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Everything posted by Ninjah

  1. [quote name='Cyriel']Battou style and Satoshi Saito? I think someone was watching a little too much Rurouni Kenshin. :p[/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I was thinkin' that too. Lol, sorry sorry -bows head- Sorry baalthaczaar if that offended you in anyway. Shadowofdeath13 good, and I think you spell it Jeet Kune Do... ^_^ Well thank you guys and gals for signing up! We got equal amounts of both Assasssins and Fighters, I might take two or four more sign ups. If no one else joins I guess I'll just start. Hope you guys have fun! Oh by the way we need some more females in the Rp, I dunno why I'm sayin' this but, I don't just want this Rp to contain more dudes then dudettes. Alrighty that's all I have to say. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE=baalthaczaar]i edited the pic already, and i explained the battou style, included the personality. can i join now?[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkred]Alrighty, your in...The battou stlye kinda sounds like Iado. -shrug- [/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkred]ReFlux and Cyriel good! ^^ We have lots of Fighters from Japan, and yeah also lots of fighters. We need more assassins! Common people join! And be a killer, instead of a fighter![/color][/size]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Haha! Me scared! You gotta be kiddin' nothin' can scare me! Alright maybe there are things I am afraid of... As a kid I wasn't really scared of anything... But now I'm just...WOAH! What am I afraid of...Hmmm.. Dolls....I am seriously afraid of dolls -shudders- A LONG time ago I woke up in the middle of the night, and I say a small shadow in the hallway. I figured it was a doll...Since it was small...So now I'm terrified... Clowns...I'm afraid of clowns for some reason...After I watch Stephen King's 'IT' I was I hate clowns... Well I have fears of the things that go BUMP in the night..I also see things...too...But my worst fear is.. Being able to die without fighting what's killing me or who's killing me, losing my hopes and dreams, and also loosing my family...They think I don't care despite my cold attitude, but I do.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [size=1][color=darkred]Good, but I have not heard of this Battou stlye... If it's not a real style we have now...I'm sorry but you cannot use it. I should have elborated more on the sign up. I'm terribly sorry! If you can, can you please not host on Microsoft word? Thank you. P.S. Sorry I forgot to put in the personality part in the sign up so if you could fill that out. Thanks. [quote name='baalthaczaar']ooc: i dont know where else to put my pic, can you suggest something?[/quote] Can't you save the image and attach it to your post?[/color][/size]
  6. [center] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18418&stc=1[/img] [SIZE=1][color=orange]Many years ago in the feudal ages of Japan. Assassins were raised and raided the land of the island. This clan of Assassins has killed many, many innocent people. Everyone just calls them bloodthirsty beasts. Rumors go around that the Shogun named Ino (Ee-no) Started this clan of Assassins to gain his revenge against the people of Japan for trying to rebel against his rule of the poor being slaughtered and the rich live. Assassins have targeted one man. This man is Shogun of Japan; his name is Ishiguro, Oda. The rumors spread about him being targeted, once one of his messengers heard about this he was shocked, he rode his horse very quickly to tell him about. Once Oda heard about this he ordered his men to find the best warriors in the world to protect him, from the bloodthirsty humans, since he knew that his men were to weak. Who are these best fighters? Are they any match for the bloodthirsty beasts?? [/color][/center] Heh I know, short story. I couldn?t really think of anything else. Sorry! There are two playable groups. The great fighters and the Assassins. I'll only take five or three assassins because I'm gonna be an assassin also, I also want the fighters to be even to the assassins to either six or four. Fighters shall be protecting Oda. Assassins shall try to