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Everything posted by Ninjah

  1. Reg walked back to her bunker,when she enetered the 3 girls were ready to taunt her. "Well if it isn't Miss Reg and her muscles."One of them said. "Wait haven't you guys heard?Her mother died."Another said. "I wonder if she'll become and alcoholic like her mother."The last one said,they all laughed. Reg just kept on walking to her bunk and sat down on her bed with her head down.Soon the three girls saw drops of water fall on the floor from Reg. "Oh girls could those be,tears?"One said.The two nodded."Oh what a cry baby."she said again. Reg's hand turned into a fist,she then looked up with rage in her eyes and grabbedthe leader of the group by the shirt and slammed her into a wall. "How would you feel if your mother died?!HUH?!"REg screamed in her face.She didn't answear,Reg slammed her against the wall again."HIW WOULD YOU FEEL DA*M IT!!WHAT IF YOU HAD TO GO TO AN ORPHANGE HUH?!"Reg screamed again,her raged eyes turned into hatred,then back to herself,she let go of the girl and went to her bed and layed down on her side. "Courtney!"The two girls said as they ran to her. Reg fell asleep. ********* Dream Sequence: Reg was sitting on a rock,thinking just then her mother showed up. "Mom is that you?"Reg asked. "Yeah!Duh."Her mom answeared back,"Look who's here."Just then a White wolf appeared from behind Mom. "Kamaji!"Reg exclaimed.The white wolf leaped forward on Reg and licked her face.Then somehow Kamaji left a scar across Reg's eye,but Reg never felt a think,then licked her palm as she held it out for Kamaji and left a cross scar shape on it. "Reggie,take care Kamaji and Me have to go,a good family will find you and adopt you,heck you might even have a brother or sister!" "Mom....Don't go!I don't want to go to an orphanage!" End of Dream ******** Reg sat up and looked at her hand.One was holding her pocket knife and the other had a crossed shape scar. "What the h***?"Reg said,"Why did I do that?"Reg then looked around all the girls were sleeping,Reg put the knife back and wrapped up her hand,but she didn't know about her eye."What the h*** I can't open my right eye,it hurts."Just then Reg looked out the window and saw Col.Clark."What's he doing?Is officer Charli coming back?Well if she is coming back I'll be sleeping,...But before I go to sleep."Reg took out a picture of her and her white wolf Kamaji.She stared at the picture and then fell asleep with the picture in her righ hand.
  2. Reg just stopped and thought,then started walking again. "No.."Reg said. "Are you sure,it'll help."Clark said kindly. "When I say no Col.Clark I mean no..."Reg said as she walked off faster but Col.Clark would just follow her. "You have to talk about this,or you'll never forget it."Clark said. Reg's eyes were about to water,but then she wiped them away. "Are you gonna cry?"Clark asked. "No sir,*sniff*,this soilder doesn't cry,she nevered cry from the moment she was born!"Reg said with a sniff.
  3. Reg started for the Mess Hall because it was time for dinner.As she was walking she wondered about her family. "Da*n you Dad!Why the heck did you have to run away?!Why?!It was your fault Dad,that I'm here!You made my life miserible!How?You might say if you were here.Well You left us,we were a happy family!Now you've turned Mom into a alcholic!You have no idea what it's like to live under the roof of an drunk Mother!Dad!You have no idea what it's like!Getting those screams and hits!"Reg said to herself. She then arrived at the Mess Hall.She then grabbed her tray and took not alot of food then sat down at a table by Day. "So did you get to do some trainning?"Day asked. "Nope."Reg said as she took a bite out of her food. Just then 2 officers came throught the doors of the mess hall and headed to Reg. "Are you Reggie Genki?"One of them asked. "Yes,sir."Reg said. "A letter from the revern at your church."The other said as he handed her and envolope. "Father Goru..."Reg said to herself. Then the two officers walked out of the door.Everbody in the Mess Hall looked at the table Day and Reg were sitting at.Reg opened the letter and read it,her face turned into shock then into a frown,her eyes were about to water but she held it in.Instead of watery eyes she made it look like rage.She then punched the table causing it to crack a bit. "What is it Reg?"Day asked. "I'm gonna go..."Reg said,she stood up leaving her tray behind and the letter and headed out the doors of the Mess Hall.Day picked up the letter and read it. ***** Father Goru, Dear Reggie Genki,I'm afraid to say that your mother has died.How?You might ask,a car accident after returning from a party with her friends.It seems that she drank to much,her friend offered her a ride home but she didn't accept it,we all know what happens when we drink and drive.You will be sent to an orphanage after you are out of Milatary School. ***** Col.Clark grabbed the letter from Day. "You shouldn't read other's mail."He said,but he was curious to see what made Reg so upset,he read it,"Da*n not her to.That was the only one she had left,now she has to go to an orphnage." Reg kept on walking and forgot her trainning lessons. "This is all your fault Dad.You made her an alcholic."Reg said to herself.
  4. Jean and the golem were still trainning.Felix and Echo just watched. Felix:Jean you are moving to slow! Jean:Err. Jean started moving her feet as if she was a kick boxer but without rythem.The golem struck he missed.Jean struck she missed. Jean:Hah! Jean put a barrier around the golem,but it broke it. Felix just remebered that it's only when Jean gets her rage up she is strong.Like alls she could do was stand around and watch a kid be bullied,but she couldn't take it her eyes were filled with rage and hatred. Felix:Jean Be more faster and become more stronger! Jean:I'm doing the best I can Father! Felix:Well the best maybe not enough!What if the whole place were destroyed!What if this town was destroyed?!What if i were destroyed along with Jenna,and Sakura?!And you failed to keep us safe!You'll have nothing more! Alls Jean could do was listen to her fathers taunts about her,about depending on her and she failed.Her eyes filled with rage!Then suddenly ther was a very strong earthquake!
