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Everything posted by Ninjah
Reg introduced Dai to Day. "Dai I would like you to meet the below average girls.That's her,her and her!"Reg said pointing at them.The girls at the table snickered except the three. "Hey!We are not below average!"Courtney shouted. "So girls this is Dai."Reg said. "Hey isn't he the kid that's sister died?"Cassandra asked. "Yeah!"Marie replied. "What happen did your sister die because she though of your ugly face?"Courtney laughed so did the other girls.Dai looked at the ground with a frown.Reg looked at Dai,and felt hatred. "Was that an insult?"Reg asked. "I'm sure it...-"Courtney was cut off bye Reg. "I think it was!He'll be looking much more better then you when I'm finished with you!"Reg yelled. Courtney looked Reg in the eye.She then swung a punch at Reg.Reg moved to the side and grabbed Courtney's arm and kneed her.Then the other two girls came at Reg.Reg moved to the side again.Then did a high kick kicking Marie in the head.Then Cassandra came she punched Reg but it didn't feel like anything except a little pinecone that was thrown at her. "Hmm you punch like a girl.Oops my mistake!You are one!With that punch how are you thinking of becoming a soilder with a weak punch like that?!"Reg said while smirking she then kick Cassandra.Reg was really fast with her legs.She then dusted off herself. "Now we know who's the below average."Reg said as she put her hands in her pocket with still that smirk on her face.She then looked at Dai."You ok dude?That was harsh what they said to you,but I took care of it."Reg smiled.
Reg walked to the mess hall with Day. "Man I hope that nobody stares at me again."Reg said. "Well if they do you can always punch them."Day said.Reg smiled. "That'd be just to violent but ya know that is a good idea!"She exclaimed.Soon they arrived they would do what they do all the time get there food and sit at their table.The girls stared at Reg.Reg just ignored them trying to restisting to punch them.She then suddenly stood up and stared at them. "What are you looking at you below average soilders!?"Reg yelled at them.They gasped thinking how Reg could say that to them. "Hey you can't say that!Your just about the same as us!"Said the leader Courtney.The girls at the tabled Oooed except for Day and Reg.Reg just smirked. "We'll see who's below and who's not.I'm trying out for captain of the drill team."Reg said still having the smirk on her face.Courtney gasped but then smirked. "Since your trying out I guess I'll try."Coutney said as she stood too. "So the compitetions on!"Reg said as she picked up her tray and threw away her food.Then went back to the table and sat down. "You know Day.I 've never really talked to any of the boys.So I might as well talk to them."Reg said."Call me when the below averages try to attack you or take you somewhere."Reg then got up and went to the boy's table and sat down."Hi guys!What's up."Reg asked them they all just stared then looked away and started to talk to each other,bu one kept his eye on Reg a red headed boy."Hm,what are you looking at?"Reg asked him.
Rei finished her bottle of tea. "Aya!"Rei yelled.Aya walked over to her table. "May I have some more tea with a little bit of sake in it?"Rei asked. "Aren't you a little young to drink sake Rei?"Aya replied. "Well...I said little...Well you may either put the sake in or leave it out."Rei said.Aya walked away,Rei looked over at the table Austin was sitting at he was staring at Aya again as she walked away.Rei didn't care.Soon Aya came back with a bottle of tea. "Does it have the Sake in it?"Rei asked as she poured it in her cup. "No."Aya replied. "Ok."Rei said,as she drank the tea she stared at the one named Austin,Rei knew his name because she was listening to Aya and him talk.Soon after Rei finished her bottle of tea she payed Aya and left.
