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Everything posted by Ninjah
Name:Yoko Age:16 Charater:Sakura Kasugano(Street Fighter Zero2) Powers:Hadoken,Haru Ichiban,Sho-oken,Shun Goku Satsu,Shunpuu Kyaku,Shinkuu Hadoken Description:Yoko mostly had all of Sakura's clothes,she had the fuku(sailor suit),the white headband,red sneakers,and the red karate pads for hands and forearm. Bio:Yoko an only child,at school she kinda is like Sakura always making trouble,but then again her friend is like Kei(sakura's friend)always trying to keep Yoko out of trouble,when Yoko first beat the toughest boy in the school for stealing her pen,she was glad so then she pleaded her mother to let her take karate,soon after her karate lesson the guy came at her again but this time with others,Yoko beat them all! Please tell me if it's to much!Well just to tell you Sakura's been my idol for a long time!
T.D stepped back,then looked at everyone,then looked at Tate and Reala. [color=green]T.D:Wh-wh-what Reala is back,and Tate to Xavier,he sounds serious...*thinks to self*What has gotten into him?![/color] Suddenly Anzai appeared. Anzai:Hey!Long time no see sweety. [color=green]T.D:Aw man..*turns around to Anzai*Why do you have to call me that?Plus this is not the time to be havin a reunion Anzai!We have trouble on our hands![/color] Anzai looked at Xavier. Anzai:I see then,he must be the trouble then,don't worry I can take him down! Anzai started charging at Xavier. T.D grabbed Anzai by the shirt. [color=green]T.D: Don't try to be the hero Anzai.Your just going to bring more trouble.[/color] Anzai:Ok.So then I guess I should stop acting stupid? T.D nodded. [color=green]T.D:Now just get.Before you get into the trouble to.[/color] Anzai:Ok I will.*fades away* [color=orange]Kiara:Should you have done that to the guy?[/color] [color=green]T.D:It's for his own good.[/color]
Jean woke up and sat up. Jean:Let's get back to trainning shall we Echo? Echo:Yeah! Jean and Echo walked out the door and there stood Felix.With his arms crossed. Jean:We are going back to trainning father. Jean said as she walked infront of a dummy.She started punching at it rapidly then kicking it.Felix's eyes widened. Felix:My Jean has not been this fast. Jean:Echo can you create a golem?A fast one and a very good fighter? Echo:I guess I can try! Echo concentrated hard,then a golem appeared. Jean:Make it attack me. Echo:Ok!Golem attack the girl! The Golem threw fast punches at Jean but he never seemed to have touched her she kept dodging. Jean:Can't you go any faster Golem!Or are the rocks to heavy for you! Felix:Hold it!I have an idea Jean come here. Felix kneeled down and put down his cape then picked up about 10 heavy rocks and wraped it up and gave it to Jean. Felix:Wear it as a backpack. Jean put it on and fell backwards,Felix just laughed.Jean got up the cape was heavy.The golem attacked her again,Jean was a little bit slower this time.
Felix stepped foot into the kitchen Felix:Hello Jenna.May I speak to you for a moment? Jenna:Sure,please have a seat. Felix sat down he then looked at Sakura. Felix:Sakura can you go over to Jean's house and see if she's doing alright? Sakura:Sure. Sakura and Cannon headed out the door. Felix: Do you worry about the children going on the journey? Jenna:Yes I'm afraid so.The children are the most important in our life.Anyways do you worry about your daughter at all? Felix:On the outside it may not look like but in the inside I worry. Jenna:You shouldn't push her to hard. Felix:I have to this journey will not be the same as ours.I can feel something terrible will happen. Jean:There all done.Time to head home and eat something. Jean ran down the hill and walked home she then saw Sakura coming over,Jean just ignored her and continuesd to walk.When she got home there was a knock on the door,Jean opened the door and there stood Sakura. Sakura:Hi Jean. Jean:.... Sakura:Aren't you even going to say hi or hello? Jean:.... Sakura:...Ok then be that way.Felix just wanted me to check on you I'm headed home now. Sakura walked out of the house and headed home,just then Felix was walking out the door. Sakura:Heading home already Uncle Felix? Felix:Yes I am,and by the way I need to talk to you for a moment. Sakura:Ok,what you need to talk about? Felix:Well you know Jean is the youngest in the family and does not know well you think,but she is intellegent,but please take care of her,please watch over her and protect her. Sakura:I will don't worry Uncle Felix. Felix:Thank you Sakura. Felix headed home,as he got to the door he smelt something good.He opened the door and there on the table was left over food.Jean already ate,and headed to her room to take a rest. Felix:Jean is smart indeed,she knows I can't cook since she was five years old.So she left over some food.