kill Oda. I will allow romance! Not to much though. Now we have some rules: - Assassins cannot kill the fighters, and vice versa. May wound terribly or knock out. - No godmodding, of course! - Posts must be atleast one paragraph long. (7-8 sentences) - Use proper spelling and grammar. - Use correct puncuation I don't want anyone doing the '?!!!!!!!!' or the '!!!!!!!!!!!' or the '??????' or the...ect. You get it. - Use descriptive words. - Have fun. That's about it..Not hard. [u]Sign Up[/u] Name: Age:[19 - 60] Gender: Appearance: Side: [Fighter or Assassin] Origin: [Fighter only, Assassin leave blank what country you came from] Fighting Style: [Real fighting style, I will allow your charater to have up to four fighting styles. Yes I know some styles back then weren't devolped yet, but you can use the styles we have now anyways!] Weapon: [No gun of course, up to ten weapons] Personality: Bio: That's about it! Have fun! I'll post up my sign up. [color=DarkRed][b]Name:[/b] Enishi Kobayashi [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www7.ocn.ne.jp/~a-dust/menu/gal/cop/zabuza.jpg[/img] Except without the headprotector and the [spoiler]Anbu[/spoiler] mask. [b]Side:[/b] Assassin Origin: [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Ninjutsu, Tae Kwon Do [b]Weapon:[/b] Katana and [URL=http://cctc.hp.infoseek.co.jp/shohin/kunai04.jpg]Kunais[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Cold, harsh, and bloodthirsty. Get in his face to much and he'll swear he'll kill you when you turn your back. But only one person can sometimes change the way he acts and it's a [spoiler]girl, mentioned in his bio.[/spoiler] [b]Bio:[/b] As a child Enishi was abandoned by his abusive father in-law. His mother was murdered by his father in-law whom was named, Oda Ishigur; who is now the Shogun of Japan. Enishi doesn't know that were his real father is. But he's heard stories about him, not good stories, but bad stories. He heard that his father was a cold blooded man. He was always bloodthirsty and would do anything to see the sight of red blood. Ever since those stories he heard from his mother he looked up to his real father. But when his mother got married to his father in-law Enishi was about to go crazy. After his father in-law murdered his mother during dinner with a knife up his sleeve, that's when Enishi started to get abused. His father in-law beat his with the sheath of his sword. One day when was getting beat for failing something in school, Enishi caught the sheath with his hand and crushed the end of it. His father in-law was horrified and kicked Enishi out of the house. Enishi was living on the streets for a while, he missed only one person, a girl(someone could play this girl in the RPG! XP Just say in your sign up.) This girl was the only friend he had and he missed her dearly. Years of living on the street Enishi got sick of it. When he turned twelve a old man about seventy years of age picked him off the street and taught him the stlye of Tae Kwon Do. He's been trainning in this art for about five years. After his master passed away of sickness, Enishi was living on the streets again. He then started to wander around. When he turned nineteen years of age he found the group of assassins and was almost killed. But he killed the ones who got in the way with his one style and a dagger that his Tae Kwon Do master left him. But he couldn't kill one man whom was Ino. Ino was suprised, that him, Enishi, would be able to kill the assassins! So he then was recruited. Ino trained him under ninjutsu so he could be Ino's 'Silent Killer'. When Enishi found out his father was shogun he told Ino to have Oda be the target.[/color][/size]
