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Everything posted by Ninjah
Howzit OB? It's been a while-- so I'm not exactly a new member... I've just been on a very long hiatus from here! To think I would forget about you guys! I'm beginning to wonder if anyone remembers me, I spent a lot of time in what is now called the Theatre and the Art Studio as well! I used to be known as SakuraKid back in '02, then Hatake to what my name is now. Have a good one everyone! I'll be stickin' my nose back in the Art Studio.
Thanks for takin' time to crit. Jiggly! When I was working on the first one, I was quite happy with it. I'm not an avid C4D user, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'll watch out next time. ;]
[SIZE=1]I keep having these comebacks. I hope you guys did not forget me! But I can't blame you if you have. I have no idea when my last appearance was. I was pretty much going to bring back a really old thread of mine, but I thought Boo would eat me. It's hard to believe I've been here since elementary school. Now I'm pretty much graduating next year. Just want to share with you guys my current stuff! Just been messing around with photo shop lately. [B] OLD >>> NEW/RECENT[/B] [IMG]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/fauxprince/gfx/CARAMEEEL.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/fauxprince/gfx/BATMAAAN-1.jpg[/IMG] [URL="http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/fauxprince/gfx/abstracctts.png"]LINK[/URL] [URL="http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/fauxprince/gfx/skyecopy.jpg"]LINK[/URL] [IMG]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/fauxprince/gfx/DRblank.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/fauxprince/gfx/EBtag.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg236/fauxprince/gfx/arosprosbor.png[/IMG] [url=http://dkeo.deviantart.com/art/SAYITLOUD-117234029]LINK[/url] [/SIZE]
Art The Desktop Screenshots/Wallpapers Thread [image heavy]
Ninjah replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in Creative Works
[CENTER][SIZE="1"]Here would be mine. :x[/SIZE] [URL=http://img182.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fsfsayr3.jpg][IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1243/fsfsayr3.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] -
[quote name='Boo'][size=1]Great, I'll have something up this weekend. :] Reminder: Remember to save your files as [b].jpeg[/b] files, preferably, because otherwise there'll be trouble when juxtaposting the pieces next to each other (colours, mainly)![/size][/QUOTE] Oh, sorry. Just a habit of saving things as .png. I'll edit my post with an updated version. :x
Here's my piece. Something a little different than what I usually do. [URL=http://img175.imageshack.us/my.php?image=obco2qf3.png][IMG]http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3485/obco2qf3.th.png[/IMG][/URL]
Add me back on the list. :@
I call after Jiggly! [B]// EDIT:[/B] D:! I had a brain poop after 2 minutes of working on this. Thanks for the suffering Jiggly? D:!! [URL=http://img510.imageshack.us/my.php?image=craankbt2.png][IMG]http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/4742/craankbt2.th.png[/IMG][/URL]
Haha, I think you kinda owe it to Boo too. He had reminded me to take care of the whole thing. :P
I fixed mine up a bit, should be a little easier, I hope. While doing that I modified somethings, I hope that's alright with everyone. I had meant to fix this way earlier but been a bit busy. Sorry for the trouble. :P [COLOR="DarkRed"][url=http://i23.tinypic.com/288o7bo.png]Color your WORLD[/url][/COLOR]
Oh pish-posh. I totally forgot about the border of my piece. C'mon Jiggly, you can do it. :P
Yey it's my turn. I'll have mine done by, Thursday at the latest. Don't eat me. Gotta catch up with school work. [B]//EDIT:[/B] Here's my piece. [URL="http://i10.tinypic.com/6h5t0f8.png"]You can suceed...[/URL]
I hope you all don't mind. But I'd like to take another chance at this. I'm pretty sure I half-assed the piece I had submitted last time. I'm trying to get myself re-aquainted with OB. SO, I'll go after the uh, last person who, uhm, said they'd go in the worm?
