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Everything posted by Ninjah

  1. [size=1][color=darkred]Aye! That's some sweet work! Kinetic! I've always wondered, what do you do to make all your graphics! Your works always confuse me in some way. Tell me if I'm close, in this work of yours are you just layering? Or using a much different technique? Oh well, I'd really like to know..It's intresting.[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: Everyone is dying. Let's go! If we can make it to 10 pages I'll be happy. ^_^ IC: Enishi's laugh was muffled by his bandage mask. "What fools, they are not allowed to come into an assassin village just like that. I think they have a death wish. Suzaku." The girl narrowed her eyes toward Enishi. "Watch your sensei, kill them. With his hands." Enishi walked out the door way and sprinted toward the bandits. "Oh my, my. You all have a death wish do you not? Just entering the village like that." Enishi said as his fangers dug into the stomach of a bandit. Enishi had no nails. But yet, he was strong enough to have his hand go through the stomach of a human. Enishi then pushed his hand through the bandits stomach, as blood leaked down Enishi's arm. Enishi was smirking behind his mask. Enishi then punched a bandit in the throat then his forehead. Making his neck snap out of place. [i]Gen, this....Is my strength...My true strength.[/i] Enishi thought as he kneed one more in the stomach. He then picked up the one he just kneed and squeezed his neck tightly. Suffocating him, and fingers digging into his neck. He threw the dead corpse on the ground. Assassins in the village started to snicker, laugh, and shout. "Just what are you?" yelled one bandit cowering. "Just call me...-" Enishi ran towards the coward and elbowed him in the gut. "The devil." Enishi laughed. "Tatsu! Your kunai." Tatsu appeared and placed the kunai in Enishi's hand. Enishi then bashed the kunai into the head of the bandit. He then piled the corpses and requested someone to burn them. Only one was alive but he got weak from cowering to much and he was burned alive. Enishi walked back to Suzaku and wiped the blood off his hand onto her clothes. "Get used to the sight of blood if you want to be in my trainning..." Just then a horse trotted back a dead corpse laying upon it. Enishi turned and ran to the black horse. "That's lord Ino's horse." Enishi then lifted the corpse off the horse and layed it upon the ground. Enishi's eyes grew with shock and went back to their sharpness. "Throw this body into the fire..." A large man then picked up the body not looking at it. He then let the body drop into fire. Enishi then stepped into the middle of the village then shouted; "Lord Ino is dead! I, Kobayashi Enishi! Shall now be...Leader...Of this clan. Those who deny it, and want to be leader, step forward. And battle to the death!" Tatsu stepped into the center to meet Enishi. "I'm sorry Sensei. But, I shall be leader." Tatsu said as he looked up with his shimmering eyes. Not showing fear, or struggle.[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkred]I think not alot of people are intrested in Breakdancing. Well, Arika...A raver huh? :D Well, yeah Bboy battle are fun to watch! Yeah one time I think when I went to Texas, I saw a couple of people battling. I wish to get good one day, and battle someone. :D Oh yeah, and thanks SoapyShoes for encouraging me. I think I'll try to break to some Techno. Although Hip-Hop is still kinda my breakin' music even though I somtimes get annoyed of it. So Dirty Vega eh? I'll have to check that song out. Yeah I should get some more Techno to break to. Once I get my webcam, and if the pictures category comes back I'll try to post some pics of me bboying. XP You'd laugh and think it's hiliarious. I was thinkin' abour bein' a raver...But I'm I said "Nah, I'd rather be a B-Girl." I do have a friend in Canada who raves, and liquid raves. Yep.[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkred]Well right now I'm just bored and I just finished my daily routine of practicing my breakdancing moves. Breakdancing is harder then it looks. Well I just want to know everybodys thoughts on this stlye of dancing. Well what I think about this Bboying aka Breakdancing is that it's fun. But yet you can seriously hurt you self sometimes. Breakdancing is an intresting style don't you people think so too? But there are certain questions I have about it. Why can't we break to music that is not rap. I mean, I'm not a big fan of rap. I was thinkin to breakin' to Techno. but I don't think that'll work. Breakdancing was originated in the Bronx so that means in New York. Those of you who live in NY do you have lots of breakers? Ok here's another question, when you think of break dancing do some of you think about bone breaking? I don't know for some reason i just think that since I kinda factured my wrist. I'd do capoeira(sp?) any time since it involves breakdancing. One thing I like about Bboying is that I can wear cofortable clothes. When I'm bboying I need lots of space. So if my school has a talent show I might be able to breakdance or do my flips and tricks. Well I'll just say breakdancing is fun to do, and fun to watch. ^_^ When I ask about my parents about breakdancing they just give me their look, like I'm crazy or something. It's quite funny. They say, "No breakdancing. It sounds dangerous." Well that's what my mom says. My dad just wants to know the meaning of 'Break' Well anyways. Breakdancing is still fun, fun to watch, but yet kinda risky! Well what do you think?