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[QUOTE=Hatake][color=darkred][size=1]Characters taken: Samurai- Hatake Monk- doukeshi03 Ninja- Vicky Bandit- Dmitri_Dragon Bounty Huntress- KittyChanan Ninja- Princess- Reserved! For Camellegoddess04 [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkred] Alright those are the people in. All we need now is the Ninja and for Camelle to get her sign up soon. Then bang we're ready to go! Let me lay down som rules if I haven't already. - Posts must be atleast 1 paragraph long or more. - Since you signed up you must be active. - correct spelling and grammar. - Space outyour paragraphs if you write more then 1. - Have a fun time![/color][/size]
[quote name='Assassin][size=1']Break dancing is awesome. I like all the special techniques the person comes up with. The moves kind of show the personality. The movie out called "You Got Served" has alot of breakdancing in it and is one awesome movie. I just wish I could dance like them...[/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Heh, you can! If you pratice! I'm only 12 and I started to breakdance. I was inspired by lots of people. If you wanna learn to breakdance I suggest you start out with something called a Toprock. Heh. I would give you the steps, but I'm not to sure of how to explain. It's real easy you'll have it down just like that. [URL=http://www.bboy.org/t47060/s.html]ClickyClicky[/URL] You can learn some other stuff on there too. I would suggest you just look at other people's style and make up your own. Good idea is to break on carboard or any smooth hard surface.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=darkred][size=1]Heh. What the title says. Hence the word horrible. XD I don't think many of you have seen my artwork. Well it's nothing to good. I'm not an artist or anything. Though I've been drawing for a long time... So you could say I'm bad. XD As my title says I'm gonna show you a drawing I did during science. I wasn't really listening to the teacher and he was staring at me. So it I did it really quick. [img]http://chipp.250free.com/Blah.jpg[/img] I know, I know. There's to much shadow, and also the shadow isn't angled right. XD yeah I know you don't have to tell me if you notice. Other then that...What do you think? Crumpled piece of paper XD It's so creative. lol[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Characters taken: Samurai- Hatake Monk- doukeshi03 Ninja- Vicky Bandit- Dmitri_Dragon Bounty Huntress- KittyChanan Ninja- Princess- Reserved! For Camellegoddess04 [/size][/color]
[color=teal][size=1][center][u][size=4]THE TALE[/size][/u][/center] In a small village of Fuedal Japan children sit around an old man. Listening to his tale. A tale of a Demon. This is how his tale went. Long ago in the island of Kyushu a boy was born. The boys name was Benjiro. What made this boy so special you might ask... He wasn't a good boy. Nor' was he human! Hell had given Bejiro's parents the child of Hell. But they didn't know he was a demon until he got older. When he caused mayhem in his village that's when the sign of the demon had awakened inside of him. Burning down houses and feeding on his own parents. Until four male heros had arrived at the happening. These four heros were different types of classes there was a; Samurai, Ninja, Bandit, and a Monk. The Samurai was the cold harsh one of the group of heros. He'd get irrited quite easily. Whenever it comes to fighting he's always serious. There is a soft side of him but yet it's never been shown. The Ninja was always laid back and kept his cool no matter what the situation. He was silent of course and always wanting to be alone. He's also the smart one. The Bandit was the troublemaker, he's always sarcastic. No matter what was happening he didn't give a care in the world. Also all he thinks about is the world revolving around him. He's quite the talker too. The Monk ah he was the only nice one in the group and quite a lady charmer. Always smiling and attracting the ladies. He's quite the perky one and seems as if he's always trying to prevent things from happening. Let's just say he was like the bigger brother. These four heros were also accompanied by three heroines; a ninja, a bounty huntress, and a princess. The ninja was quite perky and very clumsy. As she would work in her mission she would always mess up. Her father also a ninja is very dissapointed in her. She's always happy too. She's the humorous one. The bounty huntress is a big flirt. She can also get serious sometimes but not all the time. Whenever talking to men she's always flirting. The princess is the happy one, she's just...Perfect. The others don't