  7. [SIZE=1]Ok, Hatake (formerly known as SK short for Sakura Kid) is back to banner Graphic makin'. Yeah, yeah, lame Hatake graphics. i don't know if I've improved why don't you people tell me. ^_^; Let's start with a wallpaper? It's a Sasuke wallpaper, took me a couple of hours, and I think it came out ok. Well you people tell what you think.... [URL=http://chipp.250free.com/SasukeWall.jpg]Click Here to see Sasuke Wall[/URL] EDIT:As you can see, I kinda changed the color of the outerglow on there! But still I think I shouldn't have put that on there. And then what I've attached to this post is an animation, nope it's not important, but I'm using it for my icon in aim. It features Kiba.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Wow. Hasn?t it been a long time since I've posted up an RPG? Well this RPG is based on the MMORPG named Ragnarok. I would recommend you know at least something about this game, or have even played it. I'm hoping that many people will join this RPG, that'd make me happy. Well on to my corny story.Heh, that rhymes! I?m a poet and I didn't know it! I'm kinda hyper today...So. I?m sorry! ------------ [center][img]http://chipp.250free.com/Ragnarok.jpg[/img] (Yeah I know crappy banner, it was made quickly.)[/center] [color=blue]Years and years of fighting against the demons and monsters. More monsters and demons grow stronger every time. New breeds have been created, stronger then many of the other monsters. Many of these monsters have started to attack towns. The capital of Midgard, Prontera had its downfall. The only things left are the ruins of the city. First, only the capital, then soon enough, the whole Kingdom of Midgard many of the classes have joined forces, as they must do. They must destroy all monsters if possible. There has been over one hundred guilds,whom fought against the new breed of beasts, but only five still survive out of the Kingdom of Midgard, but only they have destroyed monsters on the surface of Midgard and the dungeons below. But have they fought the newest breed? They have not. A portal opens up in the northern part of what used to be Prontera. This portal, it leads to somewhere deeper then anything. Those who are determined, brave, strong, and they have faith, wisdom, and hope for Midgard. They will fight for justice. These five guilds...Shall they fight separate? Or shall they join their forces. Which guild will stop the breeding of these new beasts? But what if one shall not stop it? Will Midgard? Finally come to its downfall?[/color] [center][u]Guilds[/u] Faith Fighters: [Hatake's guild] Christian de Medich[Daisuke Angel] The Lost Battlion: [Naota's guild] Cloud Highwind[Naota] The Federation: [Wrestlemaniac40's guild] Dan America[Wrestlemaniac40] Unamed Guild: [starter of guild] Unamed Guild: [starter of guild] [/center] [u]Rules[/u] Here are some rules: 1.Posts need to be atleast one paragraph long.[seven or eight sentences] 2.When typing in a number [i]Spell[/i] it don't just use the number keys. 3.You can attack another guild but you may not kill the guild members.You may wound them. 4. When you are battling against another guild no godmodding. 5. Use proper spelling. Use proper grammar(Yeah my grammar is bad!XP but still) 6. Most of all, have lots of fun. [u]Sign Up[/u] Name: Age: [15-40] Class: [Pick only one final class] Starting Class [Swordsman, Thief, Acolyte, Mage, Merchant, Archer] 1-2 Class [Knight, Assassin, Priest, Wizard, Blacksmith, Hunter 2-2 Class [Crusader, Rouge, Monk, Sage, Alchemist, Barder (Male Hunter) Dancer (Female Hunter) ] Weapon:[No guns, of course.] Appearance:[If you would like to use your actual game charater from Ragnarok, take a screenshot and feel free to use it as your appearance.] Guild: [PM me is you are gonna make up a guild. First four with their guild name shall be taken. I will take no more then four] Bio: If we don't get five guilds with atleast ten people in each guild then we'll just go with what we have. I will post up my sign up later. [COLOR=DarkRed]EDIT: I forgot...About the class and guild. For making a guild it doesn't have to really base on your charaters class,each guild should have a verity of different classes.Fot the classes I don't think I was specific enough, you don't need to put down what you started out with first, pick only one class, because it can get confusing when you put down your starting class and other classes. We have no idea what you are![/COLOR][/size]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hey! I've never really posted replies to your banner threads for some reason..O_o; I look at them but never really post a reply. I'm just gonna guess it's because I really don't know what to say. ^^; Well here I am posting a reply. Well anyways...Your banners are done very well. You are also good at cutting out the images! Unlike me when I cut it out it's all...Blah. The background images are done nicely.You do a good job in choosing the right colors to match the pictures. I wish I could make those kind of backgrounds! I have nothing negative to say about your banners. So..good job! -shakes his hand-I hope I can reply to your other banner threads then looking at them.