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Everything posted by DKsAngel

  1. well my name is DKsAngel only coming from DeathKnight's Angel cuz since I am his gf and I couldnt think of any other sns so i suspose it works O.o :p
  2. thats horrible..i think I really didnt understand it but...ok lol
  3. Maybe something traumatic happened to the guy to make him not like christmas..O_o;; he seems really mean..and I think its wrong to do that..and if you miss school arnt you suspose to make it up in the summer or w/e? crazy ppl these days..
  4. i know its about places you been..but what about where you would like to go? cuz I think it would be awesome to go to Paris, France maybe even to Japan and stuff..:p
  5. you must of died of boredom when you went to Illinois I know I woulda..but then again I live here..its sorta boring..tho chicago is fun to go to ^^ I have also been to Washington, D.c. and I may be going to Mexico ^-^
  6. I voted for..*shifty* ehh I'd give them all my vote if I had a choice lol so GO EVERYONE! cuz..your all spiffy! lol >.>
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryan [/i] [B][color=purple] Wow! Sounds like a lot of people want to meet others. Personally, no offense to anyone here at the boards, but I wouldn't want to meet a single person here. Now this isn't because no one has mentioned me once, I am very fine with that. I don't know, there is just some feeling that I don't want to meet anyone. There are people here that are nice and that I occasionally talk to on AIM but, I haven't made any friends. That doesn't mean that everyone is mean to me, because that is just the opposite, but I haven't made one single friends since I signed up in Version 3. Well one, but he never comes on anymore, hasn't been here for like 2 versions. But that is cool that others want to meet each other.:)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] the almighty power of the word "spiffeh" lol I think I finished my phase in the word spiffy..it was fun tho ^_^;; now I need a new word anyways..who would I want to meet... Juu Mist Nerdsy Foredaddy DeathKnight mmm thats all for now..>.> too tired to go on :sleep: - Lily
  8. i think Duo Maxwell is sexy XD I still cant get over my obsession with him...Wolfwood is also..and Shuichi ^-^;;
  9. hmm I am not much into Card captors so I couldnt help >.< I only like watched it for two weeks or so and then stopped but that was awhile ago so o_o sorry anyways [size=1][color=teal]Quick tip: if you can't help, you shouldn't post. It's SPAM, so please avoid it. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  10. i have yet to see the episode I have just gotten into cowboy bebop recently..I like the song tho, its great ^-^; and I suspose you can get sick of it..after like a zillion times..but yeah - Lily
  11. well I have lived here (being Illinois) my whole life and have been to california..michigan..florida..texas..and more places..but thats all I can think of..pluz I am about to fall out of my chair asleep...*fallz and collapses on the floor* zzzzz...:sleep:
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