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Everything posted by Zaeon

  1. OOC: LETS GET IT ON! ~~~~ [I] Shawan stretched ashe stood on the boat, he had recieved his first assignment. It was to observe some weird movements a former observer had seen in the U.I.S. He had heard things had been stiring up as late and felt this could prove to be a good test of his skills. 2 weeks later. [/I] Shawan's Report: Fellow Officers of the Eon Protectorate . After spending 2 weeks observing the movements and actions of the target Ive come to the following conclusion. The moving troops are in fact planning a revolution. They are largly disorganized at the moment, and many seem to be little more then Brigands. Their leader left me with little impression and as very Inapet except as a proagandist. Baffled as to how he made the position. I recomend that the Protectorate strike while the rebels are still weak and disorganized. Leader is Inapet and if they succeeded in the Coup they would cause more harm to humanity then good from my observations. No ready or more adept men amongest them, so I repeat and strongly recomend, strike while the rebels are still disorganized with a small force and destroy the banner. If you wait larger force will be required. Will continue observations. [I] Shawan stretched after sending the typed report then stared at the troops moving outside, The Eon Protectors would be recieving his recondmendation any moment now. He would have to move in the morning. Shawan put away his laptop and curled up faling asleep [/I]
  2. [I] Neas grinned as his gun stood pointed under his clothing up toward Dennis [/I] Neas: very much so [I] Neas grinned and kept his gun pointed at Dennis, shaking as pieces of glass flew off him, spraying in every direction [/I] Neas: So who wants some beers? Dennis is buying, he owes me some money. [I] Neas shrugged and smirked at Dennis watching him, then waited his mind working out what he would do, thinking many moves ahead but still watching[/I] ~~~~~~ [I] Nea walked through the city, She sat and watched as a person died from disease, loving evey moment of it. then she got up to continue her hunt.[/I]
  3. [I] After having decided that the trouble maker was gone, Neas stepped out through the whole. Well he was going to explore the town, maybe find the *** who had ruined his room. Neas stared at the rubble in the room...that white stuff was there...Neas decided it musta been that person blood, but who has white blood?. Neas turned and walked down the street. He was alert for any trouble. Two hours later he was in front of another Inn. On the way there he had passed through what looked like a disease stricken part of town, He had killed a few of the people on the steet out of mercy, better they were dead then suffering. Three men brushed by him, one nearly knocking him over as he walked in, one looked vaguely familer though he couldn't place from where. Inside he saw a boy covered in shrimp cleaning himself off being assisted in part by another young girl, he stared at them cooly then looked around the Inn. It looked like a war zone, and he found more of that white blood...then he placed who it was he had seen. Dennis had been a buyer for some ammo from Zahcerai, Neas was the delivery boy and had been ripped off. Neas turned and sprinted out of the Inn to find Dennis, give him a warm greeting. The three hadn't gotten far when Neas found them. They were passing a store, He pulled his gun out and shot two shots. One slammed into a glass window they were walking by, shattering the glass window, the other other shot a pot that was hanging above their, as the pot shattered dirt dropped onto them. Grining he put his gun away as they turned on him.[/I] Neas: THAT IS FOR THE MONEY YOU OWE ME DENNIS! YOU CAN PAY UP IN CASH OR IN FUN! [I] Neas slipped behind a car jsut incase things got violent, grinning, he was gonna have some fun, if things went well this would end in a few beers, if bad, well that would be resolved if it came.[/I] ~~~~ [I] Eiru stretched and walked out of the glade she had made her home since comming here, Someone had messed with her kill, she felt it and was gonna go teach them to not play with her toys. Her eyes glinted with hate.[/I]
  4. lol have paitence, Ive got to go shopping, once I get to a comp Ill start the rpg.