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Hi...Again. Yeah, I'm back with more of my boring works :rolleyes: Well as I said in the title I made a Sasuke Banner and avatar. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/SasukeBan.jpg[/IMG] The Banner.I'm thinking I shouldn't have put Hatake on there. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/SasukeAva.jpg[/IMG] The Avatar. And again, I'm thinking I shouldn't have put Hatake on there. Yeah...That's all. Comments, criticisms, and advice are welcomed.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Hey, sorry guys, I've decided not to start this RPG. I really do appreciate you signing up though. Arcadia or terra, you may close or delete this thread. Thanks.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Hello everyone..It's been a while since I've posted up one of my graphics.I only have one thing to show today.It's a wallpaper. [url=http://skg.250free.com/Rockwall.jpg]Rock Howard Wall[/url] This wallpaper I made two days ago.It features Rock Howard ([spoiler]Son of Geese Howard[/spoiler])I like the picture I used, the background I really don't like,and the font I'm not sure. Thanks for lookin' C&C please.[/SIZE] [color=teal][size=1]Please add your attachment; I don't see it anywhere. -Syk3[/size][/color]
  13. [SIZE=1]It's been like almost forever since I've posted on OB. For this RPG I was inspired by many movies. I wish I could learn Shaolin style fighting, but sadly the monks don't let girls train with them. Onto the story! [COLOR=firebrick]Three seals were spread through out China. These five seals are: [I]Freedom, Hope, and Justice[/I] With these three seals you could be granted imortality, only those who are greedy and selfish will think of such a thing. But there is one man, one man who is greedy, selfish, and also evil. His name is Sun Qaun. He travels with a group of highly trained ninjas to protect him or just to kill those who get in his way. These seals were found by three powerful monks who were also brothers named: [I]Hong Pinghui (Mind and Intelligence), Huang Guo(Wealth and Fortune), and Hu Rongnu(Strength and Power.)Hong took the Freedom seal. Huang took the Hope seal and Hu took the Justice seal.[/I] That's when they split up and built a temple to keep the seal safe and train young men in the art of Shaolin. When they pasted away they gave the seals to one of there best heirs who they put their trust in.Then they would become master. Five years after the holders of the seals pasted away they gave them to their best heirs. That was when they were told a way to stash the seals from bad men. There was a temple somewhere far in China. It's protected by the gods. Only those with good hearts may not enter. So the three new holders of the seal must travel together. What about Sun Quan? He still lives, still searching for those seals. Nobody knows the real history of Sun Quan. They gossip around villages that Sun Quan was trained under the monk named Lu Bao who was said to be a devil and master at Shaoilin style fighting. But nobody knows why Sun Quan would want imortallity. Each monk will take once well trained student as a bodygaurd on the journey to the great temple. The student may care for the Monk is he is hurt, or will continue the journey for his master if he dies.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Sign Up Name:[Please a Chinese related name] Heir of:**[Either Hong Pinghui,Huang Guo, Hu Rognu the words in the () means the words they are related to] Seal:**[Freedom, Hope, and Justice] Age:[20-30] Description: Weapon:*[No guns...Of course.] Pesonality: Bio:* *=Optional **=If needed.PLEASE PM me about being the heir of the three brothers. I don't need ALOT of people I just need about four or five people.Yes there will be other people on the journey to assist the three monks. I know this all maybe a little confusing!XP I'm having troubles with making RPGs since I haven't been posting the last few months. If none of this makes sense to you please PM me I'll surely be glad to explain it to you. [/COLOR] Here's my sign up. Name: Kuang Taimu Heir of: Hu Rognu Seal: Justice Age: 33 Description:See Attachment Weaopon: Staff Personality: Kuang is a laidback man who does not fear death. He is determined. A great shaolin fighter. He's also very kind. He'll stay by the side of those who need help. I know I am lacking in my posting skills. XD [/size]
