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Everything posted by Ninjah
[size=1] [b]Name:[/b]Jelvi [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Apperance:[/b][img]http://jokopoko.250free.com/teo-1.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] He is a kind and caring person who likes making friends.When around others he'll try to make friends.He'll always try to help people and assist people.He can get serious also when fighting and protecting.He usually keeps a smile on his face hiding his true feelings. [b]Chief Skill:[/b]Mixture of Mecha Magic and Magic [b]Weapons:[/b]A steel spear [b]Alligence:[/b]TechnoMagi [b]Biography:[/b]Jelvi was born in a small village where he trained with one of the eldest gaurdians in Mecha Magic and Magic,for the eldest gaurdian knew Jelvi would be useful in a party one day.Years after trainning in Mecha Magic and Magic the eldest gaurdian thought that he'd train with a weapon since he knew much magic already, so he forged a steel speer for Jelvi. Before Jelvi could weild the spear he trained in agility and strength.Soon after Jelvi was strong enough he earned the steel spear. When Jelvi got it it seemed like it wasn't heavy at all,he could move fast.Once the eldest gaurdian heard about Orphe he sent Jelvi to join Roph's party. Hope this is ok.^^; [/size]
[SIZE=1]Rei was still riding on.Thinking about things going on,and why life was boring. "Heck,maybe life isn't boring....But for some reason it is!"Rei said to herself while waiting for the stoplight to turn green. Soon after a while of riding she thought she'd get a drink so she went to the bar,she turned off the engine and took off her helemet and walked in,the men stared at her as she walked in,they all had grins and smirks on their faces.Rei ignored them all and sat down by the counter and only asked for a bottle of tonic water,the bartender then took out a bottle of tonic water from under the counter and threw it at Rei,she caught it and opened it,a man that looked much older then Rei,grabbed her hand and started to talk to her. "How's about you and me go over to my place?"He said pulling her.Rei just smirked and the bartender smirked as well and said something to the man. "You don't want to mess with this girl."He said. "Why not?"The man asked making kissing lips at Rei. "I'm,"Rei stood turned around and faced the man,"The" she punched him sqaure in the nose,"Cold"She then punched him rapidily in the stomach,"Machine!"She then kicked him that sent him flying into the wall,she then layed down $20 dollars down,"That should pay for his injuries."She then layed down 5 dollars."This will pay for the water."She said to the bartender. She then grabbed her helmet and and walked out of the bar.She got on her motorcycle and turned the engine off and rode off to Robo Corp. she then parked and turned off her engine and went inside and saw the Iris and Trance Cynet. "Seems they started."Rei said she then just shrugged,and headed for the gym down the hall. She then started to punch and kick rapidly at the punching bag. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]A girl walked out of a garage with a motorcycle.She then put on her helemet with a skull on it. "I'm gonna go for a ride."She said to herself. "Rei...Rei....Rei!Where are you!"A voice called,it sounded like an old man.He then suddenly appeard in the garage,he had a long white beard,glasses and a scientist coat."Don't tell me you are running off again Rei." "What does it look like I'm doing grandfather."Rei said quite annoyed. Tao sighed,"Don't go off this time!This is an important day!You must come to my company!" Rei eyed her grandfather,she thought to herself 'A important day?'She then shrugged."Whatever grandfather,I'm going for some fresh air."She said as she got on her bike and started it.She then rode off. Tao sighed and said to himself,"Rei,is Rei,Rei the cold hearted one.I can name her withonly two words,Cold,and distant...Wait maybe 3 words,Cold,Distant,and a Loner."[/SIZE]
[center][img]http://skg.250free.com/SoulCynets.jpg[/img][/center] [SIZE=1]From the computer journal of Scientist Tao Natagwa: 9-8-2020 It?s finally done! We?ve done it, we scientist at Robo Corp. have created our new creation, this is the year! This year our new robot will be released to only the military. We call these robots Cynets, ha-ha, these are no ordinary robots for they require your soul to pilot them, only the ones with strong souls are worthy enough to pilot them. We must find the right people to test out the Cynets! 