  5. [I] Neas woke up where he was laying with a headache, then looked at the strange man laying nearby him.[/I] Neas: what the hell? [I] Neas shook his head remembering what had happened, as he was about to set out to explore this charecter came blasting throw the wall, destroying the room. Then he had passed out as something had hit him in the head. Neas rubbed the back of his head and looked over the body on the floor, it seemed to be waking up.[/I] Neas: uhh....who are you and what the **** are you doing in my room? ????: shut up mortal. Neas: oh? shall we see jsut how mortal you are? think you can be an *** after busting into my room? [I] Neas glared angerly and reached for his pistol, he lost his balance as he did so and fell behind the bed as a bullet whized over his head. Neas cursed poped up from behind the wooden frame firing as the figure jumped out the whole it had made into his room. Neas moved around as it did so he would have some cover if any fire came through that hole. Slowly everything but the hole in the wall faded into darkness as he concentrated working out the next steps and how he would react depending on what would happen in his mind.[/I] ~~~ [I] Eiru sat in a forest giggling to herself, she was laying completely still as a squirrel climbed over her body. She loved life and the fun it brought.[/I]
  6. I came here for the RPG's...thats it. Anime? what is this anime you speak of? lol. a friend of my brothers showed it to me because he was starting an rpg here and I decided to join...My ex Id was prolly the fastest ranking person to Otaku (at least thats what Ken told me after I had outpaced it to him)...and that was also because I enjoyed the rpgs, and sometimes the debates, though I left because of a few...err unfriendlys? although most were my fault *shrugs* at least to an extent. and Ive returned for the same reason I came, the rpgs lol. Ive never been to "Theotaku" only to the boards.
  7. I don't want to meet any of you...my brain would explode if I did. Although I prolly will and none of you will know it HAHAH!. *shrugs* ok well a few of you, I don't know most of you sooo Ken, although I practicually live right in his neighborhood considering... GAW - long standing friend... Liam - I would finnally corrupt his soul HAHAH Reina - that would be...amusing. Tursi - also a long standing friend A few other unnamed guys here: to Rip their...er wait I can't post that here... the rest of you, I don't know, or don't want to meet. Although I like DK's line here "Not that you care".
  8. Oh as a side though I figured Id throw in where the bases were... The Eon UoUE base is located on a small island in the Atlantic Ocean that appeared after the Third World War. Located directly Between North America and Europe, Roughly between Spain and the former U.S.A. The society bought the island as a school for maritime teachings and biology, along with naval training. Underneath the surface lies a command center and operations launching point, the dorms of the school also extend beneath the surface for those who live in the base. The asteroid belt space station was bought once man spread to the solar system. It was bought as refueling point for ships heading to earth from the various space colonies and as a school for learning military tactics in space, and various space refinement techniques. Advancement workers, Miners and many R&D operatives live mainly within the space station along with those who spend most their time in space for the society. All society space operations are launched from here.
  9. unless of course your in on it James...but we know your not right?....right? *nervous laughter* Just messing. We know youd never do something like that:nervous: ...poor ken hes gonna cry cause hes winning :laugh:
  10. [I] Neas slept peacefully in the village near the monastery, his dreams wandering to a girl who reminded him of himself, then disappearing, she first sitting peacefully in a glade...then walking away, a glint in her eyes[/I] ~~~~~ [I]Eiru grinned as she walked through the city and turned her eyes upon a car that was zooming down the road. Eiru watched as it came screaming toward her.[/I] John: hey who's that? wait Ive seen her before Dennis: what?!? crazy ***** [I] Eiru jumped onto the hood of the screeching car, stabbing her rapier into the engine and giggling at the boys in the car staring at her.[/I] Eiru: WATERS VENOM! [I] A playful aura formed around Eiru, every hair on her body staying where it was, defying gravity , but not sticking up. The Aura sphered around her then shot out. Everything it touched sprouting with life, Flowers and planets appearing and growing, even occaisonally a bug or small animal. Everything that was already alive was refreshed and healthyer then ever. Then saw the shotgun Dennis had reached for and the glint in her eyes returned as she remembered what she came to do, have fun. The aura shifted, it seeming to smell and feel of decy, it continued to expand everything it now touching decaying, everything organic becoming rotted and infected with various diseases at once. fortunatly for the three in the car the aura was beyond them. They felt energized and the car itself was coered in plants, as were the weapons. However everything for roughly a mile and a half beyond the car and in the opposuing direcitons in a sphere, the smell and sight of rotting flesh and decay could be seen and smelled. Drawing her rapier from the cars engine as if she was holding it in air, she jumped off the car and walked into the now disease infected city, appraising her handywork. [/I] Eiru: now THIS is fun. [I] Eiru giggles and smiles smelling the death and decay, the glint in her eyes still there although she looks physically exhausted. She is soon out of sight of the three as she rounds a building. [/I]
