, so I'm probably gonna check it out. It was also in their top 100 best games of all time list. After seeing how good it is, I'm probably gonna buy it
  13. I have that problem with my DBZ Budokai. It always says Disk Read Error. Sometimes, it doesn't even read it at all. There are a few scratches, but not anything that bad. I tried cleaning the disk (with 100% cotton towel, but it still didn't work. My PS2 is horizontal as well, but it's only a month or so old. All my other games work, so I'm guessing the scratches are what's doing it. Is there any way to get the scratches off?
  14. They were trying to get rid of those alien thingies. Aki and the old guy were trying to find the spirits, but the military dude wanted to blow the aliens up. Then, they found out the aliens were alien ghosts, and Aki found the last spirit, or something like that. Of course, I really don't understand it that much either. I think they should've just based the movie on FFVII
  15. I would say Sephiroth, but over half the people said him already. How about Ridley, from the Metroid series? Maybe Kefka from FFIII(FFVI). Metal Sonic from Sonic CD is pretty cool, too. There's so many villians, it's hard to decide. But in the end, even though most people already said him, I'd go with Sephiroth
  16. Kingdom Hearts is an awesome game (I liked it better than FFX). I worked for like 50 hours, and I've done everything except beat Sephiroth(dirty bastard). I do agree that the fighting gets repetitive, ecspecially when I was looking for all the 99 dalmations and parts for the Ultima Weapon. Also, navigating the menus can be tough, ecspecially when you're facing Phantom. Still, it's an awesome game, and I'd recommend it to everyone who doesn't mind a little challenge. Oh, one last thing. I don't understand the secret trailer at all. I won't mention anything about, so I don't spoil it, but it's hard to understand the point of it, but it does set the mood for a sequal
  17. Well, I like Final Fantasy, a lot. Besides Mario, it's probably my favorite series. But FFX wasn't as good as I expected. I mean, no overworld? The stroy was great, but it was mainly just eye candy. Don't get me wrong, I still liked it, but not as much as other FF games. Surprisingly, I liked Kingdom Hearts better
  18. If GBA died out, then why are they still making games for it, and havn't announced a new GB? Because it hasn't. I don't understand why you would even say that GBA died out, unless you're a WonderSwan fan.......
  19. Well, Banko and Kazooie were made by Rare, so Nintendo couldn't put them in the game. It would be neat to play as Sonic or Tails, but I doubt it would happen
  20. ok, I havn't played this game in a long time, so try this: go to [url]www.gamewinners.com[/url] Then, go to the GBA section. Click on G for Golden Sun. Go all the way to the bottem of the page. Click on strategy guides from GameFAQs, and then click on whichever FAQ you want.
  21. Well, this may sound stupid, but when I finally got the Mario and Luigi trophys in Animal Crossing, and put them in my house. It boosted my HRA score up like 10,000!
  22. I only have 117 shines. Havn't played in a while though, cause I've been playing Metroid Prime and Kingdom Hearts. Once I get around to it, I'm gonna get the last three shines, though
  23. Actually, a few web sites have already confirmed that Capcom isn't gonna be bought by Nintendo. Of course, you never know, but I think it would be a cold day in h*** before Capcom became a 2nd party developer
  24. Well, actually, Square, Square did make a bad game. Ever hear of Samp of Dragoon? (I believe that was the title). I'm not saying FFXII is gonna be bad, since FFVII was my favorite FF, and that was ultra futuristic. I'd actually kind of like a more technology based FF game, but in some ways I don't. Either way, I'm still gonna buy this game, so I suppose it really doesn't matter
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