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Everything posted by Ninjah

  1. [size=1](OOC: Ah, I was going to make Julian have a flashy entrance. xD; Julian sounds like a pedaphile now. o_o; Ah well. I'll just go with the flow.) [color=darkred]Julian raised an eyebrow, and a smirk came across his face. "Oh really now? Who is this... Asmodues you speak about? Are you sure it's just not my sexiness that attracts that young girl?" He asked playing with his belt. The man who named himself Nebre, Ten glared at him and laughed. "I know Asmodues when I see him." He stated. Julian let out a long sigh and gave Ten a hand gesture to leave him alone. He hopped out of the seat and walked over to the young girl and put an arm around her. He turned his head and glared at Ten and smiled, he waved good-bye as he held the door open for the girl. "Ah, I would never do such a thing to a young child. How rude." He laughed. "I guess I'll just have to wait for this young miss." Julian guided the young girl to a bent and sat her down. He then started to walk off snapping his fingers three times to wear the spell off. He shrugged and chuckled "She's not even old enough to be in a bar." He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked off into the darkness. Walking through a park he decided to take a break. He docked himself on a bench and sighed. He extended his arms so they rest on the back's top. He then dug through his jacket pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. He brought the un-lit cigarette to his mouth and used his personal steel lighter to fire it up. He inhaled his poisons. He then blew the toxic smoke through his nostrils into the air. "Only someone special would know about the demons and angels." He chuckled. "Ah, that conversation I overheard. I guess he's one of them angels." Julian then once more blew out the toxic smoke, chuckling.[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1]Everyone wants to dominate the world. That's really intresting. I for one would also like to dominate the world. But let's think reality right now. Well... Not that I'm trying to offend anyone. >> I would transform my basement into a gym. I can't get enough of jumping off the walls and such without getting hurt. Possibly donate the remainings to a charity. Although I have to admit, I don't like children very much. x_x; But for the sake of it, I'll donate what's left. Well since I am still a child myself lemme think. I would buy... [B]TOYS 'R US[/B] and a lifetime supply of [b]Kix cereal[/b]. xD;[/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkred]Like you Juu, I also heart rain. It makes me feel pretty. >> Not really. Wish it would though. :[ Jumpin' in the puddles is fun though. Since I live in a state with a thousand lakes (take a guess.) We have alot of mosquitoes. I don't see much out in the rain so I'm happy. That's why I hate those hot, humid days. Those darn mosquitoes attack. They should make a movie about mosquitoes. xD; Although hot, humid days are good days to go out and get active. I sit around on my arse and get fat! x_x; Well so I don't go off topic. Overall I love the rain. Fog makes everything all cool. It's like "WOOSH." Living up north. We get alot of snow. I also enjoy those days too. Not to mention getting out of school because of the amount of snow. And gotta love those snowball fights and putting snow down people's pants. >>; ^^'' Might as well end it here. I love Rain and Snow.[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkred]5'1" Yeah, I guess I'm a bit short? Maybe because I'm still young...? Or I've been drinking to much coffee. xD; I'm always complaining how I'm never gonna grow to my family. I'm one of the shortest of my friends. I'm taller then my mom actually. Seems like it's just my mom and me in the family who are just... Well, short. Being short gives you some advantages though. It's funny how people in school pick on me because of my height. But I'm cool with it. Unless they get physical. Some people can under estimate short people a little too much, in my opinion. [/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=darkred]Thanks Eikou it's been a while. Hope everythings fine with you. For the next couple of posts I won't be posting as many things. So sorry everyone. [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/0f83203a.jpg[/IMG] Euphoria is my new favorite word. :] [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/79ab3e2f.jpg[/IMG] Here I go with stereotyping. Yeah, ya heard me. xD "Too Emo for You..." [img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/5baaa90e.gif[/img] Expirementing with the visual effects on my media player and ImageReady. xD; That's all. Enjoy. I guess.