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Xanthia stood watching and waiting senses attuned to her surroundings. Cador slowly dismounted his horse, and kept vigilant. Arikel followed suit. The forest was deathly quiet. Xanthia: WELL? Again she looked back urging the others to run. Cador looked around for a moment and then back a Xanthia. As he did his 6th sense warned him of impeding danger. He looked up to A Bacus leaping from a treetop toward Xanthia Cador: HEADS UP! Xanthia instinctively leaped back as the Bacus slammed the ground with a maul. She stood in a defensive stance and yelled to her comrades: Xanthia: RUN YOU FOOLS! Orin: We wouldn't make very far Xan They were surrounded by a group of 6 men. Snarling like animals?bearing unnatural fangs. They paused but a moment and charged them, flailing their weapons and screaming. Cador drew his sword and prepared for the worst.
OOC: SWEET! I wish to obtain the skills of, Swordsmanship, Defensive techniques, and?prowl. The three abilities 1. Critical Strike 2. 6th sense 3. energy blast of some sort?
Cador was wandering. His thoughts lost on his mother. Was Orin right? He was an angel. Was there hope? He looked to the morning sky. His friends were pry worrying about him now?.his only friends. Cador: I'll save you mom?somehow Cador shook his head as he began walking back to camp. He saw Xanthia and Orin were awake. Arikel was quietly reading. Xanthia was the first to notice him. Xanthia: Hey, did ya have a nice walk? Cador: Yeah, It was alright?could have been better though. Arikel: Good thing your back, we need to get moving again. Can't waste any daylight now. Cador: I figured that. ::Looking at Orin:: Where to fearless leader? Orin:?we run? Xanthia: Why? Orin: Because we're being hunted?
Cador clenched his fists and looked at Orin. This angel had saved his life and yet he was the cause of his village's destruction. Tears' began to well in his eyes. Cador: Orin my family, my friends?there gone! YOU EXPECT ME TO SIT BACK AND WAIT?!?! That's what my father did when they took my mother. I'll be damned if I'm gonna do that. I left because I heard you Orin. We all chanced everything on your words. Now you want us to hide! That's all we've ever done Orin! Arikels right?one-way or another they will find us. All our lives we have coward from the demons. Tears began to fall as he looked away. Cador: Orin?I have nothing left. I'll follow you can't stop me...You've done something you may shouldn't have...you gave us hope Orin...don't take that away. I want to do something of worth before I die. Please let me do that Cador wiped the tears from his eyes and placed his hand in the circle. Cador: Besides?there is no way I'm gonna let Xan have all the fun. ::winks:: To the end?
Inside the tunnels Cador and Arikel moved slowly in the darkness. A few torches lined the walls every few yards. Arikel snatched one down and led the way. As they made progress the sounds of voices steadily became louder and louder. The torches were no longer spaced so far apart. Cador could see that the walls were carved out of solid stone, probably for a sewer. They could see the end of the tunnel now. A brightly light opening, and people everywhere. As they passed through Cador was astonished, the tunnel opened up to a massive cavern. He saw tents and huts set up here and there. Carts and merchants selling god knows what. People arguing, people sleeping on the ground, people all over the place. Cador: This is amazing Arikel: Welcome to the slums? Cador: Where is this friend of yours anyway? Arikel: Not too much further boy. A short walk brought them to a large open tent. With boxes and junk littering the floor. Arikel: Hey anybody home? A man seemed to rise from the trash itself. Covered in dirt and trash the man smiled and shook Arikels hand. Man: It's been a while Arikel, you've stayed away too long Arikel: I know old friend but?I have little time for reminiscing though Man: Eh? You in some sorta trouble Arikel? His eyes drifted toward Cador Arikel: In a manner of speaking yes. I need to ask you about the rebels in the area and where we can find them. Cador: Or the elder of Lith'is? Man: Your playin with fire Arikel. The demons have been on their tale for sometime now. Arikel: Please?It's very important? Man: The attacked a caravan of demons about a day ago. I dunno why or for what but after that they headed north. I haven't heard anything about The elder boy?sorry Arikel: How far north? Man: Don't worry about finding them?they'll find you, trust me on that. Arikel: I thank you friend Cador: I as well With that the two departed and headed down the tunnels to their original entrance.