  11. OOC: well 4 hours of school with nothing to do (free day) so I guess Ill try my hand at making an rpg...lets see what I can come up with...also excuse any grammar/spelling errors...my brains to busy fighting off the flu right now...Ill try to spell correctly but Im having trouble trying to remember how to spell basic words lol... [Edit] there be happy, I took the time to spell check it once I got home[/Edit] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Instructor stands in the shadows of a Darkened room Welcome students, today is your last day, graduation day from here on out you will take apart in our society. Each of you has been trained in various subjects to help you. Some of you will observe and record the flow of events. Some of you will actively participate in guiding the flow of time. The rest will keep our people in the field well equipped and with the best equipment the Five Empires can offer. In our society all activates are encouraged. We were formed during the First World War our planet has seen, we watched and took part during the Second World War. We recorded history, and guided the flow of events. We betrayed leaders, made friends with others then betrayed them. You will get attached to your charges, but remember you guide the flow of mankind to greater glory. We were there during the Third World War, and we failed our mission during that world. That?s when our secondary duty came, to save mankind and reteach its history and rebuild it, there we succeeded, as you all know. You are children of a new generation, but times are moving quickly, tensions have built. Through the restorative actions of this societies ancestors Mankind now process technology unsurpassed in any previous generation. Giant star spanning spaceships have been built, some of you have undertaken training to be upon those ships. These ships will reach out to give mankind new homes. The asteroid belt is mined for minerals and ores. Spacestations and colonies exist on Mars and Luna and in orbit around Jupiter and many of its moons. The Interstellar Spaceship Terra-Firma has recently completed construction and will soon set out from the Earth-Sphere Station Atlas to take mankind to a habitable planet in Alpha-Centarui. Some of you will form a branch of our society there, to record and forever watch over mankind. In other parts of space, great fleets patrol the solar system. In warfare space superiority has become a very important thing. Man's grand ocean fleets now maneuver in the grand game of tactics and strategy in the ocean of planets and stars, which I will now describe in greater detail. The largest of the ships would be the giant Carriers. They are typically armed with a pair or more of turret Mass Drivers and a few missile bays. There main purpose is to launch various Fighters. The most notable of these are the hybrid space/atmospheric fighters and bombers many nations choose to deploy. This gives them the ability to achieve spacial and air superiority of a planet in one strike. Comparative in size are the mighty Battleships. These often bristle with guns and can tackle nearly any other ship with relative ease. Cruisers are medium sized ships, many used as gunboats for indirectly engaging enemy ships, though there are some gunboats. Frigates are the smallest of the capital ships, ranging in size from barely larger then a fighter, to about half the size of a cruiser. They come in many shape, sizes and purposes. In planetary combat much remains the same as before. Infantry with protective suits and hover tanks are the core of most land armies along with various support equipments. From the airports come many form of aerial planes, although the most common again is the hybrid fighter, many nations choosing to sue these with the hope that they may be able to repel an attack from space or on the planet. Of many of the weapons used today I will describe some of the most common. As far as projectile weapons go the most common design is that of the mass driver. It is basically a giant chain gun, that fires compact uranium shells, that near the speed of light. These pellets can rip through almost any armor, and woe be to any who get hit by these without armor. Of beam weapons there are two basic designs, one is that of the laser cannon. I believe we all know what this is quite well as it is now also used in land combat as well, in the form of pistols and rifles, even in some of the more powerful nations as machine guns. The laser has been around for nearly two centuries but only in the past two decades have there been a fuel source necessary to power a lethal version that was compact enough to fit in a gun or even on a ship. The other weapon are the deadly Gamma guns. These are by and large anti personal weapons; they fire stored gamma rays that pierce the cells of a life form, causing mutations and often cancers. A continuous barrage from gamma radiation is almost always deadly. In missile weapons there are many variety. In space however the most common is nuclear missiles and bombs for capital ships and smaller warheads for fighters. Defensively capital ships have a screen that is useful for slowing projectile and beam weapons, sometimes even deflecting or slowing them enough for it not to matter, however is of no effect against missiles. Armors are made of Neutrium, a metal found in the asteroid belt, later