[/color][/size]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][size=1][b]Name of Demon:[/b] Asmodues - Demon of Lust [b]Name of Avatar:[/b] Julian Norris [b]Age of Avatar:[/b] 26 [b]Sex of Avatar:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Body:[/b] Julian stands to be 6'3. He's not to muscular nor' too fat, but just slender enough to look a bit feminine and masculine. Lightly tanned skin. He has a pair of devil wings tattooed on his shoulder blades [b]Head:[/b] Has deep hazel eyes making it hard to see his pupils. On his right ear he wears two silver [URL=http://esilvershop.com/images/eass009.jpg]earcuffs[/URL] in which he likes to play with. On his bottom lip he has a lip-ring. He has shoulder length shaggy hair combed to one side of his face (left) making it hard to see his left eye, he likes to dye his hair from time to time, or just mess it. It's currently brunette with deep red tips. [b]Clothes:[/b] Around his neck he wears a chain. Just a plain old chain. He wears a loose red and black mesh muscle shirt. When it's cold out he wears a midnight colored jean jacket. His style is quite funky sometimes, but he tries to restrain himself. So he just wears messed up painter jeans with holes on the knees, he also wears it loose and uses a studded pink belt to help hold it up. He believes that women like men who wear pink. On his feet he wears plain old converses (sneakers.) He also likes to wear studded bracelets on his wrist too. Also loves the silver skull rings on his left hand. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] He prefers to use Chained Kamas (sickles). He doesn't always carry them around though. When he doesn't have them he sticks with his own street fighting style. [b]Power:[/b] Julian can control ones movement. He usually picks on who he feels is weak. Although his power may not work against all. Also can make one have a sexual desire towards him or a lust for something else. [b]Favorite Color:[/b] Crimson [b]Likes:[/b] Women, sex, smoking, music, sleep, comfortable beds. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Aggressive women, bitchy women, people who treat women badly, bad spring matresses, being called "old man" and being lectured. [b]Biography of Avatar:[/b] Asmodues was actually born into the human world as he chose to expirence human life by bits and years. Julian was named by his mother who passed away when he was three with a very dangerous illness. So he was raised by his laid-off, gambling addictive, womanizing father. Because of his father's way he was raised poorly. He rarely had any food to eat. So when it came for Julian to take responsibility at sixteen he decided to get a job at a grocery store as bag-boy. Although the salary wasn't much he had ways to eat and had some money to buy things. Usually as a son of gambling addictive father, he had to lend some to his father. He didn't want to, but he knew his father would get his money anyway possible. "Why don't you get a frickin' job?" He yelled at his father one night. His father was furious and being drunk the consequence didn't end up so well. Each night his father would bring home a new women to be at his side while he was gambling with some friends. He got along well with the women, he always asked why they would be with a scum like his father. Usually the answer was "He paid me." It got old so he stopped asking that question, instead he asked what they wanted in a guy. How he should act and dress. Because of all this he is what he is today. When Julian turned nineteen his father eventually retired from gambling. Julian sent him to a retirement home where he would be a burden. He didn't want to deal with his father's rambling. Being legal enough to own the house on his own he did whatever he wanted. No one could scream at him. He was... A trouble maker. A delinquet as some may say. He hung around local neighborhood gangs dealing drugs and get himself involved in battles between two gangs. He has hung out with gangs secrectly since he was nine. Picking up their ways. This is how he learned how to street fight, and pick up women. Now at his current age he still works at a grocery store as the co-manager. [b]Personality:[/b] Suave, and romantic man. He feels like he should usually get his way. But if he doesn't he's cool with it. Calm and laidback, quite flirtious with the ladies, hoping to get what he wants. Also very social, and has a thing for troublemaking. He still has the energy of a juvenile delinquent. He doesn't mind being alone or crowded around. He also likes to act like a smartass. [b]Mortal Enemy:[/b] Mectulun - Goddess of Government and Corruption Although a women. He thinks she's quite annoying. She's always getting in his way of crimes. [b]All-in-All:[/b] Euphoria (I hope my character is appropriate. PM me if any changes are needed! I'd appriciate it.)