Sky Moonflow
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Everything posted by Sky Moonflow
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS][CENTER]Echos Of Angels[/CENTER] "He was always there for us, but one day he just left and never said a word." Rune Forester Your typical twelfth grade journalism teacher. Laid-back, gentle, kind-hearted, and the most loved teacher in Mal Tori High School. None of his students have ever failed, even the worst of them. During the final term of the year '42 (2042). Mr. Forester just leaves during the middle of class one day. Most of the faculty just figures he's out sick, but the students are worried. Meet class 2B, the oddest bunch of misfits the school has ever had the chance to teach. This is alost Mr. Forester's favorite class. This is where our story begins. It's 2:30 in the afternoon, school is out in another half hour and Mr. Forester is trying to teach class 2B how to make a proper video presentation. There may be only nine kids in this class, but they were the toughest to get a handle on. Mr. Forester's cell phone goes off during the middle of his explanation and everyone goes quiet as they had done so many times before. Mr. Forester goes pale, gathers his stuff, and just leaves the classroom without a word. The class just sits there waiting for him to return. The bell rings and they head home thinking nothing of this incident. Days past and they have temp teachers after temp teachers. One day Mr. Koki, the principal, comes in. [I]"Students. We have found a more permenant replacement for Mr. Forester. This is Mr. Yevon, he'll be your new temp teacher till Mr. Forester returns."[/I] A young man about the age of 27 walks in and just stands infront of the class. He smiles slowly and starts wiriting on the board. [I]'Damien Yevon'[/I] [I]"I'm Mr. Damien Yevon, I'll be your teacher till Mr. Forester returns. I hope we can have fun."[/I] Something dosen't feel right about this guy, he's not like all the other temps. There is a strange aura about him...a very violent and dangerous aura.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]~!~ The Players ~!~[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Sky Moonflow - Sable Loche Starwind - Dreddick 'Dred' Tonnas NekoSama101 - Neko Death_Dragon92 - Kelak (Dragon) Thredd 07Seifer521 - Seifer D.L.G Reikimaru - Haiku Kuro-n Bloody_Moon - Kaiya Miso Linkk - Motoki Yasser bleached - Mikaze Shimoji[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]~!~ Sable Loche~!~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]School. That's all we had to worry about anymore. Me and Miho, all we had to do was graduate from school, then we be free. Me and Miho, all we got is each other, momma dosen't care anymore. I'm all Miho got now, nobody else. Just me and Miho...just me and Miho...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]The bell rang to tell students it was time for the last class of the day. Sable grabbed up her small bag and made her way through the crowds to what used to be Mr. Forester's room, but was now inhabited by the strange Mr. Yevon. He wasn't like any of the other teachers at Mal Tori, the other teachers didn't care what class 2B did, not one of them cared...cept ol' Mr. Forester...but he wasn't here. "Mornin' Mr. Yevon!" Sable called while she sild into her seat at the very back of class, "Hope we're doin' somethin' fun today." "Of course Ms...." "Loche, Salbe Loche." "Yes, of course. Ms. Loche." It had been a week and he still couldn't reacall but a few names. Kinda bad considerin' most teachers learned the names in 'bout three day. But like I said. He wasn't like the others...and I didn't like it. Not one single solitary bit.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]~[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrange]Sketch[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Allenjay picked up his forgotten pencil off the ground. It had been in that exact same spot two nights ago. He couldn't remember why he had left it there, it was his favorite pencil and he took it everywhere so he could draw on the go. He sighed and let the pencil fall back to the floor, it was of no use now. His sketchbook was gone and all his hopes of ever getting into art school was shattered. Whomever had it now, held his whole life in their hands...if they haven't gotten rid of it yet. Allenjay turned on his computer to check who was online this late in the day.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]~!~ PING ~!~ ~!~ allen_jaybird is now online ~!~ ~!~ Users online: 3 ~!~ ~!~ sergio_malady ~!~ ~!~ ping_chan ~!~ ~!~ zephyr ~!~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Allenjay smile and clicked on zephyr's name, he hadn't been on for weeks and he was starting to worry about him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]~allen_jaybird~ Hey! Zeph! You're achually alive! I thought you went and died on me! ~zephyr~ Oh...evenin' Jay. What are you doing up so late? ~allen_jaybird~ Sketchbook is missing. I was all over town looking for it but I couldn't find it. I'm gonna invite Ping in. She wants to talk to you and she forgot your s/n again. ~!~ ping_chan ~!~ ~ping_chan~ Hey Zeph, Jay! The mighty Zeph is still among us. I am glad. ~zephyr~ Ping. Hi. Look guys, I can't talk to people on line anymore. ~allen_jaybird~ Why not? ~ping_chan~ Yea! Why?! ~zephyr~ It's complicated, plus we're moving again. We were over in the Sishimono district today looking at apartment buildings and found one that would work for my mom and me. I'm disconnecting everything now. It was great talking to all of you. I'll miss everyone really. Tell sergio not to go and try to molest Ping just cause I won't be here!! ~!