refined in zero gravity to create a light weight and strong metal, the strongest mankind has known to date and is used in capital ships, vehicles, and armors for the personal suits for infantry. For power supply and fuel most ships utilize Fission and Cold Fusion reactors, fission being the older reactor and cold fusion being the newer ones. More efficient reactors are always coming out. Now I can see in many of your faces why I am reviewing the equipment, well beyond man reaching out to the stars, our system, Sol, is on the brink of war. It is not definite that it will happen, but it is rapidly approaching the point of no return. I will now tell each of you the Nations of the Sol System, then classes will be dismissed and you will each be released into the world with your assignments. The largest of the earthen empires is the Union of United Earth. This union comprises nearly all of the nations that were once apart of the world organization N.A.T.O. It is one of the most advanced, and comprises all of North America, Most of South America, Eastern Asia, and Western Europe. It also included Australia, but as we all know whats left of Australia is now a barren and radioactive wasteland, where nothing survives. The UoUE is a democracy that much resembles that of the United States of America, who founded the nation during WW3 through scheming and alliance. It is currently allied with the Luna Corp. It is also in a rivalry with the I.U.S and neutral towards the Mars Collective. The I.U.S. is the other Empire on Earth. It was formed when many states of a religion once known as Islam unified all their countries then took over Western Europe, all of Central Asia and Northern Africa. It is lead by a dictator who claims to be the descendent of the founder of the religion and the empire lives on religious laws. It is openly hostile to the agnostic UoUE, the two often going into short wars over even the most minor matters. It is suspicious of the Mars Collective and Luna Corp. but is friendly to the Jupitarian Empire. All three of the space born empires are tense with each other, competing over the recourses of space. Luna Corp is a corporation, which became a nation. It is lead by the CEO of the corporation who is advised by the board of directors. They are the most advanced of the large empires, but also the smallest. All members of the nation are employees of the corporation, or everyone on the moon. It started out as Luna mining company and expanded into an entire nation, having a agriculture department, construction department and a defense department, to name a few. The Mars Collective is the Communism of Russia...gone right. It is a true socialism, everyone in it being equal. Everything is government controlled, and things such as money do not exist. Many of the nations are distasteful of the Collective as it often reminds them of an ant hive. In many ways the two are very similar, the nation is the least advanced, but owns an entire planet to it self. Everyone in the nation works for the betterment of the Collective and things such as personal ambition no longer exist. The only area the Collective excels is genetic manipulation...which is one reason why the socialism works correctly, for the population has been manipulated to hear each other?s thoughts and many are genetically designed to do the job they are assigned for life. The Jupitarian Empire is that of the first space explorers. They are humans who are smaller and thinner then your average earthling for they have evolved to the conditions of space. Many have never been on a planet, and most never will be, spending their lives in their spaceships and space stations. Exploration and Research have become a religion for them. The Jupitarians excel in spacial navigation and are valued for their piloting skills. The last nation, the Free Spacers...is not really a nation, now now I meant no offense to those of you who were born there, it is a group of nomads, with man lings of almost every nations, from defunct Collective members to Jupitarians to earthlings, who live together and travel the solar system. Almost all the nations view them with suspicion but they are by and large neutral and willing to help those that will help them. Currently they are allied with the Jupitarians and UoUE, both allowing The Free Spacers to dock and refuel, even sometimes-exchanging knowledge in return for services. I can see some of you have become bored, and for this I apologize, but it was nessecery for me to bring each and everyone of you up to speed, as since you have all been living within our facility for many years, some since you were children. As you all know you were once students of our public face, The school of Eon, which is valued as being the best school for nearly any subject...As you look around you will see that most of you are from almost all the nations, except the collective...the hive tendencies making them in able to be apart of the society...however you may notice that some Martians are from the Free Spacers. Now class is dismissed, many of you will return to your respective nations, serving s anything as diplomats to observers. One thing is guaranteed, you will all be apart of the high society, and you may often run into each other again. The gears of time are turning, and each of you will watch, record, and even take part in where that path of time leads. Each of you will have a symbol on you...for your branch of the society. Remember your goal is to advance and to serve mankind, to begin or stop wars. To bring advancement and survival and to record it for if disaster strikes again. Those of you who choose to work as operations for Society base will report Good luck. The instructor turns to leave as the students are approached by various society members, asking which branch they want to serve and where they would like to be assigned ~~~~~~~~~~~ ok well that was extensive I admit...for those of you who need to be reminded of what you are...