  14. [SIZE=1]Thanks for the comments.Well I've made a whole bunch of Naruto stuff, don't really know why..Maybe I do..since..I have a little obsession. Well yeah here. You can take a look at these. [img]http://chipp.250free.com/NarutoBan.jpg[/img] I'm gonna have to say that the font to this banner really doesn't fit it. Well that's how I see it I don't know about you people. I'm using the avatar I made to fit the banner so I'm not gonna bother to post it up. [img]http://chipp.250free.com/Naruto.gif[/img] I was bored and wanted to make an animation in Imageready so...This is what I made.It's the Naruto sprite from..uh..I forgot :sweat: And last I made a Naruto Blog,it's gonna be a link. It's for the guild I made on Neopets. I'm just gonna laugh at myself because I play neopets.-laughs at self-Ok the name of the guild is named Naruto Paradise. It's still not really quite done so you won't be able to search for it. [URL=http://chipp.250free.com/NarutoBlog.jpg]The Link[/URL] [/size]
  15. Yes I have fianally started this RPG I hope I didn't keep those who signed up wait to long. If I did I'm sorry. :sweat: Shall we start? [size=1]Aya spun around once she heard the sound of a twig break. "What kinda of ninja...Is..he?"Aya asked herself. She then threw a shruiken at a lonely bush.There was a soft thud. She ran over to the bush and moved the leaves to the side to reveal a fallen ninja. She then sat at him."He's fainted?!"Aya laughed."I guess he got scared of the shruiken.I need to ask him some questions."Aya then grabbed the ninja by the collar and slapped him so hard that when he removes his mask there would be a red mark.The ninja awoke. "Huh?!Ah!Kid get off me!"He yelled.Aya continued to sit on him. He then tried to grab her but she held a shruiken to his throat. "Uh,uh. Don't try to throw me off. I need to ask you questions first. Then you can TRY to throw me off. Agreed?"Aya said. The frightened ninja nodded."Ok!Good that we agree.First question, Why are you here?" "I'm doing my duty" "And your duty is?" "To destroy the youngest member of the Akiyoji Clan." "So your from the Tatshuka Clan eh?" Aya shook her head."You are somewhat kinda weak to be part of the Tatshuka Clan." "HEY!I'm stronger then you!And braver!"The ninja exclaimed. "Are you really?"Aya said rolling her eyes."Kuji."Just then a blue mouse popped his head out of her red sash. "Ahh!"The ninja yelled and fainted. "Brave...Eh? He just saw a mouse and he's fainted?!"Aya started to laugh. I think I'm gonna take him back to the Akiyoji hideout. Kuji scout the land for the fellow Akiyoji members I need their help taking this big man back to the hideout."Aya set Kuji down on the ground and he started to run off. OCC:Sorry for the kinda short post I'm having a writer's block.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Hiya!Yep,I'm back with some more banners and stuff. Shall we start off with the banner showing? Yes, I think we should! [IMG]http://chipp.250free.com/AngelicLayerB.jpg[/IMG] After watching the whole Angelic Layer series I felt like making an Angelic Layer banner! [IMG]http://chipp.250free.com/DNBanner.jpg[/IMG] DaisukeAngel IMed me on AIM and requested that I'd make a Daisuke banner for her.So I did I'm kinda happy how this turned out. You can see Daisuke's eyes in the back.I also made a Avatar for her.This is what it looks like. [IMG]http://chipp.250free.com/DNavi2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://chipp.250free.com/ShingoBanner.jpg[/IMG] I made this banner a long time ago. So that's why it might not be so great. It features Shingo and who else would be behind him?It would be the great Kyo. [IMG]http://chipp.250free.com/RGC.jpg[/IMG] Well I was thinking of possibly retiring because I'm gettin' awfully lazy of making banners. I just had to but Hakkai on there, he's one of my favorite bishies.:) The last thing I'm gonna post up in this post is something kinda [I]Bloody[/I].Some people might not want to see it so I'm gonna post up a link. I made this bloody like thing in photoshop.I like to call it "After The Long Battle".This is my first 3D thing I made in Photoshop.[URL=http://chipp.250free.com/AfterTheLongBattle.jpg]Beware![/URL] That's all for now!Please post up comments, tips, advice, ect.[/size]
