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Hmmm, I do have a favorite name for guys, but not for girls. I honestly think that Beckett is the coolest guy's name, it's Irish.
You don't buy a horse without riding it first...
Im pretty much on the same boat as James except that I play tennis often (maybe 6 hours a week).
i totaly agree with ya cloricus, it defeats understanding
Those schools should not be public, and I protest that they are public, it is unconstitutional. I impled they should be private.
It should get the same kind of Federali money that porochial schools get.
I feel that wristcutter has the ture minimalist sig and that really appeals to me.
Bruce Lee started off with Gung Fu in Hong Kong, after he had advanced and compleeted his training of Gung Fu, he abbandoned all styles and began creating his own styless style called Jeet Kune Do. This style is only for the truly advanced students and corresponds philisophicaly with the Tao and Zen Buddhism.
We are a sad country indeed when we celebrate death and killing. Why the pictures, we had to proove it, it help Georgy Boy out because he has screwed himself by lying about Iraq in the first place. How many millions did it cost to kill them? You have operationaly cost of the helicopters and bombs and all the ammo our troops wasted, how pathetic does that make us look, it took us half the day to kill them...
Yeah, he is gone, kind of sad, he's been arround so long.
Zeit Gheist="Spirit of the Times" And no I have not arrived at conclusion because I doubt the very notion of conclusion.
What says your opinion is fact? What gives your argument more validity, the fact that more people in the world are afraid to think and let a church think for them? Just because more people belive it doesn't make it fact. I say that my date in in between two extreams, where it is ballenced. Just because a rock existes where the Bible says it does does not make a symbolic figgure exist.
You belief is opinion to the core, and I think it is reading the wrong metaphore, picking and chosing what facts suit you, and that's fine. Start from conclusion and work your way back. The Bible is not factual, it is pure Zeit Gheist. It is pure myth!!! Adam and Eve were the Babylonian God's Marduke and Ishtar, Abraham was a Zoroastrian from Babylon after all. Moses never existed, there is no historical data to back up wandering in the desert for 40 years, there is no historical data to support when exodus happened. But if you look at the METAPHORE, you see it is the decent of the patriarch into the land of the dead and what comes of the land is the united Hebrew people. And yes he could have been a Buddhist. They actualy sent missionares as far as Egypt, but again this is a dennotive mistake, my connotation thoughtout has been one of universal human spirituality and awakening in the same sense, not that he actualy was a Buddhist. Although he could have easily traveled to India from age 12-29.
Yeah, but don't Ninja have the Ninji-Do, some katana like sword except a little shorter?
Heh, I was volunteering teaching 3rd graders how to read (playing a little catch up), adn one of the kids I was teaching had ADHD...absolutly horrible to deal with the kid was off the wall all the time!