[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: Don't die on me yet! If you did I'd cry! No no I'm just kiddin' common guys and gals don't quit just yet! IC: Enishi looked at Suzaku. Then he just ignored the peices. "You, you'll stay with me.." Enishi said as he grasped Suzaku's wrist and harshly pulled her. Suzaku pulled her hand away. "Why?" "Because, you'll be safe." "I can take care of myself, Enishi.." Enishi grunted. And narrowed his eyes toward hers. "You won't be to safe...Here, those damned fighters for Oda could come here. And you'll lose, and die like Taka. Taka only saw me as a father. And not a teacher. Tatsu...Is Taka's brother. His sensei was me. Do you know how many innocent people Tatsu had killed?" Suzaku shook her head. "He kills about one-hundred innocences a week. And about ten of our tagets. Now, Tatsu...Is a son to me. Unlike Taka, Tatsu wanted to learn from me. Taka just wanted me to play father with him. Tatsu was the first to run away from his home and a long came the idiot Taka." Enishi stopped his yelling. Tatsu appeared near his sensei and put a hand on his shoulder. "Enishi-sensei...Is my little brother...Truly dead..?" Enishi gave a slight nod. Tatsu just looked at the ground, but then looked up. Not one single tear was shed, or not one whimper. "Suzaku, I would recommend you stay with Enishi-Sensei... And become a student of his, if he's gotten me this strong...He'll get you stronger then you alredy are.." Tatsu turned so his back faced both of them. He turned his head and stared at Suzaku with his dashing eyes, then winked and walked away.[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=darkred]Many hours of walking Enishi had become tired and weak. It was because of the wound in his side. He fell to his knees. He muttered. He heard a twig snap. "Aw..Common you damn forest bandits...I mean...You can do better..." Enishi laughed as he narrowed his head toward a tree. "Come out..All of you." Men walked out of the shadows crowded around Enishi with grins and smirks. Enishi just laughed. "You, old man. What are you doing? This part of the woods is our territory, better run back...Or else." Said one bandit with his annoying scratchy voice. Enishi scoffed. "I'm not [i]that[/i] old. Kid. Just shut up, your voice..It's annoying." Enishi glared at the whacky man. The bandit's mouth dropped. The others just giggled like girls, and snickered. "Just shut up! All of you!" The bandit narrowed his eyes at Enishi. "Now you old man! Will die!" Enishi rolled his eyes. "I'm not an old man. If I were, I'd be much weaker than you." Enishi laughed. "Shut up! Just watch you are weaker then me!" The bandit ran at Enishi with a dagger. He then felt something enter his stomach and come out the back. Enishi had thrust his sword into the bandits stomach. Enishi laughed. "Don't you cowards....Like the taste, smell, and look of blood?" Enishi pulled out the sword and kicked the corpse making it skid to the other side. "Now, tell me... What the name your weak group is...?" Enishi heard foot steps, each step sounded different.He narrowed his eyes to the left, then to the right then narrowed his eyes to the bandits. "So that, my group of assassins...Can obliterate you." Assassins then dropped out of trees and jumped out of bushes and stood behind Enishi. "Please! Spare us!" The bandits started to cower. The dropped to their knees and clasped their hands together while they bowed their heads. "Forgive us!" "Forgive you? Hah, I can only laugh at that." Enishi then started to laugh. "But you see...To me...The weak shall die... And the strong, oh yes, the strong shall live." Enishi limped over to the bandits. "And you are the weak." Enishi smirked under his bandages. "Destroy them...Tatsu." Enishi signaled for the assassin to attack as he walked back to the other three. He collasped after a few steps. His companions caught him before he hit the ground. Enishi then pointed at a tree. "There's a girl... Who's been following me... Her name is.. Suzaku.. Bring her to the village." Enishi whispeared. Tatsu, the assassin which had finished his job slaying the bandits was covered in blood. "I shall get her for you, Enishi." Tatsu then dissapeared, he then reappeared behind Suzaku, the girl Enishi had met before. Suzaku turned around, but before she could do anything she was knocked out. Tatsu threw her on his shoulder then walked over to Enishi. The rest of Enishi's companions helped Enishi and guided him. Soon they came to the village gate. Assassin's pushed it open. Ino came out of his hut. "Enishi! Baka! What were you doing?" "I was gonna kill Oda but it seems. I couldn't." "Enishi, where's Taka?" "He's dead." "Who's that girl?" "Her name, is Suzaku. She'll be staying with me. We don't need another young'n to die." Enishi signaled Tatsu to follow Enishi to his home. Tatsu then placed Suzaku on Enishi's bed. Enishi just sat against the wall. Arms folded, and his hand clutching his side.