[/size][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][color=darkred]Yep. I'm back. I've gone for a while. I'm not to sure any of you remeber me. o_O; Unless you've talked to me somewhere else. Everyone has reasons for not doing things right? Well my reasons are personal so therefore no one should even bother to know. While being gone for the last couple of months I've still been dooing some graphic work. I also started up on photography and art (Got Tablet) also animations. Like, hand drawn animations... So you might see some of that stuff, but it'll be rare for you to see it. Enough chitchat I'll start posting up some works. If you have a DA or Gaia account you might have seen some of these. [img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/cb44b9ca.jpg[/img] [b]Chris[/b] from [u]The Last Client[/u] A really, really simple banner. The Last Client by Kazusa Takashima. If your a yaoi/shounen-ai fan and love to read doujin. I'd recommend this one. I swear it doesn't have too many... "bad" scenes. So it's not too bad. Also I love Kazusa Takashima's artwork. [img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/8109de58.jpg[/img] [b]Miyavi[/b] Those who are J-Rock fans are most likely going to know who Miyavi is. I was just playing with brushes I got from [URL=http://glitter-tramp.com/juuichi/]Juuichi[/URL]. [img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/RO%20stuff/1a357fe7.jpg[/img] The flag of Cambodia down in south in Asia. Near Thailand and Vietnam. And again with the brushes. I actually found a picture of the flag and just edited it up a bit. ---- So I don't waste people's time I'll post up links. Next up are photos I took around my area or somewhere else. Take in mind I just kinda picked it up. I'm still a newb. I want to get a headstart on photography before I get into Highschool ( Yeah, I'm not THAT old yet )and join the photography club. Photography has gotten me hooked. xD [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/photos/c1b1c209.jpg]Sign[/URL] Taken around somwhere around my neighborhood. [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/photos/bc3275c3.jpg]Go Out[/URL] Taken in parking lot of the Minnesota Science Museum during the night. [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/photos/Clouds.jpg]Red Clouds- What does it mean?[/URL] I woke up after a "nap" and looked to the sky, I saw these beautiful colors in the sky. Looked in awe then grabbed my camera, ran outside and took a picture. [URL=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/yumyumfood/photos/8899f7fa.jpg]Rock it![/URL] Just my guitar. I'm going to get a new one sooner or later. xD; I spoke way much this post. Peace out. More to come so stick around. - Hatake [/SIZE][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=darkred][b][i]"Hm... Heh, familiar, but doesn't quite ring a bell. Alright, I was just wondering."[/i][/b] Nathaniel shrugged and chuckled. [b][i]"Well I'm off, I need to do a favor for someone. Oh, my name.. Hm... Just call me Valentine."[/i][/b] Nathaniel waved to Inferna and jumped down from the roof. He then started walking around. [b]What are you doing? You can get caught![/b] [i]Don't worry, I'll be just fine.[/i] Nathaniel snickered. Nathaniel then climbed up a tree and scouted the area. [b]Look there's Risa. If Risa is there then Riku should be![/b] Shuuya sounded excited. Nat jumped down from the tree and headed towards Risa. Nat watched Risa from far away. [i]Risa is there... but Riku isn't. Sorry kid. I'll let you control your body again, there's not much to do right now. But keep an eye out for that Inferna girl.[/i] Nat went into a nearby restroom and let Shuuya have his body back. [b]Thanks anyways Nat.[/b] [i]Hey that's what friends are for.[/i] Shuuya could see Nat grinning in the mirror. Shuuya then headed toward his room were Shuichi was. "Where's Keiji?" "He went out." "Oh, ok. Well, I'm kinda tired right... now." Shuuya walked over to the bed and fell face first into it. Falling asleep.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=darkred]Nathaniel looked at the girl. [b]Hey, Nathaniel.. I've never seen her before... Be careful I guess, just don't hurt her.[/b] [i][b]"What are you doing here?"[/b][/i] Nathaniel spat. "I was about to ask you the same. But who are you? You seem to old to be a student." [i][b]"What? Hey I'm not that old.. Well maybe I am. I give not my name. Go to bed."[/i][/b] "Hey! I'm not some little child." the girl yelled. [i][b]"Shh, quiet you'll attract someone over here, and we'll get some trouble."[/i][/b] Nathaniel stood. [b]Ask for her name...[/b] [i]This girl will get on my nerves soon Shuuya. Might as well leave her.[/i] [b]Just do it![/b] [i]Shuuya, I don't think she is a student, I mean, what kind of student would steal from a teacher like that...[/i] Nathaniel had saw the incident with the teacher. The girl just stood there, questioning what Nathaniel was doing just standing there. [i][b]"Heh, so tell me... If you will, your name... Your real name.. And what you've been doing. Run away if you'd like. But I'm sure we'll meet again."