~ zephyr ~!~ ~allen_jaybird~ Zeph... ~allen_jaybird~ I'm heading to bed Ping. Take care![/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Allenjay turned off the computer and fell back on his bed. Zeph was moving to his district, but he would never know who he was. There was four of them in that room when he first came in. Sergio, Ping, Oniee, and Zeph. They were all just up late at night with nothing to do, it was weird because they had absolutely nothing in common but they got along great. Allenjay smiled and turned off his lamp, he had to keep looking for his sketchbook in the morning.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]-+-+-[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Eligos pulled the phone line from the wall and continuted to pack up his computer. He looked all around his old room and his gaze fell on the sketchbook he found by the cherry blossom tree when he was in Sishimono earlier. Jay had said that she was missing her sketchbook, but she always complained she couldn't draw if her life depended on it...but yet it was filled with such beautiful drawings of men. Some in a few very...interesting poses. Eligos sighed and put the sketchbook in his backpack, they were leaving for the new apartment here in a little bit so they can have things all unpacked by morning. Eligos lifted up the last box from the moving truck and almost ran into a very feminine looking guy. "Oh, sorry. I have to look where I'm going." Eligos was about to reply but the guy was already on his way down the street, he kept watching him till he was a small dot in the sea of people. "He was pretty cute." 'Cute with that waist length purple hair that flowed freely and those mischievous crimson eyes.' Eligos sighed and went back to getting the box in the apartment.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]-+-+[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Allenjay sighed as he sat down ont he bench, he had been looking around town all day and he had still failed to find any trace of his beloved sketchbook. It was no use now, that sketchbook was a good as gone. He started walking back home and took the steps two at a time to get up to his apartment and ran into the same guy from this morning causing him to drop the bag he was carrying. "Aw, man. I'm sorry. This is the second time today that I've ran into you, I'm just a big clutz." Allenjay looked and up almost stopped breathing, this dude was beautiful. Long pale baby blue hair pulled back to rest at the base of the neck, slightly glowing orange eyes with red flakes in them. His face was pale with high cheek bones and a cute button nose, he also had a silver hoop earring in his left ear that just made him look so much more mystical. "Don't worry about it. I was just heading out t-" "My sketchbook!!" Allenjay snatched his sketchbook out of the dude's bag and hugged it to his chest. "Where did you find it!" "I..uh- I was checking out apartments yesterday and I found it under that cherry blossom tree yesterday." "That's funny, my friend Zephyr was checking out apartments here yesterday as well, he said tha-" Allenjay stopped in the middle of his sentence and took a good look at the dude. "It couldn't be could it?" "My screen name is Zephyr, are you by chance Sergio?" Allenjay started laughing hysterically, "Oh my, no! I'm not that perverted womanizer! I'm jaybird" Not it was his turn to laugh, "You can't be serious. Jay is a girl!" "No, I'm jaybrid. Allenjay is my name. So what's yours?" He smiled and held out his hand, "I'm Eligos. It's really great to meet you." Allenjay pulled Eligos into a hug instead of shaking his hand. "Yea, it's really great."[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Century Gothic]Hoped you all enjoyed this short story. -Sky[/FONT][/COLOR]
Major squeeness!! I know there is one over what I wanted, but I'm gonna accept them anywas, I need more chicks! I'll get on this as soon as my exams are over. *growls* I hate exams. Thank Q eveyrone!! -Sky-cha
[COLOR=Navy][CENTER]Echos Of Angels[/CENTER] [I]"He was always there for us, but one day he just left and never said a word."[/I] Rune Forester Your typical twelfth grade journalism teacher. Laid-back, gentle, kind-hearted, and the most loved teacher in Mal Tori High School. None of his students have ever failed, even the worst of them. During the final term of the year '42 (2042). Mr. Forester just leaves during the middle of class one day. Most of the faculty just figures he's out sick, but the students are worried. Meet class 2B, the oddest bunch of misfits the school has ever had the chance to teach. This is alost Mr. Forester's favorite class. This is where our story begins. It's 2:30 in the afternoon, school is out in another half hour and Mr. Forester is trying to teach class 2B how to make a proper video presentation. There may be only seven kids in this class, but they were the toughest to get a handle on. Mr. Forester's cell phone goes off during the middle of his explanation and everyone goes quiet as they had done so many times before. Mr. Forester goes pale, gathers his stuff, and just leaves the classroom without a word. The class just sits there waiting for him to return. The bell rings and they head home thinking nothing of this incident. Days past and they have temp teachers after temp teachers. One day Mr. Koki, the principal, comes in. [I]"Students. We have found a more permenant replacement for Mr. Forester. This is Mr. Yevon, he'll be your new temp teacher till Mr. Forester returns."