[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: LOL, Asim...I'm a dudette..In other words a girl, but...Meh I'm always mistake. Well anyways. About Kaiyumi, I will not allow this, because I don't [i]think[/i] anybody would want to be two characters.And if they do they will have to PM instead of posting in the thread. Plus, if we need someone new it's kinda to late for them to start since we're kinda at the begging/middle. Well, besides that, I'm sorry that I kinda haven't posted in a long time. XP, I died. Oh yes, Metatron... Ino is Leader of Assassins.. and Oda is the guys Assassins are trying to kill. IC: Enishi stared at Suzaku, and sighed. "That boy, was an idiot." "Was he...Your son?" "No! Not at all! If he were my son, he'd be smarter and listen to my orders." Enishi said almost yelling. "Was he, important to you..?" "No, but I was to him." Everything fell silent. "I must get going." "Where are you going?" Suzaku asked. "Home..." Enishi replied as quiet winces were muffled by the bandages around his mouth. "Who was that girl.. Who tried to kill you..? And why did she want to kill you?" Suzaku stared at Enishi. "That girl..." Enishi thought for a moment then spoke. "That girl..I've known since childhood. I'm trying to kill her father." Enishi said as he bowed his head. "Why?" Suzaku asked quite concerned. "You don't need to know that." Enishi said quite harshly.[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=darkred]Shippo dude! Hah, long time no see anything new from you. Ok, let's see, you have really improved. ^_^ Good job. The font that says "Haunted Past" I'd really like to know what that font is. Where does everyone get their fonts anyways? Oh well, anyways. Talk about eye candy, what do you do? Filtering? Airbrushing? Just what is it that you are doing? The Lan banner I really like. The picture, nice, kinda clean,ect.. It's the background that catches my eye most of all. I agree with you the image on the right of that Haro Haro one, I really don't like. And again it's the background that catches my eye. Good job Shippo dude (mind if I call you this?) Hope to see some more of your works again.[/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=darkred]That's pretty nice.You should put a boarder on it though. You might want to make a background to, just to give it some more eye candy. But I'd suggest a boarder. The font if you can, try to make it a little brighter. I don't really like the FF sprites in there.. But it's your banner, do what you want.[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkred]Enishi continued running, his clothing bloodstained. [i]Taka, idiot, I told him to go home..[/i] Enishi then dropped to his knees and hands. He started to panted quite harshly. "Too much blood loss..." He said quite weakly. He tried to stop the bleeding but he couldn't. "Gen, I'll kill you next time... With only these legs of mine." Enishi then fainted and collasped on the ground. When Enishi awoke, he heard the crackling of a fire. He also saw a girl, much younger then him. He shook his head to focus his vision. "Who, the hell are you; State your name." He asked in his still weak voice. He then tried to sit up but the pain in his stomach made him lay back down again. "My name... Just call me Suzaku." The girl said. "Suzaku, what is your purpose in this area?" "I'm an assassin." Enishi eyes widened and started to think about Taka. "Go back home." Suzaku stayed silent. "You'll die. There already was a boy whom was younger then you...Who already died." Enishi stared at the girl. OOC: It's ok Reflux, Sorry for not posting so much.[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=darkred]Enishi slahed downard at clumsily Gen. Gen was able to dodge Enishi's clumsy attack. Enishi then jumped back. "Heh, heh... You, scum, are quite strong." Enishi laughed, as he sheathed his sword. "Draw your sword...You'll need it." Gen said smirking. Enishi snorted. "You underestimate me to much, Sukazuma." Enishi then started to laugh maniacally, as his shoulders started to bounce up and down as he laughed. He then stopped and glared at the girl. "Her name, Sukazuma... You said her name... Would it happen to be...Ayami?" "Why would you want to know?" Scoffed Gen as he got into his fighting stance. Enishi, thought for a moment...The name was very familiar. "Ayami....That name...it's.." Enishi mumbled, and had flashback of his past. Finally, the [i]whole[/i] name came out. The name [i]Ayami[/i]. Enishi's eyes widened as he stared at the girl. His body was frozen with shock. He started to shake. "Enishi sensei!" A familiar voice came within the distance. Enishi's body came unfrozen, he whipped around. A boy entered the castle, he stopped in the doorway to regain his stamina. "Enishi sensei!" It was Taka. "Enishi sensei are you ok?" Yelled Taka as he saw the wound in Enishi's hip. "I'm fine Taka, but...What the hell do you think your doing?" Enishi yelled as he walked toward Taka. "I told you to go home!" Enishi punched Taka which knocked him out of the castle's doorway onto a gaurds corpse. Gen wasn't into his fighting stance for he was in shock that Enishi punched a young child. "Enishi sensei..." Taka said quite quietly. [i]Nows my chance...To finally kill him.[/i] Ayami thought to herself. She stood, and walked to the door way to see Enishi beat the child. Ayami lifted her pike and aimed for Enishi's back, and let it slide out of her hand as she throw it. Taka noticed the pike. "Enishi sensei look out!" Taka shouted. Enishi whipped around. The pike was coming to fast so Enishi just stood there. A splash of blood spurted onto the dirt. Both the dirt and blood merged. Enishi fell to his knees to catch the fallen [i]Taka[/i]. "Taka..." Enishi said quite slowly and quiet. Half of the pikes blade was driven into Enishi's stomach. Enishi pulled out the pike from Taka's stomach, to get the pikes blade out of his own stomach. "A pike is not ment for throwing...You should know." Enishi said looking at Taka's face one last time. He then layed his corpse on the ground. "I'll leave you his corpse to bury." Enishi stood up, blood seeped through his vest. "Gen..." Gen looked at Enishi then felt a sharp pain in his stomach. A kunai had been thrown at Gen's stomach. "I"ll come back for that." Enishi narrowed his eyes toward Ayami. "It's finally nice to see you again Ayami." Enishi whipped around and started to walk out the gate then his walking turned into a sprint. "I'll come back stronger, Gen." Enishi shouted. OOC: Sorry Cyriel, ReFlux, I ended the fight early! Sorry, sorry.