  17. [SIZE=1]Well I don't have to many nicknames but I guess I'll post some up. Most annoy me. My names Damaly by the way and that's Dom-i-li.-cough-cambodian-cough- Damalu- I don't have an idea where this came from my friend made it up for me o.O I rarely get called it. DamDam- What the kids used to call me in the 4th grade ^^ Then my teaher started calling me DamDam Damaleak- This one name annoys me. I was personaled jinxed by one of my friends at school and she started making up names like this one. Dama-leak. Dam-Well this is what my family calls me. Somtimes my friends do I like this one out of all. Damaly-Yes it's looks the same but how people say it they say it Damn-i-li, this is what my brother calls me when he makes fun of me. Also one lady at the bank almost called me this when I was opening a savings account. Damolly-This is what the elders call me when they first say me name Da-molly!LOL I just like laughing at this one for some reason. I guess that's all. [/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jro13 [/i] [B]Name:James Age:[15] Gender:[Male Appearance:tall with black hair and silver eyes Clan: [ Akiyoji] Bio:unknown Pet: [dragon] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'm really really sorry jro13, but I have enough people and won't be accepting anymore sign ups,just like it says in my previous post. Don't feel blue! You can always veiw the RPG once it starts!That's also,kinda fun.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Sorry for being gone for such a long time! This seems to be enough people. For those of you who were going to join. I'm sorry but I can't accept anymore sign ups. I'll be sure to start this RPG soon.[/SIZE]
  20. [size=1]Metatron, could you put what clan you are in? Thank you. I guess I'll accept either 1 or 4 more sign ups. Then I'll start the RPG I really hope this RPG will be intresting and fun.[/size]
  21. [SIZE=1]Hio, well I finished your banner and avatar DaisukeAngel. I hope you like them, if you want to change anything just tell me. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/DNavi2.gif[/IMG] [[url]http://skg.250free.com/DNavi2.gif[/url]] the URL [img]http://skg.250free.com/DNBanner.jpg[/img] This is what your banner looks like. :sweat:I know they aren't very good but, oh well.[/size]
  22. [size=1]My dad works for some company called Unision(I think that's the name.)In Unision thye make hearing aids. My dad does alot of things. I'm not entirely sure what he does there. I do ask alot of questions during dinner. I'm like Dory from finding Nemo and forget everything.:sweat: Both my parents work in technology stuff. I barely get to see them until 8p.m. By then I would be sleeping. Well anyways back to the subject. I think my dad shapes out the hearing aids and inserts whatever is in the hearing aid, good think my dad knows about earing aids. My mom is deaf so...yeah. I wish I could speak my language at home but, I can't. I know how to listen but not speak. My uncle says it's not my fault and it's my parents fault for not spending time with me.[/size]