[/I] A young man about the age of 27 walks in and just stands infront of the class. He smiles slowly and starts wiriting on the board. [I][CENTER]'Damien Yevon'[/CENTER][/I] [I]"I'm Mr. Damien Yevon, I'll be your teacher till Mr. Forester returns. I hope we can have fun."[/I] Something dosen't feel right about this guy, he's not like all the other temps. There is a strange aura about him...a very violent and dangerous aura. [CENTER]--------- [B]Sign Ups[/B] ---------[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] First and Last [B]Age:[/B] [17-20] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] This school dosen't have uniforms and stuff. So kids wear what they want. Just make sure your clothes fit who you are. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Fact:[/B] We each have a little fact about us that makes us different from the rest of the school. Let's see if we can make them interesting. [B]Home Life:[/B] [B]Quote:[/B] [CENTER]--------- [B]Me[/B] ---------[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Sable Loche [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/10016170/[/url] Obviously Sable is the taller one in the picture. She loves that dress. It's in many different colors of blue, her hair is black and her eyes are orange. [B]Personality:[/B] Sable can become quite lost in her thoughts, she's been known to be sitting in the classroom about a half hour after the final bell rings just daydreaming. Sable seems pretty happy to the others but she's completely frightened on the inside. [B]Fact:[/B] Is achually extremely intelligent but has decided to hide it and act like a complete and total idiot. [B]Home Life:[/B] Sable lives with her mom and her younger sister. Her father had moved out on them when Miho was born. She has a pretty peaceful life at home except when her mother comes home drunk and starts abusing her little sister till she steps in and takes the beatings for her little sister. Sable is devoted to Miho because, Miho is dying slowly from a very rare and comepletely uncurealbe disease that the doctor's have no explanation for. She feels that it is her fault because she can't do a thing to save her younger sister. [B]Quote:[/B] "I don't care if I end up with a frew broken bones and a handful of bruises from my mom. If it means sparing my sister that much pain than I'm happy to get abused for the rest of my life."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Time To Begin![/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]--Spyware-- Spyware (PG-VL) There was a world far away that was held together by a single person. And lately, this person had fallen ill.... "Another attack?" Gale yelled in disbelief. Her sister Seyna nodded. "Yes... this one in Suria." "Gosh, what is that... half an hour from here?" Jyri sighed with frustration, pacing back and forth, her eyes remaining on the holographic map on the table before them. "It seems the viruses get closer every day." The three gasped and snapped to attention. "Ma'am!" Florian waved a hand dismissively, approaching the table. "No need for formalities. I may be the head of every army in this country, but we're still friends." Reluctantly, the girls returned to their activities. "So what do you suppose we do?" Seyna questioned her superior. "We... relax." All motion in the room seemed to stop. "Relax?" Jyri asked, obviously confused. "Have you lost your mind?! We're fighting a losing battle here! Are you going to wait until the viruses are at our doorstep before you do something about it?!" Gale rolled her eyes. "Don't waste your breath, Jyri. She's been completely airheaded ever since she got married." "You call it airheaded, I call it love!" Florian exclaimed, holding up her hand to gaze admiringly at her wedding ring. It had been a year or so before when this had happened. A prince from a nearby country was visiting their castle on business and took an instant liking to the tomboyish Florian, who held the highest military position in the territory. A few fights and moments later, the two were happily married. Of course the officials were happy about it, since it formed an alliance between the two countries, and in this on-going war with the viruses, they needed all the help they could get. Not liking the depressing atmosphere, Florian once again ventured outside to the courtyard of the castle to breathe in the fresh autumn air. Truthfully, she was worried sick about this war.... "Day dreaming again, love?" She squealed happily, turning around at the sound of her husband Damien's voice. "About you, of course." He stood to be at least five inches taller than her, with long black hair tied up into a ponytail and beautiful violet eyes. Florian's running tackle sent him staggering back a step or two. "Are you that happy to see me?" "Why wouldn't I be?" She buried her face in his chest and sighed, loving his enticing scent. "We always have to be so proper around others... but alone like this we can act like... like...." "The teenagers we are?" "Teenagers! We're 21 years old!" Florian paused, suddenly aware of the fact that three pairs of eyes were watching them. "And maybe we should go home to further enjoy our alone time." "Slightly heated today, are we?" "Only slightly." Seyna tore away from watching the happy lovers and sighed. "She's so lucky, winning a heart throb like him." "I think he's ugly." Gale muttered. "You think everyone's ugly." Jyri joked, getting the same dreamy look in her eyes that Seyna had. "I'd have claimed him for myself if I didn't already have a fiance." "Oh, rub it in, will ya?" Seyna cried. --- Nani, Aime, and Kalice sat watching the little girl sleep. "How long do we have to keep watch over this kid?" Aime groaned. "What are you talking about, sis? We're