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Everything posted by Rikku

  1. [color=0099ff]Well, this is about giving too, not just what [i]you[/i] want to get. ;)[/color]
  2. [font=verdana][color=0099ff]Damn it. I can't save them as jpg or gif files because the school computers blow. I'll have to do it some other time. -_-;; EDIT: Nevermind. I tricked the computer.[/color][/font]:devil:
  3. [font=verdana][color=0099ff]Well, uh that's why I joined basically. I was hired to do some stuff for the site. And I'm in the process of submitting my art now. ^^;[/color][/font]
  4. [font=verdana][color=0099ff]Thanks for the comments, I think I will try and submit them. ^^ And D_A, I just joined half an hour ago. >.>[/color][/font]
  5. [font=verdana][color=0099ff]So, what are you giving and receiving this year? I already gave my teacher (more of a friend than anything) a silver necklace with a butterfly pendant thing. She gave me this jar that has all the ingreedients to make cookies. It looks really cool, it's in layers and the top has some funky designs in it. ^-^ I'm not getting any gifts from my family, so they will be treated likewise. ^^;[/color][/font]
  6. [font=verdana][color=0099ff]I don't have exams until late January. ^_^;; Lucky me.[/color][/font]
  7. [font=verdana][color=0099ff]Well, I have two pictures I want to show you all. I assure you I didn't trace these or rip them off from other people. 100% mine. ^-^ [center]~[url=http://geocities.com/rikku_motomiya/rikkusketch.txt]Rikku[/url]~ ~[url=http://universal-gaming.com/~rikku/InuYasha.jpg]InuYasha[/url]~[/center] Comments, suggestions?[/font][/color]
  8. [font=verdana][color=0099ff]Hey, that's harsh. Whatever happened to "it's the thought that counts"?[/color][/font]
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