By the time Rei got her food she saw that the guy with the viper had entered. "What's he doin here?"Rei asked staring at him then shrugged,and started to eat. "So Rei...How's life been without Akira-kun?"Aya asked with a frown. "It's been good."Rei answeared while pooring tea into her cup. "I loved him so much,I miss him more then anybody."Aya said.Rei stared at Aya. "More then anybody...more then me I guess."Rei whispeared. "Well yeah,you seem to not care for him dying."Aya said.Rei punched the table causing it to crack. "If you loved him much,then why weren't you at the race!If you miss him more then me then wouldn't you be taking his spot as a street racer,and dedicate each race to him!Keeping your mind on him and only racing and fighting for revenge!Well!I don't see you do any of those!But me look at me!I fight and race!"Rei yelled,everyone looked toward that table. "Well..."Aya said. "Would you like to settle this over a race or fight?"Rei asked. "Iie(no)..."Aya said quietly. "Omae o Korosu(I will kill you)if you did so!See look I never decline a fight or race!I do it all for Akira!"Rei yelled again.Aya was then called over to Austin's table to take his order.Rei settled down and then sat down in her seat and drank her tea.
Rei went to an Japenese Resturant where her brother Akira used to work.She went up to the cashier and got a table.She looked at the menu,the waitress came,Rei put don the menu and saw that the waitress was Akira's girlfriend Aya,Aya had respect for Akira even though Akira didn't seem to show respect for Aya. "Aya,I'd would like just tea,and some Miso soup."Rei ordered. "How do you kno-...Little Rei Genji?"Aya asked looking quite suprised. "Hai(yes)."Rei said. "Honto?(really)"Aya said putting down her pad. "Don't call me little anymore baka(idiot)."Rei said,she then looked at the staring Aya,"Well,how about my food?" "Oh yeah so you want some Tea and some Miso Soup."Aya said picking up her pad and writing down Rei's order then walking away. "I can't belive that Aya was Akira's koibito(girlfriend)."Rei sighed.
Reg and Day went to their class,Reg worked really harder then before. "So you doing ok Reg after what happened about your mom?"Day asked,while they jogged around. "Yeah,I guess so."Reg replied.Then looked down at the floor."Could what I say about what I did to myself be true?"Reg asked quietly.She then looked up and saw a man that somewhat looked like a teacher. "Who's he?"Day asked. "Maybe another teacher,maybe he's new."Reg replied.
After Rei was done taking her shower,she got dressed and started to drive somewhere.She went over speed limit and was pulled over by a cop. "D*mn."Rei said to herself as she got out of her car and leaned on it.The cop gave her a speeding ticket but then Rei ripped it up. "I don't need to pay no fine."She said.She then jumped up ontop her roof and and went through her sun roof,and started to drive away.BUt the Cop called for back up and 3 cars where chasing her.SHe looked in her mirrior. "Well...I'll just have to knock'em out I guess."She said smirking.She then passed a car with really loud Linkin Park music.But then there was a dead end.So she turned off her and stepped outside and waited for the cops to catch up.Rei just stood there waiting for them to run at her,and they did,she smirked.By the time one of the cops touched her she started to fight.She grabbed his hand and elbowed him in his next,then the next one she kick in the gut and elbowed him in the back,then the last one she used her Nanchaku she hit in the jaw,then the both of his arms,and then a hit on the head.It's to bad that someone people were watching her and some might even report her.She then looked at a guy with and 2003 Viper SRT/10 he was one of those people who was watching her.She then went back to her car and drove off.
I don't really know why I make banners even if I'm not really that good but they are fun to make!Well anyways you can yell at me or slap me if I spoil some of the charaters from Soul Calibur2.I hope they all work. [URL=http://www.geocities.com/animefreakkid/sc2banners]Sc2 Banners[/URL] Hope they are good...which I think they aren't...
Rei then pulled up into a hotel. "Do you have any rooms left?"She asked. "We have room number 105,106,107,108,and 109 open."The hotel keeper said."The price is $20 per person.And staying for a day is $20,ans for a week $75." "Here alone,staying for a week and room 105."Rei said as she gave him $95,he gave her the key to her room and watched her as she walked away.Rei ran up the stairs instead of using the elevator.She then stood infront of her door and opened it,the room wasn't that big but it was still good.Re fell backwards on her bed and sighed. "I forgot to dedicate that last race to you Akira,but now I will,I dedicate that race to my dear brother Akira."She said then she sat up and headed for the bathroom,she then took a shower.