kids too." Nani punched her twin sister playfully. Kalice rolled her eyes. "Zahra said we have to stay until she comes back." "From rutting with her boyfriend Serge? How exciting." "Aime!!" Nani cried in shock. "Watch your tongue!" "Don't bother. We shall all discovers the joys of sex in due time." Kalice mused. Aime grinned. "Should seven-year-olds be talking about this kind of stuff?" ------------ --Spyware Part II-- Florian ran down the halls of the castle alone, stopping for a brief moment to look out of the broken window nearby. The kingdom was in mayhem. Viruses everywhere, destroying homes, killing innocents.... How had they gotten past the defenses?! Close to the room where the hard drive slept, she found Seyna helping an injured Gale away from it. "Let me go! I can take that stupid bastard!" "What's going on?!" Florian demanded, not liking the fact that the room was unguarded. "The Virus King is in there." Gale explained, motioning towards the gaping wound in her side. "He caught me by surprise, the good for nothing...." "I'm going in there." "No!" Seyna cried suddenly, letting go of her sister and gripping Florian's shoulders. "Let us handle it! Please don't go in!" Florian shoved her aside, glaring angrily at the frantic, pale woman. "What is wrong with you?" "Don't go! For the love of this country, don't go!!" She looked at Gale for any clue as to what this might be about, but she refused to meet her gaze. "I'm going." Was all she said before entering the room. It was quiet. The hard drive slept peacefully in her place at the center. Florian walked closer, surveying the room for any signs of movement and gripping her scythe tighter. 'Funny... there doesn't seem to be anyone in....' "AH!" Her thoughts were cut short when something sharp went straight through her back and out her side. Waves of pain consumed her as she turned and looked straight into the all-too-familiar violet eyes of her husband, Damien. "Y-you...." "Such a shame... I'd have liked to keep it a secret." Damien whispered, smirking as he pulled the sword right out of her body. "But you would have found out soon enough." Florian stared at him, eyes wide with shock as she fell to her knees, dropping the weapon she held. 'No... this isn't happening... not Damien. Not him!!' "Why?" "Silly girl. I was after the hard drive since day one. You were just an added bonus." Damien walked over to the little girl; the heart of the world. "All I needed was some of your blood to take control of her and this world would belong to me." "You lied to me...?" "In a way, yes." He replied, holding the sword over the sleeping girl. "But..." He paused to look over at his wife. "I still love you, Florian." "Wow. How cliche is this?" Nani, Aime, and Kalice stood in the doorway, watching the scene. "I know, right?" Kalice agreed, popping a potato chip into her mouth. "Like something out of a movie." "Pathetic." Nani agreed. Florian stared at the three girls, not knowing whether she should be terrified for them, or taking advantage of this distraction. "What are... you children doing in here?" Damien questioned. They stared at him blankly, then shrugged. "We don't know." Aime raised her hand. "Where did your sword go?" Damien suddenly realized he was empty-handed. "Oh snap." Florian stood behind him, sword poised, and the minute he turned around she sent it straight through his heart. "Good for nothing bastard." She spat as he fell at her feet. "That was awesome!!" Nani cried. All throughout the kingdom, viruses screamed and faded into dust, carried away on the breeze. Gale and Seyna came into the room and called the three little girls over to them. "Come on. Let's go." "But what about Florian?" Kalice asked quietly. They looked up at their superior, who kneeled on the floor, cradling her dead husband's head close to her heart. "He may have been our enemy... but she still loved him." Seyna whispered. And so they left her alone in the room with him, where she sat quietly and studied his face. "I can only hope," She whispered with a smile, "That our child won't be anything like you." -Fin- [/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] Yeah. This was just some random bit of writing. It turned itself into a 2 part story. Enjoy.[/COLOR] :catgirl: Moving On [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Mistress, are you sure?" The group of teens followed after the younger girl, staggering towards the door of the dark castle. "You're still injured from last time!" The younger girl fell to her knees in a violent coughing fit, her shoulders heaving, eyes looking at the blood on her hand, but not quite seeing it. "If not now... then when?" She mused. "When will this fear of the most beautiful thing in the world subside? The thing that poets sing about, musicians scream about, writers talk about, and young ones dare to hide?" Shaking the blood off her hand, she stood on trembling legs and continued towards the door. "This thing called love...?" She paused in her journey and turned to smile at one girl in particular, the one with long black hair highlighted in violet and almost black eyes. "Gale, you've been awfully quiet... isn't this what you want?" The one called Gale averted her gaze to the floor, but nodded nonetheless. Her twin sister, Seyna, stared at their mistress sadly. "You could die from this." She whispered. They all awaited a response, watching the still figure before them. And then she began walking again, straight towards the door. "I won't let myself miss out on something because of fear... I will not." Suddenly, from out of the darkness, a figure emerged and tackled her to the ground in a flash. "No! You won't