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Everything posted by Rikku

  1. [color=0099ff]Because they are so god-damned fake about it. I was watching either Jay Lenno or Conan, and my god, they sound bloody awful live. I actually muted my TV. It's a miricle they still have fans after that. And thank you about the compliment of my font colour. =)[/color]
  2. [color=0099ff]I know you weren't. I'm just voicing my thoughts. It was indirect. I was agreeing with you, then continuing with my views. :p[/color]
  3. Rikku


    [color=0099ff]I know I shouldn't have done this without permission, but I fixed the problem. ._.;;[/color]
  4. [color=0099ff]Yes. I think some sort of plaque has washed up on the shores of the U.S. I mean, how is it possible that the networks are bombarding us with these horrible things? And the thing about society's females; wtf? I'm a girl, but I don't google at these shows like an airhead. I swear to god, anything shown on TV is used to suck out the brains of today's youth.[/color]
  5. [color=0099ff]My rule of thumb: [i][u]Any[/u][/i] reality show is a pile of dung, should be burned, and the creaters should all die.[/color]
  6. [color=0099ff]Yes, I completely agree with you. But I made that statement because everywhere I go, people think they are a real punk band, as well as thinking Avril La-whateverherlastnameis is a punker too.[/color]
  7. [color=0099ff]I think it's sad that these people are willing to show their lives on TV, and what's even worse is that they are willing to let Americans (Come on, half of us Yanks are a bunch of teenagers who don't know jack **** about good relationships!) choose the person that they will (Supposedly...HAH!) spend the rest of their lives with. Whoever comes up with these shows needs to be dragged into the middle of the street and shot.[/end rant][/color]
  8. [color=0099ff]I don't consider them a band. They are a group of posers. They're not punk, for one. And their music style sounds like pop.[/color]
  9. [list]1.) What thoughts or words come to mind when someone says, "Church." [color=0099ff]Well, a cross comes to mind...As well as a stuffy room full of people in uncomfortable clothing.[/color] 2.) Give two reasons why you don't go to church. [color=0099ff]a) Because I don't like socializing or being in large groups. b) I just plain out don't believe in churches.[/color] 3.) What qualities do you think a church needs to be a "good" church? [color=0099ff]For me, there is no such thing. Churches are horrible. I will never set foot in one for as long as I live.[/color][/list]
  10. [color=0099ff]Definately Marines. I've talked to a Marine, and he showed me this take-down manuver (was really cool; I tried it on my brother too. ^_^;;[/color][color=0099ff]) and told me about how you have to be smart to get in...Well, not a genius, but you have to take classes and go to a boot camp for a total of three months. The boot camp isn't as tough as other branches.[/color]
  11. [color=0099ff]Well, I'm using Liquid...I like it. =) Oh, and the whole light text thing has been fixed, so it's perfect now. I'm used to dark colours, but this one is pleasant, especially since I love light blue. ^_^[/color]
  12. [color=0099ff]I hate chain letters via e-mail or those things they did in middle school. It's extremely retarded. Nothing bad has happened to me; like "the person you like will insult you" or some stupid crap like that. Pointless wastes of time.[/color]
  13. [color=0099ff]Well, I saw the third and last episode. Good ending; it didn't leave me thinking, "Er, ok...what's next?" It was pretty damn good. I recommend everyone to see it. It isn't too long, so if you end up hating it, it won't be a huge waste of time. =) But I don't think anyone will feel that way after watching it.[/color]
  14. [color=0099ff]Well, my friend mailed the 3 episodes to me, of which I've seen 2 of. Hilarious, but the whole storyline revolves around a weak plot. It is pretty good though. I have the subbed version. The girl that you show does have control over paper...She can even stop bullets with it. O_o;; And her partner is Ms. Deep who can move through solid objects. Pretty cool so far. ^_^ Glad to see I'm not the only one who's heard of it. =)[/color]
  15. [color=0099ff]Er, why is this topic in here? It should be moved. ...Although there really isn't a forum for this topic.[/color]
  16. [color=0099ff]Valentines day is just another day for me. It's a holiday made up by Hallmark. ;p I've never been given anything on V-day, and I doubt that will change this year. Anywho, St. Valentines was actually a sick bastard who pulled out hearts out of people while they were still beating. So romantic...:D[/color]
  17. [color=0099ff]Well, I wouldn't say cool, but it's not dumb either. At least you have something to do; sort of like a hobby. Have fun and whatnot. ;p[/color]
  18. [color=0099ff]No, it's not a threat. ;) But has anyone ever heard or has ever seen this anime?[/color]
  19. Rikku

    [G] The Elder

    [color=0099ff]Name: Abriel Sex: Female Warrior Type: Banshee Warrior Rank: Banshee General[/color]
  20. [color=0099ff]Here's a tip: Every time you race, the ballons are in a differnet arrangement. When there is a ballon at the beginning that is to the far left and there are others to the right, ignore the one to te left. The trainer will go after it, but if you go straight, she will fall behind and you can get a bunch of ballons on the first turn. Then make a wide turn at the first right so she goes in front of you. She will get hit more often because the birds tend to attack the person in 1st place more. Then just avoid the birds and pick up balloons. One time it took me 3 hours to get the weapon, and on another file, it took me 2 tries! O_o;;[/color]
  21. [color=0099ff]I said I [i]want[/i] to draw some. I haven't yet. ;)[/color]
  22. [color=0099ff]Arg, I don't remember what the title was galled, but I know it's the one where they meet Ed. ^_^ It was really funny, especially the ending whe she took contol of the ship.[/color]
  23. [color=0099ff]Ahem, anyway, I'm into Inuyasha. It's great. I've seen the anime a few times, but I read the manga.[/color]
  24. [color=0099ff]I drew some Digimon characters a long time ago, as well as a Pokémon. I've kinda just started drawing anime. I'm more of a FF fan than anything. ^^; But I want to draw some Cowboy Bebob art too.[/color]
  25. Rikku

    harry potter

    [color=0099ff]I saw it as well. It wasn't horrible, but there was room for improvement. I don't mind watching the movies, but I recommend that you should read the books first before watching it. Because if you see the movie first, it will alter how you might have seen the characters before. I read the books years before they were movies. I got them when they first came out. My idea of what they looked like were completely different from the characters in the movies. But it was still fun to see them. ^_^[/color]
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