know why but she always wants to keep clean. She's ms anit-bacteria. She gets frightened easily too. Also bashful when it somes to men. These seven heros stood at each other's side staring at Benjiro, the fierce demon. All blessed by the God Bishamon; the god of war and warriors. They defeated Benjiro sealing his soul in a small chest. It was then brought to a temple gaurded by the monk and others. If the Chest were to be opened again, Benjiro's soul would be released. [/size] [/color][center][color=Royalblue][size=4][u]The Plot[/u][/size][/center] [size=1]The year is 1985 "Pressor look, it's the temple we've been looking for! You can see it's ruins!" said a quite builded up girl. She ran towards the ruins of the temple. "Hold on Julie!" Shouted a scrawny old man. As he ran towards the girl. "I'm sorry Grandfather! It's just that this temple! We've been looking for it for a long time." The old man tripped over a trunk. "Hrm...What might this be? We'll bring it back to the tent." The old man examined it then called. "Julie! Let's go back!" As hey got to there camp the old man raced into his tent his Granddaughter behind him. "What did you find Grandfather?" "This trunk. We must open it!" "Wait wait! Grandfather did you read the inscriptions? It says...[i]This trunk contains the soul of the boy Benjiro, hell's child. Those who open it must suffer death. Those who can stop it must me blessed by Bishamon...[/i] Grandfather don't open the box." "Oh humbug! There just trying to scare us Julie!" The old man had a hard time opening the latch for it was very rusty. As soon as he got the latch undone he opened it slowly. The lid flew off and a black light flew around the tent. A Deep voice was heard. "Thank you for freeing me! I shall reward you with...Death!" The black light flew around both the horrified people. They screamed in pain as their flesh started to melt. Benjiro's wicked soul lurked around feeding on humans. Eating there flesh. Bejiro himself started to form back to a normal [i]MAN[/i]. Only the reincarnations of the seven mighty worriors blessed by Bishamon the God of war and warriors; are able to stop them. Now only the power of Bishamon can draw the real warriors to Japan. The heros and heroines are locked in a jail cell.[/color][/size] ________ [color=darkred][size=1]OMG! This took me two days to post up! Ok I'll be accepting six sign ups, including myself. Nobody will be Benjiro. I'll be the one to control him. [u]Sign Up[/u] Name: Age: [28 - 36] Gender: Appearance: Reincarnation of: [One of the seven.] Origin: [Where your Character was born] Personality: [Must relate to your reincarnation.] Bio: ------------ I'll post my Sign up. [b]Name[/b]: Kyo Kawasaki [b]Age[/b]: 33 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/yakuza.jpg]Clicky Clicky[/URL] [b]Reincarnation of[/b]: the Samurai [b]Origin[/b]: Kyoto, Japan [b]Personality[/b]: A cold man. Always harsh and always has his serious look on. He does get irritated and will shut you up if you don't stop annoying him. He always wants to be alone. He's also headstrong. [b]Bio[/b]: As a child Kyo was trained under his great Grandfather in the ways of a samurai. He was always the way he is now. Headstrong is what his father would call him. In middle school he was a big trouble maker. Starting his own fights. His grandfather was actually the great great grandson of the Samurai hero. When Kyo graduated highschool his grandfather died. When Kyo left for collage his mother and father got ill and passed away. Kyo lived a lonely life from that day on. His room mates and him didn't get along very well. They always wanted to do things their own ways. Kyo got annoyed of there tricks and almost beat them to death before the Dean came. When Kyo dropped out of college he encountered a member of the Yakuza; a Japanese Mafia. The man of the Yakuza was actually the Oyabun (leader.) He examined Kyo by his looks then his strength. He soon then became an official member of the Yakuza. This is why now he has many tattoos and scars on his body. He now sits in the dark corner of the jail cell, with three other men and three women. He thought as he sat [i]'What the hell happened...? And why the hell do they put both genders in one jail cell?' ____________ For some reason nothing makes sense to me. I'm so distracted by the TV. PM me with questions. I hope that I'll get questions in PM. [/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]OOC: I have no idea if Steff is an Unawakened angel. O.o; IC: Kiros stared Steff in the eye. "Would you be able... To handle the truth?" Kiros said quite roughly. Steff hesitated. "Those people....There not humans... But a different