[SIZE=1]I had a hard time transitioning from Han-Ki's piece. But here's my bit. :3 Enjoy. [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g185/designRanik/GRAPHICS/collabOB8bit.png]Crank That 8Bit[/URL][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hm, you guys are fast. I'm outta my home state at the moment and won't be home until Monday morning. Sooo, I'll probably have mine done by Tuesday at the least. But if you guys can't wait, feel free to skip me and I'll call dibs on being the last after whoever.[/SIZE]
I'm impressed. :3 I too would like to claim a spot in the worm. #16. Hatake is coming back. :U
[size=1]I'm glad to be back. I'll try to fit OB into my busy schedule. =D Oh yes, the tail of plane does look a bit off. I've gotten a lot of comments about the shade of blue on the plane. Such as it should be either darker or lighter. When I have something more to show. I'll edit this post. Thanks again everyone.[/size]
[SIZE=1]Hello OB'ers. I'm not quite sure whether or not you all remember me but I've been absent for a VERY long, I was known as Hatake. Well anyways, I've decided to come back for a little bit. This was something I've done recently, I just got bored while at home with my brother. Just went crazy with my ellipse and pen tool. This was suppose to be something I was going to upload to my deviantart, but haven't yet. So please look past my DA watermark. [IMG]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g185/designRanik/GRAPHICS/23-1.jpg[/IMG] My brother looked at it and pointed out that it reminded him of 9/11 and asked if I was a terrorist. Haha.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][size=1]OOC: I'm sorry everyone, just been too busy lately. Huge tests this last quarter. Short post at the moment. ---- Quincy watched as Dred and Kay left. Then came back. Quincy stood, seeming anxious to know what happened. Then a thick musty aroma came up into his nostrils. He twitched. "That smell,,," He said in a hushed tone "Do you smell that...?" He could then hear everyone sniff. Quincy felt like falling to his knees and plead the Gods, but instead he stood tall with courage and pride. "My,,, Just what has become of this day...? One of the longest days I've ever had. Not to mention the worst feeling." "What's that smell? What do we do?" Asked Leo, a hint of confusion in his voice. He looke around at everyone. Quincy looked back at him, sympathy for Leo struck him and he frowned. He then focused on Dred. "Do you think we can make it to your little home before they get us...?" He asked. Emphasizing on the word "they", his heart pumping. They had to think fast or else they'd get us. "Or, we can all just stay here, and fight for our lives?" Quincy then focused on Kay, and then back on Dred. Those two were the oldest among all of them. They're wise, but shouldn't be depended on most of the time. And for that reason, Quincy felt quite bad about letting them make the choices. "We should go... Or stay. But I recommend running for our lives." Quincy put his hands on his hip. "And we gotta think quick."[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Argh!, I'm sorry everyone for not posting much. My reasoning is about the same as Illusion's. I've been trying to kick up my grades before the end of the year. I've also been having this major writer's block. And think my posts lack quality. Back onto the story. Travelling to another town would be great, though, maybe we could travel to a town with a smith or something. Because, if you haven't noticed... Quincy is weaponless at the moment. His gun was confinscated by the officials that had taken him in. And since, Niffleheim is in ruins, it'd be hard to find that gun. So,,, Why not have an NPC make a new gun for him and daggers? But I guess it's up to you guys. I'll just have Quincy search for a smith. [spoiler]I think when we get more settled, I might have Quincy go off and look for his daughter. Maybe.[/spoiler] Other than all that. I like how several people are including Quincy in their posts. It's quite relieving to see how my character isn't just there, and transparent. Because then I won't have a hard time getting back into the storyline once I start posting again. - Ninjah I'll start posting again in a couple(1-3) days or so.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]My name is [B]Damaly[/B], that's [Dom-I-lee] or [Dom-UH-lee] Whichever is easier on your tongue. And I reside in a small rural town (which is seemingly getting larger everyday) in Minnesota. Oh how I love Minnesota's funky weather. I've lived in this town for only 3 years. And I grew up in the city. So, this town isn't really, how do I say, my scene. I'm Fourteen, no really. And I am but in Junior High. Waiting for my Freshman year in Highschool. People say I'm smart for my age. But really, I'm not. They're just pretty close-minded, if I may add. Or just haven't seen kids my age and younger do something amazing. I can't wait to turn Fifteen and get my permit. And get my lisence at Sixteen. To be honest, I've been practicing/studying for it. I'm Female. Constantly mistaken for a man because of my androgynous look. I'm not thee most girliest girl you'll ever meet. Nor will I be the tomboy-est girl you'll meet. I'm pretty much inbetween, but lean more to the tomboy side. I have three siblings. Two older brothers and a sister. If you add up their ages (in order) you get fifty-six. My oldest brother (twenty-seven) lives down in Texas and has been serving in the marines for 8+ years and counting. He's a master in Karate and Tae Kwon Do. One of my heros really. My second oldest brother (nineteen) still lives with us and is attending Normandale Community College. He's a lazybum who sits in bed playing videogames till dawn breaks. He works at gamestop. Yaay, free game rentals from the store. My little sister (ten) seems innocent yes. But I call her "The Beast" for a reason. She's probably thee most vicious little girl you'll meet. Pretty much like Cujo, times 100. I'm a pure blooded asian. To be specific, South eastern asian. To be even more specific, Cambodian. Haha, we Cambodians make people keep guessing. We're what I like to call, the lost race. (I feel sooo bloated atm.) I have a wide variety of friends. Ranging from race to age to sexuality. I cherish all my true and good friends. I miss my one and only bestfriend. (R.I.P) I do believe in strong relationships. But just not at my age. Even though, I am involved in one at the moment. I'm not afraid to say: "I'm half gay!" if you know what I mean. So, yes. At the moment, I'm involved with my very own Japanese girl. ( I feel lucky.) I have this really big imagination so to get it down I: Draw. Sketch. Paint. Create graphics. Play music (keyboard, guitar, bass) Write stories and poetry. I'm addicted to Ragnarok btw. Uhm, I'll stop. I've become lazy.