[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: Ack! I posted to late, so now I'm stuck editing the post! IC: Enishi lifted his hand and pushed down the boy's hand, but his hand was hit away. He was then palmed in the chest, Enishi tipped and took a few steps back regaining his balance. "Hm, hm... Your quite strong." Enishi said smirking. "I see you use no weapon, I shall not either. I want this fight to be fair." Enishi dropped his weapons, the clanging of metal echoed in the castle. The boy smirked. "Why do you protect Ishiguro, he is nothing but trash." "Are you trying to get me to side with you?" The boy asked. Enishi laughed. "Indeed I am." "Well, it's not working." The boy said. "Well, if you tell me your name....I'll tell you mine..." "Sukazuma, Gen." "Kobayashi, Enishi." Enishi grunted as he lifted a leg and swung it at Gen's chest. Enishi's kick was quite slow for he was only getting warmed up. Gen was able to catch his kick. "Hah, you were able to block my kick, of course you should have. If you couldn't I'd really have to call you weak, plus, I'm only getting warmed up." Enishi lifted his other leg, jumped up and twisted his body to make it so that his other leg would kick Gen in the face, and make him let go of his other leg. Enishi landed on both feet and took a few step backs from Gen.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkred]Enishi snorted catching Shi's wrist and twisting it. Making Shi drop the knife. Enishi then heeled Shi in the back of the shin, making him go to his knees. "You are right." Enishi said as he let go of Shi's wrist. "But remeber, you aren't the only one, after Oda Ishuguro." "Enishi-san! Are you alright!" Cried a voice inside which belonged to Taka. Enishi closed his eyes then opened them back up slowly. "Taka, leave." Enishi said. Enishi almost forgot about the girl which he had run into earlier. "My name, now you know it.. Because of these idiots. Kobayashi..Enishi.." Enishi said. "I do not bother to know your name." Einishi then started walking. "Enishi-san! Wait! Where are you going?" Taka asked just standing as his father figure walked into the forest. "To meet, an old man, I'm planning to kill this old man, this night. I must see what his landscape looks like. Taka, you'd have better be gone when I come back, or I'll get rid of you myself." Enishi yelled. "Shi, take the boy, his name is Taka, teach him something." Enishi then started to run into the forest. Shi, Taka and the girl looked at each other. "I'm coming to kill you, soon, Oda." Hours later Enishi came across Oda's castle. He jumped over the gate not bothering to use stealth since it was daytime. "Assassin!" Cried a gaurd. Enishi rushed over to the gaurd and slit his throat with a kunai. Gaurd then started to crow around Enishi with their bows, pikes, swords, and many other weapons. Einishi laughed. "He laughs before he dies! Kill him!" Cried another gaurd. Enishi picked hit leg off the ground and swung to the left of him heeling a gaurd right in the throat. Drawing his katana he slices through two gaurds. There are about ten left. Enishi didn't care, because he would kill them anyways. Using only one style of martial arts and only two weapons, he'll kill them. Gaurds cahrged at him. Enishi threw his only kunai at the closest gaurd in his range, it aimed for his throat. Swinging his leg up and kneeing the gaurds he would drive his katana through their throats. One gaurd is left but he cowers behind barrels, Enishi doesn't bother to kill him. Enishi making his way to the castle door picked up his kunai. Enishi, as always didn't bother to clean off the blood on himself or on his weapons. Enishi kicked the door time over time on the tenth time he finally kicked down the door, stepping inside he shouted without hesitation knowing it wasn't smart; "Ishiguro! Your murderer has come!"[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: I wonder what happened to the rest of the female assassins? They ran away from us! Lol, oh well. IC: Enishi watched as Marboroshi walked out. He then snorted, he then looked at Shi with sharp eyes. "If you get in my way in killing Oda, I'll kill you without hesitation. Or might kill you one day, just for the fun of it." Enishi bowed his head at Ino, then stood and walked out of the room.[i]So Oda didn't kill... Just my only family. But many others.