[/b][/i] Nathaniel smirked.[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkred]Shuuya woke up at the sound of the closing door. "About time you woke up Shuuya. Shuichi will be bunking with us." Keiji said as he paged through a magazine. Shuuya looked at Shuichi and smiled. "Hey! What's up man, I totally forgot to talk to you on the boat. Sorry about that." Shuuya exlcaimed. "It's no problem Shuuya-Kun." "Woah, woah! Hey, just call me Shuuya. No need to be formal Shuichi." Shuuya smiled at him. [i]Why are you so soft kid? You know you shouldn't trust any of 'em. If you look deep within 'em you'll see somone truly different. Just watch yourself kid. Or I'll watch you. [/i] [b]Nat, I can watch myself, plus everyone here shold be harmless! I mean, they're my friends.[/b] [i]Yeah sure, and I'm not?[/i] Shuuya laughed aloud, Shuichi and Keiji looked at him. "Shuuya, you ok man?" Keiji asked. "Shuichi, we both have to look over Shuuya here. He's going a little crazy." Both Shuichi and Keiji laughed. ".. Hey wait. I'm not going that crazy...." Suddenly for some reason he started thinking of Riku. His heartached. His breaths were becoming heavy. His put his hand to his heart, feeling the beating of his heart. He grunted. Keiji to busy to looking in his magazine. Shuichi looked at Shuuya and dropped all his stuff. "Shuuya! Shuuya are you alright? Shuuya!" Keiji was startled by Shuichi's yelps. [i]Kid please let me out. I'll let you see your lover girl if you do... Please. I want out.[/i] [b]..Not infront of them.. No... Not now.. Wait till I'm out of the room.[/b] "Shuuya, hey man! Answer us...!" Keiji yelled as he shook him. "Hey, I'm alright... I just need to use the bathroom.." Shuuya stood limp, and weak and walked out of the room, Bear following him. "Shuuya do you need help?" Shuichi stood. "No thanks. Might take a while till I'm back, I really ate something for breakfast." Shuuya laughed and walked out. [i]Haha, nice one kid.[/i] When Shuuya entered the bathroom he started to take form, becoming more muscular, hair becoming much longer. [b][i]"Thanks kid. Thanks.. Time to have some fun.[/i][/b] [b]Hey, don't do anything stupid! Don't hurt anyone.[/b] [i]Hey I'm not that kind of guy! Time to go see your lover. If I can find her.[/i] Nathaniel exited the bathroom. He started walking around on the land. [b][i]"Feels so food to be out, Shuuya."[/b][/i] [b]Yeah yeah...[/b] Nathaniel sat on the roof of the room Shuuya stayed in. [i][b]"Just let me hang around Shuuya, I want to remeber this day. Since it's the first day in days I've been out."[/b][/i] [b]Yeah.. Sure.[/b] Nathaniel smiled and laid down. Starring at the sky.[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=darkred]Shuuya stayed aboard the boat. Sitting down with Bear at his side. "You think this will go right Bear?" Bear let out a 'Mrow' and jumped into his lap. "C'mon Bear... Let's go look for my room. And Keiji." Shuuya stood and picked up his bag. And started to walk around. Looking for his room. [i]Oh calm down kid, just be calm and I won't get out. Hehe.[/i] Shuuya could see in his mind Nathaniel chuckling. [b]Yeah.. Sure.[/b] When Shuuya found his room, he jumped onto his bed. Around him there was more bed. "I'd rather bunk with Keiji then anyone else...." Shuuya sighed. [i]My, my.. It's like you have a little boy crush on him Shuuya. [/i] [b]What did you say Nat? Keiji is just one of my good friends that's all. I like Riku..![/b] Saying that Shuuya's heart throbbed. He let out a groan. [i]Heh, seems like I'm gonna be coming out soon.[/i] Nathaniel laughed. "No.. Not now. We just got here... No." Shuuya walked over toward the door and leaned against it, grabbing his heart. "Nathaniel not now!" Shuuya yelled. He then could hear footsteps coming close. [i]Fine, I'll spare you this time... Shuuya.[/i] [b]Thank you.... Nathaniel.[/b] Shuuya let himself fall onto the bed, and let himself fall asleep.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=darkred][size=1]Shuuya stroked Bear one more time before putting him in his bag. Bear always had his head poked out the top but the adults never noticed. Shuuya got off the bus and onto the ferry. He scanned the horizon. "Wow, this is awesome..." He smiled. Just then one of their teacher's came to hush down the bickering teens. "Alright everyone! We hope your prepared for out trip to Tear Drop Isle!" the male teacher shouted. "We'll talk more about it soon. Feel free to wander the boat. Just make sure you don't push someone in..." Shuuya laughed at the thought. [i]Hey! Shuuya..! You know, we should do that. You know you want too.[/i] [b]"Shut up Nathaniel...! Why would I want to do such a thing like that?"[/b] [i]Woah-ho-ho, looks like you know how to use your mind now. You learn fast.