T.D sat down not minding the new comer thinking. [color=green]T.D thinking:Whoever the five are I'll try my very best to protect them.I wonder who's group I'm going to be in,well i don't want to pick so I'm just gonna sit and look around like I always do.[/color] T.D was the only one who wasn't crowding around the new comer.She then forgotten that she had her katana with her on her back in a case.She drew her sword,just as she felt a could presences. [color=green]T.D:Somethings coming![/color] Everyone turned around and looked at T.D [color=silver]Tate:Wh-what?!Your kidding T.D stop playing around,we have enough to worry about.[/color] Everyone turned back around. [color=green]T.D:No I really sense it.I really-[/color] T.D didn't finish her sentence she then drew a shruiken she had hiddenon her belt and threw it toward Ki it missed him and hit something behind him. [color=darkblue]Ki:Ahhh!Watch it girl!What's your problem?![/color] [color=green]T.D:I have no problem,but please pull out my shruiken you'll see what I did.[/color] Somebody pulled the shruiken out of the wall.It had some sort of liguid on it like blood. [color=orange]Kiara:Is that blood?[/color] [color=green]T.D:Told ya that we had trouble![/color] T.D turned around when hearing something pounding at the door.T.D called her wind blade and now she had two blades in her hand. [color=green]T.D:It's a good thing I studied about fighting with 2 swords!Anyways it's gonna be like the first time we met each other![/color]
OOC:Scopio are you vistiting me or Sakura,if you are visiting me then I'll edit this post. -------- Jean was trainning hard,but she never broke a sweat.Felix stood watching Jean attack the dummies and moving stones. Echo:You are doing good Jean!Keep it up! Felix:Jean!Stop!Follow me. Jean stopped and followed her father to a steep hill. Felix:Jean I want you to bring these boulders up the hill using psyenergy.You can come home once you have done all that.I will be at Jenna's house.You can cook for yourself. Jean:Right. Jean started concentrating hard and pushing the boulders up the mountain with her psyenergy as her father walked away.Echo watched Jean not knowing what to do.Felix arrived at Sakura's house.Felix knocked on the door and Sakura answeared it.
OOC:Sorry for being late,and isn't wind suppose to be green? ----------- [color=green]T.D: Hey!I'm back!I gotta check out the island and look for my friends![/color] T.D looked down in her hand her stone was glowing towards the chapel. [color=green]T.D:Hey it's the chapel again!I wonder if the others are there![/color] T.D started running toward the chapel.When she ended up at the door she was calm and ready for something to happen.She put her stone against the door so that it would open.She stepped foot in with her head down.Everyone looked toward her like she was new. [color=silver]Tate:Hi!What's your name?[/color] T.D just snickered. [color=orange]Kiara:What's so funny about the question?[/color] T.D lifted her head,they all stared. [color=green]T.D:Hi!Long time no see!It's me T.D![/color] Everyone smiled,T.D smiled also [color=green]T.D:Woah you all changed a bit![/color] [color=silver]Tate:You've changed a bit to T.D!What's with the shirt,bandana,and gloves?[/color] [color=green]T.D:Well the shirt I've finally become a student master in my dojo thanks to all the trainning here,the bandana?Well since I lost my cap I thought I'd wear a bandana,and the gloves,it covers all the injuries I got fighting Inejiro and the trainning at home.So anything new?[/color]
Well I got bored and made this quick banner,it maybe plain but oh well.I'm still working on the same banner trying to improve it.
