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Everything posted by Rikku

  1. [color=0099ff]My latest banner attempt. I'm not too keen on the font though. [center][img]http://www.geocities.com/rikku_motomiya/rikkubanner2.txt[/img][/center] It looks better with a black or dark background...[/color]
  2. Rikku


    [color=0099ff]I like it. =) But you might want to consider adding a light border, like the same colour you used for the font. Otherwise it's nice. Looks like the pyreflies are around her.[/color]
  3. [color=0099ff]Well, I see her post clearly. Maybe you accidentally put her on your ignore list?[/color]
  4. Rikku


    [color=0099ff]Well, it looks good, except the...What do you call those vine-looking things? Well, those need some improvement. Otherwise, good job. :)[/color]
  5. [color=0099ff]What would you guys think of a new smiliey set (I'm mostly asking James, but member input would be nice too.)? I'm thinking of a light-blue set that would match the Liquid version. Maybe just a few though. Like the smile, sad face, tounge...But the classic ones like this one: :butthead: will be left as they are. ^^;;[/color]
  6. [color=0099ff]Two faced people: When I was in 6th gade, this girl who was moderately popular would never ever talk to me at school, she would insult me, etc. But our moms worked next door to each other, and this girl would come over and hang out with me. Then one day, she asked my mom if I could come to her house. My mom asked why. The girl said, "Because she's my best friend!" A note: I had told my mom how she ignores me and insults me at school. My mom says, "What? You little liar. You're not friends. If you were, you wouldn't treat her like how you do at school." So the girl goes off crying to her mom saying that my mom yelled at her. Grr. Then my cousin. She's...I think 4 years older than me. When I was in 9th grade, she started hanging out with me. One day, she comes up to me after she was at church and said a group of them were going to Six Flags Magic Mountain. She asked if I wanted to go. (She had already invited everyone, and someone later told me that they asked my cousin to invite me.) I said sure since I had a ticket alreay and it was going to expire that week. (I had won it at school for reading a load of books.) So we go and all that, and one day when my mom is talkin to my aunt, my aunt mentions that she is angry at me because I instigated the trip to Six Flags. My mom told me how my cousin put the blame on me, and I was miserable. A few month prior to that, in October I think, we were having a mock Talent Show. My cousin and 3 others were going to do the Spice Girls. They needed one more, so they made me be the one with the red hair. So anywho, we went to a stire to [i]look[/i] around for some costume ideas. I had no cash with me. So we look around, and she finds some huge platforms that are "perfect for me." Then she find this coat too. I'm like, "yeah, those would be good." So then she says we [i]have[/i] to get these. Then she says, "here, I'll charge them on my credit card for you." I told her no, that we didn't have to get them right away. But she said, "no, come on, don't worry about it!" I still refused, but she did it anyway. Then the next time my mom and aunt were talking, my aunt said that I had begged and pleaded for my cousin to buy the shoes and coat. I was pissing mad. Anywho, on to posers. I just hate it when people dress like punkers and state that Good Charlotte and Avril are hard core punkers. I just want to give them a good kick in the arse. Skater posers also piss me off. Then there are the white people that try to act black. It's just annoying. And then anyone who tries to act cool. That about sums it up. Good lord that was a long post. =)[/color]
  7. Rikku

    Being Sick

    [color=0099ff]My eyes get tired from watching TV even when I'm not sick. But when I am sick and I actually try watching, all that's on is soap operas and those stupid court shows. I fall asleep in less than 5 minutes.[/color]
  8. [color=0099ff]Well, I approach this a little differently. I feel like I'm on top of the world because it's time to sleep. =) Sleeping is the only thing that makes me happy. It's when my mom isn't bitching at me and I'm not at school. What could be better? ^^;;[/color]
  9. Rikku

    Being Sick

    [color=0099ff]When I actually do get sick, it hits me so hard all I can do is sleep.[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i] [B]When I sit on the ground though, I put my left foot under my butt and my right foot under my left knee, so that the only part of me touching the ground are my sideways feet. Don't ask, its comfortable.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=0099ff]... I do that too. O_o;; Oddness. And it is pretty damn comfortable too. =) EDIT: Heh, I just remembered why I can't sit on my right foot. I sprained it in October, and it still hurts when I sit on it. O_o;;[/color]
  11. [color=0099ff]For some reason, when I click on "Log Out" I stay logged in. A little help here?[/color]
  12. [color=0099ff]Yes, it looks grungy. ;) I like it lots. And, like Kenji said it does sort of look like the rail gun scope. :)[/color]
  13. [color=0099ff]You can still scooch it over, can't you? Or did you forget to save it? 0_0;;[/color]
  14. [color=0099ff]Whee! Look at us noticing the same things...^^;;[/color]
  15. [color=0099ff]Good, nice and simple, easy on the eyes, but maybe you'd want to move the dot closer to the "R"? =)[/color]
  16. [color=0099ff]Here goes: [list]a) Head is too long as mentioned before. b)Legs are too big and long in proportion to his body, also mentioned. c)Finally, his left arm, his right to us, looks like it has been dislocated. Make his shoulder closer to his body, and make his waist a little lower.[/list] But it's drawn well, I can identify that it is Trunks. Just work on these three I mentioned if you want to. =)[/color]
  17. [color=0099ff]Both are pretty simplistic. It looks like a possible Paint job...But they look good; colours and fonts go well together. =)[/color]
  18. [color=0099ff]And now they are having an episode in some series which has to do with a reality series. It was about some woman whos kid is kidnapped as the reality show part. How far will they go? A rape reality show? O_o;;[/color]
  19. [color=0099ff]We try to conserve forums here. I mean, not too many topics would be serious, and having a forum with less than 20 topics in it isn't too good.[/color]
  20. [color=0099ff]Not quite. I think he said it wasn't as grueling. But you're probably right. =)[/color]
  21. [color=0099ff]Hey, I can sit down properly, but it's more...Bah. Arg! An ant was on my hand. O.o Anyway, welcome new person. Have fun mocking me. ;)[/color]
  22. [color=0099ff]So I'm not the only one. Yay for foot sitters! ;) And I try to puut my foot down when I feel the tingling starting, but even when I do put it down immediately, it still falls asleep. *Is currently not sitting on her foot* Woohoo. Progress. :D[/color]
  23. [color=0099ff]I didn't mean under my butt, lol...I put it under my right thigh. It's rather comfortable, but after a while...Ouch. Well...I'll try to take note of the three week thing. @.@;;[/color]
  24. [color=0099ff]Well, I guess I meant to say I don't consider them a [b]real[/b] band. This is just my opinion. Ignore me if you'd like.[/color]
  25. [color=0099ff]I have a rather small issue I want to say. I was just thinking about it now as I was sitting at the computer. What made me think of it was the pain I felt as my foot fell asleep and my knee twisted ever so slightly as I put my foot down. See, I have a habit of sitting on my left foot all of the time. I do it without thinking. Anyone have this problem or one similar to it? And how can I cut it out? I'm not too fond of pain. =)[/color]
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