Cador and Arikel had reached the city. After being questioned by the guards the were allowed to enter. The sun was hanging high, and Demons weren't very prominent, those roaming the streets were on patrol, harassing the humans as they did. Always casting their gaze towards Cador and Arikel as the two walked by. Cador shuddered as they passed the cities square. A large pile of dead bodies and a Demon preaching about the rebellion being futile was not a pretty site. The blood stuck to their boots as they hurried past. Cador: So where are supposed to meet this friend of yours Arikel? Arikel: Not too much farther. We gotta get to the tunnels first Cador: Tunnels? You mean like underground? Arikel: Of course! Where else would they be! Cador: I dunno? Arikel: Look around you Cador, do you see any beggars or homeless? Cador: ::Looking around:: Surprisingly no Arikel: The slums of the city are underground. That's where they put the scum of society and those who come up short. It's also the best place to hide during trouble. Cador: I see. But if that's where they put all the trouble makers, why don't the Demons patrol it more? Arikel: Because they are too worried training their Demon Blooded abominations They turned into an alleyway and Arikel began moving some boards and trash. With Cadors newfound strength the job was easy. When the last piece was moved it reviled a small tunnel with dirt steps. Cador: Easiest way? Arikel: No, they have an official entrance but it's got guards?we'll look too suspicious not being demons and all. The two proceed down the dark tunnel and began the trek to this underground city.
OOC: Okay comrades, I was given the okay for DEATH!!! WOOOOT! -------------------------------------------------- Cador tightened his grip around the sword. For some reason it felt natural in his hands. He raised the blade and waited for the Bacus to make his next move. The Bacus narrowed his eyes at Cador growling and snarling at his defiance. He was slightly aware of Xanthia but his focus was on Cador. Cador smiled Cador: c'mon ugly?come and get me The Bacus snarled again and charged. Cador began parrying to the best of his ability, as he did Xanthia crept behind him dagger in hand ready to strike. As Cador was fighting his footing betrayed him. Flailing his arms has he fell backwards the Bacus brought his claws into Cador's stomach. Then raised him into the air and flung him into a tree. The pain was bare able for some reason. Cador layed on the ground, hurt but not crippled. Catching his breath. Bacus: *humph*?that takes care of you? The Bacus approached smileing, thoughts of disembowelment in his mind. Cador Slowly got up and faces the Bacus. Bacus: WHAT?!?! YOUR SPINE SHOULD HAVE BEEN SNAPPED IN TWO!!! Cador: I guess you just through me wrong. Xanthia was almost upon the Bacus when he charged again. Cador braced himself against the tree and raised his sword. The Bacus was moving to fast. He impaled himself on the sword and screams. The Bacus grabs Cador and begins to tare into him. Seeing her chance Xanthia leaps onto the Bacuss' back and plunges the knife into the base it it's neck. Screaming a final time the Bacus goes limp. Cador's badly wounded but okay. Cador: ::Pushing the body away:: Thanks Xanthia?he didn't even see it coming Xanthia: ::Kicking the body:: sure Cador?I wouldn't have been to take him alone? Arikel: Splendid! ::slowly standing:: For a while there I wasn't sure if we would make it Cador: Are you alright? That wound looks pretty bad. Arikel: Oh?I'll be alright. These old bones have seen a lot
