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Everything posted by DarkSage

  1. I liked the new opening it was pretty cool better then the first one my favorite part was Yami standing on the building with the Dark Magician and whatever the other card was floating by him and about the episode it was alright i'd really like to know how he beats Exodia but I guess i'll have to wait
  2. My favorite villain would have to be Sephiroth love his sword and his attitude
  3. "I am neither Goku nor Vegeta, I am an instrument ment for your destruction, Gogeta." -Gogeta from a Gt movie don't remember which one "Welcome to the end of your life I promise you it's going to hurt." -Vegeta to Pui Pui or whatever his name was "Slavery! Is it really slavery when you get what you want!?" -Vegeta to Goku or Babidi
  4. Yeah I agree with everyone I would think it's the parents fault I mean if they knew she was jumping in trying to find Spongebob wouldn't they try to stop her and what happened when she got into the water didn't anybody jump in to try and save her? I know I would if it was my kid.
  5. My favorite cards are 1.Black Skull Dragon 2.Black Luster Soldier 3.Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon 4.Change Of Heart 5.Trap Hole(love gettin people with it)
  6. cool story long as hell took a few mins to read but still pretty good story i remember bein in the first meteo city rp got killed off though cuz i didnt post in a few days
  7. looks like a pretty good movie i might see it
  8. ouch that brought me down to a newbie
  9. [B]jeez we don't post in this thred at all i haven't been here in like months and its still as many posts as when i was on here last and what ups with my post count[/B]
  10. [B]so my fight is over eh well then who won? not me i suppose and its ok [/B] :demon:
  11. [B]i take it my fight is done[/B] :therock:
  12. [B]what the hell is goin on in here now[/B]
  13. [B]just then Pac Man came and started eating everything in site until he.....[/B]
  14. [B]sounds good to me Rico im online muwahahahaha oh sorry[/B]
  15. [B]thats a very good story man liked it a lot you're a pretty good writer[/B]
  16. [B]well i dont wanna post a big paragraph about this because i agree with both of you LOD was a good game and dont really have much else to say seein as Kuja and Cecil covered everything about this topic[/B]
  17. [B]well sense everybody else is doin the location thing i might as well myself[/B] [B]Location: High atop a frozen mountain looking down upon civillization[/B]
  18. Oolong and whoops forgot that he wasnt a namek sorry that was bad Who is the better fighter Goku or Vegeta? and im not talkin strength or power wise
  19. [B]beautiful no your not annoying just very factual anyway so this is a tournament involving 8 people huh hmm ok thats fine with me oh and sorry if im spamming or annoying but im bored and dont know what else to say[/B] :sleep:
  20. for krillins Launch for Stormwings Bulma mine Which Namek is better Pikkon or Piccolo?
  21. Goku cuz he's stronger more challenging mine is dumb kinda easy Would you rather be SSJ4 or SSJ3?
  22. Name: Surge Age: 18 Bio: lone wolf Weapon: Buster Sword
  23. Name: Cale Age: 24 Height: 6'0 Desciption: A black cloak that covers his whole body with a white Roman Cross in the front his hair looks like Gohans in jin 2 but Royal Blue Bio: Cale is very powerful and was trained by his father in many forms of martial arts and with his large brawed sword after he reached the age of 18 he left home and began to travel the world to become stronger
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