9-10-2020 Oh no! It seems that our prototype has been stolen! But how can this be!? Only us scientist know about the Cynets! This is impossible, the person who stole it must be stopped, and they have no idea what the Cynets can do! We must find this person ASAP! 9-15-2020 This cannot be! It seems that Neo Tokyo has been attacked by what seems to be one of Robo Corp. Cynet! It was the?Prototype who had done it, who had attacked Neo Tokyo! This must be stopped! We must have men and women come to Robo Corp. and take courses, tests and even train! This is the only way to get rid of the Prototype Cynet once and for all! We have already built Cynets for these men and women to use, but, as I said in one of my early entries the Cyent requires a Soul! Hah! You are probably lost! You will have to have half of your soul be taken out and put into the cores of the Cynet! You will not die during the soul process, it will be painful though. Once half your soul is taken you will feel a little tired but you will soon get used to it! I now will introduce the Cynets: [img]http://skg.250free.com/weltall.jpg[/img] Shade-Rei Natagawa-Sakura Kid [img]http://skg.250free.com/crescens1.jpg[/img] Crisis-Nyoko Natagawa-DaisukeAngel [img]http://skg.250free.com/alphaweltall.jpg[/img] Trance-Koga Lee-Double_B_Daigo [img]http://skg.250free.com/vierege.jpg[/img] Iris-Kayley-Ohkami [img]http://skg.250free.com/renmazuo.jpg[/img] Cyrus-Tai Gensai-Taki Ebina [img]http://skg.250free.com/heimdal.jpg[/img] Jael-Kai Zomo-Ayokano [img]http://skg.250free.com/bligander.jpg[/img] Blade-Shai-Anime_Forever 9-20-2020 We have found recruits, they will be trained at everything agility, strength, endurance, defense, and even knowledge. We will try very hard to train them and get them ready. I would like to introduce them, but I have a meeting to attend to about the Cynets. I will introduce these brave men and women in my next entry,and two just happen to be my grand daughters.[/SIZE] _______ Sign Up: Name: Age:16-30 Personality: Bio: Appearance: Cynet: Family*: _______ All fields without stars are required. _______ [SIZE=1]Name:Rei Natagawa Age:18 Personlity:Cold and Distant Bio:Rei is the grand daughter of Tao,She is the youngest one in her family and when she was born Tao knew that'd she'd be perfect for controlling a cynet.As a child she used to put stuff together,her favorite thing was a motorcycle,she's always wanted one,she drew lots of different types of motorcycles.On her 17th birthday she had been givin a motorcycle from her grandfather Tao.Once she got on her motorcycle she couldn't get off,she was to addicted to it.She then wanted to test it out,she then put on her motorcycle stuff on and her helemet on,she started the engine. The sound of the motorcycle got Nyoko's attention,Nyoko ran outside."Where are you going?"She asked.Rei replied,"For a ride." "At this time!?It's past your bed time!"Nyoko yelled quietly."I'm older now,I don't need your protection,your to over protective big sister."Rei said she then rode off.Nyoko was abuot to chase after her but didn't.As she came to a stoplight she met a guy who wanted to race.Rei accepted,she wanted to see her skill with her motorcycle.They both raced down a steep mountain,Rei was quite good,but when it came to sharp turns that's when Rei failed,she rammed into the railing,flew off her bike and landed in a pit.The man who raced her just laughed and rode off.Rei layed there unable to move for her legs where broken.Soon when she crawled out of the pit a car came by,it happened to be her grandfather,Tao,she just looked at him hoping he didn't know who she was,but he knew, he knew his own granddaughter motorcycle helmet,he told her to get in the car,and they drove off to the hostpital. After 2 weeks Rei was able to walk again.All that Rei does is was work on her motorcycle and travel away from home sometimes. Appearance:[img]http://skg.250free.com/akira3.jpg[/img] Cynet:Shade Family:Tao Natagawa-Grandfather Nyoko Natagawa-OlderSister Any questions?PM me please.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I have not yet seen this movie but I was just wondering if any has I know a little about it though. [spoiler]South Korean High school with some rivalry,it has some martial arts in it(my kind of movies:D)and some romance.[/spoiler] Yeah I know it's not much but as I said before I only know a little,I must find this movie and watch it![/SIZE]
"What?Against The Weapons club!?"Emisu laughed to herself,as she walked beside Michael,"Hey,I'm gonna go to the gym and train if you don't mind." Emisu said to Michael,he nodded.Emisu ran down the hall to get to the gym,she then saw Ms.M and started to walk,as Emisu walked by Ms.M,Emisu gave Ms.M a little wave,Ms.M eyed Emisu then continued walking,Emisu looked over her shoulder to see if Ms.M was about 5 yards away.Emisu then ran to the gym.The some of the student stared at Emisu as she ran throught the halls and some smiled for she is one of the well known people in school because she has played played her guitar many times in school. "Well time to train."Emisu said to herself,she then took off her jacket reveling a white T-shirt under it.She then start to kick at the air,it kinda looked like she was fighting an invisible man.