Cador Slowly pulled himself off the ground. Branch in hand. His muscles burning from the slam of the tree. "Ok?step one completed" His attention turned toward the Bacus swinging wildly at Xanthia. Her movements barely dodging the Bacus's claws. He tried his best to focus and gain his balance. As soon as he did he creeped toward the Bacus. Xanthia was on the defensive, the Bacus's sharp claws whisking by her again and again. Pauseing the Bacus stepped back and smiled. Bacus: You're good for a mortal. Xanthia: "I'm just warming up" Xanthia was slightly out of breath. She knew that she couldn't keep this up forever. Her eyes drifted to Cador slowly sneeking behind the Bacus. Bacus: Well that's good?I hope your all warmed up then, 'cuse I AM! The Bacus leapt toward Xanthia with unnatural speed. Caught off guard Xanthia did the best she could the dodge. The Demons claws left gashed her midsection as she staggered away. The blood oozed slowly as Xanthia held her wound. Bacus: Aww?where is that speed and wit now? The Bacus laughed at his own joke. Flashing his teeth at Xanthia. Just then Cador reached the Bacus and slammed it in the back of the head with all his might. The Demon lost his balance and lurched forward. Xanthia saw her chance and jumped, planting her foot on the Bacus face. The conflicting force knocked the Bacus to the ground. As he did the both of them began beating the defenseless beast the best they could. Thoughts of victory turned sour as the Demon grabbed Cador by the foot and thru him into Xanthia. Quickly climbing to their feet the two saw the Bacus's face over them?he was thoroughly pissed. Bacus: WORTHLESS HUMANS!!! Cador: ::Cracking his back:: Ow?Okay?any bright ideas Xanthia? Xanthia: ::clutching her wound:: I'm workin on it?you Cador: None what-so-ever? Xanthia: We better think a somthin?here he comes
Cador was surprised at the ease Xanthia got on the horse. He had only ridden tame horses on the farm. Even then he wasn't that good at it. Slowly he approached one grazing, somewhat secluded from the others. "Nice beast of burden" He said as he closed in. "I just need to use you for a little while, okay?" Cador gently placed his hands on the animals back and pulled himself up. Immediately the horse reared back and began to buck. Cador clung tight and slowly the horse calmed down. Xanthia was laughing softly. Cador looked at her after the horse calmed down Cador: HA! Victory is mine! Xanthia: First try?wow. Cador: Alright, I figure you know this forest pretty well?any ideas where that caravan maybe? Xanthia: I think so?but I'm not totally sure. Cador: It's worth a shot right? Xanthia: Yeah?c'mon! Xanthia kicked her horse and it broke into a gallop toward the forest. Cador urged his to follow but couldn't get past trotting. "stupid animal" He kicked it again and the horse reared and began to run. When he caught up to Xanthia? Cador: How far do you think it is? Xanthia: I dunno?I'll tell you when we get there
Cador slowly sat up and shook his head. "No...it can't be..." He said to him self quietly. He gently rubbed his arm where the tears had landed. "Dreams can't..." He paused "Hey sam" He looked to where sam was sleeping to find she was gone. Looking for signs of her departure he finds faint track leading into the woods. As Cador began to follow them he glaced back at Tina, still sound asleep. "Well, if your sister leaves you home alone them you should be okay here" He scruffed his feet on the ground to make the direstion he went apparent. Just in case she woke up. Cador came upon "Sam" staring toward the sky. Her back was to him and he heard her faint crying. Cador: You have that dream too? Xanthia was somewhat startled, she was so lost in her thoughts she Hadn't noticed Cador. She quickly wiped the tears from her face and turned to him. Xanthia: Yeah...I...I'm really not liking this... Cador: Me neither. It makes no sense. Xanthia turned back towrd the pond and looked to the sky again. "What's so special about us? We can't do anything to fight [I]DEMONS[/I]" Cador: I know but... Xanthia: But what? Cador: It CAN'T be coincidence Xanthia: I know, but still...why us? Cador: Maybe we were all he could reach...or that would listen, I don't know. But I do know one thing though. Xanthia: Oh Yeah? What's that? Cador: Tommarow I'm gonna go find that caravan and see if these dreams mean anything... Xanthia: But these dreams are still just dreams Cador. She turned back around and looked him in the eyes Cador:...Well...at least it's better than running away...