[/i] Enishi sighed. Taka came running up to him. "Enishi-San something wrong?" Taka asked as he walked by the side of his father figure. ENishi placed a hand on his head and ruffled up his hair. "No, nothing. I'm fine." Enishi then looked at Taka, "Don't you have a family to go home to? I would recommend you to go back home, war will start up soon." Taka then stared at the ground. "Yes, yes I do. But I'm not going back. I've come to be an assassin and I'll be an assassin for as long as I live." "Why won't you go back?" Enishi asked continuing to walk. "Because... I-I just don't want to! I know they still love me, but.." Taka hesitated. "Ever since I've lost my father, I've just hated... Living without him, I have three sisters, and a mother who are still living. I'm the youngest." Taka felt a cold hard slap against his cheek. Taka fell to the ground. "Taka! That's a stupid reason! Go back home! You gonna die soon just being here!" Enishi's muffled, harsh voice yelled. Everyone in the village glared at the two people. "I don't want to go back! I'd rather die here by your side Enishi-San! I'll serve under you! I'll help you kill Oda! Enishi-San! I want to help you! Even if it takes my life away!" Taka stood and got on his knees and bowed to Enishi. "I wan to serve you, I want you to become my Sensei!" Enishi's eyes widened with shock then they returned to their sharpness. Enishi then walked away from Taka. Leaving him on the ground. "If you want to serve me, Taka. I'm giving you an order...Go home!" Enishi yelled as he walked through the gate.[/color][/size]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][i]Damnit! I was close, so close to killing him..[/i] Enishi thought to himself. [i]That girl... Seemed, very familiar.[/i] Enishi then ran into the gaurds at the gate. "Enishi-San!" Said a familiar voice. "Master Ino was worried!" "I'm alright Taka. I just went to go visit a certain person in his large adobe.What's Sensei Ino doing now?" Enishi asked, as he waited for Taka to pull open the gate door. "He's talking to two men." Taka grunted as he was having a hard time opening the door. Enishi then helped him, Taka was the youngest in the assassin home. He was only sixteen. Taka looks at Enishi as a father figure. Enishi then walked to the door of Sensei Ino's adobe, and opened the door. He stepped in and looked around and saw two men. He then got to his knee's and bowed his head. "Sensei Ino, I've got some news on Ishiguro." Enishi said quite quietly. "Enishi! Where were you! The medic of this village said not to get up!" Ino screamed as he stood and slammed his hands on the table. "Gomen na-sai.." Enishi replied. Ino snorted then looked at one of the men. "Enishi you aren't the only one after Oda. This young man, Utaka Shi, is after him to." "What is his reason?" Enishi grunted because of the thought that he might have a rival. "My family was killed because of him! Only my younger brother and me have survived!So I must gain revenge for the rest of my family!" The man said. Enishi still having his head bowed replied. "Don't get in my way, I will kill Oda, with my own hands, and will let his blood spill unto me." "I will kill him! And you shall not stop me!" "I will! If you want to kill him, then you'll have to try and kill me first! Revenge is my reason to kill him. He killed my mother, the one whom cared about me most. My sister, took the side of my step father, whom was Oda! So I must kill him! You still have someone by your side. And who do I have? No one!" Enishi yelled as he kept his head bowed. Shi glared at him. Enishi then heard Ino mutter a name; "Enishi, your mother's name..? Was it, Mizaki?" Ino asked hesitating. Enishi nodded. Ino then growled quietly to himself. "Did you know my mother, sensei Ino?" Enishi asked as he lifted his head to stare into the eyes of Ino. "We were, very good and close friends." Ino looked the ground. Enishi then turned his head to face the other man. "You are quiet, tell us your name." Enishi said. "Maboroshi." He replied. "Maboroshi eh, your reason for being here?" Enishi asked. OCC: So sorry Metatron! I don't pay to much attention to names! :sweat:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [size=1][color=darkred]Enishi jumped over the gates of the assassin fortress and ran over to Ino, and kneeled before him and bowed his head. "Enishi, where is Ichiro?" He asked. "Dead.." "Who killed him?" "Me." Ino's eyes grew with shock. "But why?" Ino asked. "Because, sensei..He was Tsuki." Enishi said looking up at Ino. "My mission was to kill Tsuki. So I did." Enishi's sight started to get blurry. He shook his head to focus it, but he ended up collapsing. The last words he heard came from Ino's mouth was; "...-Tend Enishi's wounds!" Enishi then started to dream about his past while he was out. "You killed my mother! You bastard!" Said a smaller version of Enishi. "I got annoyed and I needed to kill her. She's always getting in my way!" A rough voice said which belonged to Oda. Enishi growled, he then threw the dinner table to the side, and jumped onto Oda punching him in the face. Oda threw him off and bashed him against a wall. "Do you want to die to...Brat?" Oda asked. A little girl then entered the room and tugged on Oda's pant leg. Oda whipped around. "Oh! Aya..-" Enishi awoke still not knowing the name of his sister. Enishi threw the blanket off of him and put on his vest. "I'm gonna pay Oda a little visit.." Enishi mumbled to himself. He then raced out the gates. Running as fast as he can to Oda's castle in Osaka. Once he appeared at the gates he jumped over them and started to climb up staying in the shadows. It was quite quiet. Everyone was sleeping maybe. Minutes later Enishi finally made it to the top. He saw a window and jumped through it. There before his very eyes was the man he hated most, sleeping. "We meet..Again Oda..You'll die right now you scum." Enishi quietly drew his katana from its sheath. Oda then awoke and saw the assassin. He screamed loudly. The scream could be heard from through out the castle. It startled many people but three people came barging into the room ready to attack. Two men and a girl. "Bastard, you weren't suppose to scream until I have killed you!" Enishi laughed then sheathed his sword. "I have no intention of killing you scums yet." He was talking to the two men and the girl. He headed for the window and took one last look, at the people around him. The girl caught his attention, for she seemed very familiar to him. He squinted his eyes and stared at her hard. He then retreated by jumping out of the window.