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Everything posted by mangagod

  1. After being desscharged form his duties in what ever place he was. He moved in to a small town all by him self knowing no one in the town and his former training in the core made him verry aware of the suroundings. His only friend was a bird named Kitsruobami and he was of no help. Days passed by and he remaned suculed in his house one day he herd noise's under the house and went to investagate. To his suprise there was nothing under the house but old rested pipes. This incedent made him think he was going in to a depresing state form being disscharged. He finley desided to go for a walk.
  2. hey man can i get in inuyasa fandom? name:Sheal. age:19. job:retired specal op. blood type:b apperance:red and black hair it a dull fasion stands 6"4' verry mutch in shape. Bio:after retiring from the few years of specal ops he decied to setle in a small town alone. Ooc: now i decided to change are due to the rpg girl serenity's asking me too.
  3. Ok Guys Im Closeing This Down I Jive Up So What Ever. But If 1 Of Yall Have Any Ideas Well Contunue. Like Say With Story Line.
  4. well guys this is kinda lame but the game was no chalange to me and alltho i did like it but goodness it had some good points but i loved the last fight well guys i hope to see more of chrono witch meens time i never got that well uh...................
  5. Baby:Vegeta king of sayjin's you shall not excape this time. Vegeta:I shall not fall victom to your mind game's. Baby: You can not rezist my power I shall take my revenge upon you for destroying my planet.(HaHahaha). (Vegeta is over come by the powerfull clone of planet plants former ruller Baby. and sucomes to the darkness once more.)
  6. Well speeking from experince I would say it would be falling from an extreme height. Ooo and some one was there screaming (WHERE GOING TO DIE WHERE GOING TO DIE.) and so on. Ooo you see the ground comeing clocer and clocer and then you imagine the satisfing thump and crunch of the impact and think I'll only hear this once.
  7. Baby: Vegeta King of sayjin's I shall inhabet your body and gain your power.(Hahahahahah.) Vegeta: No never not now no not ever agen.!!! Vegeta freazes in his tracks and calapses in pain holding his head and then he starts screaming at the top of his lungs.
  8. No shino i dont see it sorry.
  9. K' Sai Nai Ok Eknough Said. So when are we starting this confusing rpg ???????
  10. ?????????? What I'm confused shino what do you mean.
  11. I totaly agrie with Queen Asuka the stuipid guys think thier going to move japan. Puh who do they think they are/What do they think thier doing?? Hugh can some one like that handle the dissapointment of anime being canceld and conficated. I know I could not handle the let down of that. but I'll always have my memerys of the anime sagas and the people in them. So therefore I could and couldnot handle this.:) :(
  12. Yea ya can takeover shino I dont realy care I'd really like to have soheone of higher standing in charge.
  13. Is that right so how do you do a gif. banner????
  14. No way burning enido is burning attack shonobi. what ever dark sage the subject of your completley lost is the attacks and skills with the transfomations. so the name game is over ok so dont get your panties in a bunch.:)
  15. I like the way you think Anna. so every one is your curse so what the whole damned world is cursed.
  16. Guys I'm working on the story line. Knightoftherose What do you mean my mind is meandering the chars?
  17. Darksage buddy your completley lost.:D Visser 3 there is these following moves,the burning ender,the taran blast,the inusha bata attack,the huricane slash,the kamahameha,the shock blast.....And unforntinley thats all I rember:D
  18. this is the play off of fanticy star for hunters only. but with all the abilitys avalble and make your own suits. but its not a game as in arcade game! Heres what you need to join- dicription,name,stychs,weapons from any age,armor from any age, and we are started.
  19. not realy just ta pilot....
  20. Yo Viss when we starting oh and darksage babys not from a movie....
  21. Yo darksage thas healdaga!!! man lear somoe about tha chars. before ya put them up k man???
  22. "Mangagod sneeks up behind guiest and yells in his ear as loud as he posibley can."
  23. That would realy suck to me I'd die of kill my self.! [color=hotpink][size=1]GAH! Please put more effort into your posts! Thank you! *QA*[/color][/size]
  24. What is your pefrence of the gears on anime unleashed of tech tv.
  25. the song that reminds me dbz is shade of green by freek on a leash. as well as the song trip to the moon by renaror reminds me of trigun. [color=hotpink][size=1]PLEASE, put more effort into your post and do NOT double post. It is against the rules. Please also state why you have your opinion, so that it may possibly lead to more conversation. *QA*[/color][/size]
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