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Everything posted by Ninjah

  1. I made myself a new banner,it contains Tosh,it's suppose to be a banner link to my rpg Arc The Lad:New Time,New Worriors,New Quest.I know the banner is plain but tell me what you think.
  2. "Oh,well I'm sorry to hear that...Like I said to Hisame we each lost someone."Kitsune said to Yuraka. Hisame awoke from her sleep,she then sighed. "What is that Vash gonna do when the insurance girls are around?"Hisame said to herself.She then felt a presense near by the camp. "Hey guys I'll be right back!"Hisame yelled she then jumped down the tree and ran through the bushes.Jacen saw Hisame run through the bushes. "Where is she going?"Jacen said he then shrugged.There was a gun shot in the air,birds flew away and the group looked up. "Hisame!"They all yelled then ran through the bushes and serched for Hisame.They all found found her standing with her gun pointed at a man with her left hand over her right shoulder which was bleeding,she was panting heavily.She then yelled at the man. "I know your face!Your the one!The one...One that killed my father!"Hisame then pointed her gun at his head.
  3. I'm just gonna ask one of the moderators to close this rpg it's not going anywhere.
  4. Well I've been thinking since I like Arc the Lad to much I might as well make an rpg of it,You'll need some knowledge of Arc The Lad,I'm not talking about the anime I'm talking about the game.Well if you don't have any knowledge about the game,then you can go with the anime,or just sign up with no knowledge at all,I'm sure you'll catch on!:) __________________ The Story: Five years passed since Arc and Kukuru's spirits bid farewell to the others.Elk,Lieza,and the others lived a happy life,some even had children,soon the happiness was soon over,for which the children in the world had been kidnapped,except the ones that were children of the party members who were heros.Now that they were the only ones left,and the old heros and heroines are to old to fight it is up to there children to find the ones responsible for this kidnapping,save the children,and destroy the company.This evil way was like the one back then,where that one hero named Elk was involved in. __________________ Yes I know it is a short story,but I'm sure it will be succesful!Now for the sign up sheet. Name: Age:14-18 Gender: Personality: Bio: (Optional) Appearance: Parent(s):Any Charater from Arc the lad one and two,please no Arc or Kukuru since they dissapeared. Parent(s) Appearance: That's all I need,it'd really help if you could find a picture of your parent,instead of saying what he or she looks like.Can't find a picture PM me __________________ Here's mine Name:Taki Age:15 Gender:Female Personality:Taki doesn't care about anything except for saving the children and fighting. Bio: Appearance:Has red hair like her father's tied up into a pony tail,brown eyes,and a black Hakama. Parent(s):Tosh Parent(s) Appearance:[URL=http://www.scej.jp/arc/download/data/tosh_s.jpg]Tosh[/URL]
  5. Reg awoke from her sleep,she then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.She was staring at herself in the mirrior.She then went to the messhall,and do what she usually does,get her food and sit by Day,and take some bites,and just sits there. "I think I'm gonna go running."Reg got up and headded out the door and started to run around.
  6. Hisame looked at Kitsune with one eyebrow raised. "Uhh.."She then poked Kitsune,but it didn't seem to wake her up.Hisame shrugged."I wonder what she was thinking about.."Hisame then looked at the moon again,"I remeber the story my father used to tell me about the greatest gunsman and how you would see his face on a full moon night,one of my favorite stories,but now I will never hear it again."She then sighed,"Tetsu...You could have told me earlier,I had the same feeling..."Hisame then had old memories come back to her with her times with Tetsu. Memories: Tetsu and Hisame were at the age of 4 playing tag chasing each other around,Tetsu then tripped and fell over on his face he was about to cry but then Hisame went over and helped him up and gave him a smile.At the age of 6 Tetsu had to leave the town because his mother and father got into a fight,Hisame was sad that her best friend was gone.Until that one day he saw her again,they smiled at each other weakly not saying anything and looked at the other then turned away.Then when he died...Vash said I love you.Wha?! End of memories. Hisame awoke from her past.She then saw Vash staring at her blushly. "You what?!"Hisame yelled. "I love you!"Vash said.Hisame's eyes widened then she put her hand over her face and sighed. "Man this isn't going to work..."Hisame then got up quickly forgeting that Kitsune was on her shoulder.Kitsune then hit her head on the rock,she then woke up rubbing her head. "Ow that hurt."She said,she then looked at Vash he was blushing,she raised an eyebrow. "Oh!I forgot you were sleeping sorry about that."Hisame then backed up a little then started to run away from Vash. "Hey don't you want to eat?!"Jacen yelled. "No thanks!"Hisame yelled,Hisame then jumped up into a tree and rested in it,"My life will be ruined with that man."HIsame sighed then fell asleep sitting down.