race." Kiros turned and stared at the sky from the window. "What do you mean human...?" "You sure as hell know what I mean not human!" Steff narrowed her eyes to the ground. " You want to see what I am....? Kiros then dropped to his knees and grabbed his stomach for it had a pain once again. "I..I..I'll let you see what I am!" Black demoni wings suddenly spread from his back. As they stretched out Steff's eyes grew bigger everytime. "Your...a...a..." "A demon.." Kiros's eyes then turned red. "I wouldn't want to transform into my full self...If I did...Your house would collapse." Steff then gave Kiros a horrified look. She then jumped over her couch and knelt down. Tears forming in her eyes. She clasped her hands together and prayed. "Oh please God! Don't let me die!" "God?" Kiros walked over to the couched and pushed it aside. "You pray to GOD?" Kiros reached out for Steff. Steff crawled away. "I won't hurt you...I'm not like other demons... I'll be your protector...Though it is a foolish idea... Just trust me..." Kiros stretched out his hand. "I'll protect you from God."[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros gritted his teeth. "I didn't ask for a kiss Lenfear!" Kiros let go of Lenfear and threw her to a ground. "Lenfear, you ***** tell me where Azrael is!" Kiros started to yell. "Steff go back inside! Now!" His voice was commanding. Steff got scared and took a few steps back. Lenfear stood and cleaned herself off of all the dirt. "Kiros, Kiros. Why do you think I'd tell you if you don't work under Master Lucifer." Kiros grabbed his stomach as he felt pain again. [i]Not now...Not infront of this human! Lucifer![/i] "What's wrong Kiros? Lucifer calling you again?" Lenfear laughed. Grunts and screams of pain came from Kiros. "Never thought I'd see a Demon scream and cry." Lenfear said laughing. "Shut up... Lenfear." Kiros grunted. "How rude... Kiros I thought of better manners from you." "Shut up! Steff get back inside the house...Everything you see...You don't need to." Kiros looked over his shoulder and glared at Steff with his left glowing red eye. "What don't I need to see...Kiros?" Steff stammered. "Just go inside the house!" Kiros turned back at Lenfear. A darkend object appeared in his hand it was in a shape of a sword with a fat blade. "You will tell me where Azrael is... Or I'll make you..." [/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros caught the soda in his hand. He popped it open and chugged it down. Steff plopped down next to him but not to close. "So...Stephanie.." "Call me Steff..." "Alright....So Steff... Why the sudden change of act?" "You seemed....Nice...." A smile crossed Kiros face. He let out a small chuckle then bowed his head and stared at the floor. Kiros then felt a sharp pain in his stomach. His chuckle turned into a grunt of pain. He grabbed his stomach. His eyes flickered a red color which startled Steff. "What was that?" She asked as she slowly moved away from Kiros. Kiros thought of a excuse. "My contact lens... They sometimes do that.." Kiros laughed weakly. Steff just stared at him. [i]Lucifer....Why are you calling me this time...?[/i] Kiros then looked up and smiled at Steff. "Nothign to worry about... I don't bite." Kiros then looked out the window to see Lenfear walking. He stared at her as she continued to walk. [i]Lenfear you...*****...[/i] Steff then looked out the window to see who Kiros was staring at. "Do you know her....?" Kiros nodded. Then got up and limped to the door. "Why are you leaving so soon? And why are you limping?" Kiros didn't answear. He opened the door and walked out after he said bye. Steff ran over to the door and opened it. Kiros limped all the way to Lenfear. "What the hell are you doing around here? And that smile... That smile wipe it off your face and tell me what you've found!" Kiros pinned Lenfear to the house; his face awfully close to hers. He pushed his weight onto her arms making sure she didn't move. "Tell me!" Steff came down the steps and stared at Kiros. "Lenfear! Tell me...!" His eyes flashed red. "I've found him.... And Alexandria." Lenfear said still having that wicked smile on her face. Kiros's eyes widened and then he thought. "The only one Alexandria would be with is....-" Kiros got cut off. "Yes that's right Kiros.... Azrael." Lenfear laughed. "Where is he? Lenfear tell me!" Kiros shook the wicked lady. "Tell me now!" "Kiros....What are you doing...?" Steff asked, a horrified look crossed her face as she saw Kiros's eyes flash red once again but they stayed red. "Steff... Go back inside the house..." Kiros said his voice was rough and low. [/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1][i]...I think I scared her...