  23. I know you people are probly thinking. "Man, not another one of SK's boring RPGs." [center][img]http://everybody.250free.com/RPGsign.jpg[/img][/center] [Size=1] It is in the year of feudal Japan when two deadly groups existed. Tatshuka, a deadly group of assassins who kill for pleasure and money. They?d kill anyone and anything. Their leader is a well known person for he used to be king of all bandits. They call him ?Eisen? he has slain over 100 men, women, and children just for money and pleasure. Akiyoji is a not so deadly group they just take over land driving men, women, and children out of their homes leaving them no place to go. Or they might just kill those who try to fight and maybe make people join their clan. They will train them till they know as much as they need to know about the Akiyoji history and battling if they don?t know. Their leader is a man named ?Yutaka.? Yukata, was a bounty hunter. People wonder how Yukata became leader of the Akiyoji group. Tatshuka are foes, rivals, and enemies of Akiyoji after they tried to invade and kill part of the Akiyoji group. Now they both fight for a piece of land. Not an ordinary piece of land this piece of land has over 500acres and there are rumors about it be enchanted. The Tatshuka clan will fight hard for this land for they heard that it has a buried treasure chest filled with gold and jewelry. Akiyoji is fighting for this land because they here is can make wishes. The Akiyoji clan?s wish is to make all of Japan theirs and make peace. Who will win this war? We don?t know? [u]Sign Up[/u] Name: Age:[11-40] Gender:[Male or Female] Appearance: Clan: [Tatshuka or Akiyoji] Bio: Pet: [optional] Name:Aya Kurosawa Age:13 Gender:Female Appearance:[img]http://everybody.250free.com/yoshino1-1.jpg[/img] Clan:Akiyoji Bio:Aya was recruited at the age of 8 when the Akiyoji invaded and driven everyone out of her small village. She tried to fight back but was no match. She was about to get killed but Yukata stopped the man. That's when she was recruited. She was in trainning for 5 years. She doesn't miss her family she has forgotten it all, her family now is the Akiyoji clan. Her wish if the Akiyoji win the war is to restore her village. Aya is possibly the youngest and strongest in the Akiyoji clan. She always wishes to be near Yukata and protect him whenever. She has put alot of trust and faith in Yukata, but if he betrays the Akiyoji clan, Aya will find him...And demolish him. Aya is a cold person, she doesn't speak much. She'll just do whatever her leader commands. Pet:Blue Mouse named Kuji, that helps her scout out land. ___________________ [center][img]http://everybody.250free.com/Akiyoji.jpg[/img] [Akiyoji] Aya Kurosawa-Sakrua Kid Ryoga Daisuke-ColourDeaf Akiko Ninamori-G.D. Ryoko Kokotsubori Gen- Metatron [/center] [center][img]http://everybody.250free.com/Tatshuka.jpg[/img] [Tatshuka] Hattori Hanzo-Double_B_Daigo Kai Hatakai-Ayokano Inyo Temari[or Tenami?]-Avalon Meishin Kakugokoro -Annie [/center] __________________________ EDIT: Oh man!I was stupid and forgot to put Gender in the sign up! Thank you Ayokano you reminded me!So everyone if you could just edit your post it will take less then 20 secs!:sweat: [/size]
  24. [SIZE=1]Hio everyone.I'm sorry for not posting in such a long time.-mumbles under breath-Evil school...Well anyways this is my new graphic thread. I was getting bored so I though i would just make a graphic thread to ask you people if I've improved a bit. Okay. I think I'll first start out with blogs. I use these blogs for neopets sometimes. :sweat: I play neopets! [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/Blog001.jpg[/IMG] Kenshin Blog [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/Blog002.jpg[/IMG] Cho Hakkai :love2: Blog [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/Blog003.jpg[/IMG] Hellsing Blog [URL=http://skg.250free.com/IoriWall.jpg]Iori wall[/URL] Iori wall I made a couple months ago.Have I shown this already? [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/Nightmarebanner.jpg[/IMG] A Nightmare banner since I usually use Nightmare when playing SC2 [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/boardbanner.jpg[/IMG] This banner is for my forum I'm working on to go with my site I've been working on since....I was -cough-9-cough- that's all I'll show..For now. Oh yeah and then there's the Angelic Layer banner in my sig.[/size]
  25. [SIZE=1]Well I got bored,and decided to draw Hatake Kakashi from Naruto since I was watching the first 5 episodes...So...Comments. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/Kakshidrawing.jpg[/IMG] Now you people know my name! Oh yeah...here is a colored version [URL]http://skg.250free.com/coloredKakashi.jpg[/URL] Meh...simple coloring... [/size]
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