go!!" The others cried out in shock at seeing the one who they thought had been locked away. Florian was the first to react, withdrawing her dark scepter from the very air itself and running to help her creator. "Get away from her!" Gale jumped into the shadows and Seyna simply vanished, moving swiftly towards the hysterical fight. "Stay out of this!" A large sound wave erupted from the attacker, blowing the three right back to where they had started and paralyzing them so they wouldn't interfere again. She looked back down at the injured girl, smiling sinisterly. "I won't let you go out there. Those three don't have the guts to stand up to you, but I'm different!" Aside from her labored breathing, there was no other sound in the room. Then came a soft voice. "It's okay." She watched as a smile formed on her prey's face. "What?" "It's okay..." She repeated, reaching up to grab the wrist of a hand that pinned her down. "You're a part of me... and I know you're scared... but it's okay." "What are you talking about?!" "It must be such a chore... holding all of that pain inside of you...." "Shut up!" "And I guess I should blame myself for giving it to you...." "I said shut up!" "But your clock has already stopped. Three years ago you were alive, and happy, but on that afternoon in May, your time ran out." Tears were forming in her eyes, but she didn't relinquish her hold on the girl. "So please... go back to sleep... and leave life to those who can still live it." Florian suddenly found herself able to move again and sat up, watching as the dark entity grew younger by the second until she looked to be about the age of thirteen. "Stop hurting yourself." The young one said. "Just stop it, you stupid girl! Haven't you learned your lesson already?!" "Hmm... I guess not. But then again, I'm you, so technically, you haven't either." She looked at Gale and nodded her head. At the command, Gale stood and walked over to the preteen, waving a hand over her body. A transparent clock appeared above her heart, forever stuck on that afternoon in May, though the second hand kept ticking the years away. "Sleep now, my former mistress." She whispered. The second hand stopped moving. The girl's eyes closed and she fell forward into her servant's arms. "What do you want me to do with her?" "Take her to the room where the other thirteen lie sleeping and put her back to bed." "What about you, Serenity?" Seyna asked softly. The injured mistress smiled as the large door opened, brilliant light flooding into the dark castle. Just outside was the image of a high school, where a group of teens motioned for her to join them. "I have four months left until I'm replaced by the sixteenth mistress." She started to walk out the door. "I guess I should make them count."[/FONT][/COLOR]
Request Now Despriate for Avi and Banner
Sky Moonflow replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in Creative Works
Thank you to eveyone who posted a banner and avatar for me. Unforutantely...I love them all....So instead of just using one....I've saved all of them and will change them out every month! That way I don't have to pick a favorite! Oh and to Azure Wolf you can still put yours up...I really want to see it. Once again thanks to all. Lub 4evr Sky :animeknow -
Request Now Despriate for Avi and Banner
Sky Moonflow replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in Creative Works
s'oky Take as long as ya need. I got all the time in the world =Sky :animeknow -
[I][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Imangine this. There is this place, it's isolated from everyone and everything. This place is clean. Now the twist. Some person is brought in from the outside. This person is put into the hospital. People start dying, one by one. Scientists can't find a reason. Doctor's have found one explanation, the outsider. The outsider had a weird infection. A deadly contageous infection. Now imangine this. An evacuation for that city is issued. Another tiwst. Some people are left behind in the infected city. Of course, there is medicine to prevent aperson from being infected. Unfortunately, the people are on the outer edge of the city. The place where the medicine is, it's at the hospital, at the middle of the city. The infection turns people into zombies. They help spread the infection. They are killed by getting thier heads cut off. Once again a tiwst. They are only hurt by gold objects. Welcome to 'Outbreak: Survial'. To be or not to be...infected[/FONT][/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS] A final twist. Some of us will get infected. If you get infected, I will pm you. Come up with a way you found out you were infected. Symptoms- blue patches on skin, mysterious cuts on the arms and legs[/FONT][/COLOR][/I] People Sori Tasannia III (Nia)-Sky Moonflow Erika Katanin (Reika)- SolarPrincess Will Anstruther(Willy)- Dragons_Bait15 Rukkus Liege(Ruk)- x kakashi x Leona Rozzeta(Lea)- windvoice17 [CENTER]The Post[/CENTER] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rain!" "Tei!" "Leeia!" "Myoko!" "Mother Cora!" "Mother Anna!" "Father Isa!" "Where is everyone....." Sori bolted upright. She kept hearing herself screaming those voices everytime she slept. The evacuation was only a few days ago but it still bothered her. "I guess I should head off to that hospital, don't want to get infected...." Sori said to noone Sori grabbed her sunglasses off her bed and put them on then grabbed her stuff and left. The hospital was a few days trip from here since all the transportation systems were offline. "Well better get going." Sori said to a tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Short post I know.