[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: Somehow the assassin's haven't really met each other I wonder why. Ino's group of assassin's are the only ones after Oda because of Enishi. But meh. IC: Enishi was still kneeling infront of Ino whom was enjoying a bottle of sake. "Enishi! Join me!" Ino said. Enishi still having his head bowed replied. "No, I wish not to get drunk before a mission, sensei." "Oh, I see. Smart of you Enishi. It seems as if no one else would be coming rather soon. I think we shold put this mission to the side." "Sensei, I shall go with Enishi." A familiar voice voice said. "Ichiro, are you as strong as you think you are?" Enishi asked still having his head bowed. Ichiro walked toward him, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Of course, Enishi! Have you not seen me fight? Now if I can get Sensei Ino's confirmation." Ichiro looked at Ino and smiled at him as he always did. "Ichiro, you may go. Fight along the side of Enishi." Ino said. "The rest of you! Stay here! Neither Enishi or Ichiro need your worthless help!" Ino was talking to the other assassins. "B-b-but Sensei Ino! Enishi-san might need help!" Said an assassin whom was at the side of Enishi since he's been here. "Taka! Shut up! I-I can handle this on my own!" Enishi yelled as he turned his head to look at the assassin. "Listen to Sensei Ino! Or I shall cut off that tounge of yours so you may not talk that way to Sensei!" There was a long silence. "Ichiro let us leave, and go to Tsuki small castle." A cold breeze could be felt and Enishi and Ichiro were gone. "Don't worry Enishi I will not let you fail this mission!" Ichiro said as he leaped tree to tree. Soon they came across a small castle in Yokohama. "So this is Tsuki castle? Heh, not to many gaurds. Fool."Enishi laughed while hiding behind bushes. "Don't under estimate Tsuki, he's a great fighter." Ichiro said as he turned his head to face Enishi, still having that smile on his face. "How would you know?" Enishi asked quite concerned. "Let's just say he knows himself very well." Ichiro said as he hopped to his feet. "I'll go through the gate and meet you at the top floor of the castle! You must climb it!" "Why must I cliimb it?" Enishi asked quite harshly. "So you don't get caught and use your strength on these gaurds! I can take them! You save your strength for Tsuki!" Ichiro then ran for the gates of the castle. Enishi watched him as he dissapeared into the mist. "Fine. I'll climb it." Enishi said as he ran to the back of the wall and jumped over it. He then quickly started to climb up it. "This would make me lose strength more then killing those gaurds. That bastard Ichiro is up to somethign idiotic." Minutes later Enishi made it to the top. He jumped over the fencing and entered the shoji screen. He saw Ichiro in different clothing then he was before. He was wearing a black hakama top with golden lining, and a red hakama "Ichiro what the hell are you wearing?" Enishi asked almost yelling. "You haven't found out yet you idiot?" Ichiro laughed then looked at Enishi smirking. "I am, Tsuki!" Enishi's eyes grew with shock. "I-I-I knew that it'd end up like this..." Enishi said. There once again was a long silence then suddenly the clanging of swords. "You-you trader! I sensed something bad about you!" Enishi yelled as he repelled [i]Tsuki[/i]'s slash. "I had to take this throne after my cousin died! Do you have an idea of who my grandfather is?" Tsuki laughed. "I do not know and I don't care!" "Sanada Yukimura!" Tsuki then drove his sword through Enishi's side. "I said I don't care!" Gasped Enishi as he kicked Tsuki straight in the chest, making him and his sword go far not within range of Enishi. "Heh, don't think you can beat me Enishi!" laughed Tsuki. "I will wipe that awful smile off your face and pull out that tounge with my hands so you don't speak anymore non-sense!" Enishi yelled quite annoyed. Tsuki raced toward Enishi with his sword infront of his face. Enishi repelled him. Enishi then felt a sharp pain enter his stomach, he looked down to see that Tsuki has stabbed him with a kunai. Enishi pulled out the kunai and had thrown it at Tsuki which he had easily dodged. "Heh, clever...Tsuki." The blood started to seep through Enishi's clothes. "Yet... I still got you.." "What are you talking about, Enishi? You barely touched me!" Tsuki yelled. He then felt quite cold, and started to shiver. He dropped his sword and dropped to his knees. "Needles....Poisen needles...It's something...I don't really use.." Enishi said as he inclined his head. Tsuki looked at hi wrist and saw a needle, he looked at his chest he saw two needles, and looked at his left shoulder and saw one more needle. "I-I-Impossible." Tsuki grunted as he started to cough up his own poisened blood and collasped on the tatami mat floor. "I'll tell Sensei Ino, that you died just for him. Or I'll tell him that you were Tsuki...I think I'll tell him that you were Tsuki. And now...I will let you die...Painfully." Enishi walked over to Tsuki and kneeled down next to him. "I know...Where your sister is...Enishi." Tsuki stopped inbetween some words to cough up blood. "What?" Enishi said quite shocked. "You, you know my sister?" Enishi shook Tsuki. "Yes...Your sister...She's quite...Beautiful." "After all these...Years...I have forgotten her...I've even forgotten her name....But how do you know her?" Enishi yelled. "Oh, I went...To...A meeting...To meet Ishiguro." "Oda Ishuguro?" Enishi asked almost yelling. "Yes, your sister....Would bring us...Sake to drink...I just couldn't...Keep my eyes off her." Tsuki coughed up more blood. "One night...I just talked to her for a little while...She told me about her childhood...And you were in it." "What's her name?" Enishi asked once again shaking Tsuki. "It's...Aya..