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Everything posted by Sniglefager

  1. Wow, this game looks awesome. I've been wondering when there'd be more stuff about Kingdom Hearts 2. That fight scene with the Riku-looking-dude and all the Heartless in the street and on the building...it just looks awesome. This has got me so exicted that I'll probably be starting a new file on Kingdom Hearts again
  2. Even though it would be cool to see the Lizard, I hope that Doc Ock is the only villian in the movie, or else the Spider-Man movies might go the way of the Bat-Man films (each one adding more villians, and each one also getting worse than its predecessor). Otherwise, I'm quite excited about this movie, since the first one totally blew me away.
  3. Town Stuff Town Name: ElSnigle Town Fruit: Started out peaches, but now I have oranges and pears too Town Tune: Not sure on the notes, but it's the Spider-Man theme song I got from my sheet music in band Villagers: Bea, Poncho, Rollo, Tutu, Bessie, Chuck, Snooty, Savannah, Allie, Peewee, Valice, and Monique Tom Nook's Store Design: "Nookington's Department Store" House Info Roof: Sky Blue Size: All the house upgrades House Themes: My first floor is like an outside Mario/ Nintendo thing, with all my NES games and Nintendo items, my 2nd floor is the modern style, and my basement is where all my junk that I don't want to sell goes, so it's not really a style right now Future House Plans: I want to make my 1st floor a Mario room, and all I really need is to get the Mushroom Mural to complete it House Music: Basement is Two Days Ago; 1st floor is K.K. Song; and 2nd floor is K.K. Cruisin' Highest HRA Score: 68,017 *Collections Insects: Tiny - Small - Getting There - Large - (Complete) Fish: Tiny - Small - Getting There - Large - (Complete) Fossils: Tiny - Small - Getting There - Large - (Complete) Gyroids: Tiny - Small - Getting There - Large - (Complete) NES Games: Tiny - Small - Getting There - (Large) - Complete P.S.: My friend has an Action Replay, and that's how I completed everything but the NES games Favorites Favorite Villager: Peewee Favorite Insect: Bumble Bee Favorite Fish: Even though it's not really a fish, I like the boot Favorite Fossil: The T-Rex ones Favorite Gyroid: The Nebuloid one Favorite Furniture: Well, I don't know if NES games count as furniture, but if they do it's The Legend of Zelda. If not, then the Master Sword Favorite/Current Outfit: Big Bro's Outfit
  4. My parents had an NES before I was even born, and I remember watching them play SMB3, and that's probably the reason that's my favorite game. A couple years later, my uncle got a Genesis with Sonic 2, and I played that game to death. A year later, my mom finally got me a Genesis. Then I played Super Mario World at my friend's house, and knew I had to get a SNES. Eventually I did, and it was bundled with Donkey Kong Country. The weird thing is that even though I wanted SNES just for Mario World, I never even got that game until it came out on GBA. Anyway, for my 7th birthday, my mom got me a Playstation with Crash Bandicoot and a couple other games. I also remember wanting FFVII really bad after seeing the commercials for it on TV, but my moms friend told her it would be too hard for me to play, so I didn't get that game till I was 10. That was also the age when I got my N64. I probably wouldn't have ever gotten that, except that someone at my mom's work had goten it for her children, but they were only 3 so it was too hard for them. So my mom decided to trade our SNES and some of our games for their N64, Super Mario 64, and two controllers. Even though I was excited back then, I realized last year that I would have been much better off with my SNES. Then I got GameCube with Luigi's Mansion, Rogue Leader, a memory card, and an extra controller, on Nov. 18th 2001 as a birthday present, and over the next year got great games such as SSB:M, Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing, etc. And then for Christmas 2002, I finally got a PS2, Kingdom Hearts, and FFX. Even though I love my PS2, I like my GameCube more, just because it has a lot more top quality games. I guess I've also gone with Nintendo my whole life, so I have to say I'm a Nintendo Supporter overall, even against Sega and Sony.
  5. Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig, Roy, Wendy, and Larry. If I'm right, someone can take ask a question for me again.
  6. I can't think of any questions. Someone else can make one
  7. back when I was 2 to about age 8 I liked the Ninja Turtles. In fact, I have at least a dozen tapes of the old show, not to mention all three of the live action movies, and hundreds, and hundreds (literally!) of TMNT action figures that are in my basement somewhere. The chances of me not getting this game are like 3%, as I still love the TMNT's. YAY!