[SIZE=1]Ok I'm back with one new wallpaper it features Kankyra Haito from Samurai Shodown:Worrior Rage. [URL=http://skg.250free.com/KankuraWall.jpg]Kankura Wall[/URL]Thanks again for coming here and looking at my wallpapers.[/size]:)
[SIZE=1]Yeah for some reason I made more!Just wanted to show these to... [URL=http://skg.250free.com/AtheanaWall.jpg]Athena Wall[/URL] Just a wallpaper of Athena Asamiya. [URL=http://skg.250free.com/YokoKoujiWall.jpg]Kouji & Yoko Wall[/URL] A Kouji and Yoko wall,Yoko aka Yoyo Yoko!^^Gah she's just one cool cop lady,uh person,and uh Kouji is her father!I just loved that game,if you have no idea what I'm talking about I'm talking about Ehrgeiz. Uh,once again thanks for taking a look or uh visiting![/size]:)
[SIZE=1]I was bored yesterday so I though I'd make some wallpapers,well just telling you...You may use them if you'd like.So far I've made a Hanzo(Samurai Showdown)Sogetsu(Samurai Showdown) and Kyo(King of Fighters) so far,hopin to make more and show you all. [URL=http://skg.250free.com/HanzoWall.jpg]Hanzo Wall[/URL] This was the first one I worked on. [URL=http://skg.250free.com/Sogetsuwall.jpg]Sogetsu Wall[/URL] One I did today. [URL=http://skg.250free.com/kyowall.jpg]Kyo Wall[/URL] Something that my brother wanted me to do,the Kyo picture is a bad cut out. Hm...Yeah I know they all have shadows,well,I'm hoping to hear some commets and how I can improve.Yep,thanks for visiting![/size]:)
[SIZE=1]I guess I'll join!Blue Seed is such a fun anime to watch.[spoiler]I own the perfect collection.[/spoiler] Guess I'll be the uh,the leader of the TAC I guess. Name:Sei Natagwa Age:20 Appearance:Black hair tied up into a pony tail,brown eyes,blue jeans,white T-shirt,with a red TAC jacket over it. Bio:Sei lived a normal and lonely life,as a child she lived with only her father,when Sei was 16 her father murdered without reason,she has not yet found who murdered him yet,Sei did not want to go to an orphange,so she got a job and worked cooking and taking care of herself,at the age of 18 that's when she became part of the TAC,she tried very hard while she was part of the group,while her spare time she'd look over the files that were from years ago about the Aragami,and now she knows lots,she then soon became leader of the TAC. Personality:Sei is usually cheerful at times,then when things get serious she gets serious also,she's usually the last to come to come through the doors of the TAC because she's usually up late reading over the files of the Aragami,she's also a person who never gives up,she'll always try her best and fight.[/SIZE]
Well I fixed it,I know the fonts a little plain and weird but,uhh...yeah...I made a host to host my pictures and stuff. Click [URL=http://skg.250free.com/gandiaXtreme2.gif]here[/URL]to see the plain wallpaper.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Join The FIGHT CLUB! You could use your Guitar like a weapon. Like Furi Kuri! Yeah!:D [/B][/QUOTE] I guess I'm in the fight club...Uhh..I don't think I wanna use my guitar though..I'll just use martial arts.
Well thanks for the commets on my boring looking banners.Yestersay I was bored so I though I'd make a wallpaper,it's a quite simple one though.It contains charater from Grandia Xtreme,that's not really a good game.Well anyways just take a look.The file is big to.