Jean:Echo power up! Echo powers up,he glows yellow. Jean:I summon the Venus! Thousands of Echo shaped figures come from the sky hitting the dummy. Felix:Jean!You must stop using attacks remeber there are obsticles were you need to use your psyenergy to move things,escape,or remove things.I want you to push the boulder. Jean:As you say Father. Jean concentrated her energy towards the boulder. Jean:Push!*boulder starts to move then stops*Father...you a said you teach me an attack. Felix:Yes I did but I decided you have to learn it on your own,it's not an ultimate attack but I like it.I bet you will to. Jean nodded and started to train again.
*sigh*I worked on a new one..but it looks plain but it's easier to read then the other one.I'm not giving up until I think I get it right.
"Ok let's get started you need to learn wind blow,concentrate all your enery to either your hand for a punch or to your leg for a kick.When you think you have enough energy attack that rock over there from here."Anzai explained,T.D nodded and concentrated a green ball formed around her hand she then punch the green ball turned into a speeding blast and broke the rock in half. "Good,now try a kick towards the boulder."Anzai said,T.D contrated all her energy to her leg and kicked,it hit another rock."Good.Your trainning is done."Anzai said."Wh-what?I didn't learn the Kokori Wind Blow!"T.D exclaimed.Anzai jumped back and faded away "That is for you to find out,Iria would have said the same thing."Errr!Dang it!"T.D said she then shrugged."There maybe more attacks but I will have to learn them myself.I'm gonna go look for the others."She then started walking looking for the others.
Well I'm no good at grphics.:bluesweat but I kinda took your advice with the wallpaper,I put a line overlay over it so you might see some lines.If you have somemore tips please tell me.
This is my very first banner I made.It features Ky Kiske from guilty gear.I know it maybe plain but at least I put much effort.Tell me what you think.It goes with the avatar I made to.
It seems that KiaraStarr's spot was taken.Oh well.
Jean woke up from her sleep as she opened her eyes she saw Echo at the foot of her bed. Jean:Yeah Echo? Echo:Your father wants you to train right away or else he'll get mad. Jean:Ok.*gets up and dresses into her clothes she wears,and puts her ragged cloak on*Ok let's go out to the trainning area. Echo:*starts to walk out of room and into the yard where stumps,big boulders,and a dummy of a monster.* Felix:Jean get trainning you leave tomarrow. Jean:Ok Father. Echo:Shall we get to work? Jean:*nods* Ok.*Draws Katana* Earthquake! *Ground starts to shake* Felix:*Thinks to self*Jean,take care,your the only one I have with me not including Jenna.On your travels train hard,and collect the Djinns.
Another one?!Oh wwell ok here I am.And Ready for action! Name:Asako Nickname:T.D Power:Wind Description:Long Black hair,since she lost cap she now has a red bandana.She has boy shorts that go over her knees,and white shirt with words on the back of it,it says "Student Teacher at Kokori Dojo",and black gloves with the tips gut off. Weapon:Wind Blade and Katana Bio:When Asako arrived she smiled "It's nice to be back,I can't wait to see Anzai again!" Stone Color:Green
In a new time,there was new things,and new adepts.Each adept had there own child.Each child inhearited their parents power.One day they're village was attacked by monsters,but that's impossible,the old adepts defeated them!They would defete them again but they are to old,so then it all depends on 4 children to save the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I only need 4 people in this rpg so if you missed out and there are already 4 people don't worry you can always make one or wait for another one. Sign up sheet: Name: Age: (13-18) Gender: Personality: Bio: Appearance: Weapon: Parent: Element: (You get the element that your parent has) Djinn: (You'll start with the Djinn your parent first got) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's mine! Name:Jean Age:14 Gender:Female Personality:Jean is the very quiet one in the group,but when it comes to a battle she is very tough,after winning a