  5. While Reg was walking looking for Charli she saw Col.Clark, "Well I know I shouldn't ask him but I will anyways."SHe said to herself as she ran to Col.Clark and salutaed him,"Permission to speak sir?" "Permission to speak."Clark said. "Sir, I'm looking for Charli!"Reg said. "What for and what is your name maggot?!"He asked. "My name is Reggie,sir.I am looking for officer Charli for more trainning!Sir!"Reg said. "Is that so Reggie?"Clark said. "Sir I train alot,I don't think this school is miserible!I train hard!I've always wanted to go to Military School in a long time Sir,since my father ran away,and my mother turned into an alchoalic!"Reg said,"I've always admired the marines and navy,sir!I wish to become one of them!PLease train me hard sir!Please let me train with you sir!Please push me hard until I get it right Sir!Please just train me sir!"
  6. Reg sighed. "Man I was hoping I'd get to train with one of the teachers alone,so then the other students wouldn't make the trainning time shorter."Reg said. Just then 2 teachers were walking by,and Reg overheard them about Charli. "Dang.I feel bad for officer Charli."Reg said with a frown.Well since I think I don't have anymore classes I'm gonna go to the gym."
  7. yes they do!You can sign up for another spot.
  8. Day and Reg ran to the mess hall to get some food,Reg wasn't that hungry so then she only ate about 4 bites of her food. "Your done already?"Day asked. Reg nodded,"I don't have a big appitie,plus I wanna do more trainnin,so I'll see you later." Reg got up and discarded her food and ran after Charli. Reg saluted her,"Permission to speak?"As she broght her hand to her "Permission to speak."Charli said. "Charli,may I do some trainning with you?"Reg said.
  9. Name:Kasumi Hiroshima Age:16 Weapons Best With:Katana and shruikens. Description:Kasumi has long black hair tied in a pony tail and looks different in her ninja suit then her normal one. Bio:Kasumi,you may call her a stray child,her mother,brothers,and sisters all taken by a sickness.Her father was killed on a mission,Kasumi mostly admired her oldest brother,he was a ninja,he knew lots.He was the only one that was still alive before he had been taken from the sickness her family had,one day she was walking back with water for her brother,he was sick that time and could die any minute,he seemed to be sleeping,but Kasumi didn't hear a heart beat,she checked his pulse,as tears ran down her face she thought to herself."I shall take the place Kukurgen."She then grabbed his Katana,"I will train hard and become Kukurugen."And started walking out of there,leaving the corpse of her brother behind,alls she left a rose petal on Kukurugen's forehead. Hope that's ok.
  10. Reg got up and looked at her watch,then looked around the room and saw that the rest of the girls already left for class except four,the three girls that tried to pick on her and a new comer.Reg walked over to the new comer and woke her up. "Hi there!I'm Reggie but call me Reg..."She said. "Hi,my name is DaiShamar,but call me Day." "We got to get to class,before we get in trouble."Reg said as she grabbed Dai on the hand and run out the door.As they were running they started to talk on how they got here. "Heh,I got here because of my absents at schoo,not doing homework and stealing a very rare comic book."Reg said. "Well what did your dad say?"Day asked. Reg looked down,"I have no Dad he ditched us."She said,"I only have my mom,she's an alcoholic..She doesn't even care abour what I do." "Oh,I see."Said Day. They made it,they both got into the line but stood in seprate places.Reg stood very still.
  11. Well after a long bus ride Reg finally arrived at Milatary High,she saw people running around,people at the trainning course,people practiing spinnig guns(not real). "Hmph,I think I'm gonna like it here."Reg said,she then looked at the letter she got from the school saying what letter her bunker was,it was letter "C",she looked around and saw no bunker in sight.She then saw a man that looked somewhat like a Sargent,walking her way,she then stood infront of him and saluted him.He saluted back. "Sir,can you tell me where bunker "C" is,Sir?!"She said. "You must be new!Bunker "C" is over on that trail,you have to walk half a mile maggot!"He said. "Sir yes sir!I can do that!That is no problem!"Reg said as she saluted him again and walked off. She walked for half a mile she was finally there.She pushed the door open and walked in with her bag over her shoulder,all the girls looked at her as she walked,she kept on looking straight like she didn't care,she found an open bed and threw her bag on it,and sat down. "I think I won't like it here,but I think I would love it here.It's so well organized.Unlike my other school."Reg said to herself.Soon she then found herself surrounded by a 3 girls. Reg stood. "I am Reggie,but call me Reg."She said,the girls looked disgusted, "Well hello,Reg."Said one of them holding the "e". "You gotta listen to us,Reg."Said one of them. "And we say you gotta move over there."Said another one of pointing to another bunk.Reg just ignored them and layed on her bed. "Hmph but you girls aren't captain of this bunker now are you."Reg said as if she didn't care. "What?!Listen to us or else."One of them said. "Or else what you'll break a nail when your trying to strangle me?"Reg laughed,then stopped "Seriously don't mess with me." "How can you prove to us that we shouldn't mess wiht you?"One of them said.Reg handed them the her bag. "Hold it."Reg said with a smirk.They took it then there back arched at the bag pulled them down because of the heaviness. "What the what in here?!"One said that's trying to pick it up. "Just some weights.No clothes."Reg said as she grabbed the bag away from them."Now that I proved to you,don't mess with me now get or else!" They went to the other side to where their bunk was. "Hah,what shrimps,I never told them I was a punk."Reg said to herself.
  12. Hmmm....it might be awhile until more people sign up,so I'll start it,other people still can sign up!
  13. Ninjah


