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Everything posted by Change
General Are you male or female? Male How long has your longest relationship lasted? uhhh...well if we count that one, a few months... (To busy with school, tennis, computer games, getting into college)... What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate? Acceptence... what is your pet peve about the people you date? Hard Core Drinkers, Smokers, Drug Users, and belitteling types... Have you ever used a pick up line? NEVER -if so, did it work? (I would beat myself to death if I used a pick up line)... Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? NEVER -if so, did it work? like a charm ^_^ Guys only What do you think women want? A stud! Someone who is in tune with popular culture, a footbal player with a soft, caring sensitive side...(really has no idea)... In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? Early on in life they pick losers to go out with, but latter, they mature and chose loving, caring sensitive guys. (That's what I see happen anyways)
Nothing wrong with tatoos when you are young, they just look grose when you are older (Ever see that Simpson's Episode where the Grandpa steches his arm flech to show his tatoo?). It's not such a bad thing really. I personaly will never get a toatto though, to much pain and I would probably dissatisfied a mothe later with the pic I chose...
What does it really matter, if we live or die? And if some super-zombies are left, god for them, they can die later. BTW Semjaza Azazel- I like the Jim Morrison Avatar
We are so TOAST! BTW, you are all invited to my End of the World party...
Well, I think that QA has the last word...I think that answered your questions rather well...
I think that French Toast also was invented in Belgum.
Does anyone know which Seatbelt Albums I shoudl buy to have "ALL" the songss from Cowboy BeBop and Knocking on Heaven's Door?
wow...that must have hurt...
1. My alter ego is the name you see right now... 2. My alter ego is very much like me, increadibly nutral, and full of laughter... 3. I look nothing like him, he is usualy blue, with aknife or a rocket launcher, or wearing a cute little yellow hat with a cigar :P
Is it possible for you to doubble major? That would make you twice as valuable to movie productions.
This is a swift change in topics from most of the onther threads currently going on in the Lounge; The primary purpose of this thread is to post embarassing stories, which will cause people to laugh at you hysterical, or weep in commisery. My Embarassing Story: Yesterday, while playing tennis, me and my doubles partner were standing at the net when our opponets hit the percet top-spin lob, I took off after the shot 9because I;m faster than my partner and I have this really cool tick shot to deal with lobs, It's a shot with slice to send the ball back to them and make them play the next point). I really did not need this point, I was up 40-15...The ball was going to fast for me to hit, but on the principle of trying for the team I chased it down. I caught my racket on the ball, and slamed full on into the back chain link fence (there was a poll their too, their is never supposed to be a poll). This put me on the ground in a hurry, and I didn't even get the ball in! My partner was freeking out wondering if I was dead. He came rushing over, and I was just laying their on the ground, pretty dizzy. After half a minuet I picked myself up and got back to playing (my worst game 6-2, cause they hooked us real bad). Later I got a few high fives for taking one for the team. My coach only had this to say-"I was running over their until I heard it was you, then I just when back to watching other games." :cool: Well, hope someone else posts one and no one leaves me hanging ;)
I will see just about any movie these days. Terminator -3 looks like it is action packed, but I question how good the story can be.
Smoking is...Not on of my favorite things in the world, it a terrible habbit. I don't really like second hand smoke all that much. As for drinking, uh...Sorry to be such a straight edger, as long as the person isn't getting hammered, then it's fine by me.
Experimentation doesn't take place at college! Get out...! It's where I become a cultured person to please my parents, learn about cool stuff, and rot my mind playing video games 19/7 (I do need sleep). As for doing stuff like that at high school, I disaprove of it. High School for me at least is a wasteland, and most of my peers are true llamas (losers, jerks, idots). Do things for yourself, not them.
Every time i see something like this it makes me sad that we have cut down half the rainforests and the plants that produce anitviral drugs...Stuff that knocks HIV I out of the test tube...
Actualy, the orriginal woman, Lilith was made from clay just as Adam was...she was kicked out of Eden beacue she was a bit to headstrong for him :P
He could have fallen any which way depending if a skull fragment shot of in a dircetion with suffecent speed to conseve momentum. I think that the ending was appropriate for the series, Vash won, now Knives has to learn, he is to be saved.
What do I like most about my life...? Well, I suppose the 3 years on my life wasted played TFC :) That being said, friends, family, tennis, and college hopes for the future (still wondering where I'm going to go).
What would you do with a Trillion dollars?
Change replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
Wow...I would build a University, fully loaded, with a Partical Accelerator, and other nifty inventions of science (not like the current whimpy ones but something 10 times as large). I would fund NASA (they really nead it)....Uhhhh and I would buy a nice computer (AMD Hammer! Radeon 9900 Pro AIW) and set aside some for college. The rest would probably go to charities and the afformentiond goals. -
Armitige I, II, III. The Sci-Fi channel ran them a long time ago, and I see it nowhere on the boards...
So do I call France "Freedom" now? Seems like a logical extension...
I am an Atheist. I do however, understand the power of myth and it's applications. You have to relize that half the religions practiced in this world were created by a bunch of nomadic tribes struggeling from day to day. How does this have rellevance to your life you ask? It doesn't, unless you take it with a grain of salt. You must interperate it in your own way, not the way you are told to. (If you would like to further investigate this train of thought you need to go by a few book writen by Joseph Cambel, a brillinat historian, who is a freeking genous about myth, and understanding it in context). I belive in evolution, I have read the Orgin of Species. I'm a firm beliver in serveral evolutionary theorys. I see no way to answer your question directly, so I will ask you a question of my own? Did God creat hummanity, or did humanity creat God out of necesity? When you answer this, then the rest comes into focus. If you don't answer this, then it is truely pick and chose among religion and all else. I personaly have found my answer in Scinece... I really enjoy Physics and getting to really look at the universe under a demigod microscope ^_^. And with the resarch into Genetics, we are tracing back evolution of species through thousands of years (FYI, the Aborigines in Austrailia were the first humans to leave Africa, they followed a coastal rout, their genetic markers were found in Inida. That was approximatly 50,000 years ago). Well, I've lsot my train of thought at this point, but if anyone has any questions about evolution or what not, feel free to PM me :)
Lol...going to be teasing him about this for weeks... BRGW!
Only if they hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. Then is is called statutory rape, the coerscion of a minor for sexual acts.
Some artist are slower to make another Album, you have to take into consideration touring and spending all the mnoney they made. I personaly love almost all of their songs...Now if only I could find where I put their CD, I want to listen to it =/