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Quincy opened his eyes and stretched his arms over his head. He stood up quick on his feet. He watched as everyone stretched out and look at each other nodding them good morning or evening, or whatever the time was. "Hey, where's Leo...?" He heard Kylipso ask. Quincy's ears perked up, and he looked around, and there was no Leo. "Yeah, where is Leo?" Kim asked. "Did anyone see him last night?" Dred questioned. Everyone then started murmuring the possible reasons on why he would've dissapeared. "I don't think he would've ran away intentionally." Katie stated. Quincy spoke: "Ah, we should split up into groups or something. Search the area, I believe he couldn't have gone that far...!" "Seems true enough Quincy." added Kay. "If we do split up into groups though, someone should stay here just incase he decides to show up or come back." Everyone nodded in agreement.[/COLOR] [I]OOC: Hope this is fine with everyone. Sorry for making such short posts too. Writer's block is really gettin' to me, and I haven't really the slightest clue on what to do atm.[/I][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Quincy followed behind both the priestess and wanderer. There was silence, all that could be heard was the wind and people crying up on the mountain. Havoc sounded like it was to spread upon the land. But why? Quincy got an ugly feeling in his gut. A feeling of being overly worried. How was Psyche doing? Did she make it? Did she run into trouble? What might've happened to her? This was all that was on his mind. As the group of three continued hiking down the mountain, Quincy reached for the cross around his neck, gripping it in his hand. Looking up at the sky and started muttering some prayer. Kay looked at him over her shoulder. Quincy just let on a smile at the corner of his mouth. "Praying? For what if I may ask." Asked Dred as he continued to lead the group. "My daughter..." Quincy replied. "I sent her off to my sister's before I was taken in for execution." He released his cross, letting it slap him in the chest, chain jingling. "Oh, and my lady Kay. Thank you, for saving me back then. Thank you for believing me." He bowed his head. "No problem, really." She answered "Your protesting, sounded so much different than the other ones I've heard. It sounded more,,, Sincere." "Wanted for murder." Dred said. "I do believe someone has framed me, or atleast it is another many by the name of Quincy. If I have killed someone, I pray, for the gods to cleanse me of this sin I supposedly commited." Quincy sighed. When they reached the bottom, silence struck them again. Quincy couldn't help but stare at the open, dead, field. His heart filled with sorrow. He then spoke quietly, "So then, all things living must die... Absurd. But I guess it is human nature...." He started to walk around the deserted area, all that stood there now was dead grass, and three humans. "Now where do we go from here?" The other two started to ponder.[/COLOR] OOC: Sorry for not posting, writer's block. Hope this is fine with you Starwind and Illusion.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]OOC: Refer to Underground thread, for more info on what's going on with my char. Or just go scan over my writing sample. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Wait, I didn't murder anyone! Oh lords, if I have, clense me of my violent sin." Prayed Quincy. He thought in his head, someone had framed him. But who? He didn't know anyone, except long time old friends whom he hasn't seen in ages. "You've mistaken me with someone else." The guards closed in on him, grabbing his arms with brute force. "H-hey! Get off me!" Quincy shook them off, then raced through the door. The least he could do was give Psyche her doll, before his fate. He pushed comers and local outta his way. He played with the guards a little bit before sneaking to the back of the inn, where his daughter waited for him. "Did you find him? Did you find Lars?" She questioned quite quickly. "I did." Quincy replied hold out the dirty rabbit. "I found him! Over here! Quick!" Shouted a guard in the distance pointing toward him. Quickly making his way toward them. Quincy looked and panicked, staring at Psyche. "Psyche." He got on a knee, and kneeled down, so he was at eye-level with her. "Remember the way to Auntie's? Remember, we marked our way with sticks and stones. Follow them back. And stay with her. Please." "Why?" She asked. "I need to take care of some something. And you are not to be involved." He looked over his shoulder, the guard was drawing near. "Becareful, go!" He shoved her lightly. She stood and stared at him. "Go." He said sternly. She hugged him and off she went, into the bushes and forest. "We've got you Quincy. You have nowhere to go. And nothing to do." Said a guard as he was panting quite harshly. He was infact, a big man. By the looks of it, he seemed to be incharge of the guard unit. "Confinscate his weapons. And tie him." Quincy let them do as they wished. They jerked off his weapons, items, belongings, etc. They tied up his hands. And they started to guide him to the Kingdom of Niffleheim. Where execution awaited him. Locals just stood and watched, gossiping and some even laughing. He walked, head down. As if no pride in himself. It would take several days for them to get to Niffleheim. But Quincy knew it was no use for him to escape. They would just continue looking and chasing him. He doesn't want to live hiding for the rest of his life. But there maybe another way. He just hasn't figured it out.[/SIZE][/COLOR]