-" Tsuki was cut off for that was his last breath and the poisen had already spread through out his body. "It's what? What is it! What is it Tsuki! Tell me!" Enishi then stood and drew kanji for hate on the back of Tsuki's back. Then jumped out the window and headed back to the Assassin hideout. OOC: Sorry Cyriel if I kinda changed some stuff. ^_^; Sorry.[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkred]OOC: Undeafeated could you please..Uhm, what's the word I'm looking for, space out your paragraphs, I really don't like to read posts like that, sorry. Everyone else glad you noticed the thread. IC: In a forest near by a small village splashing could be heard. Enishi was washing his sword in the river, wiping the blood of Kazuya and Mito off it. On his back he had many scars from Ishiguro. The man he hated most. "I will kill that man. With my hands, I won't let anyone stop me. With these scars on my back I will make a vow and will kill those in my way." Enishi mumbled. He then stood tall, on a tee there hung a large sack filled with sand. Enishi removed the sheath from his side and set it on the ground. He stood infront of the sack just staring at it. He then started to slowly raise his leg in the air. He left it in the air for a little bit then brought it back down to the ground. He then kicked the sack making it swing back and forth. He jumped at it and kicked at it. He then heeled it. He kicked the side of it with his right leg then switched to his left leg. He elbowed it. A rustle was heard from a nearby bush, he quickly drew a kunai and threw it at the tree behind it. A male voice came out, it was kind and smooth. "I see you haven't lost your skills, Enishi." He said. "Ichiro, first son..." Enishi turned to face the shadows in which the man lurked about. "Of Mito." A soft chuckle was heard. Ichiro walked out of the shadows with a small smile on his face. "So did you have fun killing my father?" He asked still smiling. "Your father was not a fighter. He was, very weak. He was a coward. You told us he was strong and well trained samurai. And I took that damn mission." Enishi said quite annoyed. "Hah, that sounds like my father." There was a long silence. "Oh! And Sensei Ino wants you." Ichiro felt a cold breeze run by him. "He's always in a hurry to reach Sensei Ino." Ichiro shook his head laughing quietly to his self. Enishi entered a small house and kneeled before his ruler. "Sensei Ino, you sent for me?" Enishi asked as he bowed his head. "I have another mission for you Enishi." Said Ino's rough voice. "This mission will be quite difficult, we need to kill a man named, Tsuki. His last name is not known. You will not do this mission alone so we must wait for one other to do this mission to come back from their mission." "Why? I'm strong enough." Enishi said quietlly. "Tsuki is a skilled warrior. Enishi, please I don't want to lose you. You are one of my favorites. You've not failed one mission, I don't want you to fail this one." Ino said as he placed a hand on Enishi's messy hair. "I-I understand." Enishi hesitated as he lowered his head more. "Sensei Ino, I understand."[/color][/size]
  19. [SIZE=1]By the looks of the PMs I got I think I'll start this. [COLOR=DarkRed] "Hurry up you idiots! Your as slow as tortise!" Said a rough muffled voice. "I don't see why you people were recruited as assassins." "Oh! Just shut up Enishi! You don't know how many years I've been under the service of Ino! It's obvious I'm more expirenced then you!" A man who was lagging behind him said. Enishi stopped and looked over his shoulder. "More? Expirenced? Hah! Years don't matter Kazuya..." Enishi suddenly appeared infront of the man. "But..Skill does." Enishi smirked under his bandaged mouth. Fresh red blood dripped to the ground, Kazuya was shaking uncontrollably. Enishi pulled the kunai which he had stabbed Kazuya with out. Kazuya dropped to his knees and hands, he looked up at Enishi. "Bastard.." He mumbled. Enishi squatted down to stare at Kazuya in the eyes. "Either you can continue with that wound and help assassinate Mito and get killed by his people.... Or you can just stay here on your knees and hands and let us obliterate you." Enishi said. All the other assassins in the group just stared at Kazuya to see what his answear was. Kazuya looked hard at each and every one of them. Kazuya then mumbled words. "What? Speak up Kazuya, we cannot hear you." Enishi laughed. "I'd rather be slain by Mito's people then be killed by you worthless bastards!" Yelled Kazuya. Enishi was shocked, then he gave Kazuya his sharp eye look. "You'd rather be slain... By those scums?" Enishi laughed. "I'll just kill you, now." Enishi slowly drew his sword from his sheath, he held the tip of the blade to Kazuya's neck. "You'll never see master Ino again." He then jammed the katana into Kazuya's neck then gave it a little twist, then pulled it out. He didn't wipe the blood off