  7. Hisame sat on a big rock,and looked at Yuraka. "Hmph,that man kills for nothing,it just doesn't make sense."Hisame sighed,she then looked to the moon,"Nothing in the world makes sense,and I mean nothing." "What doesn't make sense?"Hisame turned her head. "Oh it's just you,it's the world,it doesn't make sense."Hisame said as she looked back to the moon. "Well,you know we could create LOVE and PEACE!"Vash exclaimed as he crossed his fingeres and made it into a peace sign.Hisame raised an eyebrow. "Well...Uhh..You do that mister Vash,you go create Love and Peace....which is almost impossible to do."Hisame said under her breath. "Hisame,you say that you are daughter of Gill Genji?"Vash asked.Hisame nodded. "Oh this is soo sweet!"Hisame raised and eyebrow at Vash."I'm suppose to watch over his daughter until the day she dies,that means I'm always gonna be with you!"Hisame's eyes widened. "Wh-wh-wha!Your lying!"Hisame yelled,Vash shook his head,Hisame eyes got bigger. "Excuse me for a second.."Hisame got up and went to a tree and started to bang her head on it saying one word at a time. "Why",hit,"me",hit,"Why",hit,"Vash",hit,"Why!",hit,hit,hit,hit.Jacen then turned his head and saw Hisame hitting her head against the tree,he then went over to her and pulled her away from the tree. "Until the say I die!Until the day I die Jacen!Until the day I die,Vash will be watching me!"Hisame yelled outloud,Jacen raised an eyebrow.She then inhaled,and then exhaled then went back to sitting on the rock and staring at the moon,like nothing happened.
  8. I say Terry Bogard!::squeels::Terry!Well Terry is one cool guy.Well he's strong,has a cool attitude,I like his hat,*steals Terry's hat*he's sweet,and he fights for the ones he loves!I feel bad for him,anyways that's why I think Terry is a great fist fighter.
  9. Hisame stared at Yurakaand spoke,"Put the gun down Yuraka,nobody kills around me,I've seen enough blood in my life."Yuraka then pointed his gun at Hisame,Hisame pointed one of her guns at Yuraka. "Do you wish to die to?"Yuraka asked Hisame, "Heh,I'm ready to die anytime to be with my family,I'd atleast like to fight what's killing me or who before I die."Hisame said with no sign of fear. "Hey no need to point guns!"Vash said. "Very well,I shall listen to Vash,I do not like to kill unless one kills the ones I love."Hisame said as she put her gun on her belt.Yuraka still had his gun pointed at Hisame but then he,put it down.Hisame smirked at the fact Yuaraka put down his gun. "That's better."Vash said with a smile.
  10. Well I'm just wondering if anyone has seen this anime because not alot of people have seen this anime.I think it's great,I like the charaters and the story is inresting.What do you think about it if you've seen it or read something about it?
  11. Kiyo was quite annoyed that she had been taken to Kasanaki Mansion without a reason.For she doesn't want to work with anybody unless it has something big to do.It was finally her turn to pick her weapons.She picked 5 shruikens cause she knew she'd use them over even if they are in a body,and a Ninja-to.She put the shruikens on her belt and the sword on her back.She then sat on a rock cross legged looking around. "I just hope that some make it out of the maze,heh."Kiyo said quietly to herself.