(even I did and Im making it lol). Each of you is apart of the Eon Protectors, a secret society that works for the advancement of the human race and it survival. Those of observation record history as it happens and also work as the societies eyes and ears, they also write recommendations on how the society should react for the best of the human race. They move from nation to nation, not holding any real positions, some become diplomats for Empires to better observe things from that position. Operations are agents deployed to persuade history and move it in the way that the society has decided upon, they do anything from joining an army in a certain battle, to becoming a nations generals, to performing covert opts and setting up scandals. Advancement works by and large to provide the nessecery equipment to keep the society?s members on the leading edge and with the best training. They make the gadgets, largely work within the society?s school and bases, and keep everything in good repair. Many become teachers for the society, or set up various labs and shops, so that agents can get what they need practically anywhere. Also, Every member of the Eon Protector has an apartment room within their respective base, for whenever they are spending time at the base and not on assignment or journeying. Now...for the signups Name: your name Course Study/Skills: what you studied in the Eon School and society, and any other skills you may have picked up. Please keep it down to 2 or 3 max. Branch/symbol and location of symbol: the three branches are - Observation, Operations, and Advancement (Research and Development, and Mechanics). Operations Symbol of weapon within a Pentagram. Observation is that of Musical Instrument with a star. Advancement is that of Mythical creature. Also where and how its located, it can be on a weapon, jewelry, imbedded in your clothes, a tattoo, w/e. Nationality: basically what nation you came from and what culture of Human. Assignment: If observer which nation you start out in, Operations what division of the society base your currently deployed in (Eon protectors has two operations bases, one within the UoUE, and one within the asteroid belt. the school is located within Switzerland, which has continued to be a neutral country throughout the centuries.) Owned Equipment: keep this down; basically what you own, be it a weapon, a vehicle, recording materials. Keep it practical. Oh Frigates are the only of the capital ships that a society member can "own", as they only need a crew of 1-5 to operate. Bio: a SHORT history on your character, and a general description. Also might be nice if you included some quirks and traits... Everyone is a recent graduate of the school and a new member of the society, if you want to be something else, PM me and we will discuss it, but the majority of people must be Eon members. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Shawan Starsblood Course Study/Skills: Shawan trained in Computer Journalism and Government within the society. He learned how to pilot frigates and fighters in his free time. Branch/symbol: Observation/ He wears a necklace that upon it is a flute with a star around it. Nationality: Shawan was born in the UoUE. He is fair skinned and skinny, built like the original Terrans as compared to those born in space. Assignment: Shawan is setting out from his flat within the UoUE base, currently just going to travel and learn. Owned Equipment: He has a frigate kept in a garage to his name. He also has a number of small devices for his observation duties, from a small computer to a few spying devices (tracers, bugs, remote listeners) and a recorder. Frigate- can be manned by up to 3 people with a minimuim crew of 1. Shawan spent all his extra cash including some birthday money on buying the best Jupitarian engines and power supply he could get through the Eon facility. The frigate is lighter armored then most to compensate. She was chastened the Meteora by Shawan and Ken. Shawan agreed to continue paying for engine and power supply upgrades as he could afford them and half the repair cost. Bio: Shawan lived a typical life in the UoUE, raised from birth to only have faith in himself and those humans around him. He didn't have much cares and hasn't known much hardship, his family being of the middle class. His father sent him to the Eon School as a young boy of 10 so that he would receive the best of educations. The society recruited him for his open mindedness and his intelligence. He was a roommate with Ken at the Eon training facility and both pitched in together to buy a frigate. He often gets over excited over small things and can focus in on one thing, forgetting all else. This however makes him absent-minded at times, especially when he has "zoned in" as he calls it. Appearance: He is now 18, of a slender build, and generally prefers to avoid physical conflict, preferring to play with people?s heads and use his intelligence against them. He is 6' and weighs about 150 pounds. Often wears a black or white t-shirt with a dragon or other creature on it and jeans. ~~~~~ All right well I hope this works out; otherwise it was fun typing this up. Any suggestions feel free to send a PM.