"Heh,let's see that loser can get past this,he'll never catch up.Then I can have my 100 dollars."Just then Rei stepped on her gas and started to go past the driver who was racing her. "What the heck?!"The guy said as Rei pasted him.By the time he caught up with Rei she had already crossed the finish line.She then walked over to the guy. "Wheres my 100 dollars?"She asked.He smirked,and got out of his car and stood infront of Rei. "Well then you'll just have to pay."He said,as he puckered up.Rei stepped back and drew her Nunchakus and hit the guy and then kick him. "Hey watch it jerk!Don't mess with me!"Rei yelled and then kick him again."Now where's my 100 dollars!"he pointed to his pocket.Rei then took out his wallet and took the 100 dollars,and threw the wallet at his face and walked to her car and started to drive away."Arigato."She said at she walked away and then drove away.
Sure,You'll have to find a way to fit in with the rpg because it already started.
Name:Rei Genji Age:17 Bio:Rei was raised by her brother,her brother was a street racer,so Rei knew quite alot about street racing.Her brother's name was Akira.He was cold on the out side but warm inside,he always seemed to be there for Rei until one day he died when he was challenged to a match,his breaks didn't work when he had to make a sharp turn on the cliff it seemed that the other gang had messed with his cars the night before,he fell off the cliff and when he reached the end Boom!Rei just stood there watching her brother's car go into flames.She then got herself into street racing always dedicating each race she wins to her brother. Personality:Rei is just like her brother cold on the outside but you have to dig deep into her to find her warm spot.She is not really intrested in boys,alls she wants to do is gain revenge for her brother.If you wanna fight her she'll accept it.If you wanna race her she'll accept it.Other things,she'll just decline. Description:She's asian,has brown eyes,brow hair with a little bit of red.Were's black leather gloves with the tips cut off,long orange shirt with red vest,black jeans,a red bandana,and blck boots,and tinted black sunglasses. Other:Has black Nunchaku made out of hardwood with a dragon design on it in her right pocket. Gang/Team:N/A Car Make:Honda Acura NSX Paint Color:Red Other:Has her name Graffitied on the front of her car. I hope this is ok.
I've played the demo but I only got to play with two charaters....I wanted to play with Kilik...I read the reveiws for it but I have never seen a commercial for it,or maybe I have,Does the opening count?
The Angel Luna Age: 23 Specialty: Healing, flying Bio: Little sister of Darvyn
Yeah,this is my very first wallpaper I've made....It's just..plain to me..yeah,I don't think it's good,but I want to hear what you people have to say about it.It features Kanzaki from Battle Athletes.It's only an 800x600 so I'm gonna enlarge it later.Tell me if it's messed up,I'll fix it.
"Uhh,Col.Clark aren't you gonna go?"Reg asked. "Nope."He said. "You know they are gonna call you again."Charli said. "I know,but I don't care."He said."Well Reg how are you?" "I'm doing Ok,I guess.."Reg said."I think I know why I cut myself.." "Explain."Charli said. "It's probly because I don't want to be adopted by some strangers,because what..if they aren't a happy family,what if they are kinda abusive,you can never tell.I will have to go to a new school...But then i'd beat up those who get on my nerves...Plus it'll be hard for me to make friends,because of my attitude,anger,and the way I look with thesee scars...My only human friend is Day..." "Human friend?"Clark said confused a bit. "I used to have a white wolf when I was a child,I named him Kamaji...He protected me when I was in danger."Reg took out her picture again and started at it,she looked at the White Wolf with Ice blue eyes,and sighed.
Yay Aoshi!That's really nice!Except the light around Aoshi...Well it's better then I can do!
Ooo pretty,I wish I could make something like that,and I thought the colors wouldn't look good with Axl until I enlarged it.So that's all I have to say...it's cool,So nice job.