    Hmm...I guess I'll be one of my favorite charaters Kyosuke Date!But he's a male,and i'm a female...oh well! Name:Kyosuke Date Anime From:Soultaker Special Powers/Magic Maximum:Turns into a monster that is called SoulTaker,and has attacks called "Sonic Cross" and "Lightning Breaker" Weapons Maximum: 6 :No weapon Description:[IMG]http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/m-serve/tv/soultaker/img/32.gif[/IMG] Kinda hard to see him though. Small Bio:One day Kyosuke's mother was laying on the floor of her own church bleeding to death,she then told Kyosuke to go get help,but then stabbed him in the heart not telling him why she did it(she did it to get the monster out of him),her last words were"Kyo..suke..Forgive me.."They both were lying dead on the floor of the church,the next day he wakes up bandaged,the person who bandaged him was a young girl named Maya who dug him up from a graveyard because she had a preminition that he was still alive.Soon after he met Maya he soon meets a insane doctor who is looking for Kyosuke sister,but Kyosuke doesn't remeber her.Soon he finds out that he can turn into a monster called Soutaker.He travels with a man named Shiro Mibu and his destiny is to look for his sister named Runa. Hope this is ok,plus i'll be a judge Click[URL=http://www.soultakerdvd.com/]Here[/URL]if you want to learn about what i'm talking about!
  14. Sniping will be ok as long as it's taught in military school.I just need 2 more teachers and more students
  15. Duo if you are gonna be a teacher please change the age of your charater,and insert your job.
  16. Ninjah