[/i] Kiros thought. Kiros then saw the girl peeping up. Kiros waved then she sank back down. "I can't be that....Scary.." Kiros sighed. "I'd be amazed if she could see right through me; seeing the Demon inside of me." Kiros then took the towel and threw it on the couch and picked up his white shirt, and put it on just before he headed out the door. He didn't bother to button up his shirt letting it reveal the scars. Kiros knocked on the door. "Uhm...Hello..?" Kiros then looked toward a window to see the girl. Kiros waved and she duck down again. Kiros slapped his head and sighed. Just then the door opened a pan came flying toward him. Kiros stepped to the side and caught the pan. The girl looked up with a horrified look on her face. "No need to commit to violence kid..." Kiros said smiling. "May I come in?" Kiros asked letting go of the pan. The girl shook her head. Kiros sighed and muttered 'Fine' under his breath. He then sat down on her steps. "Well may I talk to you atleast?" The girl sat on a different step then Kiros. "First...I'll introduce myself. My name is Kiros." he held out his hand. "My name is... Stephannie." She took his hand and shook it. "Ah....I see... How's life?" "It's good... Without my father." "Why's that?" Kiros looked at her with a concerned look on his face. "I'd rather not tell...." "I'm not gonna like stalk you or anything... I'm just wondering." "Well...He aws abusive...And spent all our money on [i]HIS[/i] needs instead of my mother's ane mine. I thank God that he's dead." The tone of her voice sounded happy. Kiros's eyes got sharp. "Don't thank God... He's nothing but a good for nothing... Coward." Kiros's voice had no nice tone but a cold harsh one.[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Naruto..... Good job! ^_^ I love your work as well as Shippos. 1st Batch: Sesshomaru- Nice but yet looks simple. Random Stuff- 1st one is the same background as the Sesshomaru one. 2nd The background is very intresting. 2nd Batch: Sasuke- I like the quote but I don't think the font fits to well with it. Goku- I just love Saiyuki so, just because of that I'll just say I like it. ^_^ The background is also very cool looking. Is it just using brushes? Or filters? Hakkai- Again with Saiyuki! And espcially Cho Hakkai! It's possibly one of my faves since Cho Hakkai is one of my favorite Character. Except one thing... You should have used a different background and font. AIM- Intresting Idea. XP 3rd Batch: Spike- XD I love this one. The font works just well and the picture too![/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros got up from the couch and looked out his window. "I smell...God..." Kiros muttered. Kiros then looked across the street to see a girl eating breakfast. Kiros shrugged and went to the bathroom and washed his face one more time. As he splashed the cold water on his face he thought. [i]What is her name again...?[/i] After he finished rinsing his face he dried it. Putting the towel around his neck he walked to the window and stared at the girl across the street. He would look or walk away sometimes so he didn't make the girl feel unconfortable.[i]What is her name....?[/i][/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros woke up an irrated look came across his face. "Lenfear...Don't you ever go into my dream again.." Kiros said under his breath. Kiros then headed for his bathroom. He unbuttoned his white office shirt. It slid off his arms. He then looked in the mirror. His body quite muscular but not to muscular. Scars covered it. "It's amazing of what kind of trouble I can get into with this human body of mine." He said smirking. He then bent down slightly and twisted the faucet bar. Water ran from the faucet. Kiros made a cup with his hands and placed it under the water gathering water then splashing it on his face. He then continued to wash his face. After he was done he dried his face then looked up into the mirror his left eye flashed a red then turned back to it's pale grey eyes. "Azrael...I'll find you..." Kiros then walked back to the living room shirtless he sat on the couch resting his arms on the top of the back support. He then ran his hand through his long silver hair then leaned his head back. He then closed his eyes and started talking outloud. "Lenfear! Stay out of my ******* dream! You angels aren't to smart are you?" Kiros was talking to Lenfear telepathically.