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Everything posted by Change

  1. Yeah, it is visual arts =/ My fovorite writer is Joyce, nothing can touch his work.
  2. I really need to see this...But I must wait for the Box set X_X
  3. If it's hangingon the wall of an Art meuseum, chances are I enjoy it. Unless it's a giant Ketchup Bottle. I like Impressionest mostly though (Monet, Renoir)
  4. How often do you visit? Now and then Whats the longest length of your visits? 5-10 mins Whats been your longest stay? 2 hours Which forums do you visit? All Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards? Dunno, Really Dunno...
  5. "Oh Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement for Taco Bell, Encherito, Macho Burrito!" This movie is a great spoof, who doesn't like spoofs?
  6. I enjoy something in between. That would be the character who is a shade of gray, to complex to judge in back and white like a Republican.
  7. OMG go see the Wickker Man! It is the greatest film ever about Wiccans! It was make back in the 60's and it is set in England and is a Murder Mystery.
  8. Israfel was great, only because it forced Shiji to live with Asuka :P Plus they choreographed the fight to music, that was cool.
  9. I own the movie. I have seen it close to 40 times. Nuff said.
  10. I saw Cowboy Bebop in somewhat the same way. I see the first 9 Episodes (Ballade sux0rs, 2nd best!) as establishing the characters, outlying their personalites and more importantly, their problems. For Spike is was Julia and the Sydicate. For Jet it was his are and the police force. For Faye it was tryin to discover her past. Each of these was resolved in the series. Jet has his resolution with Black Dog Serrenade, Faye had hers with Honk Tonkey Women, and Spike had his with Jumpuiter Jazz and the Real Folk Blues.
  11. I always figgured SEELE brought the lance with them on the Katsuragai expedition. Im not sure the Christ tale holds water for the Eva series. Most of the religious motifs are Christian, but it is very butchered christianity, more Apocryphal than Bible. I always saw the lance as an extension of the Angels and that it was formed from the blood of a god (i.e. Adam).
  12. Change


    I dislike scary movies, but I might go see it, it does have John Cussac (sp?). He's been pretty good in most of the movies he has been in.
  13. Change

    Reality TV

    I'm liking Survivor these days. The gu's vs. girls was great, plenty of gender war ammo their for the ladies. Plus they have a backstabbing John Tuturo look-alike, who in the most recent vote, toasted on e of his allies. The show pits people against eachother, and whoever can play "the game" wins. You have to love it.
  14. Change


    Does it have the two hosts who wear huge Kimonos with huge sholuder pads?
  15. I only have two questions left to ask aout Eva. Did SEELE already poses the Lance of Longinus when they went to Antartica, and did they try and use that to contain Adam? OR did they go to Antartica to make the Lance, and that was what awoke Adam (I lean towards the first, or else how was Adam stoped). My second question in, what the heck did Gendo say to Reitsko? I don't lip-read Japenese anime too well.
  16. Yeah, Armisael did infect unit 1, I only know because of director's cut.
  17. I was sorrta disapointed that they are reruning it. I was looking forward to the series first challenging villian.
  18. I had to vote for Delorian, if I'm going to travel back in time, I might as well do it in style. ;) That is one sweet car James =/ If only I had $35,000 to burn.
  19. Change


    TNN has been running a show on Saturdays at 9:00 called Most Extream Elimination Challenge. It is an impotred Japenese reality show where the contestants run a gauntlet of excruciatingly painful challenges. And that's not the best part, it is entirly dubbed in English voices that are making fun of the contestants. The show is really great, has anyone else seen it?
  20. It looks like something I would watch on VHS or DVD. It does not look worht the $9 to go see.
  21. The floating DNA strand was Armisael. It was probably one of the collest agels in the Director's cut (lotsa stuff was added, making it the coolest angel). My favorite ones were the last 3. Arael, which shot the mind probe beam. Armisael, which infected Unit 0 and Unit 1, and took Rei's shape. Finaly Tabris (aka Kaoru), he was the human face to the enemy.
  22. Change


    I guess nothing charms the masses like nihlism.
  23. I only have what? 40 some odd more days...gah! Not soon enough *shakes bars or invisable cage then Remembers he has to get back to studying Calc and Econ and English because the AP tests are in a few weeks...* Good luck too all you seniors surviving AP Hell week. :P
  24. Hediek Anno- Evangelion is one of the greatest series and we owe it all to him :P
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