  12. ummm if I remember correctly the movie was more like the tv series...I only saw it once or twice and can't remember much about it...but it was a non animated tv series and...I can't remember the rest, but I remember watching the movie and it reminding me of that...they would like hang around in mario's plumbing shop and go down pipes and sometimes cut to some animated scenes X.x;;. ok Ill stop here.
  13. [I] Neas stretched as he walked the final mile to the monastery...the flight had been long, the drive had been long, the walk had been walk...today had been a long day, not that Neas noticed, but his muscles sure as hell did.[/I] Neas: well I wonder what Zack sent me here to find...typical vagueness on a request...he better have paid in advance or Im gonna raise hell [I] Neas stretched and looked on as the tops of a cillage seemed to appear, hed have to get directions to the monastery from there...[/I] Neas: eh...whats that? [I] Neas blinked and rubbed his eyes as he stared at a trree...there was something white encrusted on it...looked like blood...but he didn't know of any animals with white blood...he decided it must be bird poo and shrugged, walking on pushing the thought out of mind[/I] Neas: la la la... [I] The sun was setting as Neas arrivaed at the village, he decided to set up in an inn and continue on tommorow...sitting with nothing to do slowly the image of the bird poop returned...and he couldn't but help thinking that it reminded him an awful lot of blood...eh he'd check it out in the morning. Neas stood, took a hot shower, then passed out on his bed.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~ [I]Eiru sat in a field she had found...it reminded of her of home...and if she sat ever so still she could feel the life vibrating in the woods, she enjoyed being in the woods amongest life, it was more fun then that annoying army that old whats his named had formed...[/I]
  14. Id like it if the police didn't always know where you are...like they had to search for you and put forth some kinda effort to track you down...the police are always some omniscient force in the games that see you no matter what you do lol...
  15. mmm....I like it better then your darker stuff, I can be just as bad as you...not in poetry, you outmatch me by far. heh nice poem, and you said you could never make these flow. I think...but I can't remember, anyways talk to you lata Britt.
  16. Zaeon

    Your Typical RPG..

    shh that ruins the game of making you guess, everyone whos posted here practicually would know who I was if I said my former id...except for some of the newer people, people who joined in the past 6 monthes.