[/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Heh, Reflux...Man.. -gives him a high five- You rock. \m/ ^_^ \m/ Yeah I do watch some of Miss Elliots videos but then i become annoyed of some of her music. I don't know why but half of me says to danceand like the music the other half says hate it. Man I haven't really battled anyone becase I have no one to battle! XP Hah the brushing off the shoulder. Old...But yet creative and fun to do. XD [/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros gave a small quiet wince of pain. "Michael... I shall never return to the light side until Azrael does." Kiros said as he got up his foot limp. Michael let out a small chuckle. "Kiros....Don't even think about Azrael returning to the bright side. God won't allow it!" Michael sneered. "Who gives a ***** on what God will allow and won't allow. I know I don't!" Kiros put his hands in his jacket pockets. "Michael...I won't let you find Azrael first..." Kiros turned and continued to limp out of the alley. Michael; who used to be his ally is now his enemy. Michael stood and just watched as Kiros limped out. Serveral minutes later Kiros came at a spot with many cop cars and 'do not cross' lines. Kiros eyes widened. Kiros tried to run; but he couldn't because of the wound in his foot. So he walked quite fast. He looked over the crowd and saw one of the teenagers; hit by a...Car. "Michael... Was right..." Kiros said as he slid his hands out of his pockets and let them drop at his side. Kiros then headed to his home. Which is a small town house. He hung his white jacket on the hanger reavealing his black shirt. He then sat on his lounge chair and rest his head in his hand. He then laid down and fell asleep.[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Shippo dude! I'm impressed! ^_^ Agh I wish I could do 3d abstract! Shippo You amze me alot with your work also the other gfx creators on the board. Twisted Image eh? Nice name for a graphic team, lol. The banner is really nice. I just love the bg on the Cid one... Also on the Kakashi one I must start doing all that line stuff which is like data it makes graphics more intresting. Good stuff Shippo dude, you just submit stuff onto DA![/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros hand balled into a fist; making the sound of bones crackaling. Kiros then opened his fist. "You may insult him, Michael... But not around me!" Kiros's gruff voice came back. He then grabbed Michael by the neck, lifting him atleast two or three inches off the ground. He stared Michael in the eye with his now demonic eyes. Kiros started to shake and let go of Michael letting him plop onto the ground. Kiros then snorted and his voice was now smooth. "You may insult Azrael....But not infront of me..." He repeated. "I shall insult him whenever I like, Kiros." Michael yelled quite quietly. "You are not my ruler. But God is." "God is a bastard! Why do you work along his side! He the same as Lucifer!" Kiros spat then turned his head to face the side so he wasn't looking at the angel anymore. "God is the same... And God shall not get to Azrael before me." Kiros turned his body and started to walk out the alley.[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros just gave the angel a slight smile. "You should know why I'm here...Michael.." Kiros bowed his head again waiting for words to come out of his friend's mouth. "Azrael..." Kiros nodded. Then looked back up at Michael his pale gray eyes staring into his friends. Kiros smiled. "Are you protecting those kids." Kiros titled his head the way the teens went. Michael nodded. Kiros sighed; "Why do you still protect...?" There was then silence. Kiros then opened his mouth but no words came out. He then closed his mouth then thought of something to say. "Kiros....Why do you now work under Lucifer..?" Michael asked. Kiros then gave the anel a sharp look. "I needed to be with my own kind. But I hate Lucifer; and also hate God. So therefore I side with no one. I'm neutral.." Kiros's graceful voice had turned into a rough, gruff voice.[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros continued to stare at the shaking teens with concern. "Kid like you shouldn't be scared of wandering about at this time." Kiros's graceful voice said. The teens then looked up at him. They could see he was about there age but acted as if he was older. "Were not scared of wandering... It's just some freaky lady attacked one of us." One boy said. "Freaky lady....? Did she have a staff?" Kiros asked. They all nodded. Kiros let out a small chuckle. "And you are still living?" "Some kid helped me..." Kiros stared into the boys eyes. "Michael...." Kiros said under his breath. "You kids get goin'." The teens then started to run out of the alley. "Michael you can come out now.." Kiros said smirking his head bowed. "Kiros... It's been a long time." said a boys voice. Kiros let out a chuckle. "Yeah...Yeah it has..."