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Sky Moonflow

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Everything posted by Sky Moonflow

  1. On the game Kingdom Hearts the opening theme for that one is my favourite and the Sailor Moon theme Is second Tenchi theme is third And A song in Outlaw Star..^_^
  2. Yea I think your right..I just need to be patient. It's that Tenchi was the only show I watched besides Salaior Moon.
  3. School is ok sometimes. But that is where I live I don't know about yall's school!
  4. It gets on my nervs when the say Yu-Gi-Oh are Pokemon cards. I was at the park and the same thing happened someone asked "Hey I'll buy those Pokemon cards from you" I just beat that guy up. I was mad. How dare him to insult the YGO cards.
  5. They are right I've been asking that for a while now but no one will tell me his real last name.
  6. Why must this happen Tenchi was a wonderful series. Whats life with out Tenchi!!!!! T_T
  7. I think that Kingdom Hearts should be considered a FF game. Just look at Sora take away the big feet and he looks like Squall as a kid.
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