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Everything posted by DKsAngel
Are you male or female? Female How long has your relationship lasted? o.o well a year and a month and still going *nods* What was the worse ending to a relationship you've been in? oh sheesh..the worst ending, was with my last ex bf >.>;'; he really liked me a lot and i put him through a lot of shiznit
i dont think i believe in luck..maybe Chance ....or it just happens for a reason you know? hmmzliez
ahh how ebil..I just couldn resist :D anyways Hair: spiky hair..I love..spiky hair..just love it *drools* but its not all about the hair though...even though I am in love with it..XD tehehe Eyes: color dont really matter, but they have to be nice to get lost in them Height: i like 'em taller, which isnt a problem since I am so short >>is 5'5.< but i am open minded about it, as long as they dont push me into it, to me looks arnt everything, its just an extra, i like guys with great personalities, i like guys that can handle me and keep up with my weird mood swings, i also like a guy who can be mature and immature at different points.. and he doesnt have to be the smartest guy in the world or the dumbest, he has to be able to keep up a conversation though, i love guys that I can talk hours on end with about a certian topic..or none at all just randomly ramble about shiznit ^_^ thats basically it, I dont ask for too much I suspose, i never really had an idea for an ideal guy but as i got to be my age i started to think up one...o.o;
sheesh...power rangers is so old, I have a pic of me and my brother and cousin playing with them when I was only 7! ..sheesh >.< i dont really watch it though, usually skip the channel so I wouldnt know much about it >.<
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]Bodily functions in any public setting are incredibly rude in my book. I'd be very offended if someone did that in front of me; especially if I'd just met them. It's a sign of disrespect (oh I don't care, I'll just let it all go infront of you). In private, it's acceptable. But I would never do it in front of friends, family, partner or anyone else. To me, doing that in front of people (especially at the dinner table or something) is virtually the equivalent of pulling up a porta potty in the middle of a restaurant. There is a [i]reason[/i] that human beings have social etiquitte. lol[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] okay I hafta agree with that, definatly. these ppl are my table at lunch always burp one of them doesnt even say excuse me, O_o; I mean burping isnt that bad but right in your face is annoying and you dont want to really be by them o.o; and like james said in private sure its acceptable, i also wouldnt do it infront of friends or a significant other, I dont think burping is that bad though, I think farting is different than burping its not as bad O_o but..owell what can one do..eh? lol
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B][color=skyblue]I'd say that you should forget about the other girl that likes you now. If she couldn't express her feelings before hand when you didn't have a girlfriend then its her fault. You can't just dump your girlfriend for someone that you kind of still like.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with that, it just makes a big mess *nods wisely since she had experience with that* just stay with your girlfriend. but thats my opinion
yes I agree, dont get lazy and i know sometimes it feels like a hassle but..you still should do it *nods wisely*
they do cut out a lot @_@ *nods wisely* i know its playing all this week mhm..but ^^ anywho
i think it is, my bro had hard and switched to soft, I have soft and 2 weeks disposables also, I think its time to change again though gotta check calander XD' ^^
at first its really weird, you slowly get used to it ^_^;' but try not blink out your contacts like me >.< today my contact came out on the bus @___@! >.< do you have hard contacts or soft? o.O
that is great, I too would love to read more of it, I wanna find out what happens ^^
Fencing! (no not the one in your backyard)
DKsAngel replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
i agree Ginny, I still want to learn fencing someday also >.< it sounds like bunches of fun XD' but would they really trust me with a sword? @_@! -
I am looking forward to seeing it, it looks kinda cool and sounds good from what I hear O.o;
yeap, and he is good with words..I wish I was >.
blah I also forgot saying Vanilla Coke ^__^ that stuff is the best :D I love it! XD keke.
whoa thats hard to say for me...I think my friend Zach at school is my high, he is really funny and just isnt afraid to do whatever plus you get two weird ppl together and bam! XD; I dunno everyone thinks I get high off of sugar, but irl I dont have any sugar at all..unless its like gum or some shiz I pick up during lunch ^.^;' and I dont like chocolate..-___- ebil! XD oh and caffine my mom limits me now, she makes me have diet I am like O_O!!! noooo.... *sniffles* ppl are just so mean..
i havent seen it, but from the sounds of it from you guys its dumb O.o
well 10-05-2001 is when DeathKnight came o.O and I welcomed him..so about a month or so earlier than that, but I had different sns which I lost the pword so XD;'
....why must you call me that???? Gawd I am gonna kill ken. not that two-faced you loser XD i am talking about the people who act like they are your best friends but behind your back all like "she is so stupid and ugly.." etc etc and sure I wear a mask but *shrugs*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B]Any of ya'll have two-faced friends, or friends that are plain old posers?? Like, they'll say that some person is annoying, and then when that person is around...boom they are like that person's best friend. Or they'll be a poser, and pretend to like things just because you like them, like I have a friend who pretends to like the same stuff as me, and then she really doesn't like it...and you can tell...trust me!! I am not mad at my friend or anything...its just that I am worried that they rn't being themselves and are trying to impress me by trying to share intrests with me. I have tried to tell them...but they just don't get it. Anyon egot ideas on how to show them that I like them for who they are?? [/B][/QUOTE] I know too many two-face ppl, its annoying. I hate it. they all basically are like that! why?! I hate it!! :flaming: lol anyways yeah I know lots of them @_@ i just wish they would get better things to do then be a "poser" or "two-faced" why dont they just be themselves? speak the mind? and just live there life? -___-
Writing Well this does say "poetry" so ill do what i do best
DKsAngel replied to Ifra's topic in Creative Works
its a good poem ^^ I likie -
my real name is...lol everyone all knows it almost cuz ken says it too much --; darn him and *mumbles on* but its Reina-Ann it means Queen Beloved XD; but my nickname is lily and Rei..@_@ ..blah!
ehhh i think the whole shirt thing is getting outrageous, this boy wore a mario shirt with mario on a mushroom and he had a necklace with a tiny tiny mushroom in it, it was cool. but the school took it the wrong way and took the shirt and necklace from it, he did get it back but it wasnt ment to be taken in a wrong way like that which is a bad thing and I think they are going too far with this, the kid got onto the star program which is like a school probation but he also did other things so lol XD; but anyways thats not the point, the way they took that is like when someone says something innocent and us taking it and turning it into a sexual way. its not ment to be..so why should they take it? tsk..its gone too far, I think.
[B]what do you do if someone starts on you?[/B] well...thats hard to say..no one "starts" on me...its true..irl mostly ppl are afraid of me, I got some kind of Authority that I dont know about, that everyone else knows..o.O its a consipracy! [B]What is your style[/B] eh I dont fight much..so I dont have a *style* lol ^^;..; and if I do get in fights it usually verbal...o_O and one of us usually stop..o.O [B]What would you do, if you walked past a group of people beating up another group?[/B] well I think I would do something like pull them apart and say "so you guys are how old now..? and your fighting..? and yet somehow in your stupid little peanut brains think this will solve your problems..how?, your __ years old, come on, little kids should do this. not you. if you cant act grown up maybe you should go back to preschool where your arse belongs." and then casually walk away. lol..I am weird..o_O and I also sounds like a teacher..gosh I am scarin myself..XD
hmm its pretty good and very detailed, details are good though.