[/i] Shuuya sighed. The students then started bickering and walking and run on the ferry. Shuuya leaned over the edge of the ferry. Keiji then joined him. "Hey, what's up Shuuya? You seem to be troubled." Keiji asked being amused at what was in the water. "Well, nothing really. I'm just.... I guess nervous since I'm on this trip with Riku. Who knows we might get some alone time...Heheh. Well, if we do... Man am I going to choke." Shuuya chuckled. "Man, the sun is really shining today huh? Have you ever noticed how...-" Shuuya cut off Keiji. "How beautiful the morning is...? Heh, not really, I'm more of a night person." [i]A night person? Harhar, man.. Ah hah.[/i] Shuuya looked down at his reflection seeing a grinning Nathaniel. [b]"Grin all you want Nathaniel... I won't let you out..."[/b] [i]Yes you will... You'll see.[/i] Shuuya turned around to see Satoshi. "Hey it's... Hiwatari-kun... Never have I talked to him.." "Yeah, he doesn't seem to talk to much.." Keiji added. "Yeah, I guess I'll try to talk to him sometime." Shuuya looked around for someone else to socialize with. "Daisuke, that's someone to talk too, he's some intresting kid." Shuuya started making his way toward Daisuke, his duffle bag over his shoulder. OOC: [i]Italics[/i]= Nathaniel talking [b][i]Bold/Italics[/i][/b]= When Nathaniel comes out [b]Bold[/b]= When Shuuya is thinking to Nathaniel[/size][/color]
  13. [color=darkred][size=1]"Hm, I'm not to sure about ch..-" Keiji was cut off by Ishikawa's voice "Hey! Have some of these cookies! Nakamura-San made 'em!" He said quite loudly. Shuuya looked at Ishikawa, and shook his head. "D*mn, Ishikawa your so loud.. No thanks.. I'm layin' off the sweets. But thank Nakamura-Chan for me." Shuuya sighed and looked out the window again, stroking Bear. "So... Shuuya, if your pet is a cat.. Why'd you name is Bear? Pretty strange." Keiji snickered. "Well, Bear was the nickname my dad gave me. Heh, my mom always used to laugh at it." [i]Bear? Harhar, what kind of nickname is that? Haha.[/i] Nathaniel laugh echoed in his head. "Shut up." Shuuya spat. "Did you just tell me to shut up..Shuuya?" Keiji glared at him. "No... No.. Actually I was uhm... Talking to myself again." Shuuya gave a nervous grin. "Right..." Keiji then looked away. [i]Well, Shuuya, actually getting out during the day may seem fun, I mean, I haven't seen daylight lately.[/i] Shuuya ignored Nathaniel's statement. [i]Ah hah! I know let's go talk to that Riku girl that you like so much.[/i] Shuuya's eyes widened and then sharpened. "No.." [i]You know your going to anyways..! Heheh.[/i] Shuuya knew just what Nathaniel was going to do. "Nathaniel, don't even..-" [i]A little to late Shuuya-san.[/i] Shuuya could see Nathaniel grinning. Nathaniel was going to force Shuuya to move. Shuuya had to resist being forced to move by Nathaniel. [i]Ok then.. Fine. Be that way, you know if you don't try to control me, you'll never be able too. I have a point.[/i] Shuuya grunted and mumbled. Bear then jumped out of his lap and started to walk around the bus. "What, wait! Bear! Stop! Get back here!" Shuuya stood and saw that Bear was headed toward Riku. "Aw... Sh*t..!" Shuuya then started to walk up the aisle and catch up to Bear. "Got'cha." Shuuya looked up and locked eyes with Riku. He looked away and sat down in the seat back of hers instead of going to the back. "Uhm.. Hey Riku... What's up?" Shuuya stuttered with his words. He could hear Nathaniel laughing in his head, and his heart skip some beats.[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=darkred]Shuuya laughed and chuckled and then turned his head to the window, lost in his deep thoughts. [i]Hey, don't worry kid. I won't do such a thing, or will I?[/i] Nathaniel laughed. "How do you know what I'm thinking...?" Shuuya whispeared. [i]Wow, you really are stupid aren't you? Uh, maybe it's because I'm in your head?[/i] "...Right." Shuuya sighed. [i]How can you not be happy that you have me?[/i] "Well, ever since you've come to me, you've really messed up my chances with Harada, Riku." Shuuya groaned. He turned his head to look at Keiji who looked at him strangely. "Dude..? Are you talking to yourself?" Keiji asked raising an eyebrow. "Feh... I guess you could call it that..." Shuuya laughed. Bear poked his head out from the duffle bag. "Hey Bear..!" Shuuya extended a hand to pet his loyal kitten companion. "Let's hope this trip turns out right." He opened the bag and let Bear jump into his lap. He yawned. Shuuya then turned his attention to Riku, which made his heart speed up. [i]Hey, kid. Don't let me out during the day! It's no fun![/i] "Feh, Nathaniel... Why... Why did you come to me?" Shuuya leaned his head on the seat infront of him. [i]You know why, Shuuya, your grandfather told you. Haha, I remeber you as a little child. You used to admire me. Did you know I was the one who saved you from dying...?