After Reg got her wounds clean Day and Her started to the Mess Hall,when they both entered,and when Reg started walking to get her breakfast she was stared at.She wanted to say What they all were "what are you people lookin at?!" but didn't want to. Day and her sat at the table were they usually sit,all the girls stared at Reg.It made Reg feel uncomfortible. "Day,I'm gonna go see if I can sit with Charli, and Col.Clark...."REg said. "Why?"Day asked. "These girls here make me feel uncomfortible."Reg said aloud then all the girls looked away,Reg smirked,"I'm still gonna go see if i can still sit with the teachers."Reg picked up her tray and went over to the teacher table."Can I err,sit with you guys?The girls make me feel uncomfortible..."Reg asked
OOC:Sorry Day I really didn't have an idea of what to say,plus were on out last page and didn't even get to the compitetion! Reg leaned against the wall of the bathroom and slid down into a sitting position.She was about to cry but then she thought to herself that her Mom wouldn't want her to,she'll just say nobody lives forever. "Why did I cut myself?Was it because....I didn't want to be adopted?That people wouldn't adopt me because the way I look."Reg asked herself."None of this doesn't make sense!W-w-why me..."Reg then curled up and place her head between her legs as she started to cry.She then looked up and wiped her tears away."I shouldn't have screamed at Day,I've never really had a friend before,never,because they would all make fun of me,and I'd beat them up,espicially those cheerleaders.Day is my only friend,not including Kamaji...I wonder if Day will forgive me.."Reg said. She then took out a picture of Kamaji and her as a small child hugging the white wolf.She then smiled. "I'm gonna train hard..."Reg got up and exited the bathroom,she saw Day walking out but then she stopped her. "Err...Day I'm sorry,I over reacted,will you forgive me?If you do we'll go to the mess hall after I get theses clean"Reg said.
I fixed it up a bit.It's still plain though,but oh well.
Reg hid under her bed for while but Charli didn't come yet, "I wonder where Charli is..."Reg said to herself. Soon all the girls were up they all got dressed and started talking to each other some of them went to the brathroom to brush their teeth. "Hmm....Where's Reg?"Courtney asked(leader of the three girls) Day shrugged.Coutney looked at Day."An you are?"she asked. "My names DaiShamar,but call me Day."Day replied. The three girls laughed."What a silly name!" Reg heard the three girls making fun of Day.She had hatred in her eye,but she didn't come out from under the bed,or else everone will see her face. "Hey don't be making fun of my name!"Day yelled,"Don't make me get Reg on you girls!" "Ooo...Like were scared..Can't fight for yourself can you Day?"Courney said. Day was getting irritated.Just then Charli entered the bunker she heard everything. "Courtney,Marie,Cassandra,and everyone else out.It's time for breakfast and then class."Charli said as everyone exited the room.Except for Day."Where's Reg?"Charli asked. "Dunno.."Day said. "Well you better get going you don't wanna miss breakfast."Charli said,Day exited the room."Reg you can come out from under the bed now." Reg came out from under the bed. "What happen to your face?"Charli asked,she then looked down at Reg's right hand."And your hand?" "I kinda cut myself with my pocket knife i had in my backpack,while I was sleeping,but I'm ok."Reg replied. "Why did you do it?"Charli asked. "I don't know Mom,I mean ma'am,ack I mean Charli."Reg said with a nervous smile with her head looking down at the floor.
Hey it doesn't suck Lauren!It's better then my first banner,that's very smart of you to but a border around it and getting the close up on him....and uhh....there I gave you reasons,why it doesn't suck!NOw for some tips....Well I don't have any...I think..PLus you already showed me that banner on Aim...
Reg looked around the room and saw that all the girls were still sleeping except for Day and Reg.Reg then looked around again looking for a spot to hide she hid under her bed. "I guess under here should work."Reg said. "Maybe,let's just hope it does."Day said. OOC:SOrry for short posting it's just that noboies replying.
You think I've givin up have you?!:laugh:Well your wrong!I've only been expirimenting with photoshop.I think I've gotten better.It has Ed from Cowboy Bebop on it!It may look plain like I usually say when make a banner.