[I][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Imangine this. There is this place, it's isolated from everyone and everything. This place is clean. Now the twist. Some person is brought in from the outside. This person is put into the hospital. People start dying, one by one. Scientists can't find a reason. Doctor's have found one explanation, the outsider. The outsider had a weird infection. A deadly contageous infection. Now imangine this. An evacuation for that city is issued. Another tiwst. Some people are left behind in the infected city. Of course, there is medicine to prevent aperson from being infected. Unfortunately, the people are on the outer edge of the city. The place where the medicine is, it's at the hospital, at the middle of the city. The infection turns people into zombies. They help spread the infection. They are killed by getting thier heads cut off. Once again a tiwst. They are only hurt by gold objects. Welcome to 'Outbreak: Survial'. To be or not to be...infected Info I need: [CENTER] 0 people needed now[/CENTER] Name- First and Last Age- 10-30 Gender- Appearance- Gold Item- Other/weapons- Nickname- (if any) This is Me: Name- Sori Tasannia III Age- 27 Gender- Female Appearance- 6"0, pale green eyes, red hair pulled back into a ponytial, dark blue tee-shirt, blue jeans with a hole in the right knee, tattoo of a feather on the right wrist, scar that starts at the edge of the right eye and travels down-ward to the middle of the right eye, black boots (army style), red tinted sun glasses, and a green bracelet on the left wrist. Gold Item- Gold necklace chain Other items/weapons- 2 small kinves on the inside of the boots, blue tinted sunglases Nickname- Nia A fina twist. Some of us will get infected. If you get infected, I will pm you. Come up with a way you found out you were infected. Symptoms- blue patches on skin, mysterious cuts on the arms and legs Sky :animeknow[/FONT][/COLOR][/I] People So Far: Sori Tasannia III (Nia)-Sky Moonflow Erika Katanin (Reika)- SolarPrincess Will Anstruther(Willy)- Dragons_Bait15 Rukkus Liege(Ruk)- x kakashi x Leona Rozzeta(Lea)- windvoice17
Request Now Despriate for Avi and Banner
Sky Moonflow replied to Sky Moonflow's topic in Creative Works
Oh okay. Well try to find any type of angel...just make it look good. It still has to say "Far Away from Home......." :animeswea -
Okay Okay I'll try something simpler :animedepr :animeswea :animestun :animesigh :animeangr Okay Avi- I need any type of Angel! The basic colos just have to be silver, red, blue, and green. Play with it any way you want. Banner- Use the same angel as the avi. Have her holding up her hand and in it should be a rose. Blue rose is you please. Please make it say "Far away from Home..." Love ya dearly to whomever creates this Sky
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS] :animesigh Well I'm here. I need a favor from anyone!!! Well my new theme is Broken Angel (see myotaku-Vana). :animeswea Okay here is what I need. Avi :animesmil I need something like the face of a female robot...her hair should be kinda stringy and red. Her eyes need to be silver. She needs to be frowning. :animeknow Banner I need the same robot, enlarge the face :animenose , and the background should be black and silver! Somewhere it should say "I am not human! I am not like everyone else! Why can't you see this?" Thanks again! Sky :animestun [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I"m back! But I will be gone for three days. Just bear with me. I've very busy. Only need 5 people for this anyway. Not including myself. I'll make #6. Here we go. Excuse my spelling errors. It's the year 5042. A war was fought for 2000 years. (Have to make this fall into place.) There has been peace for 40 years. The place is Sylpn (pronounced S-i-l-f). It is a giant dome in the middle of nowhere. It was cut off from civilization many years ago during the war. This is the only city that was still able to survive. Sure there was other place, but they were small towns. But there is something wrong. Sylpn is starting to fall. The threat of disease and starvation is everywhere. There are four parts of Sylpn. 1. The Rim (the small town located on the very outside of Sylpn, the only military defense left) 2. The Sky (the very heart of Sylpn, only the very wealthy live there) 3. The Sea (the only place that still connects the outside world with Sylpn) 4. The Waste (the nastiest place to live, the waste is the slums of Sylpn. The place most effected by starvation and disease) On one rainy day in Sylpn 6 people hear a strange whisper. "War....." War. The thing most feared by the people in Sylpn. The people just forget they ever heard such a thing. But the whisper keeps coming back. Then one day everyone is called to a meeting in The Sky. A threat of war by the other towns. They plan to destroy Sylpn. The 6 people finally realize what they must do. For the first time in 840 years, they must travel outside the dome. They have to abandon their families to save the place that they call home. But the 6 people have thier differences. They aren't from the same place in Sylpn. Can they work together...for themselves...for the rest of humanity? That should get us started. I"m trying to keep this within a certain range. This is what I'll need. 6 people 1 from The Rim 0 from The Sky 0 from The Sea 1 from The Waste (there are 2 from the waste but I'm one) Status: Rim- bogger3k- Ion Forsender Rim- Sky- Sonata- Kili Kaia Sea- Dragons_Bait15- Tileadus Bacardi Sea- Ozy Jones- Ozyen Tilithan Waste- Sky Moonflow- Luon Ti Waste- Name: Last name please Age: 13-26 Gender: Location in Sylpn: Place where you frist heard the whisper: Weapon(s) (up to 3) : (dosne't matter what time of weapon just nothing to extreme) Appearance: Well I'll go ahead and give you my bio. Name: Luon Ti Age: 19 Gender: Female Location in Sylpn: The Waste Place where you frist heard the whipser: Inside her house before going to bed. Weapons: 1 French-Style and 1 Japanese-Style sword. Appearance: Black tee shirt that has a rip accross one shoulder and the lower chest. Black Shorts that are cut to about the center of the knee. No shoes. 5"11, around 98 lbs., Black eyes, Dark fire red hair. A White line going from the edge of the left eye along the jaw bone and stops at the middle of the chin. Well that's it. Bye.[/FONT][/COLOR] To Everyone who posted. I have your posts saved. You can eiher re-write them yourselves, or you can let me PM them to you, or let me put them up. I don't really care.