[/i] "What... What are you talking about...? Valentine, just shut up. Please, let me be.. I don't want to hear anymore from you." Shuuya stroked Bear. Then looked at Keiji. "So... Think you might have chances with Risa? Mine with Riku are pretty ruined..." Shuuya laughed.[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkred]Shuuya sat up in his bed and yawned. [i]Today's the day.[/i] He thought to himself as he turned his body and stood up tall. He stretched out his arms and looked out the window. The sun blinded him. "Shuuya! Your gonna be late if you don't hurry up! I'm not gonna give you ride all the way there you know!" Shouted his mother. Shuuya just smiled and chuckled. He then walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, and combed his hair. "Harada-Chan..." He mumbled. He then dressed himself in his school uniform. Then started to pack up his things in a duffle bag. A voice started talking to him within his head. [i]Well, kid. Let's have some fun now.[/i] Laughed a deep voice. "Yeah sure." He replied in enthusiasm. He started talking to Nathaniel as he walked down the stairs. He then ran into Bear his "stuffed" cat he was going to bring with him. The kitten jumped into his hands. "Bear... Heh." He said as he scratched the back of the kitten's ear who purred. As he sat at the table he ate some toast and chugged down a glass of water. "Shuuya...! The bus is coming!" His mother shouted as she sat on the stairs. Shuuya raced outside. Bear jumped into his dufflebag. When the bus stopped infront of the house. Shuuya hugged his mother and kissed her. "Mom, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone alright...?" He laughed as he walked toward the bus. "Shuuya! Don't get into trouble!" She shouted. Shuuya swung his dufflebag over his shoulder. As he walked down the aisle he stopped to greet the Harada twins. As he looked at Riku Harada. He smiled and continued to the back of the bus were he usually sat.[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1] Normal Self [B]Name:[/B] Akechi Shuuya [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender: Male[/B] [B]Object of Your Affection:[/B] Harada Riku [B]Appearance: [/b][URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/Misc/820dd5e6.jpg]Akechi[/URL] [B]Personality:[/b] Charming, Laidback, and can be carefree about things. He's a pretty nice guy. Strong and tough, he's just brave enough to stand up for you. Just don't annoy him or get in his face too much. [B]Bio: [/B] When Shuuya was younger his grandfather told him all the stories about Nathaniel, even once he saw his father turn into the powerful Nathaniel. The young Shuuya could do nothing but admire Nathaniel then. Being that Shuuya's father was a martial artist and his great great great great even more great grandfather was the famous samurai Mitsuhide Akechi, Shuuya trainned in the arts of Karate, Hapkido, Bushido, and Kendo. Learning all those skills and arts he made Nathaniel a great fighter. When Shuuya first transformed into Nathaniel was after school when he met Riku Harada during lunch. His stomach cringed, and his heart raced and ached. He thought he had some sort of disease and was gonna die. But when he looked in the mirror he saw not his-self but a smirking Nathaniel. He was stunned. He thought Nathaniel would never take over his body. Sure Shuuya admired him then, but he didn't want Nathaniel to take his body over now, he wanted to control his own life. Nathaniel's first words were "..Heh, kid. I'll make you strong." Your Other Self [B]Name: [/B] Valentine Nathaniel [Last, First] [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Object of Your Affection:[/B] N/A [B]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/Misc/bd4c85c0.jpg]Nathaniel[/URL] [Has Black Wings] [B]Pet: [/B] [URL=http://strangeplaces.net/fandoms/fy/Tamaneko.gif]Bear[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Nathaniel is nothing but a ruthless, cold, sarcastic guy. He likes to hang around at night. But will come out during the day if needed. He wants to kill, and destroy, or just have fun. There are times when he tries to charm others, but usually fails. Or ignores one.[/size]