[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Thanks for replying Shippo. I knew that This wouldn't get as many as replies. :rolleyes: Yesterday I made something for Ragnarok. here's the link; [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/7340174/]Clicky, Clicky[/url] It's suppose to be a load page. For those of you who play RO and wondering what server I play on. I play on the ProRO server. Yeah I know, some of you might not have a clue what kind of server ProRO is. That's all I'm gonna show for now because I have to go to school now. -mumbles- Psh...School.[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Kiros walked along the sidewalk of the non occupied street. His shoes clicking with every step he took. As he walked he slowly took off his white gloves and slowly place them in his jacket pocket. He stopped and gazed up at the dark sky filled with shining lights; thinking about his early years under the service of God. He then just let out a small 'heh' and then continued walking. He looked around him searching for a place to rest. He spot a bench and sat upon it. His arms spread out along the top railing and legs crossed. He sighed closing his eys and bowing his head. "Azrael; I won't let them get to you before I do. My friend, I hope to see you once more." He said quite quietly in his graceful low voice. He then got up starting to walk again. He stared at the ground to busy to watch where he was going. He then felt a bump. He let out an 'Eh' and looked up. He saw that he knocked over a girl; the girl was on her bottom staring at Kiros; at her side was a staff. Kiros then gave her a hand to help her up. She didn't accept it. Kiros then shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. "What might you be doing here....-" He stopped and chuckled closing his eyes "Lenfear. Did that ignorant Lucifer tell you." The girl stared at him hard. She then smirked. "Kiros... You look like one of those helpless humans." her voice said quite gracefully. Kiros shrugged and opened his eyes. He then walked over to her staff and picked it up; swing it around harshly. "Hey give that to me!" "What? You mean this stick of hubba junk?" Kiros laughed as he held it in the air keeping Lenfear from taking it. Lenfear then harshly shoved him, making him lose his balance and dropping her staff. "Oi, no need to push you know. Could have just said please." "Kiros, you just as humanly as I thought. You are an ebarrassment to Demon." Kiros shrugged and laughed. "Hah, atleast I don't follow such stupid orders from a demon pig such as Lucifer." Lenfear gave Kiros a sharp look. "You should respect master Lucifer. He let you become part of the Demonic side after working for God." Kiros then just laughed. "Master Lucifer? Hah, master my ***. Atleast God didn't kick me out of the Heavens." The whole conversation then turned into an argument about Lucifer being the best. After everything got calm Lenfear turned on her heel and started walking away from Kiros. "Hey, where are you going?" "Looking for Azrael. Have you not heard; he's back.... And has a new body." Kiros eyes widened with shock his mouth dropped. "New...New body..?" "Yes a Mechanical one. Oh yes..I met Michael earlier; he's still protecting pitiful humans." "Michael..." Kiros eyes shifted to the side. "Michael still protecting humans." Kiros then sighed and started to walk down an dark alley running into a group of frightened teenagers. Kiros stopped and stared at them with concern.[/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=1]Well I was bored today and I was looking through pictures that my bro took. Then I found of my favorite pictures of the sun setting. I started to play around with it In photoshop and I get some pretty weird stuff. I just wantd toshow you all. It's nothing amazing but; I'll just show you. [u]Original Picture:[/u] [img]http://everybody.250free.com/Outside.jpg[/img] [u]Edit 1[/u] [img]http://everybody.250free.com/0123.jpg[/img] [u]Edit 2[/u] [img]http://everybody.250free.com/147.jpg[/img] Bah that's all I did. Nothing special. C&C are welcome.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkred]Lots of people are relating themselves to Vash The Stampede O_o; I'd have to say I'm much like Cho Hakkai from Gesomaiden Saiyuki. Always keeping true ffeelings kept behind a burst of laughter, or smile. Truth or Face of Smile? I'm also as laidback as him. Heh, keeping hidden my horrible past behind everything that makes a person feel warm. Usually by the sides of my loved one...Always [i][b]trying[/b][/i] to help them. [/color][/size]