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I"m back! :D but I will be gone for three days. Just bear with me. I've very busy. Only need 5 people for this anyway. Not including myself. I'll make #6. Here we go. Excuse my spelling errors. It's the year 5042. A war was fought for 2000 years. (Have to make this fall into place.) There has been peace for 40 years. The place is Sylpn (pronounced S-i-l-f). It is a giant dome in the middle of nowhere. It was cut off from civilization many years ago during the war. This is the only city that was still able to survive. Sure there was other place, but they were small towns. But there is something wrong. Sylpn is starting to fall. The threat of disease and starvation is everywhere. There are four parts of Silf. 1. The Rim (the small town located on the very outside of Sylpn, the only military defense left) 2. The Sky (the very heart of Sylpn, only the very wealthy live there) 3. The Sea (the only place that still connects the outside world with Sylpn) 4. The Waste (the nastiest place to live, the waste is the slums of Sylpn. The place most effected by starvation and disease) On one rainy day in Sylpn 6 people hear a strange whisper. "War....." War. The thing most feared by the people in Sylpn. The people just forget they ever heard such a thing. But the whisper keeps coming back. Then one day everyone is called to a meeting in The Sky. A threat of war by the other towns. They plan to destroy Sylpn. The 6 people finally realize what they must do. For the first time in 840 years, they must travel outside the dome. They have to abandon their families to save the place that they call home. But the 6 people have thier differences. They aren't from the same place in Sylpn. Can they work together...for themselves...for the rest of humanity? That should get us started. I"m trying to keep this within a certain range. This is what I'll need. 6 people 2 from The Rim 1 from The Sky 1 from The Sea 1 from The Waste (there are 2 from the waste but I'm one) Status: Rim- Rim- Sky- Sea- Dragons_Bait15- Tileadus Bacardi Sea- Waste- Sky Moonflow- Luon Ti Waste- Name: Last name please Age: 13-26 Gender: Location in Sylpn: Place where you frist heard the whisper: Weapon(s) (up to 3) : (dosne't matter what time of weapon just nothing to extreme) Appearance: Well I'll go ahead and give you my bio. Name: Luon Ti Age: 19 Gender: Female Location in Sylpn: The Waste Place where you frist heard the whipser: Inside her house before going to bed. Weapons: 1 French-Style and 1 Japanese-Style sword. Appearance: Black tee shirt that has a rip accross one shoulder and the lower chest. Black Shorts that are cut to about the center of the knee. No shoes. 5"11, Black eyes, Dark fire red hair. A White line going from the edge of the left eye along the jaw bone and stops at the middle of the chin. Well that's it. Bye.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]This is a year when people live in a clean world. No viral infections, no anything. Everything is sterile. No outside visitors come to this strange city. You are a city dweller or not. But after a few years in this city someone lets loose a simple virus. It may just seem like another virus to the outsiders but to the city dwellers....it's a major issue. The virus kills off many city dwellers at a time. To make matters worse the city dewllers have to move to a different city. That means they have to travel to the outside world and make it to the other city. The journey will be long and difficult for the city dwellers. But with the aid of two outsiders they just might make it. There are 2 city dwellers for each pair of outsiders. Can you make the journey or will you die like many others? Info for city dwellers: name age gender appearance items Info for outsiders: name age gender apearance items weapons This will be me. OutSider Name: Amelia (Angel) Lasune Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Grey shoulder length hair with black streaks throughout it, violet eyes, black pants, red long-sleeved shirt, black boots. Items: Communication device, extra clothing, medical kit Weapons: Small knife Sky[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Kiko Armia Age: 22 Gender: Female Acquaintances: None Reason for being there: Get away from family Personality: Has had this passion for woriking on electronics like games and cd players. She's kinda a geek but her classmates in college. She's not really an A+ student but she get's by. She's sweet when she want's to be. Appearance: Has shoulder length light brown hair with an orange streak running through the middle of it. Dark Blue eyes. Dark skin. Normaly wears a white t-shirt, orange shorts, blue tennis shoes. If I did anything wrong just tell me. I'll fix it. Sky[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm back again. I know I'm such a failure at rp's. But I'm just that stubbron. One day I might come up with something good. The year is unknown. The day is nonexistant. It is an enternal night. This is the age when people live in fear of the light. Fear of what is on the outside of their underground world. Some young and wreckless kids want to find out. They will have to go through many trials. They will be pushed to their limits. Will they survive or will the be like all the others and never come back. I will post what trails there are and what we have to do when we come to them. They story is made by scratch. Nothing to extreme though. I need 5 people. 2 crossbreads (only have green, blue, purple, or brown eyes) 2 orginals (blue skin) (only red, green, or blue eyes) 1 human Info I need. name (last name not needed for orginals or crossbreads) age (none for orginals, just what they appear to be) gender race appearance weapons reason for going to the outside This will be me (I'm on of the orginals so I need one more) Name: Aiko Age: appears to be 18 Gender: Female Race: Orginal Appearance: Short and spikey at the bottom black hair with white streaks,Red eyes, Black tee shirt that says "Why..." in white letters on the back, black pants with blue on the bottom of the pants legs, no shoes, a necklace that has a black orb in the middle of a silver oval. Weapons: A small hunters knife Reason for going to the outside: Aiko has been absued by her adopted human parents because she is an orginal. She has been trying to find a way to get away from them and live on her own. She decided to go wtih the other kids so she can be free. Sky[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Gin looked back and saw Ken coming towards her. "What do you want?" she asked "I came to get you." he replied. "Why?" she asked. "So you don't get hurt," he answered. Gin smiled a bit. "I"m an android," she said, "I can't get hurt." Ken shook his head and grabbed Gin's wrist and took her back to where X was waiting. "Blood." she said when she saw X "Yea," X said, "Ken had a nasty little run in with someone." -A human helping an android.