  17. [size=1]This RP is based on the Manga/Anime series Bleach. I would recomend that you know what it is about. Other then that it's not necessary that you start reading up. Just join, I'll try to explain as much as I can. For I just started reading the manga. And got intrested. [center]?[u]Soul Reaper[/u]? [color=darkred] Soul Reapers, a wandering spirit, hunting for a so called spirit Hollow, and vaporizing them. Soul Reapers are most likely to be dead people. But they are most likely judged by age on their looks. Not to rid of forever. But to free they're lost soul from sin. Reapers come from the Soul Society. Soul Reapers are enchanted with dark powers. Soul Reapers use Konsô to send Whole Spirits to the Soul Society which is a peacful place where they can rest in peace. [/color] ?[u]Hollow Souls[/u]? [color=navy] Hollow souls. Are evil souls. They were once people, who died, and felt grief/loneliness after. Hollow souls are ones that are to be vaporized, and set free from sins. Sent to the Soul Society to rest in peace. They come back from the dead taking the form of a monster. They first, go after they're family's soul. After that, they randomly attack innocent people. In order for some of these Hollows to be extinguished you must cut they're head, or attack from behind. Hollows are usually attracted to high spirit energies.[/color] ±[u]Whole Souls[/u]± [color=Darkgreen] Whole souls are harmless to people walking about on earth. They are just lost souls who wish to find peace. The Soul Reapers job isn't just to destroy Hollow souls but to also send Whole souls to rest at the Soul Society.[/color] [u]The Plot[/u] [color=darkorange] Hollows from hell are being unleashed unto the Earth's surface. Un-noticed by normal civilians, and eating they're souls. Destroying them. There are to way to many to destroy. But one group of brave Soul Reapers challenged and destroyed the remaining Hollows. For many years they havestayed in a group and put to rest Wholes and Hollows. But now they think that they must retire and rest in peace for once. Soul Society now searches for Five strong sprited, brave, loyal- Soul Reapers. They will put these Five reapers through a test. In squads of Five. They will go through a series of trainning and traveling. Learning how to work together. They will be sent to a made up city, filled with computerized Hollows and innocents. They must learn to communicate with each other. Respect each other. And be loyal. Soul Society calls this place- [i]Hollow Hell[/i] [/color] -=======-[/center] [u]Sign Up[/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [13-30] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Weapon:[/b] [Will allow guns for once.] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] Four people will be needed. But I will approve if you join or not by reading your Sign up. So work hard! I know it's kinda strict but I really don't need that many people. [center]-=====-[/center] [color=indigo][b][u]Rules[/u][/b] 1. Posts must be atleast one Paragraph Long. [7 Sentences] 2. Correct Spelling. 3. nO tYpInG liK dIs!?!?!!!! 4. Correct Gramar. 5. Don't kill of a person's character to much. 6. Don't kill each other. Sure you can argue. Just no killing. 7. Have Fun![/color][/size]
  18. [size=1]After a very long abscense(sp?) I'm back. With graphics. Heh, I really haven't been doing much lately because of school and all. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/fma.jpg[/img] [b]Full Metal Alchemist[/b] Edward Elric I'm not to happy with the background or font. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/Uchiha.jpg[/img] [b]Naruto[/b] Itachi Uchiha This one is ok for me. I use this one on a different board. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/gaia/8aac8a5e.jpg[/img] [b]Hellsing[/b] Alucard I tried making the backgroud fit with the picture. It didn't turn out as well as I thought it'd be. lol. Well that's all for now.[/size]
  19. Ninjah


    [size=1]Oi, Fable. What a well made game. I just started like 2 days ago... And already have beaten it. I've been waiting this game for about a year and a half and now here I am. Sitting on my butt, playing for 10 straight hours on the weekend. I have nothing to really do since I beat it and all. But it's still... Addicting ya know. [spoiler]When you fight Jack of Blades at the end, and destroy him. Take the sword and kill your sister. Wait till ALL of the credits are donw, and now you have one of the rarest swords in the game! Well that is if you choose this path.[/spoiler] Overall, this game is addicting and I think everyone who plays it should just sit there staring at the screen with only the sound of buttons clicking.[/size]
  20. [size=1]Woah... Dude why'd you have to make this topic. lol. I've been playing DDR since I was 7 years old and stopped for a couple of years. When I was 10 my brother just kinda forced me to do standard. Yeah my brother is like that. I've been playing standard ever since. I'm still really slow though. I just turned 13 last week. And I still play on Standard as my main. I can play some songs on Heavy. But I'm just kinda really slow at this age right now. lol. I just wanna get good at standard! And like when I'm 20 or something I'll be playing DDR, Double, Heavy, x2. lol, I could dream.. But I'm gonna make sure that happens. I use my really crappy pads. My cousin broke my Red Octane pad. T-T Oh my precious pad! She was playing and well being a... Newb and all she made it slide