  8. I was reading about it in my EGM a while ago, and the game does look very promising. But I am mad that they're using Rouge the bat. I mean, come one, she's a lame charecter. Luckily, they are using Metal Sonic again as a villian, so that makes up for Rouge. I'm also glad that they chose some cool villians for the Chaotix team, instead of just making more crappy charecters to join the Sonic roster. I can't wait for this game, and hopefully it'll be better than the Adventre series.
  9. they are:Gnarly,Tubular, Way Cool, Awesome, Groovy, Mondo, Outrageous, and Funky. As for what happens when you complete them, I'm not exactly sure, but I remember in the SNES version all the enemies turning different or something. And at the end of the level Funky it spelled out "You are a Super Player" or something like that. And to access Special World, you need to get there from Star Road.
  10. I just got the game yesterday, and it's awesome. It's way better than Sonic Advance. The graphics are better, it's longer than SA (but still not that long), it's a lot harder, you fight the bosses while you run (like the first boss in Sonic & Knuckles), the Chaos Emeralds are easier to get, and you also get a new charecter, Cream the rabbit (she's also my favorite to play as). She also attacks with a Chao named Cheese! What's not to like about that? Anyway, if you have a Game Boy Advance, I highly recommend buying this game, whether you're a Sonic fan or not.
  11. I can't wait till this game comes out. The only complaint that I had with #2 was that it didn't have any 2 player modes. Now, my friend and I can finally work together, and then kill each other afterwards.
  12. I also heard from the G4 channel that there's gonna be a Metroid movie. Of course, like all the other video games turned movies, this'll probably end up being an insult to a great series. Oh, did I mention it's from the producers of American Pie that acquired the rights?
  13. oh, cool. So all I have to do is go back to Besaid? Cool! I forgot I already had Sigil. Thanks Tasis.
  14. ok, I just beat the game, but I wanna go and power up all the Legendary Weapons. I kind of need some help in racing that chocobo trainer. I know to get one of the Sun thingies for Tidus you need to get all the balloons and not get hit by the birds, but I can never get the first 4 balloons because she always gets them before me. Also, does anyone know where Yuna's two power up thingies are?
  15. ok, I made my own strategy for defeating Overdrive Sin, but now I need to get Anima. To do this,I need some help beating that Geosgeano thingie. I know I should level up my Rikku and Wakka some more, cause they suck, and to use elemental weapons, but I just can't seem to beat it. If someone could tell me the armor that helps against Petrification, I'd be grateful.
  16. this game looks really weird....but then again, that's how I like my games. It does remind me a bit of Earthbound with a bit of Animal Crossing mixed in. I'll probably buy this game as well, considering I've been buying some weird games lately.
  17. ok, I need help on Overdrive Sin. No matter what I do, he always uses that stupid Giga-Gravija. I've tried everything my tiny little brain could comprehend, but I can't think of anything. I'm thinking of going and getting Anima or maybe Auron's Legendary Weapon, but if anyone has any tips for me, it'd help me a lot.
  18. I was reading through my new EGM, and I saw that Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed that Super Mario 128 is in development, as well as Mario Kart for GCN. Not much news, but hey, it's something.
  19. hey, does this have One Winged Angel on it too? Cause that's like my favorite Final Fantasy song, and with Simple and Clean on it, I'd definetly buy it.
  20. yeah, it does get tedious just killing and killing and killing, but it is fun being able to kill with your friends over the internet, or better yet, people you don't even know over the internet.
  21. Are you serious? Sony's gonna have a handheld system? It seems kind of pointless to me. Even though since it's made by Sony, it would sell a lot, but in my opinion, no one's ever gonna be as good as Nintendo. Sony should just stick with their consoles. They're making enough money with them anyways.
  22. It seems like a kung-fu version of SSB:M. Not that that's a bad thing, though.
  23. wasn't there something like this on an episode on the Simpsons? I could be wrong, but Homer was watching PBS or something........you know what? Never mind
  24. I actually didn't know they had a Zoids game for GBA, but at my local import shop, two guys were playing a Zoids game for Game Cube.
  25. YEAH! The frog suit! I'm getting all nostalgic now, I think I'm gonna get my NES hooked up again. Thanks for bringing back the memories!
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