  12. Yay!Utada!She's so pretty,I wish i was like her!Well anyways,I like the banner,a litte plain,but plain can still be good,and the fonts kinda hard to read.I give you a 7/10
  13. I've made a new banner and avatar for myself they both contain Vash,I'm using the avatar and banner already.The banner maybe a little plain but I worked hard.Well anyways I just wanted to get your commets on them both.
  14. Hisame was relaxed a bit,but she still was thinking about her loved ones death,and who will be next.She sank under the water a bit. "Who will be next..?"She sighed,she then got out and tried herself with a towel and put her clothes back on and went back to the others.Kitsune went into the bathroom. "Well calmed down?"Jacen asked. "A bit,yes."Hisame replied.Hisame looked around,and noticed that Vash was gone."Hey where did Vash go?"Suddenly there was a shriek from the bathroom. "That answears your question."Innocene said. "You two boys stay here,don't go into the bathroom."Hisame said as she headed out the door and ran to the back of the house were the bathrom window was and there hung Vash,Hisame took out her revolver and pointed it at Vash's head. "What are you doing there,hm?"Hisame asked."Your not suppose to go peeping into bathroom windows when soemones in there,it's rude." "Hey no need to point guns hun."Vash said as he dropped down. "Don't call me hun."Hisame said as she put her revolver back,she then grabbed Vash by his coat and dragged him inside of the house. "Why were you peeping on Kitsune?"Jacen asked Vash. "Actually I guess I'm a bit late,I was oging to peep on Hisame,but I was going to enjoy watching Kitsune!"Vash exclaimed. "That sounds like Vash."Hisame sighed. "Well,anyways,Hisame what kind of gun do you have."Jacen said.Hisame took out her two revolvers that looked just like Vash's,Jacen looked at them,they both had names carved into them,Gill on one gun,and the other Hisame. "Who's Gill?"Innocence asked looking over Jacen's shoulder to see the guns. "My father."Hisame replied. "Gill Genji?"Vash asked. "Yes,I'm his daughter Hisame Genji."Hisame replied."You guys know him?" "You mean Gill that was a gunsmith and great gunsman,kinda like Frank Marlin?!Your the daughter of that Gill?!"asked Jacen.Hisame nodded. "Yes.I have the same birthmark as him and in the same place."Hisame said as she pointed to her shoulder.
  15. I"m afraid of: 1)Clowns 2)Heights 3)Being alone in darkness(I feel I'm being watched) 4)Losing my family and friends 5)Alien abduction 6)Dolls 7)Dying without fighting what's killing me or who 8)Dark hallways 9)Strange looking Shadows 10)Going beserk and start to kill people(who knows it could happen) I'm just a kid,I'm afraid of lots of things.I'm such a chicken.*loud thump from downstairs*:nervous:
  16. Hisame leaned back in her chair thinking about her past as a child.Thinking about that one day her father died,that one day when the bandits took away his life.Then another day that just so happened to be two days before this day,when one of Hisame's old friend took a bullet from a bandit,Hisame knew she'd dodge it but her friend thought she wouldn't,he did it for a reason because he had feeling for her. Flash Back: "Tetsu!Y-y-you didn't need to do that!I could have dodged it!"Hisame cried.Tetsu just smiled."Why did you do that?!" "Because I love you..."Tetsu said as he put his hand on the weeping Hisame's cheek.Hisame was suprised to hear that she'd never expect that from her friend.Tetsu's hand then dropped for that was his last breath,Hisame cried upon his chest. "Why..Why didn't you tell me earlier..?"Hisame said to herself.The robbers just laughed,Hisame looked up smiling. "You both are such stupid robbers not to run."Hisame said. "What do you mean girl!You can't hurt us!"Laughed one of the robbers.Just then he fell dead so did the other,Hisame had her revolver in her hand,she dropped it and looked down at Tetsu. "I...loved you to."Hisame said. End of Flash Back. Hisame snapped when Vash waved his hand infront of her. "Is something wrong Hisame?"Vash asked. "Nope."Hisame replied.She then thought,then spoke."Since we are looking for the impersinator tomarrow together,I suggest you all don't get in my way,or try to save me,you will just die." "What do you mean?We're a team we gotta protect each other."Kitsune asked,looking up from her diary. "You don't understand I lost some of my loved ones who tried to save me!I even lost one who had feelings for me but I didn't know until his end!"Hisame yelled.Everyone just stared at her,espcially Vash."Jacen,I need to calm my nerves,may I use your bath?"Hisame asked.