[color=darkred][size=1]Well alot more people then I expected replied to this thread. Yes breakdancing does take alot of practice. I'm always practicing wherever I am...Not actually wherever but when I'm at a relitives house. I start out with wrist flexes. I can only use one wrist which is my right since my left is fractured, and if I put enough weight on it it'll break. I need to check up with my uncle since he's a doctor and all. I'm a little asian twelve year old kid who breaks and wears dark colors. When playing Tekken I watch what Eddie does since he does Capoeira. LOL, Capoeira is awesome really. I practice breakdancing by myself and cardboard taped to the ground; which my little sister ruined by rolling a chair over it. >_< My mom and dad say I'm to active! Blah. Active is my game; and breakdancing is to.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkred]Aiiee! I just cannot wait for this game. I'm sure I'm gonna love just as much as the other Resident Evil Games. I've read about this one in my GI(Game Informer.) The plot intrests me a bit. I also love the graphics to this game. It makes it feel much life like. More like reality. because; [spoiler]You really don't get to kill zombies, you get to kill men, women, and possibly children. They have, I think; a virus inside of them, controlling them.[/spoiler] I cannot wait. As I said before everything is much life like! You can shoot a guy in the foot/leg and he'll start hoppin' around. Also the [spoiler]Bear traps[/spoiler] are a very intresting detail to add to the game.[/color][/size]
[Color=darkred][Size=1][b]Name:[/b] Kiros [b]Age:[/b] one thousand in demon years; looks about 18 or 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.rpgplanet.com/lineage/images/fanart/demons.jpg]Demon Form [/URL] [URL=http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/Kiros.jpg]Human Form [/URL] [b]Side:[/b] Hell but yet works as neutral to both sides. [b]Powers:[/b] Weapon- [URL=http://img47.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Hataki/zweihander.jpg]Zweihander[/URL]: This sword feeds on the souls of the humans and the fallen. The more souls it eats. It?ll become much stronger. After eating as many souls as it can eat it shall allow Kiros to do a special move of his. [b]Personality:[/b] Kiros is a laidback kind of demon. He can get irritated easily though. He?s headstrong. He says he doesn?t need any help even when he needs it. He wants to take care of things by himself. He doesn?t care about anything, not even his-self. He also has a sort of hatred toward one of his ally?s name Tiranus. He can be sarcastic at times and just would like to bring some fun into hell. He?s the opposite of what his grandfather was. [b]Biography:[/b] Kiros was born in the firey pits of hell but brought up into heaven; because his full blooded demonic parents caused much catastrophe, destroying many innocent angels. His parents were executed by one of the Arc Angels named; 'Azrael.' God let the young Kiros stay alive; for he knew that Kiros will side with them. Over the years Azrael and Kiros became good friends. Kiros was under the service of Azrael and God; Becoming a great warrior for both of them almost becoming an Arc Angel; no, not angel, but Demon. There is no such thing as an Arc Demon. So Kiros just forgot about it. One thousand years later during the war Heaven against Hell; He was sided with the Heavens. Kiros was shocked for he was killing his own kind. He would become a trader if he fought along the side of either sides. Kiros didn't want to leave the side of Azrael; his good friend. Because of this Kiros led from the battle. Not because he was afraid of dying; but because he didn't want to be a traitor. After Kiros heard about Azrael being banished from the Heavens Kiros got quite upset. Kiros argued with God about taking the bounty off of Azrael's head. Because of that Kiros was also banished form heaven. Kiros then sided with Lucifer; leader of Hell. Kiros got sick of his allies. Espcially Tiranus, always by the side of Lucifer; and said to be the strongest. Kiros was strong, but Lucifer didn't want to know. Kiros's kind side started to slowly slip away. He had no feelings toward anybody anymore. Kiros then was given a sword from Lucifer, for it belonged to Kiros's grandfather which always fought by the side of Lucifer. After hearing about what the sword could do Kiros decided to go to Earth and feed his sword human souls, and also search for his friend Azrael. Edit: I edited my entire bio for it didn't really make any sense. @_@ And I still have somebody as my enemy...And I don't know If it's ok for Kiros to be a friend of Azrael. If I need to change anything just tell me.[/size][/color]