back and the cord kinda ripped out. T-T Oh pad oh beautiful pad! lol, well I'm trying to save up for 2 pads. Tricks you say...? Can I do tricks...? Course I can! lol. Usually for Light though. For Light I like to jump over and flip and stuff on the back bar. Hehe it's fun. I also have the famous kneedrop! On freeze arrows [on DDRMAX/2 and DDR EXTREME] I do handstands. This is uaully for light though so keep that in mind. I NEVER do my handstand at an arcade. That's a no no for me. Last of all I'd like to thank Syk3 for informing us on DDR Extreme. Cause I'm so totally going to get that! Have you guys seen people play A Renaissance on heavy/double/1.5 when I saw this one dude play. I said to myself "I'll be like that someday." Oh yes and those of you who say you suck. Just keep on practicing. You'll get better. Your just making it hard on yourself if your not trying. But if you do try, your all good. [/size]
  21. [size=1]Woah! You are definately skilled! Banner 1: What happen to [spoiler]Mugen[/spoiler] O_o; He's tiny. lol, this banner is cool just because it's Champloo! Banner 2 : The cutout is clean. No flaws. The BG is pretty cool too! Banner 3: It's nice and clean! But what bothers me is the grid. Why is that there...? O_o; I think you should get rid of the grid then it'll make me happier... Heh, I wish I were as a skilled as you! Darn. I feel so useless now. But meh! Keep up the work.
  22. [size=1]Fun! ^-^ It'd be even more fun is DW made an RPG out of this. It'd be like Yu-Gi-Oh. >>; Blah yeah my card info is going to be lame. But meh... Your Username- Hatake Magic Type- Wind Type- Warrior Picture: [url=http://plaza21.mbn.or.jp/~nyanmage/kiriban/itachi1.jpg]ClickyClicky?[/url] Attack- Takes 50 HP off of enemy by using attack called; [i]Ryu Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji[/i] Attack requires 25 HP to be sacrificed off of Hatake's HP. Color: Black[/size]
  23. [size=1]Good idea HZ. J-pop... Why didn't I think of it..? Oh well here are my entries. I'm not to pleased but hope you like them. Avi: [img]http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/CA.jpg[/img] Banner: [img]http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/CB.jpg[/img] [/size]
  24. [size=1]I may not get to far in this contest, but I'm here for the fun of it! I wish everyone good luck. [img]http://img3.imagetown.net/35239862.jpg[/img] One of my pieces in which I just finished. " X " from Rockman a.k.a Megaman.[/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: Sorry for bein' late. I'm kinda lost in what's going on so if someone could PM me and tell me what's happening. IC: John's motorcycle stopped at the red stoplight. He looked around, and sighed. He then stretched out his arms and yawned. "Another late day. The boss is gonna be pissed. But I don't care." John thought o himself as his motorcycle reved through the streets. Again he stopped at a red light. He saw an elder women get picked on by a couple of pickpockets. John looked around and saw that everyone noticed but they didn't care. He gave a "Hmm...." then sighed. He then pointed his motorcycle to the car in back of him. He reved it up and then 'Vroom' he was off. His motorcycle used the car as a ramp. As it landed in the bare lane next to the lane in which he was once in he jumped off. He then walked toward the two pickpockets and shoved them down, but kept on walking. "What the...- Who was that bastard?" Said one to the other who just shrugged. One with a cheek grabbed John by the shoulder. "Hey man, what gives you the right to push us around? Do you know who we are?" John gave a silent snort and shrugged. "No I don't know, and don't care.... And will I ever...? No." "What? Old man, you better change your act when around the Poison Brothers." "Hrmm... What? Oh yeah by the way, give that elder's purse back." "We don't need to listen to you man." The pickpocket then felt pain in his gut, as all the air escaped him he fell to his knees. "The purse, chum." John laughed as he knelt down and grabbed the purse from his hand. "Oh yeah, by the way... Tell me your name... I'm sure to remeber it sometime." The gasping young man shook his head. "His name is... Skipper." said the one pickpocket who ran to his fellow partner. "Skipper?" John laughed. "Alright, Skipper... And you just get lost." Both the young men ran. "Geez, I'm even more late." John ran to his motorcycle reved it up, and zoomed off cutting infront of cars. He parked his automobile in the place he always does, crunches were heard as he walked to the RSDG door. He opened the door and looked around. "Your late again Katsukawa!" Shouted a deep voice. John shrugged and plopped down on a chair. "I don't really care boss... I needed to do something." John sighed. OOC: Having a block right now... Sorry.[/color][/size]
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