of it, he just placed it back in his sheath, he looked at the others. He whipped around then started to head to the direction he was going in before he was distracted by the idiot. He signaled the others to come. Minutes of running and jumping they came across a large fortress. They didn't have any plans they moved in shadows trying to be unoticed. They jumped over the large wall of the fortress and raided the castle. Killing everyone, Enishi and three others where traveling up to the top to destroy Mito. Once they arrived they saw that Mito had been surrounded by only two gaurds. "I'm sorry for being so late Mito, we were held up by an idiot of our own kind, so I just had to kill him." Enishi said trying to sound kind. Mito was shaken by Enishi's words. "Gaurds attack! Attack!" Mito yelled pointing at Enishi. Enishi tilted his head to the side just standing there. "You fool! Don't think you can defeat my two best gaurds!" Enishi started to laugh. When two of the gaurds reached Enishi they were about to slash at him, but the assassins got them first. "This cannot be! They cannot be dead! Never, they are my best!" Enishi took a few steps toward Mito. Mito crawled back, Enishi raised an eyebrow. "Oh. I thought you'd be stronger." Enish's rough muffled voice said. He then drew his blood stained katana and raised it above Mito's head and sliced it off his body. "But, your just a worthless coward who doesn't deserve to live" Enishi laughed. They all headed back to the assassin hide out in a far away deserted village. They entered a gate and there stood an old man in a robe. Enishi walked over to him and got on his knees and bowed his head. "Master Ino, we've killed whom you wished, to prove to you we have brought his head." An assassin brought the head over to Enishi. Enishi grabbed it and held for his master to see. Mito's face had his frightened look on.[/color] OOC: Geez didn't know I'd post that long! Alright guys and gals have fun![/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I hope this is what your looking for. I know it's not to good...But that's alright, right? [IMG]http://www.imagetown.net/images/87977193.jpeg[/IMG] [here is the link:[url]http://www.imagetown.net/images/87977193.jpeg[/url]] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [size=1][color=darkred]O_o; Wow now we have lots of assassins more then fighters. The assassins outnumber the fighters by four! Either I can wait four more peopel to sign up as fighters or I can just start without the even number of sides. If you have something to say to me, just PM me. Don't want to take conversations in here for it might get closed. Alrighty then.[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkred]I only have two things to show you guys and gals, sorry, haven't been able to work on stuff today because of school! ^_^ I hope you enjoy them! [img]http://www.imagetown.net/images/9412817.jpeg[/img] This is something I made out of boredom. If you know what the words at the bottom are from just say in you post when you reply! Just remeber not to spam, I don't want to bother the mods. -nod- Alrighty. [url="http://www.imagetown.net/images/33117834.jpeg"]RandomWall[/url] I gots two words for ya, no wait make that one... [b]Random[/b]! Creating random stuff is kinda fun! XP I made this out of lots of filtering. I haven't gotten the airbrushing stuff down just yet! [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] [size=1][color=darkred]Sorry for the double post Syk3! I just have some new works I would like to share with everyone! [img]http://everybody.250free.com/123.jpg[/img] I made this banner for someone. Yep the character is from..[spoiler]Full Metal Alchemist[/spoiler] Oh yeah also my banner's character is from that anime too. [img]http://everybody.250free.com/Zero.jpg[/img] Here is a banner of Zero. I don't really like the thing...The shape thing. The sides look un-even. That's all I really have to show you guys.. ^^; Heh, Peace. [color=teal]Knowing that you're double posting when you do it is even worse than not knowing. ~_^ -Syk3[/color][/color][/size] [/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkred]Alrighty then..As soon as I find out what the people whom are gonna sign up as I think I'll start this. So everyone please be patient.[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkred]Wow, lots of spot savin' lol, alright then. Don't worry you'll have lots of time to sign up! ^_^ Thanks for joining.[/color][/size]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hey! I'm sorry for not postin' up some of my new stuff lately! My image host is kinda not workin' so i have to host them on myimgs.com, so I'm sry if they don't show up. What should I start out with? Alright then...Let's start out with...I really don't know. :sweat: Let's just start out with somethin' random. [IMG]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Hatake/knife.jpg[/IMG] I made this out of boredom I was surfin' the net I found a tutorial of how to make a bloody knife and I'm like.."Psh, I'll TRY to make one on my own..." And this is how it turned out. [IMG]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Hatake/Assassin.jpg[/IMG] I made this banner after I watched the Naruto episodes which contain these two people named [spoiler]Zabuza Momochi and Haku,[/spoiler] again. [IMG]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Hatake/Random.jpg[/IMG] One word.... Random That's all. Chao! Thanks to those who replied![/COLOR][/SIZE]
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