OOC: Yes Tursi your sister was there (Carren did tell me) IC: Cador didn't know how he could refuse. It's not like he could go back to town right now they'd be looking for them any way. Maybe in a day or two when they forgot about the little mishap. This girl, no matter how strange seemed to know her what she was doing. He was out of his element out here in the forest. (If you want to call a farm an element.) He looked back in the direction of the town and sighed Cador: ?i'll come, thanks for letting me?it's not like there's a warm welcome waiting for me back there anyway Xanthia: Sure?I mean, I not gonna just leave you out here, what kinda person would that make me? Cador: A down right cruel one that's what. He laughed a little as they headed toward the forest. The sun was setting and the air was getting cool. The animals of the night slowly voiced their thoughts and the forest became alive. Cador had never seen such things in his life. It was very peaceful. But he knew that back in town the demons were wreaking havoc on the people. The thoughts of the dreams returned to his mind. Tina: What happened to your face mister? Xanthia: Tina hush! She kneels to the child and whispers "I told you before remember? When people become grownups the monsters hurt them. Now don't stare okay?" Tina simply nodded and they continued. Cador chuckled. Xanthia: What's so funny Cador? Cador: ::Laughing softly:: Well, I was just thinking of how we got here. All because you were curious over a stupid dream?If you hadn't talked to me, me and my dad would pry be being persecuted be demons right now. I think I remember you saying something about having the same dream?but I think it was my imagination. Xanthia: Well that's the thing?I did say that? Cador:?well?why don't you tell me about it and we'll see?
"GEO-BLAST!!!" A single energy beam flies from Cadors hands striking the enemy.
Cador followed this strange girl mindlessly. His thoughts still on the dreams, they were interrupted when he ran into her as she stopped. Cador: Oh?sorry? Xanthia: that's okay Cador: So?what did you ant to talk to me about?Sam right? Xanthia: What??Oh yeah while you were walking I heard you talking to yourself. And I was just wondering. What it was? Cador: It's nothing really, just a dream?ya know? Dreams can be so strange. What did this girl want? Cador was very suspicious. Dreams, demons, now a street urchin asking him questions. "These past few days have been very strange" he thought. He thought he heard some commotion in the streets but he ignored it. Cador: "What did you really ask me back here" His voice was questioning Xanthia: I?I've had dreams too?strange ones? Cador: "So does everybody my dear, what makes yours so different? He turned and began to walk out of the alley. Xanthia: Because I think yours is the same as mine. Cador stopped and slowly turned around. His immediate thoughts were how is that possible!?!? Who was this girl?He was about to speak when they both heard screams at the end of the alley. Both of them sprinted to see the Bacus troops peeling children from their parents. Cador clenched his fists as he remembered the day his mother was taken. Now families are losing their children. All they could do was watch. Cador: "DAMN IT!!!" he slammed his fist a wall Xanthia: Oh my god. They stood they watching. Knowing that any resistance they put up would end in their death, something neither of them wanted. Suddenly one of the Bacus noticed them Bacus Grunt: HEY YOU TWO! Cador & Xanthia: Oh S#%@?
Cador sat up gasping for air, looking around franticly. Not sure if what he saw was reality. Calming himself down he decided that trying to get me sleep was useless. "Dreams like this don't just happen everyday." "I must be losing my mind" he thought. In the early hours he got ready for his job. But as he did he couldn't shake the thoughts of the dream, or the recent happenings in the town. The elder missing, the demons searching specifically for HIM. The dream?He dismissed these thoughts the best he could and went about his day. While working he still thought though, going over the dream time and time again. Who was that man? Why was he locked in that case? It's obvious that the demons are looking for something important. Could this be?no. His boss yelled him at several times; he apologized and said that he had a lot on his mind. Boss: Well if that's the case we don't you head to the store and pick us up some lunch. Cador:?sure Boss: Be quick about it now, you know how the boys can be when they're hungry. Cador: Yes sir With that he left, still pondering both dreams and entertaining the thoughts of looking for that caravan. But it was just a dream right? Dreams don't mean anything. "If anyone else had seen that dream they would have rushed out the door. But they way things are?they can wait a little longer for lunch" He took "a wrong turn" and headed for the town center.
Cador: Alpha strike eh? I like it! Cador cluched his fists and began to concertrate. Roots from the earth shot up from the ground and began to coil around his legs, some burrowing into his skin. A dark-gray aura began to surround him. He looked to Karina, unsure if she could contribute much after she had expended so much energy into her whirlpool. Cador: Karina! YOU OKAY? Karina: I can make it! Gimme a sec! Cador: Come on babe! We can't do this without you!