victory she just stays quiet,even though she doesn't talk she is quite intelligent.The only one she answears to is her father Felix.Nobody has never seen her smile since the first day she was born. Bio:Well she used to be picked on when she was young,but now she won't allow it,so one day she learned psyenergy and used earthquake on the one who bullied her around,now she won't allow anyone bully anyone or else they would get hurt.Since Felix is her father she has Echo as her first Djinn,Echo likes to follow Jean around and likes to train with her. Appearance:Jean has long brown hair,wears a red headband,brown gloves,and a ragged cloack. Weapon:Katana Parent:Felix Element:Earth Djinn:Echo
T.D stood in the very spot were Iria's blood was shed."Err....I didn't learn Kokori Wind Blow Iria.....How do you expect me to learn it without you?"T.D said to herself while she stared at the ground."So you are Iria's replacement.."Said a voice,T.D looked up and saw a man almost as old as T.D he seemed to be 2 years older then her,he had black hair,a school suit but green,and had a sword attached to his belt."Yes I am....and who are you...have you come to kill me?"T.D asked,"K-k-kill you!"He just laughed"No I'm here to asstist you and show you techniques you have not learned yet,and some techniques that Iria didn't wish to learn."He said "Ok...First you didn't answear my question who are you?"T.D asked once more."I am Anzai,I wanted to become a Wind Gaurdian,I was second best in the academy,but I was not chosen to be the real Wind Gaurdian Iria was.But now that she is gone I shall teach you,but first..."Anzai stopped and put his hand out,suddenly a wind blew."Huh?What are you doing?"T.D looked down at her shirt it was going up slowly.T.D stopped it by pulling her shirt down making it so that the wind can't blow it,"You pervert!"She yelled she then slapped him making it echo so that everyone can hear it. "Heh...I shouldn't have under estimated you.."Anzai said rubbing his cheek."Hey you can't blame me it's just the way I am."T.D turned around ignoring Anzai."Ok hey I'm sorry is there anything I can do for you to forgive me?"Anzai asked."You have to teach me the techniques that you said you'd tech me."T.D replied,"Oh uhh right..." T.D turned and nodded."So you will."She asked,"Yeah I will,Iria sent me to teach you.So let's get to work shall we?"Anzai replied
When T.D arrived at the highest point Iria was there."Ready?"She asked T.D "Mmmmhmmm.."T.D nodded "sword come forth..."the stone turned into a sword."T.D first you must learn the abilities of the wind blade,first you must learn the wind thrust,the quik wind,and then the wind singnature move,the singnature move is hard to master so you must train hard.First let's start with the wind thrust."Iria said,"Ok....what do I have to do?"T.D asked,"Alls you need to do is just thrust your sword as hard as you can,but don't let go of your sword,the harder the father and stronger."Iria replied. T.D nodded then she got into a trusting position,"You must hit that rock over there from here."Iria said."Wha?!That's impossible!It's to far away my sword will never touch it!"T.D said,"You'll see just thrust the sword as hard as you can."Iria said."Ok whatever you say."T.D said,T.D concentrated hard,"Hah!"She screamed as she thrusted her sword keeping her grip so that she doesn't throw it,T.D saw a sword like figure racing at the rock,soon it touched and broke the rock in half. "Hah!Now I see the harder I thrust the farther and stronger it goes,because when you thrust it conducts wind!Now I get it!"T.D exclaimed."I'm glad you understand,now you must learn Quick Wind."Iria said."Weird name for a attack...No affence.":bluesweat "I know what you mean I thought it was weird to when I was age,anyways back to the topic!What you need to do is thrust you sword as fast as you can in all directions.Concentrate real hard."Iria said.T.D nodded,"Ok all directions.."T.D concentrated and started to thrust her sword in all directions,you couldn't even see if her hands where moving or not.Iria starts to think while she watches T.D,"Hmmm this girl,she's a fast learner,aslways wants to help,always wants to train hard even if it hurts.....it all equals up to she is the one,the right gaurdian." Soon T.D was panting harshly."O-o-ok I'm ready for the next attack."T.D said tiredly."Ok the singnature attack is Kakori Wind Blow.You must practice hard with this one.What you have to do is...