- -He is a friend.- Gin smiled and sat down. She then started to clean her plasma gun. Be calm. Friends come. Friends go. He is here to stay. Don't be afraid anymore........ Sky ------------------------ OOC: Where are the others!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Gin peeked over the man's shoulder. "What ya doing?" she asked. The man jumped a little. "Please don't scare me like that." he said. Gin nodded and walked off to explore. She came back to see Ken sitting up on the table looking much better. "You fixed him?" she asked. "Yea." the man replied. "Wait what are you called?" she asked. "X." he replied. -Funny- Gin nodded again and started to poke around the lab again. She walks outside and starts on her way again. "Where are you going?" Ken asked. "Not sure myself." she replied. She smiled and walked into the murky night. -He is nice- -I like him- A crash. Turn around. A cat. No worries. Turn around again. Walk away. Leave everything behind. No looking back...... Sky[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Gin looked up at the stanger who bumped into her. "s'okay" she said. The man started to walk away. "Wait," she called after him, "what's your name?" "Kenjiro," the man answered. "I"m Gin." she said happily. The man walked away again. She didn't stop him. -He is a troubled mind- Gin looked up at the sky and started walking down the street again. She stopped in her tracks as the memory of when she came to life began again. -Why am I here?- Sound of metal on metal. Turn around. Someone falls to the ground. His face is messed up his arm is bent backwards...he's dead. -Did I do that?- Turn around again. Walk on. Sirens wail. Don't look back...... Sky[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Blitz:Fall To The Past Welcome to Blitz. This is the year 2964. The human race is falling towards nonexistence. The planet Earth is fall apart. The Taluka War has been going on for 29 years. Wars are being fought all around the world. Peace time is nowhere in sight. The technology has advanced to far. Androids are being created, some are good and some are evil. Deamons exist due to a twisted labatory accident. The sicentists at the TSTS (Taluka Station of Technology and Science), are working to create a weapon to destory the androids and deamons. They beleive that this will cure the war, that this will restore the human race. Are they right or are they wrong. Who volenteers to travel across the war lands to the TSTS? Will we survive or will we perish alongside our warriors? Characters: Android: Ginntomisai (Gin)-Sky Moonflow Android: Kenjiro (Ken)- Knightmare Human: "Orange" Maxamillian- OberOn the Neko Human: X-Factor (X)- Spydaweb782004 (Shortened ya name to make it easier to remember hope ya don't mind!) Human: Mary Stuart- Sunofexiles Demon: Roxoki-jro13 ---------------------------------------- -My thoughts- "Begin the activation of the creation", a voice said. "Yes sir", another replied. Eyes open. Feelings lost. I wake up to see people standing over me. -They seem so strange.- "The creation is awake." the voice said astonished. -Who are these people.- Mind goes blank, thoughts are racing. -Where am I.- They stand over me like I was a pet. -I want out!- A flash of light. Eyes burn. I wake up. The people are gone. Everything is destroyed. I'm alone..... ----------------- My posts are confusing but they will clear up with time. Sky[/FONT][/COLOR]
Ok this will begin today!!! Seeya there!! SKy
[quote name='Broken Blade']can i join?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]But of course!! I still need an android and a human!!! Sky[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I would like for someone to make me a banner of Malon from Zelda: Majora's Mask. I have some specific details but not many. Have Malon standing in the middle of a plain holding a Chicken(Can't remember what they were called on the game). Have Link somewhere close by holding his ocarina like he is playing. Wording- Music that heals a broken heart. That's all I want done to it. Please fill out my request. Thanks in advance Sky[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I][FONT=Century Gothic]Blitz:Fall To The Past[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome to Blitz. This is the year 2964. The human race is falling towards nonexistence. The planet Earth is fall apart. The Taluka War has been going on for 29 years. Wars are being fought all around the world. Peace time is nowhere in sight. The technology has advanced to far. Androids are being created, some are good and some are evil. Deamons exist due to a twisted labatory accident. The sicentists at the TSTS (Taluka Station of Technology and Science), are working to create a weapon to destory the androids and deamons. They beleive that this will cure the war, that this will restore the human race. Are they right or are they wrong. Who volenteers to travel across the war lands to the TSTS? Will we survive or will we perish alongside our warriors? [/FONT] Info I need Name: Age: Gender: Race: *Human, Android,Deamon* (Note: Deamons, and Androids have no last name) Appearance: Reason for volenteering: Weapon: (3 at the max) OKay I need 2 androids 2 humans 1 deamon This will be me: Name: Ginntomisai (Gin) Age: Unknown (Appears to be 10) Gender: Female Race: Android Appearance: Sapphire Blue hair, White eyes with specks of gold in them, White tee-shirt with a blue vest over it, light blue shorts, sky blue tennis shoes, dark dark blue necklace. Reason for volenteering: To show humans that they need not to destroy people to win the war or to rebuild their race. Weapon: 1) Small plasma gun 2) Energy dagger Well I hope you enjoy!!!! Sky[/I][/COLOR]