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Everything posted by DarkSage

  1. [B]it said i was a member till i posted something cuz i had over 500 posts but i dont know what happened to them all oh well still got my custom avatar haha[/B]
  2. [B]ok im a member with only 382 posts whatever[/B]
  3. [B]really now lol alright then[/B]
  4. OOC: heh i just realized that you guys havent spelled my name right its 3 I's no 2 but i dont really care anyway ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brolli continues to train with his other half neither of them letting up OOC: really don't know what else to say sorry
  5. Sage: nice hmm eh whatever CRIMSON DESTINY!!!!!! *a brillant crimson colored beam flys out killing all the aliens that were still standing*
  6. 1. DBZ 2.Both 3.Fight to the death 4.Injure myself 5.Spend it F*ck charity man its all mine
  7. [B]well i like the song Clint Eastwood but the rest of the cd sucks bad[/B]
  8. *sage gets in front of Forte and stops him* Sage: Forte wanna train Forte: alright lets go *they both power up and forte charges at sage punches but he misses and sage kicks but forte blocks it and they begin punching and kicking at eatchother eatch one being blocked or dodged*
  9. *they all run into the mothership not havin any idea of where to go or what to do* Sage: uh we gotta plan or we just gonna keep runnin around this big *** ship dbzman: well i dont have a plan so i guess we just run around till we find something Warlock: uh right ok *they run down a long hallway and see a bunch of aliens* Siren: whoa thats a lot of aliens Craig: your not kiddin *hearing them all the aliens turn around to see whats there they then begin to fire at the group dodges them the best they can and try to fire back* Continue.......
  10. Name: Sage Age: 20 Race: Saiyin Height: 6'0 Attack: Kamehameha,Masenko,Final Flash,Makkensappo,Galic Gun,Final Destiny(his own and main finishing attack),Tri Beam,and thats all Bio: he came to earth in a capsule much like Goku did but his intentions are still unknown he was raised by Gohan and trained by Gohan,Vegeta,Piccolo,and Tien where he came from or any part of his past are a blurr even to him alright then
  11. [B]wha?....anyway im startin ta remember the people now and the storyline why am i postin this whatever[/B]
  12. [B]lmao, weak huh whatever man and its no problem wit me postin man i cant stop laughin at this guy lmao alright i'll try[/B]
  13. 1.Die 2.Go all out 3.Play till is all said and done 4.Cap his *** and get it over with 5.Niether it would be all mine 6.I'd let um drive me home
  14. [B]i wouldnt know if i did cuz i really dont remember my dreams for the most part sometimes i do but outta those times nope i havent[/B]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Saiya-jin [/i] [B]Hey I'm a republican.......hehehehehe kidding:laugh: Anyways..LOL...Nostradamus, did not predict what just happened..I studied him in college...it's a bunch of people on-line mixing up words to scare the hell out of people, plus in the excerpt it said it was written in 1654, Nostradamus would have been over 120 years old. The "New City" he refers to is one in France....I don't remember the name however.... You can't read too much into seers you'll get messed up in the head trust me....My personal favorite was this one "In the New City, two iron birds will bring down the two brothers, and amidst the burning fires a bloody war will begin" Nostradamus didn't write that by the way, I just thought I share the one I have heard out of many... [/B][/QUOTE] [B]ima bit slow so......What?[/B]
  16. [B]alright i'll stop postin here this is my last one i think[/B]
  17. [B]yeah we know Warlock but neither one of them is on well i think Sephiroth is but Final_Flash isnt[/B]
  18. [B]"One more thing" a bastard huh lol alright man i like my new avatar[/B]
  19. [B]you and whatever that other persons name is fighting i find it funny what he's saying[/B]
  20. [B]short long they both look fine to me[/B]
  21. [B]yeah i know i wanna fight or somethin man cuz this is gettin boring[/B]
  22. [B]ok hold on i have no idea what is goin on in this story now[/B]
  23. [B]what the hell is this all about[/B]
  24. [B]that would be funny yet stupid all at once[/B]
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