Name:Emisu Rojin Year:3 Team:Fight Club Label:Punk Description:see attachment Bio:Emisu is kinda well known in the school for she is kinda like a rock star,she plays the guitar.She lives with her mother and is usually doing things for her mother like,cooking,cleaning,and what ever else her mother does,after she done she usually goes to the achery range,gym to practice Tae Kwon Do or practices her guitar.She's not a perfect student,nor a perfect role model.If you ask her a question once you get into her face she'll just say "Go away..."and walk off.Emisu barely smiles,the only time your see her smile is when you are at one of her concerts.
This rpg is kinda based on Generator Gawl,or you could just say rip-off. A ship crash landed in a forest,near some houses.Three people exited the ship one girl and two men. "Common you guys!We gotta go quickly befroe they come!"shouted the female.It was dark out that night,they could hear foot steps running getting closer to them. "They're coming!"shouted one of the males.They started to run faster,but it seemed that one of them tripped.They stopped to help the other up but it seemed that what they were running from caught up. "Oh no,it's here!"The female shouted as she stood cause she was the one that fell.What chased them seemed to be some sort of bug monster.Who are these people,what is that thing...Where did they come from?Well..That's only the beginning..,I will explain.These three people,came from the time of 2030,to the past of 2010 to stop a person from creating the ultimate project who will take over the world,in the future.This ultimate project is titled "Project S" These three people aren't mere humans they are what they call 'Generators'and these monsters that attack them are what they call 'Gens',Gens can be to bugs to phantoms,they can be anything that you imagine them to be,they disguse themselves as humans though.Now these three people will stop whoever is creating these Gens and stop him/her from completing "Project S" Sign ups: [U]Human[/U] name: age:16-20 gender: appearance: personality: Bio: [U]Generator[/U] name: age:16-20 gender: appearance: personality: Bio: Generator appearance: [U]Gen[/u] name: attacks: human form: Gen form: [u]Scientist[/u] Name: Age: gender: appearace: personality: bio: ^^I hope atleast someone will sign up.I'll take atleast 10 sign ups,I need some scientist to help with "Project S"If you want to be the scientist who will create "Project S"PM me I'll give you some information.I'm gonna be that one generator lady so I got dibs on being her.I do need some humans to,because the generator people need a place to stay.Well I'll post my sign up later and give out more information.
Well I guess I should stop making new threads saying I made a new banner so I guess I'll just post them in here,they aren't that good though the avatars,and banners I made but I guess I just enjoy making them. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/SonGokuBanner.gif[/IMG] Son Goku from Saiyuki. [img]http://skg.250free.com/chobanner.gif[/img] Cho Hakkai from Saiyuki. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/vashbanner.gif[/IMG] Vash,I used this banner once. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/kakashibanner1.gif[/IMG] A banner I made for Jubei Yagyou. [IMG]http://skg.250free.com/gawlbanner.gif[/IMG] Gawl from Generator Gawl I made this banner after watching all 12 episodes of it. Stay tuned,more stuff to come...
You have done well on your graphic things,*sigh*I wish I could do those things,well I guess I have to expirement around.Well nice banners and stuff,keep up the great work!
