My main charecter is Link. I can't say I'm undefeated, cause when me and my friend (Who uses Roy)fight each other, it's awe inspiring. We fight on a team a lot, so we know each others moves really well. At my birthday party about a month ago, we had a Melee tourney. None of our other friends even stood a chance, and a couple of 'em have GameCube themselves. Of course, it was a little dissapointing when me and my friend had to fight each other in the semi-finals, and not the finals. Seriously, when we battle, our fights can go on for a half an hour. Most of the time I can beat him, but when I'm playing on a level I'm not familiar with, he usually beats me(By the way, my best stage is Hyrule Castle). Anyway, enough with my stories. I'm the kind of fighter whos MOST of the time goes right in there. But, when I start to take a lot of damage, I usually play conservative. Link is very strong, and his attacks are fairly quick. His only downside is, he's not that fast. But then again, who would be with all his weapons. All of his attacks have their own strenghts, and to win against the pros with Link, you have to strategize and plan on what time to use what attack. I'm a really good one-on-one fighter, and I'm also skilled in melee attacking as well. I'll also do whatever it takes to win, such as grabbing an enemy in mid-air, and dragging him down with me. If any of you ever face me in a fight, watch out, cuzz I've got mad skillz. lol