As cador turns to see the small dragon get knocked back he finds himself also slammed to the ground. Cador: S@! he's fast! The beast moved with unnatual speed. Even to the groups experianced eyes...all they saw was a blur. Valen found himself sliced across the belly by razor claws. He staggerd back in shock as his blood slowly oozed from the wound. The creature then lept away from the group and snarled. They could see it clearly now. It's jaws were linned with rows upon rows of teath. Its claws grossly enlarged alrady stained with blood. It' fur black as night, making it look like a shadow in the already dim forest. The glowing red eyes slowly looked over their opponets seeking the easiest kill. Inspite of himself Orien discretly smiled... Karina: Guys...?
OOC - Sorry if I suck at this folks, I'm new here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cador stopped chasing Drago and shook his head. Kneeling to calm his wolf he looked up at the Dragon. Cador: Why did you do that Drago?!?!? Drago: To lighten the mood and keep up our spirits of course! I mean, look at this forest. It's not the most pleasent of all places! Cador: Personaly I would perfer a joke or a story to keep our spirits...NOT scaring us and provoking some of the...more instincual members to attack. Drago: Awww...your no fun. I am still focused on our goal. Cador: I'm glad, I think the 2 half breeds will agree with me, Don't do that again. He rises from his wolf and continues on with the group. Remaining focused and observant.
Name: Bengi Laurance Race: Terran Class: Goliath Pilot. Standard Armament of Auto Cannons and Missles. When on foot he caries a Marine Gauss rifle, with body armor. No pressure suit avalible. Apperance. A relativly short dark skinned and with a shaved head. He has dark green eyes and a tatoo of a flaming sword on his hand. Bio: Brought up in a military family he I is living a life expected of him buy his parents. He has always resented the fact that he was forced into the military by his parents, but has never had the courage to stand up to his father. He lothes the Zerg as per Military propaganda, but has always been curious about their origins. He lives to fight and he fights to escape...he will follow orders to the bitter end.
name: Cador Mikial species: Human with Cybernetic Implants looks: A good looking dark skinned man With an obviously cybernetic eye and right arm. He is well built but not overly. He wears jeans and a sleveless trech coat. attacks: Claw slash Burst kuckle Geo blast tremor Razor wind element/s : earth, wind pet pet: A wolf, also bionicly enhanced bio: Raised the lifestyle of a warrior, fighting is all he knows. Both his parents were great mercinaries that would work for any, provided the price was right. They taught him every aspect there is to know in battle...except how to deal with faliure. One battle they chose the wrong side. Both his parents were stuck down before his eyes, and he barely escpaed whit his life. He seeks no vengence for he knows that war is war...there is nothing he can do. His wounds healed with technology he seeks to continue the life he was born for the one of battle.
Name: Cador Verundez Gender: Male Occupation: Farm Hand History: Born into what would be called a typical fimily in this horrendous world he proved to be physically strong at an early age. His parents did the best they could at raising him to be respectful and decent in the world. His father was a respectfull business owner of bakery, his mother cooked nearly all the goods sold. The smells of bread on sweets are still burned into his mind. He never truly knew his mother however. When he was 7 she was taken away by monsters to the castles where the Demons live. He'll never forget watching his father stand by and watch as they took her. He hates him for that, he still has nightmares of her screaming for his father to help her...and watching him do nothing. After that event his father was never the same. He treated Cador with contempt and abused him. He was always distant and told Cador to NEVER speak of his mother. This left deep scars in his mind...that his own father wnated to forget the woman he loved. And so Cador grew into a strong boy. He learned the basics of reading and such from the few friends he made. His father closed the Bakery and Cador was forced to get a job at a young age to support them. His father soon stopped coming out of the house and soon all he did was drink. As what happens to every child, on Cador's eighteenth birthday he was horribly scared. He survived the ordeal...not so true however for many of his friends. He harbors great hatred for the Demons but knows that he can do nothing. Now age 23 he is content with supporting his father and living ife as it may be. But he keeps hope alive that oneday he'll be able to escape this hell and find some way to change it. He knows his dreams are foolish but...what's the harm in dreaming? Apperance: A tall well built darkskinned man, Dark hair and light green eyes. He has 4 very apparent scars on his face from the demons.