  17. There was a gun shot in the air.Bandits where sitting near the center of a town. "Hey you there!"Shouted a bandit looking at a man trying to sneak by."Give us your goods!" "But sir I-"He was cut off by a punch. "I said give us your goods."the bandit said once more. "But sir if you will just let me-"the man said but he was cut off again by another punch.Just then a shot from on top off a roof was shot off and hit the bandit beating the man. "Run now!"A female voice said.The wounded man ran.The bandits looked up on the roof,and saw a girl with a brown cloak,black hair,and brown eyes,ic could be no other then Hisame.She jumped down. "Get out of this down or pay."Hisame said.The bandits just laughed. "Your just a girl!You can't hurt us!"Laughed a bandit.Nobody saw Hisame draw her revolvers or shoot the man he just fell over and died but she had her revolvers in her hand.The bandits just stared then started to shoot they'd miss her every shot,but her every shots she'd hit them.She killed all the bandits.Everyone in the town cheered for her,she put her revolvers back onto her belt.Hisame then set out of the town. "Hey girl!Don't you want anything?"asked a man. "Nope,I got what I want,I wanted to save your town."Hisame shouted. Just then she saw a man and another man running from a mob.She then stoped the 2. "May I ask why that mob is chasing you?"Hisame asked. "Well he's Vash the Stampede!"Said one of them pointing to the one with blonde hair.Just then the mob arrived. "Hey get away from that man girl,he's the humanoid typhoon!"Said a man.Just then Hisame hugged the blonde hair man. "If he's the real Vash the stampede then wouldn't he have killed me already and killed that man next to him?Now that I've hugged him wouldn't he throw me off?"Hisame said still hanging to Vash. "Hm,the girl is right common let's get back to hunting."Said another man.Vash was blushing.Hisame let go. "Hm,I didn't want to hug you Mr Vash,but I just wanted to help you,you don't look like what I've heard from my town.By the way I'm Hisame."Shes said smiling.
  18. Can I join? Name:Hisame Age:15 weapon:2 revolvers Appearence:Black hair,brown eyes,black boots,blue jeans,belt to hold the revolvers,white shirt with leather vest. Bio:Hisame lived in a small town with her father who was a gunsmith,during bad times like robbery,and bandits she always seemed to see her father win against them.Hisame wanted to be just like him,at the age of 7 her father built her a gun with rubber bullets that she could pratice with,she'd miss alot but when she turned 8 she'd never miss only once in a while,then at the age of 11 her father built her a real revolver,her father would put up bottales for her to shoot,she shot fast but didn't miss one single thing,during that day bandits cam to town,her father told her to go inside of the house and wait for him,she listened she knew that her father would win,but she wanted to see him,so she went outside of the house and stood close over to where her father and bandits are.Her father shot but he got shot in the leg and fell,Hisame ran over to him,he was suprised that Hisame was outside of the house.A bandit smirked at shot at Hisame but instead he shot her father for he was in the way to protect his beloved daughter,her father told her to take care then died.Hisame was in rage she took his revolver and she had hers for some reason and stood and faced the bandits,they just laughed for she was a kid and they think that kids can't shoot.She shot at her fast speed and killed 4 bandits,there were 2 left and the big boss.She shot again she shot the 2,the big boss shot but Hisame rolled out of the way and shot 2 times,those 2 shots got him in the head,she dropped down to her knees and started to cry,even though she won,but her famliy lost,the people of the town cheered but one child noticed that Hisame was crying,he then looked over to her dead father,then went over to his mother and pointed both of them out,his mother ran over to Hisame and hugged her,soon everyone noticed that Hisame's father was dead for he was a famous guy in the town and hopefully famous outside.After the funeral Hisame went back to her trainning not missing one single bottle,again,and again,day,after day,she would practice.On her birthday she recived some money from the bank,and recived something else,a locket that belonged to the great gunsmith,and gunsman in the town,her father.The day after her birthday she heard about the humanoid typhoon,she then wanted to go see this man that's been destroying everything,she'd give the money to they people of her town because she had enough money with her,she doen't want to be rich.She was 12 when she set out the mother that hugged Hisame during the day of her father's death mad her a cloak,Hisame didn't smile she just gave a nod,and put the cloak on,and set off.She'd protect other towns from bandits and such and hoped that they knew her father so then they would know her.