Hmm....No Ryu Ronins?I guess I'll be one! Name:Emisu Rojin Age:18 Affiliation:Ryu Ronin Weapon (if applicable):Black bladed katana Style:Tae Kwon Do,Aikido Appearance:Long brown hair,ice blue eyes,wears a black Hakama that she can still run fast in,sword attached to her belt,and a Hawk on her left shoulder. Bio:Emisu became a Ryu Ronin at a young age,after her family was killed she was about to die as well,as the cold samurai raised his sword over her head she closed her eyes and was ready for death,she then looked up to see a man who stopped the other man from killing her.He offered Emisu to join them sice she had no where to go,she could have ran but they would've killed her anyway so she accepted it.She trained with them she was the youngest out of the Ryu Ronin clan so she would be made fun of alot,but she just ignored them at the age of twelve she earned a sword after she master the art Aikido,and after that she mastered Tae Kwon Do.Every time that the clan would attack a village she got most of the kills,the men under estimate Emisu to much because of her age and gender.When she was walking throught the forest looking for something to kill she came upon a young Hawk who looked helpless,she didn't want to kill it because it didn't seem like much of a challenge,so she just left it and walked back to the base because she knew there wouldn't be anythign to kill.It seemed that the Hawk followed Emisu back to camp.Emisu then wondered why the Hawk was following her so she just shrugged and started to take care of she then gave it the name Sky.Men made fun of the bird and soon after about after 3 more insults she'd want to kill them but she can't.Now at the age she is she is a succesful Ryu Ronin. Pet*:A Hawk that scouts named Sky
Hisame balled her hand into a fist and punched a tree near her. "Your right Kitsune...I do have a problem...I am scared,but not scared of the problem.I'm just scared that..."Hisame said with her head down. "That?"Kitsune asked. "You'll all just die,because of me.."Hisame said with her head still down. "Why do you say that Hisame?"Jacen asked. "Because everyone around me just..." "Just what?" "Dies..."Hisame said as she lifted her head and tears start to stream down."Everyone around me just dies,because either somebody else kills them,or I do."Hisame then softly spoke,"I'm not suppose to be scared,I'm not suppose to show fear...I must be brave.." "You can be scared,it's ok to be scared,you can't be brave forever."Vash softly said as he hugged Hisame.He then looked her in the eye."Hisame do you love me?"He asked,everyone fell over even Hisame.She then stood and yelled at Vash, "What's that suppose to do with my problem?!"She yelled,Hisame then softly spoke,"Vash,I do love you...but only like a big brother." Vash sighed an "Aww" then stepped away from Hisame."I lose all the girls.." "But I still want you guys to stay out of my way,and don't get involved in my fights."Hisame said.
Hisame awoke,she bolted up panting,she then looked at Kitsune and Yuraka,and raised an eyebrow. "Where's that man!Where is he!"Hisame yelled as she stuggled to stand. "Hey take it easy,you killed him."Jacen said as he layed Hisame back down.Everyone was quiet for a second.Hisame then sat up again. "I shall leave you all,for I know that someone better then that man will claim revenge and aim right for me."Hisame then stood and grabbed her cloak."Vash I want you to stay out of my way to.I don't need your protection,I'm a big girl now I can protect myself,but do please protect the others."
"Your still alive you murderer!I killed!I killed you!I killed you after you killed my father!I killed all your men!"Hisame screamed in rage.He just laughed,Hisame then relized that he killed Tetsu as well.She began to feel more hatred.She pulled out both of her revolvers and pointed it to the man's head. "You killed Tetsu too...Now...YOU DIE AGAIN FOR ALL THE PAIN YOU'VE CAUSED ME!"Hisame blinked and the man dissapeared and was right behind her,he was laughing and had his gun pointed at her back. "Me die again you gotta be kidding."He then pulled the trigger,Hisame fell over,she struggled to stand.She saw that Kitsune was about to draw her gun. "No!Don't Kitsune,this is my fight!Don't get involved!"Hisame shouted to Kitsune. "Well your fight is almost over!"The man said again. "Now is it?"Hisame said.The man heard a click and felt something under his chin like cold metal.Hisame shot him. "For my father Gill,"She shot him again."For Tetsu,"She then shot him again."For the people in my town that you slaughtered."Hisame then dropped her guns and fell to her knees panting.
