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Everything posted by Change
OMG I loved that series as a chiled... I also watched a bunch of Roboteech as a kid but i hadnt fallen into the anime catagory, just cartoons.
I think I have heard of it before but I cant remember where from... It does sound interesting though, maybe I will check it out.
I will be looking for a job in the dismal california economy any try to earn some cash for a beast of a computer...who am I kidding :P It's going to expensive college housing costs. I will also fry my eyeballs on the puter, or try too. I will also probably be slowly migrating in the direction of the bay area because of orientation programs.
Have you seen this show? It's on Comedy Central 11:30 on Saturday. Since Adult Swim is toast on CN I have been on a late night TV benge. It's basicly a cheesy travel show hosted (if you can call it that) by some German guy. I think some of the comedy in the show is great. Try and catch it and let me know what you think.
The best part of the movie was John Tuturo. The man can act and he is sooooo funny (he played the Grenada veteran in the therapy group). I though it was great when he got into a bar fight witht he blind guy.
Hrrrm...Just about anthing the Beatles did I love, but my absolute faves would have to be: 1. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window 2. Let It Be 3. Get Back 4. A Day in the Life 5. Im Looking Through You
One of my classmates was having a "Learning Competition" to see who could be the most enthusiastic about learning. This won him the compition- "I AM A LEARNING SPONGE! WET ME!"
I dunno about online romantic relationships, they really don't have much going for them. I feel it is truly better to build conections in person (an at least it gives you more to talk about). I'm not for or against it... The issue of online integrety is an interesting one. In the TFC community, I have a bit more trust because I have known many people (well, their assumed names/alises) for about four years now. One of my clanmates is even a NYU professor of medicien. It all depends on the community. I belive that on an open bored like this credibility decresses slightly-however, the people I have talked too seem genuin ehough-.
What is your favorite part of celebrating birthdays?
Change replied to Cora Jane 2's topic in General Discussion
I would most definalty have to be the gift part. I love getting gifts, im not to big on the other stuff =/ -
In countries where guns are far less accessable, violent crime with them is far less as are violent crimes in general.
I don't belive anyone has a soul, so is ok for me to kill people? I do like your idea of outlawing bullets TN, sound neet.
I belive in gun control. However the U.S. Constitution says nothing about the legality of gun ownership. The 2nd Ammendment only guarentees the rights of the States to organize a militia for their own protection from the Federal Government. However with the avent of Automatics and Autoloaders, guns have becom far more deadly. I think that everyone should have the right to a mustket, not an assault rifle. However, I see some practiaclyity is small gun ownership for protection and hunting. That is why I feel that curently the states need to regulate gun ownership, not the national govenrment.
OMG can this list get any longer?!!! 1. Sothern Prodestant Sected Narrow Minded Goventment Officals 2. Most of the Bush Cabinate (excluding Colin Powell) 3. The President 4. The Vice-President 5. That Cable News Networks 6. RONALD REAGAN 7. Adolph Hitler 8. LLAMAS 9. n00bs 10. Hackers 11. Lag 12. Choke 13. Loss 14. Dial Up 15. The 5800 FX Ultra 16. Compaq 17. Guild Hoes 18. Couter Strke (llamas) 19. Battlefield 1942 (no turn arrows on demo) 20. Fast Food 21. Old Sushi 22. The Price of Alienware 23. The price of GMachiens 24. Pentium 25. My last math test 26. and the test before that 27. AP Govenment 28. Athletic Scholarships 29. Star Trek Voyager (Enterprise rocks :P ) 30. The Cable Guy 31. Satalite Internet 32. The fact that the Athlon 64 is comin out a month after I buy my new computer!!!!!! 33. PC100 and 133 34. My computer 35. My other computer 36. The day the music died 37. Hip Hop/ Rap Whew...done for now..almost exploded... :D
Never mind about sun- first sigh of spring is when it's 40 degrees outside with a slight breeze and your still on the tennis count in those darn shorts...
Vilian: Vincint Anime: Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door Information: Ex-Millitary man who takes a good beating and can Jeets Kun Do as well as Spike. Like to unload pistol in Spike's direction. Why: This guy is scarryer that Vicious. That I think is an acomplishment in itself. I wont say more, I'd end up giving out spoilers and I'm too busy to balck out my words. When you see the movie, you'll understant o.O
I dunno, the dub seems ok to me...It's just the entire series that bothers me... The few episodes I have seen were "slow."
"What did you do with my pants?" or "Why do I have a miniskirt on?"
I kinda see god as a temp worker with a bad attitude. With the state that the world is in, it's pretty obviouse that there is no caring compasionate man up there. So, I have a secret for you. There is no god- try and disprove me. And if god does throw me into a fiery pit for not belive in him, I will laugh at how petty he is (chances are I will not be laughing by screeming in pain, but on the inside...)
I tend to support the Isralies on the issue, but the Palestinians also have some claim to the land. Most of the major religions have some claim-so here is what we do. We make Jerusalem the first U.N. city. Everyone has some legal claim to it, but no one will act because the all "own" a piece of it and if they try to take it by force they will just anger the rest of the world. The remaining land mass should be devided with a mutual agreement betweent he two intrests, it must be a compromise. To many times has Yassar Arafat turned down a compromise (I'm not sure if he know what it meens). I also think that the U.S. should help to broker the deal between the two peoples, it would make us look good, and give us props with the Arab world.
West Nile is transfered in Mosquito salaiva, it is fairly easy to control with mass pesticided sprayings (as has been done to control the spread). However, SARS is highly transferable through either airborn, or close contact. With the ammount of trade we have with China and Hong Kong, it is only a small matter of time before it becomes a mojor problem on the west coast. To address the invective at me- I do nat fear the virus in it's present state- That does not meen that it will not quickly mutate into something far more vicious (there are over 30 strains of the HIV virus in Africa that are immune to antiviral drugs). For all we know it could have the adaptibility of the common cold-a truly frightning prospect-if this is the case then we are done, kiss your existance goodbye, it was fun while it lasted. But I have always beens a "wait and see" kinnda guy, we'll see what happens with SARS, how it behaves as a virus, what type of virus it is, and how it choses to mutate.
it's the common cold killing 1 out of 25.
Sever Acute Respretory Syndrom- a scary scary desiese. It is a supper flu that is much hardier that the average flu virus. I blame overpopulation for it's quick spread. As of currently there have been 1800 cases and it has killed 80. Thankfuly the international science community have almost achived a test for the syndrom. This is just a prelude to what awaits us in the 21th century. In the 21st century we conqured bacteria with antibotics, now they are becoming more resistant. Every 50 years it is estimated doctors will have to switch the method of treatment to keep ahead of mutation. Antivirals found in plants could potential help with viruses like SARS, however, deforesting rain forests and such pretty much eleminate that in probabliity (For instance: an ethnobotinist in China took a bark sample from a tree that has such a potent antiviral that it blew HIV I out of the test tube, when he went back to retrive more samples, the entire forest had been leveled. That tree was 1 in a billion.).
I dunno, Endy was right on with that MTV comment...
Yes, another unwanted chiled in the world with negelctful uncaring parents...That is disgusting. I thing one of the most disgusting things I have ever seens was my attemp at a Water Color landscape...sigh...*hangs self from tree*
yeah he is, haven't you ever listened to George Carlin's stand up on HBO? He worships the sun and prays to Joe Pesci. It is about as sacreligious as dnd with the gods in it. Truthfully, I really don't know anyone who is week willed enough to fall for "make belive." If ya know any send them my direction, it would be great to start a cult and get sone Governemtn funding under Bush's new plans.