-" "Hello Iria..It's been a long time..."A voice said,T.D and Iria looked around they both spotted the person floating above them,it was a man,he had small glasses,a cloak,and black aurmor,he also had green spikey hair. "Inejiro...That it has...What do you want?"Iria said sharply,"I have been told to kill you...So you will not be able to teach that foolish child anything."Inejiro laughed."Errr...Your to late buster!I already learned things!So if you have come to kill Iria you will have to go pass me!"T.D yelled at him,he just smirked,"Oh do I?"He said."T.D please stay out of this!If you die then there will be no wind gaurdian to take my place!"Iria yelled at T.D.Inejiro just smiled soon a sword appeared in Inejiro's hand. "T.D stay away!"Iria yelled as she raised her hand and a sword appeared then pointed a hand at T.D putting a barrier around her."Huh?!What?!Iria!You can't fight him alone!You can't!"T.D yelled from inside the barrier,but nobody could hear her.T.D could hear them but they could not hear her. "Errr...Inejiro....Brother why did you have to join Gimeron..."Iria said to herself."Hmph because Gimeron has great powers,I agreed to him to kill one of the gaurdians...I chose you sister,I chose to fight you at a certain time,and that is this time!"Inejiro laughed,"Now come!Come and kill me!" Iria jumped up into the air and started to float too.She then used a couple of moves that she had not shown T.D yet.But they didn't seem to effect him."Inejiro is Iria's brother?!"T.D thought."Then no he can't....He can't kill his sister!He jsut can't.." Soon it was Inejiro's turn to attack.He then did moves like Iria's,he was a wind element also,but his attacks did massive damage to Iria,but when Iria attacked him she couldn't,she couldn't move she was paralyzed!Inejiro used the handle of his sword to hit Iria down. "IRIA!"T.D screamed."Heh now it is your time...Sister..Wind Pummel Sword Strike!!"Inejiro said raising his sword and gripping it tightly."I'll see you in hell Iria..."Inejiro,He then suddenly raced the sword to Iria's stomach and pushed it through.Iria winced in pain "Inejiro...why...?"She said weakly."I can't forget what your novice gaurdian did to my friend."Inejiro said.Soon the barrier was broken and T.D ran out to Iria and fell to her knees."T.D I wish you good luck and your friends"Iria said weakly,then her breathing started to fade a bit.Inejiro just stood there smiling. "Hmph...My job is finished...I'll see you later kid.."Inejiro said as he faded away."I-I-I-Iria!.....Don't go!You didn't teach me the attack."T.D yelled.Soon Iria's body dissapeared."IRIA!!!!!"T.D yelled that it echoed in the distance that everyone could hear it."Inejiro....I shall gain my revenge,"T.D said to herself. "I will..."She said with sharp eyes.
I'd say that Jet Li get the role of Vegeta,Jackie Chan get the role of Goku,Noriyuki Morita get the role of Master Roshi,Williw Chi as Gohan,and Robin Shou as Trunks.I know I maybe sound weird but that's who i think who should get the parts.
"Errrr....We can't let the stupid bastard get away with Silia....We can't give up on her...She helped us alot!I will not tolerate with this so count me in I'm gonna try my very best to save her,"T.D said"I will destroy Gimeron like I destroyed Zeroshi!"T.D got sharp eyes."If we do go after him we must train hard,harder then ever before that it brings pain...Well that's what my trainnings gonna be like!"T.D said.Just then T.D heard Iria's voice,"T.D I heard what you said,that is what you must do,train hard that it brings pain,please meet me at the highest point..."Iria's voice faded away. T.D. nodded "I will..." T.D said out loud."Uhhh...What do you mean I will T.D.?"Tate asked."I need to start my trainning I must go to the highest point again,I must meet my gaurdian there,I suggest you all get with your gaurdians and train hard with them."T.D replied as she started to walk away from the group.