  19. I am a fan of slayers and I say that is a very good picture of Lina Inverse.You have done very well on the shading to!Oh I wish I could draw like that,I give you a 10/10!^^You are now my role model to drawing manga/anime!
  20. I knew this wouldn't be any good.:nope:I'll think of another,or just edit it.Or maybe just forget this.*sigh*I've been thinking of this rpg for quite awhile.Plus who knows if the King is dead or not :shifty:.That's the quest to look for the king,and save the lands of Marodos.Yeah I thought it'd be very confusing.If nobody signs up then I'll ask The Harlequin or Warlock to close it.
  21. This is gonna be like Record of Lodoss war a bit,to tell you there will not be many charaters in this rpg well that's what I think.Anyways let's get to the story. [U][I]The Royal Protecters[/I][/U] In a kingdom in the norhern lands of Morados. "Sire,our scouts have not come back."said a Female knight kneeling before the King.The King got a fustrated look. "What could that Kotarom be up to?!"The King yelled in Fury.Just then a very wounded scout came limping in weakly. "M-my Lord,Kotarom,he's after the Princess..."Scout fell forward infront of the king in death. "He is after the Princess Mitsumi,When royal blood of a princess is spilled on the lands of evil,no Sire could he be..-" "Releasing darkness into the lands of Morados,"The king then looked to his servant."Get my my aurmor."The servant then ran off to get the King's aurmor. "Sire,you can't fight against Kotarom,he is to strong,allow me to fight with you."The Female knight said standing. "No,You must stay here and watch the Princess."The servant came back and the King stood for the servant to put on the aurmor for him. "But Sire-" "No is no!You are a strong,young,female,and high ranking knight,the first to be in my kingdom!Your time has not yet to die and neither is it my daughter's time to die.So I must fight Kotarom,to protect my dear daughter and save the lands of Morados."The King said sternly staring at the female knight. "I will get your horse ready then and have some knights ready for you my Lord.I cannot stop you from fighting.My and the other knights who are staying will watch over the Princess and protect her with our lives."The female said.She then walked to the knight's chamber.They were laughing and enjoying there life.One of them noticed her standing. "Yes what would you like?"He asked. "Hmph it seems that you are enjoying life,but get up,and say good bye to your families,and get ready for your life to end,for you are going to travel South with the king and fight Kotarom."The female replied.All there eyes sharpened and some widened they all got up and got what they needed to fight. "Remeber when you die,you die with honor for you have fought with the king and risked your life for the safety of Morados."The female said.Soon the King was ready so were the knights they all headed to gate.They all got onto their horses. "Hisame,watch over my daughter,if I do not make it back,I maybe dead,make sure she chooses a good husband and save try to save the lands of Morados."The King said. "I will Sire."Hisame said,"I bid you luck and to come back safely." "Farewell."The King said as he rode off with the knights right behind them heading South.One month later the King had not return neither have the any of the Knights. Yes I know it is a bit long.Ok now for the sign up. Name: Occupication: (Beserker,Knight,Mage,Sorceress,Wander,Princess,or Kotarom) Weapon: (yes the princess can fight to) Side:Good/Evil Appearance: Personality: Bio: I need one person to play Kotarom he is a evil Mage/Sorcer,and the Princess Mitsumi,I need only two more knights,one beserker,one mage,one sorceress,and only one Wander. Yes this maybe a bit confusing,and if it confuses you please tell me.Please note that in the end the Princess will marry Wander.Oh yeah I got dibs on being Hisame(Female knight)I will post my sign up after I have everybody I need.If you are going to be Princess or Kotarom please PM me if you need help with the sign up.