    Virtual Saga

    Roy did a Hadouken and nearly hit Yoko. Yoko:Hey stop that Roy they are dead already! Roy walked over to Yoko. Yoko:Hey get away from me!You act weird now since I've changed Roy! Roy:Cause I've never relized that beatiful you under all of that hair or yours. Yoko:Your startin to scare me Roy! Just then Kiko appeared. Yoko:Good!Kiko get your brother away from me! Kiko:Roy what did you do now! Roy:Alls I said was she was beatiful! Yoko managed to stand. Roy:Now how about a date Yoko?I've changed into a charater from street fighter! Yoko:Hmph,your are dumb...You are not my type anyways!I'm looking for a person who is kinda like Ryu. Roy:I can change! Kiko:Oh no you can't according to my calculation you are none like Ryu and can't be flashed again to turn into another charater. Roy: Dang it!Yoko you'll never find a guy like Ryu! Yoko:Hmph well see about that!I wish the others would come here sooner!
  17. Ninjah

    Virtual Saga

    Yoko:What the?!Loreli! Alien1:We brought her to our leader! Yoko:Oh yeah I'll bring you to your leader with a broken neck! Yoko then launched a hadouken! They reflected it off and it hit Yoko,Yoko was lauched back and hit a tree.Just then some other person launched a Hadouken from behind alien,it was Roy,he looked like Ken.
  18. The year is 2003 a miltary school that's been around for 100 years is running out of students,the mayor around that area says if they don't get anymore students then they are now gonna have to knock down the school!But teachers don't want that to happen.So then they traveled around the state bribing kids to steal stuff but the kids don't know what they are getting into,and they are sent to miltary school,after they had about almost 100 students,another miltary school has challenged them to a match on which students are more skillful,although the students at that school were there longer and have alot of skill,but it is the students at Miltary High mission to learn quickly before the match they have 3 weeks before the competetion! Student sign up sheet: Name: Nickname: Age:14-18 Personality: Bio:How you were sent to miltary school Teacher sign up sheet: Name: Age:30-up Personality: Reconmended name:This is what the students will call you,ex:luitenet,sargent,ect. Job: Here's mine: Name:Reggie Nickname:Reg Age:16 Personality:Reggie is kinda like a punk,and is kinda quiet,and doesn't really care about anything but now that she is in miltary school she has something to care about her mission. Bio:while walking home from a bad at school,she didn't do any homework and was sent to detention,she bumped into a man by a comic store who said if she stole the latest issue of spiderman that costs $100 he'd give her $1000,she agreed to it and stole it but then she was caught the alarm went off and the gaurds came they phoned her mother and was in real big trouble she didn't even get her 1000 yet,her mother came and brought her home she then told her that she was going to Miltary School because of her bad grades,days she missed,and for stealing the comic book.
  19. Ninjah

    Virtual Saga

    As Yoko entered the room she saw Bradd.She stared at him. Bradd:What are you looking at? Yoko:Who does it look like I'm looking at?! Bradd:I bet you can't beat me again,it was just another luck,plus girls can't fight! Garison:Enough!Yok o you sit next to Bradd! Yoko:But! Garison:Sit! Yoko sat down in the desk next to Bradd.Bradd then started to kick her.She was irritated by it. Yoko:Would you stop it! Yoko then grabbed Bradd by the shirt and threw him,the door broke and Bradd was lying there infront of the others. Maria:What the heck?! Loreli:Who did that?! Tate:Who do you think? Just then Yoko walked out of the room and stood infront of Bradd. Yoko:That outta teach you a lesson boy!I don't care if you are the toughest!Or one of the popular jocks!I still beat you,so haha!That outta tell you not to say girls can't fight!Hahaha! Bradd just groaned.Just then the princible was 2 inches behind Yoko. Maria,Loreli,Tate,and Kaiser:Uhh... Yoko:Oh hey guys!Let me guess...Mr.Garison is behind me? They nodded. Yoko:Then let's get the heck outta here! Yoko then ran and grabbed the 3 just then Kiko was ahead. Kiko:Oh Hi---- Yoko grabbed her just then they ran outside they saw Roy. Roy:Hey common get in! Just then Mr.Garison was rughing out the doors,but it was to late they had already taken off.
  20. Ninjah

    Virtual Saga

    Yoko just stood there looking at everyone going crazy.Yoko heard a gumble from her stomach. Yoko:Oh man..I'm hungry I never even touched those pancakes mom made! Yoko walked away from the groupand to the vending machine.She put in a dollar and pushed in the code for her snack,but it didn't come out!She then pushed the change button no change came out. Yoko:Hey vending machine your starting to piss me off! She then punched the vending machine,it cracked and the glass broke,she grabbed her snack and then turned to her right going to walk back to the group she bumped into the princible who saw the whole thing. Garison:Yoko Fujisawa!That's the last time!Or this is the last time!You got yourself detention! Yoko:B-b-but I Ow..ow..ow..I didn't...Oww! Yoko was grabbed by the ear and dragged away to detention.They walked past the group Tate,Maria,Kaiser,Lorelei,and Mr.Dragoon saw her as she was dragged away.
  21. Ninjah

