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Everything posted by Sniglefager

  1. You know, I was just kidding about the ROMs. lol. I didn't think anyone would that whole thing. And yes, you are right, except for one thing: If you own the game, it's perfectly fine.
  2. I've always wondered what other peoples favorite games were, because I found it interesting hearing other peoples views. I'd also like you to tell me why you find that game to be your favorite, out of all other games, and what system it's for. My favorite game is Super Mario Brothers 3. The game had great graphics for its time. It was also fairly large, too. The gameplay was tight, all the power-ups, and music make this game great. If none of you have ever played this game, I suggest you buy an SNES, Super Mario All Stars, or wait until it's ported to Game Boy Advance. Or, if you don't have the money, you can download the ROM. Just remember, it's illegal and you have to delete it within 24 hours.:angel: In short, GET THIS GAME!!!!!!!
  3. I love them all. To pick one would be like picking between night and day, life and death, food or water,............ohhhhh, forget it. My absolute, favorite Mario game has to be Mario Bros. 3.88 levels, awsome graphics,(for those days) and a whole **** load of power ups. What's not to like? And for those of you wondering, the next Advance Mario game will be Super Mario Bros. 3. If you don't believe me, try and find the info. Also, many power ups were cut from the origianl, such as the Centaur Mario. Again, if you don't believe me, search aaround. This time I'll give you a hint: [url]www.egmmag.com[/url]
  4. My main charecter is Link. I can't say I'm undefeated, cause when me and my friend (Who uses Roy)fight each other, it's awe inspiring. We fight on a team a lot, so we know each others moves really well. At my birthday party about a month ago, we had a Melee tourney. None of our other friends even stood a chance, and a couple of 'em have GameCube themselves. Of course, it was a little dissapointing when me and my friend had to fight each other in the semi-finals, and not the finals. Seriously, when we battle, our fights can go on for a half an hour. Most of the time I can beat him, but when I'm playing on a level I'm not familiar with, he usually beats me(By the way, my best stage is Hyrule Castle). Anyway, enough with my stories. I'm the kind of fighter whos MOST of the time goes right in there. But, when I start to take a lot of damage, I usually play conservative. Link is very strong, and his attacks are fairly quick. His only downside is, he's not that fast. But then again, who would be with all his weapons. All of his attacks have their own strenghts, and to win against the pros with Link, you have to strategize and plan on what time to use what attack. I'm a really good one-on-one fighter, and I'm also skilled in melee attacking as well. I'll also do whatever it takes to win, such as grabbing an enemy in mid-air, and dragging him down with me. If any of you ever face me in a fight, watch out, cuzz I've got mad skillz. lol
  5. Are you kidding me?! Sure, this game may look like it's for kids with it's graphics,but if you ask me, this is the 3rd best gamecube game(next to Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine). This game is so addictive, it was all I played for a couple weeks. If you ask me, this life simulator is even better than EA's The Sims. If you don't like making your own house, buying junk, and doing chores, you can do what I think is the best part of this spectacular game: Collect old NES games. Come on, when was the last time you played a good game of Ballon Fight? Also, the promise of what connecting this thing with the E-Reader can do is amazing. Can you say new clothes, furniture, music, and NES games? I thought so. To put it simply, if you own a GameCube, BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!
  6. Gameplay:Mario Sunshine Story:Final Fantasy VII Interaction w/invironment: Metroid Prime A.I.:Metroid Prime Graphics:Metroid Prime (Getting kinda repetitive, ain't it?) Weapons: (You guessed it) Metroid Prime Sound:Metroid Prime Size:Final Fantasy X Creativity:Animal Crossing Gore:Grand Theft Auto Vice City
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