Reg ran by a boyshe then stopped to see that Seth was back she then fell on her bottom. "What's he doing back here?"She asked herself,she saw Ren to,"And him?" Just then Courtney and the group passed by and stopped infront of Reg. "Oh common!You are not worth fighting!Now get lost!"Reg yelled. "Well if we're not worth fighting.Then we found one girl that can."Courtney said as she moved aside to let a girl step up,the girl helped Reg up then threw her.But Reg was able to land on her feet. "Hey what the heck?!Now your with the snobs?Aw common!Why be there bodygaurd?I've had enough fighting,can't we all get along?"Reg yelled,she then saw the girl running at her,Reg moved to the side and elbowed the girl in the back."By the way what's your name?" The girl got up and dusted off herself then charged at Reg,Reg would have moved out of the way but the girl grabbed her by the arm and kneed her.Reg grabbed her stomach in pain."My name is Mel."Reg's eyes widened.She thought to herself,'What's that cheerleader doing here,she never doesn anythign wrong.' "Well Mel,for a cheerleader you sure can fight."Reg said as she panted.Mel raised an eyebrow. "Do I know you?"Mel asked Reg,Reg nodded her head. "Like h*** you do!I beat up you boyfriend for picking on some little Kindergardener.Mel gasps. "So you are the one who beat him!Why you!"Mel charged at Reg again,Reg grabbed Mel and threw her over her shoulder.Mel got up and charged at Reg again.Reg sighed. "All you do is charge and punch girl!"Reg then kicked Mel in the face,Mel was pushed back,Reg just smiled with her leg up high she was standing on one leg."How about we now finish this fight with a friendly hand shake?"Reg asked. "No way,you beat up my boyfriend!"Mel said quite disgusted.Mel charged again.Reg kicked her again Mel fell back. "Give up yet?"Reg asked Mel with a smile."Just give up or this fight will go on forever."Mel then nodded her head."OK!I gotta go later gals!"Reg started to run around again she then saw a flyer for the Drill Team tryouts on Friday.Reg grabbed the flyer then started running again.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by 9Eagle7Dragon [/i] [B]Legato was sitting in the "Cozy Arms Tavern" in the corner when Knives arrived. He sat down in the wooden chair, next to Legato, not once looking at him. He put a piece of parchment on the table, a reward notice for Vash the Stampede, $$60,000,000,000. Legato's eyes were wider than they had been for a long time. "This is not the first time you have seen this." said Knives, in a low tone. Legato said nothing. "You only see oppurtunity in this, as do I. However..." He crumpled the parchment up in a ball and tossed it behind him. "...it is not the same oppurtunity. I have made my will quite plain that Vash is to live. You know what your last mistake cost you..." He put his hands on the table. "You are to rally a new gung-ho guns." Legato looked shocked. "Master, my lord..." he stammered, "Why can we not use those still alive? Surely..." Knives banged the table with a fist. "No Legato. We need new recruits. They are to play the parts of a team of bounty hunters. I want you to make Vash suffer. No, not like last time..." as he noticed Legato rubbing the scar on his forehead. "We will follow similar plans as last time." "But didn't we fail last time?" said Legato. "Your too narrow minded, you sniveling fool. It worked exactly to my plan. Vash killed you. If I hadn't transfered some of my essence to you, you would be dead. However, I still have a use for you." "I thank you master, a thousand times..." "I want this new group to attack those closest to Vash." "To.. uh... to ki... mm..." said Legato, wondering whether if he finished his sentance he would end up in a coffin being hauled around by a grubby little gnome again. "Yes Legato. Kill them. Horribly. Make Vash feel it is his fault. I want him suffering." "So who's first?" "The insurance girls that follow him around, one of them, the smaller one, I think he feels a certain... attachment to." "Disgusting. To think he would fall for a human girl..." "For once words come out of your mouth that arn't stupid, Legato." Legato was silent. Knives rose to leave, as he turned, Legato asked: "Master, what am I to call this group?" Knives turned. "Excuse me, sir, can you please not litter?" said the bartender, before Knives could speak. [/B][/QUOTE] OOC:I can see that your new 9Eagle7Dragon,but you can't just post in a rpg you have to sign up in the recruitment forum,but it is already to late to sign up.I'm no moderator,but I'm just saying.
Reg was in her class with Col.Clark,she sighed. "What kind of rank am I gonna get?"She asked herself."Why's Col.Clark acting the way he is anyways?I have so many questions." Reg was kinda day dreaming during class.After class was over she started to run around again. "I wonder when Drill team tryouts are."She asked herself.
Kiyo got up from her rock and started to run through the maze.The traps weren't easy to dodge since she is a Genin.Kiyo would jump to see were Miss Michiko was.He then spotted the man with Michiko.Kiyo smirked.She then ran fast throwing some shruikens at the ground and picking them up making sure that there wasn't any traps.She didn't dodge about 4 traps so she was wounded but she didn't mind her wounds she just wanted this to get done.She then soon caught up with Miss Michiko and the elite ninja.