    Virtual Saga

    Yoko woke up of the sound of her Mother's voice saying,"Yoko time to get up!" Yoko went into her bathroom and took a shower when she got out of the shower she wiped of the fog on her mirror she was brushing her teeth,she then looked at the mirror then to the sink,she then looked up in the mirror again and stared."Uhhh...Did I do something crazy last night,or is it just me."She said to herself as she touched her short black hair.She then went into her room to put some clothes on,on her bed she saw a Fuku,a white headband,and red pads by it."Huh?I guess I could wear these,just incase that jerk comes back."She said. Yoko went downstairs,her mother was making breakfast,Yoko sat down at the table,her mother set pancakes infront of her,she mother looked at Yoko with wide eyes. Mother:What did you do to your hair?! Yoko:Well I uhh..probly..cutted it.. Mother:What?!Probly?!Are you taking drugs?! Suddenly a car horn beeped from outside of her house. Yoko:Well what do ya know...my ride is here! Mother:We'll talk after school. Yoko went to the front door to see that it was her friend Kiko's brother Roy in a car and Kiko in the front seat.Yoko waved and grabbed her bag and put on some red sneakers she had not seen before. Kiko:Hey!Common get in were gonna be late! Yoko ran to the car and jumped in. Kiko:W-what did you do to your hair Yoko?! Yoko:I dunno,I just woke up like this,but i do like it! Roy:Woah!Yoko!Your looking hott!So do you wanna go out for dinner sometime? Yoko:No thanks. Kiko:What are you saying Roy!Keep your eyes on the road and not on Yoko! Kiko then slapped Roy on the head.Then pushed up her glasses.Yoko just laughed.Soon they arrived at school,they waved goodbye to Roy and went inside just then the boy arrived,the toughest boy,Bradd. Bradd:Hey!I'm ready to take you on again! Yoko:So you want to get your butt kicked again? Kiko:Uhmm we gotta get,so maybe some other time. Yoko:You go Kiko,I need to do some bussiness work,outside. Kiko then ran.Yoko went outside and threw her stuff down. Yoko:Come at me when your ready! Bradd smirked and charged at Yoko just then Yoko jumped up into the air and did a Haru Ichiban,and knocked out Bradd. Yoko:A-a-a Haru Ichiban!That's only done by...No way!I'm Sakura Kasugano! Yoko jumped up and down an then picked up her stuff and went back into the school leaving the helpless Bradd outside.Just then she was running in the hall when she bumped into the princible. Yoko:Oh pardon me Mr.Garison.I promise not to run inthe halls again. Garison:You better not! Yoko then walked to class.She was walking really slow,just then she saw Tate and Maria and stared at them,then ran over to them. Yoko:Hey guys!You look like Sonic Tate!Maria you look like Jin! Tate:And you look like Sakura!
  22. [color=green]T.D:What,regrouping,heh,let's go![/color] T.D. drew her Katana and called her Wind Blade. Andrea:Wait!They are doing more then regrouping,they are forming into one. [color=teal]Sakura:What?![/color] Andrea:Watch... [color=green]T.D.:What we can't just watch them form!We gotta do something![/color] T.D. started running toward them jumping up and about to slash down,but then as her swords touched them she was forced back. [color=green]T.D.:Agh![/color] Hiro,Andrea,Sakura:T.D.! T.D. stood and wiped of the blood from her lip. [color=green]T.D.:Now what do we do?![/color]
  23. T.D stood staring around an area. "Where'd everyone go?"She asked,she shrugged,"I might as well train."she said to herself."Sword.."she said to her self,she started swinging it around,slashing the air. Just then Anzai appeared,and T.D cut his shirt,"Oops...Didn't mean to do that."She said in a low voice sarcastilly.Anzai looked at his shirt."Hey no worries."Anzai said,"Now what were you doing?" "I was practicing..What else would I be doing fighting imaginary ghosts?"T.D asked."Yeah that's what I thought!Can you read minds or something?"Anzai said.T.D fell over and said to herself"Gah...He is soo hopeless!"
  24. Here's mine,it's not much but here.
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