  17. [I] Neas stretched as he watched the television fliping channels then dropping on a random one and turning to his computer. Ah relaxtion at last he thought , having just finished a job that had tested his abilities to the limit and had nearly sent him to the loony house.[/I] Tv Newsperson: Another monestary was burned to the ground today, following the mysterious death of the Pope... [I] Neas turned and watched the screen idly, muting it as the newcasters voice annoyed him.[/I] Neas: so another ones burning, wonder who the... [I] Neas sighed as the phone rang, he picked it up and stared blankyly for a few minutes then muttering a consent and hanging up[/I] Neas: wonder why Zack wants me to go dig around that old monestary...it proubably burned from instability, oh well a jobs a job. Maybe hes trying to have me scout a buyer for him again... [I] Neas sighed and packed up a small bag, then also slid his pistol into its holster under his jacket. He turned off the lights and walked out the door to catch his flight, wondering if he would ever get a vacation.[/I] ~~~~~~~~ [I] Eiru watched amused at the mortal who slaughtered the grunts then yawned, these humans were so boring. She shrugged and walked off looking for something to do.[/I]
  18. Name: Nea Minal Gender: Female Race: Human Occupation: Shop Assistant History: Nea lives in a typical house for this day and age. Her father and mother both seem to live lifelessly, running general shop in town. Her parents both look as if they have no life in them to Nea, both seeming to be soulless machines. The only time they have ever shiner are in private, with her and her siblings. They find hope that their children?s lives may one day be better, scant hope but they do dream it. Nea herself grew up in the shop helping her father, her mother teaching her what they could. She spent her free time on the street with a few friends, children with illusions about life living carefree and blissful. They had nightmares of days, and growing up they quickly lost their innocence, some becoming thieves and others slowly becoming like their parents, dead within. Nea herself became a tomboy, her father doing what he could to keep a spark inside of her, but often it seemed to little to late. Nea and her best friend Loki, along with a few others managed to stay alive but not innocent. Loki attracted her because he was different, he seemed alive in a world full of the dead, vibrant. The group that Nea and Loki came to dominate stole, bullied those that were weaker...even at one point burned down a house. As the years passed they became worse and worse, the darkness corrupting. However Loki and Nea became friends, confiding in each other and forming a bond of shared days and adventures. A year ago Loki turned 18 a few weeks after she had turned 15. Nea, Loki and their gang were out roaming the streets the sun starting to rise as they left from their last bit of raiding. They had robbed a tool smith of his most valuable tools and were on their way to sell them when one of the prince?s minions dropped before them. Nea watched in horror as Loki was taken from the group, no one moving to stop the demon's minions. Nea still dreams of that day. When Loki had returned it had happened, he had been scared on his face like all the other adults and things continued for a while, however Loki slowly became different. He stopped confiding in Nea, the life that was in him before slowly died out and he became more vicious then any of the others, many times killing in cold blood those who disobeyed him. Nea watched in horror as her best friend became like the demons. That was a year ago, now she is 16. She slowly left the gang and now spends very little time out of her fathers shop. Amongst her family something new began to thrive, the spark that had managed to survive grew and instead of dieing mentally like her friends...and even Loki had she slowly became more willed to find a way to live on. This however has one symbol to her, The Scaring. She was determined to find a way to escape the scaring or die trying. [Edit] Just did a spell check and copied and pasted it to my writing folder...[/Edit]
  19. Zaeon

    Your Typical RPG..

    well Im a semi old ob'er...used to be involved in a few rpgs.. I think Im adaptive but the best person to ask is Death Knight...we used to rp all the time in chat rooms..we do sometimes occaisonally...and some of you might know me, some might not *shrugs*. Anywayz I voted for Space...I guess cause their my favorite...Ive an undying obsession with space and the ocean of stars it contains.
  20. Name: Neas Lef Alignment: Neutral Z-Keeper/Mortal counterpart: Eiru Age: 19 Hair: Black hair tied back into a ponytail, otherwise unkempt. It goes down to the top of his back. Eyes: Grey blue Build: Skinny and Tall. He appears to be all skin and bones, and is 6'. Weapon: A custom pistol. Abilities: Lock In, able to zone in completely on one object, concentrating completely on it. Lock Out, able to zone out the rest of the world completely, entering his own head and own lil world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z-Keeper: Eiru Alignment: Neutral Age: 19 Hair: Her hair is worn in a topknot, cut short. Eyes: Hazel with spots of brown. Build: 5'4" with a toned body, legs are long despite her shortness. Weapon: A blood engraved rapier, that constantly drips poison and curing drops, depending on the mood. Abilities: Rotting Flesh, This imbues Eiru's rapier with more then jsut the venom on it, causing any wound she inflicts with it to instantly start to rot and infect. Pheonix Tear, at the expensive of Eirus own health she can summon forth an elixer for nearly any disease. Waters Venom, An aura flows from the caster - bringing life..and disease, the casters true intent dominating which dominates the spell.
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