  22. Name:Kiyo Hayate Age:16 Gender:Female Territory:Mist Village Side: Good Physical Description:Long black hair with some brown streaks that's tied up into a pont tail,on her forehead protector it has the four drops of water which is the symbol of her village.Black shorts down to her knees,orange shirt,and blue sandals. Bio:Kiyo is a stray child she has no family,she does no know who her family is.Mist village is where she grew up alone,she trains everyday,morning,day,and night.She does not work with others much she only works with others when needed. I hope this is ok.
  23. Heh well I was bored one day and I was thinking about angels so then I drew this guy with angel wings!It might not be any good,for the hands and lower part is missing but what do you expect I'm only...Err..uhh..11!Ok..here it is hope you like it!
  24. Reg went over to Richard,he blushed when she sat across him. "I know why your doing that."Reg said. "You know..?"Richard asked quite shyly. "Heh...Well I'm not feeling anything for you so I'm sorry.You know what I mean right?"Reg asked. "Yeah..."Richard said with a kinda frown. "Well no hard feelings...Ok...Well I'll see you later."Reg said as she got up and went over to her table. "Did you have to turn down the guy so quickly?You just met him today."Day said. "Well now aren't we standing up for Richard.Do you like him?"Reg said. "What are you talking about?How can I like him?"Day said. "Well you never know."Reg said just then she saw Col.Clark walk out. "Hey I'm gonna go back to the barrack."Reg said as she got up and headed out of the mess hall to follow Col.Clark. "Sir you wanted to see me about a higher rank?"Reg asked Col.Clark as she was walking by his side.
  25. Reg tried to resist a smile,but then she headed out the door she then saw that Richard kid staring at her.She then looked at him he blushed.Reg raised an eyebrow,then headed out the door. "Haha can't belive it!I higher rank!But will I still be able to try out for the drill team that's goint to the competition."Reg said quietly to herself while running.She was running faster then the three girls.They stared at Reg as she was running. "Well she's on;y been here for a week and she's already beaten us up!"Courtney said outloud.Reg ran by. "Well!That's what I do at school!I beat up people everyday!Plus I ain't no below average like you girls!I'm above average!"Reg laughed as she was running her fourth lap."only four more laps to go."Everyone then stayed quiet and for the whole run.Reg was on her seventh lap,she was sweating but she didn't pant or complain.As for the other three girls they did the opposite,they were sweating,panting,and complaining! "Well one more lap for me girls and I'm done.Unless I want to run those fifteen laps with you....Hmmmmm.."Reg said as she was running her last lap.She was finally done.THis time she was panting but didn't complain.She then ran to the mess hall and sat down.Day handed her some water,Reg drank the whole bottle in one sip. "Well you seemed to have worked hard!You've been getting alot of excersice to beating up girls and running laps."Day said.Reg nodded as she stared at Dai,thinking to herself."I know that I had to beat up those girls....Even if I did get in trouble and run a couple of laps,They weren't even suppose to make fun of those who lost there parents!Losing a little sister that worse then losing a Mother..."Reg thought."Atleast he still has a family...."Reg said to herself.SHe then saw that Richard was looking at her again,Reg eyed him he blushed and looked away again. "You know that Richard kid is starting to scare me."Reg said to Day.
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